I love the one I can't have.

By taylor_king

34 6 0

Have you ever fallen into a deep, mysterious love with someone who you know you can not have?. The pain and t... More

The first day.
Such fun
El Mono


19 1 0
By taylor_king

Today was like any other day, I woke up at 7am left at 7:50am and got to school at 8:25am. I instantly met up with my friends and began to sort my hair out. I pulled a brush out of my bag and straightened
The loose blonde tangles which now covered my head.

I proceeded to go to my first lesson -maths-. "How fun" I mumbled to my self. Half way through the lesson Mr Kennedy came in and asked for a word with another student, I was so in love with Mr Kennedy, I had been since year 10 but ever since I dropped his lesson I began to fight back the feelings as I knew I could never have him.

After he'd left I couldn't stop thinking of him, everything I tried to forget came back every time I saw him -which was a lot as I took his lesson again so I have him twice a week plus he's always around- I was distracted from my work for the rest of the lesson until lunch.

At lunch I tried my best to get my mind off of him. I plugged my earphones in, to block out my surroundings, so I was just left with my thoughts. Before I knew it the bell went and I had to go to Next lesson -Art-.

I wasn't a very creative student. I didn't like showing people my work, I didn't even like my papers being marked. (Art was not my best subject). The lesson seemed to drag on, it felt like a life time but I bared through it, doing the minimal work expected.

The lesson was over, but I still had one left .. the worst one of all -physical education-. I really didn't want to go, so I decided I 'didn't feel well enough'. I walked along the corridor, to the lockers which no one ever went to. They were a light oak coloured doors, mounted onto a light grey coloured box and behind a white wall. They were fixated right in the middle of the corridor, which was long and thin with greyish carpet. The lockers were 12x4 and that's all that was to them really.

I sat down in front of the lockers and got out a book. I wasn't the reading type, but this wasn't just a normal book to me. This book just made me feel wholesome. I must have read that book over 25 times, but it never got old to me.

I was so intrigued by this book, I didn't realise the bell had gone to signal the end of the school day. I hadn't been consumed in the book for that long after the bell, but long enough for the sky to begin to darken. I looked at my watch and it read '16:05'. I stood up and walked towards the two double doors which led me to the third floor. I was met by two ganators whom were vacuuming the floor.

As I walked out of school, I glimpsed behind me and I saw mr Kennedy walking along the steps behind me.

"Hello Alice" mr Kennedy looked at me with a warm smile. That warm smile I have seen so many times before.

I turned and and made out as if I didn't already know he was there. "Oh, um. Hello sir" I responded.

"Leaving a bit later than usual are you Alice? I was meaning to speak to you in your maths lesson, but you looked consoled in your work haha" he said to me, whilst hurrying down the steps to catch me up.

"Haha. Yes, very consumed in my maths" I said sheepishly.

"I wanted to catch you at the end of the day, but you weren't where I expected you to be" he said looking a mixture of confused and sad.

"oh. Um. Yeah, I left early.  I didn't feel up to P.E." I mumbled looking down at the floor.

"It's fine, I'll go over it with you now" he said smiling.

"Ok. Sure" I lowered one eyebrow and highered the other.

"Well Alice, you know how you dropped my lesson but then picked it back up?  Well since you did that, I've realised that you have missed a small proportion of the course out. Just a few minor things. I was thinking instead of interfering with your other subjects, we could do an after school session .. unless it got in the way of another after school curricular activity" he said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Me. Stay after school. With him. I thought I was going to faint.

"Sure sir. Whenever. I'm free whenever" I think I said it a bit to quickly because he began to laugh.

We now were outside, ready to go our separate ways. "Well. Um. I'll see you tomorrow Alice. After school it is then." He gave me a wink and then walked up the hill, going to his car I suppose.

I was thinking over to myself "wow. Spending after school with mr Kennedy. Wait. What?. Spending after school with mr Kennedy?. No. My feelings. My love for him. I can't get them feelings back, I don't want to. But .. love just doesn't go away, especially love like that.

When I got home, I went straight to my room. I couldn't think straight all night, the thought of me alone with mr kennedy kept going through my head. I found it hard to sleep, but for some reason I felt quite excited for the following day.

I woke up at 7:15, I turned my alarm off and drifted back into a peaceful sleep. My half 7 alarm went off. "Craaaaaap" I shouted, jumping out of bed. "I'm going to be late, god Alice you're such a retard. Today of all days. Oh myyyy"

I hurried to get dressed, throwing my clothes on and pulling a brush through my silky hair. I ran down stairs and packed my bag and grabbed a piece of toast,  then I hurried to brush my teeth. I found my key, unlocked the door and hurried down the street.

I was 15 minutes late for school already, so I decided to take it easy and just walk normally.

When I got into school, I signed in and proceeded to walk up the shining stairs. The light was shining on the slippery surface at a perfect proportion and made the whole staircase glisten. When I got to my English room, Mr kennedy was walking down the corridor.

"Oh, Alice. I was just going to your English classroom to speak to you." He said to me.

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