Emison|||Sparia: All I Need

By call_me_cwazy

254K 5.7K 1.4K

It's in the title. Emison Sparia Oh, and Haleb More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Christmas Eve
Chapter 33: Will you marry me?
Chapter 34: The Future
Chapter 35: Merry Christmas
Chapter 36: What is it, babe?
Chapter 37: This is How We Do
Chapter 38: Mornings and Driving with Them
Chapter 39: New York and Toys R Us
Chapter 40: New Years Eve & New Years
Chapter 41: Wedding Plans
Chapter 42: Triple Wedding!
Chapter 43: Flight
Chapter 44: Paris [part 1]
Chapter 45: Paris [2] Louvre
Chapter 46: 3 Years Later
Chapter 47: Our House
Chapter 48: Congratulations
Chapter 49: Almost There
Chapter 50: Babies & Babies
Chapter 51: Our Family
Chapter 52: My Happiness
Chapter 53: Meet The Hastings'
Chapter 54: My 3
Chapter 55: Fluff & Stuff
Chapter 56: House
Chapter 57: Kidnapped
Chapter 58: Saved
Chapter 59: Us without Emily
Chapter 60: Welcome Home
Chapter 61: Baby?
Chapter 62: Birthday
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: More Babies
Chapter 65:
Chapter 66: News
Chapter 67: Moving Out
Chapter 68: Night Out
Chapter 69: Tate
Chapter 70: Should I Stay...
Chapter 71: ...Or Should I Go
Chapter 72: Pictures in Frames Of Kisses On Cheeks
Chapter 73
Chapter 74: Oh, baby
Chapter 75: Baby
Chapter 76:
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 8

5.4K 121 13
By call_me_cwazy

1 week later


All of my friends are telling their families that they are gay and dating their best friend. But we will all be together. That's what matter. We have each other and that's one thing worth living for.


"Mom? Dad? There's something I have to tell the both of you... I'm-I'm.... I'm gay." I say to them, their faces full of shock. "Ummm... Well if that's what makes you happy, then I support you!" My mom says, and a huge smile spreads across my face. "Me too. So, who's the lucky lady?" My dad says with a smile "S-Spencer..." I stutter out, and immediately grab her hand to show them. "Well, I'm happy for the both of you!" My mom tells me as she comes over to hug me. "I am too." My dad says. He was here to pick up Mike, and I'm glad he was. It made this a lot easier. "Me too!" I hear someone yell. Mike was sitting on the stairs a ran over and have me a hug.


I'm so happy that Aria told her family! And they all support her. She had tears in her eyes which showed how happy she was. "Thank you!" She says as she smiles, and gives all of them a hug, and turning around to face her friends. "Thank you, too. For being here." She says with a smile. "You better not hurt my sister!" Mike says to Spencer with a serious face, but a boy of a smile. "I won't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." She says back. Which makes everyone smile.


"Alright, are you guys ready to tell Alison's dad? Are Emily's parents? Who is first in line?" I ask as I grab Aria's hand and interlock out fingers. "Me." Ali says. "I want to get this over with so I don't have to lie to my dad anymore. I just want to be with Emily."

"Awe!" Hanna says.


We just got to my house. "Dad? Are you home?"

"Yeah, I'm right here. What's up?" He asks as he puts his newspaper down, and stands up from the couch. "Me and Emily are a couple, and if you don't approve, then I don't care. I'll move out and get a job to support myself. I've done it before." I say confidently. He just smiles, ad gives me a hug. "I am so proud of you. And I'm so glad you told me. And you don't have to move out." He sad as he kisses my forehead. "Thank you! Bit we have to go to Emily's house. I'll see you later!" I say and hug him. I'm do glad everyone is supporting Emily and I. And Aria and Spencer. I grab Em's hand, and walk out.


"Well, this has been easy so far!" I say to my friends. "I know! And I couldn't be happier!" Aria says and kisses Spencer.

"Awe!" Me, Alison, and Emily say in unison, and they pull apart. "Sorry, didn't mean to ruin the moment!" I say with a frown. "You better be!" Aria says with a serious face. "I am... All of us are!" I say. "Yeah." Em and Ali say in unison.


We just arrived at my house, and my palms are sweaty. As we are walking to my front door, Ali grabs my hand. "Ew, your hands are sweaty!" She says as she laughs." I know! I'm nervous!" I say.

"Mom? Are you home?"

"I'm in the kitchen making dinner, sweetie!"

"There's something really important I need to tell you. Me and Ali are a couple..." She puts the spoon down, smiles, and embraces Ali and I in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm happy for you two!"

"Aria and I are together, also." Spencer says. Everyone's eyes land on her, bulging out of their sockets. We did expect THAT! "Well, then I'm happy for all four of of you girls!" She says. And everyone smiles. "I hope my parents are..." She mumbles. "In sure they'll understand. It may take them a while, but your their daughter!" My mom reassures her. "Thank you! I really needed that!" She responds. "This has been really easy so far!" Hanna exclaims. And we all nod in agreement. Hopefully Spencer's parents will approve...

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