By TheTeaHoney

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By TheTeaHoney

"I wasn't asking come on."

                             -Valentino de Rosa


Everyone got quiet when Vivian and Jaxson entered. Vivian saw Valentino at the end of the table smoking a cigar. He was one sexy, scaring man and he wasn't even trying to look good.

"Hello everyone I'm Vivian Nora and this is my assistant Jaxson Louis." Vivian smiled. "We are from the Gasoline cooperative business."

"Gasoline?" One man called out. "I thought we were talking about guns."

"But we are." Vivian took the large brief case from Jaxson who was standing by her. She opened it and it showed a few examples of the guns they had. She picked up one showing it to the people.

"Now let's get into business." Vivian said.

Vivian and Jaxson showed all the guns that they had in the briefcase and everyone at the table thought they were giving out good deals.
Including Valentino.
The meeting was ending and people were saying their goodbyes.

"How about you two come to the ball tomorrow night?" The deep voice came out of nowhere asking Vivian and Jaxson something.

Vivian slowly looked up to Valentino seeing that he was already looking at her.

"Yes of course we will be there." Vivian smiled.

They gave each other one last glance before leaving.

"That was not so hard." Jaxson said exiting out of the building with Vivian.

"Yeah but now we need to get clothes for the ball." Vivian sighed.

"I think that you should have just told him no." Jaxson said opening the door for Vivian on the passenger seat because he was driving this time.

"You know I was not taking chances with him." Jaxson got in the car and drove off.

While Jaxson was driving Vivian set the GPS to a clothing store so they could get ready for the ball.

They pulled up to the store then made their way in.

"Okay go look for something nice and elegant not something that would make you look like a bum." Vivian said to Jaxson.

"Vivian hush I have style." Jaxson said waving her off then went to go look for his outfit for tomorrow night.

Vivian walks over to the dresses and immediately saw a nice dark blue dress. She got it and then paid for it.
She went to go look for Jaxson but then she saw that he had a purple polka dot suit that looked horrible. Vivian sighed as Jaxson looked over and smiled.


It was the next night and Vivian and Jaxson were at the ball looking around and meeting new people.

Valentino was at a table with the rest of his men admiring Vivian. He saw the pretty blue dress she was wearing and he liked the way how it hugged her curves. He looked at her pretty long smooth legs and how they showed off the ankle bracelet she was wearing. Vivian's dark skin was vibrant, chocolate and smooth.
Valentino liked her tall figure noticing she was about 5'9. She was one of the most beautiful woman he saw in his life, he just kept on watching her as her big round ass bounced in the dress as she walked around the ballroom. Vivian was a thick girl with a hour glass shape and she was nice looking with her big curls and silver earrings.

Usually Valentino wouldn't mess with none of the people that he did business with but Vivian was something else and all he had on his mind was how he was going to break her back and have her screaming his name.

Fuck her into oblivion.

Vivian was walking around talking to new people but as she was doing that she made sure that Valentino was looking at her. It was her job and she kind of liked showing herself off, matter of she was feeling herself. Confidence ran all through her body and that's what made her even more beautiful because she loved herself.

Valentino got out of his chair and walked over to Vivian.

"Are you enjoying yourself Vivian?" Valentino said making Vivian turn her head towards him.

"Yes I am." Vivian made eye contact with with him. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Mmhmm." Valentino said looking her up and down.

"Can I ask you a question Valentino?" She asked.

"Of course Vivian." She liked the way her name rolled off his tongue.

"Do you like what you see?" Valentino smirked a little.

"Only if you want me to like what I see." Valentino said.

"In that case you do."

Music started to play and people started to dance.

"Dance with me." Valentino said.

"I'm not really a dancer." Vivian said

"I wasn't asking come on." He had no expression on his face. He pulled and then he grabbed he waist and she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"I feel so stupid." Vivian giggled looking down at the floor.

"Don't you look beautiful." Valentino said.

"You know we just met today and you are already giving me compliments." Vivian smiled feeling honored.

"I am a respectful man." Valentino said.

"I just never thought that a dangerous mafia leader would be so nice." Vivian said.

"Me being dangerous is what you see on television but now that you've met me you can see what I am actually like." Valentino said.

Still dangerous.

"I guess I will have to see for myself." Vivian said. They were still dancing but they hadn't notice that everyone had stopped to watched them dance. Vivian looked around and saw everyone staring and started to get a little nervous.

"Everyone is watching us." Vivian whispered into Valentino's ear. That's when Valentino smiles and stops dancing.

"It was nice having this dance with you Vivian." They then go their separate ways and everybody continues to do what they were doing.

Vivian walks over to Jaxson. He smiles at her.

"You two would make a cute couple. Too bad he is going to die." Jaxson said. "Let's go it's getting late and we have to find another way to get you and Valentino to meet up again."

"Okay." Vivian said leaving the building.


The next day Jaxson was typing on his computer trying to hack into the De Rosa business system to see where Valentino had a meeting at today so Vivian can bump into him.

"Yes!" Jaxson said making it into the system. "Okay he apparently has a meeting at La Mario's Casino."

"What time does it start?" Vivian asked standing up from the bed.


"What time is it right now?" Vivian scrunched her face.


"We gotta go." Vivian said.

Vivian grabbed a dress and went into the bathroom to change.
She put on the red velvet dress that stopped at her mid thigh. It was a little tight around her boobs and ass but she didn't mind.
She put on her golden bracelet and put on a little bit of makeup. She really didn't like messing with makeup that much but she did use it when she felt like it. Vivian the slipped into her black heels and walked out the bathroom seeing that Jaxson was wearing a nice red suit but when you looked down you saw donut socks.
Vivian rolled her eyes,

A grown ass man who doesn't know how to dress himself right to save his own goddamn life.

"What?" Jaxson asked putting on his shoes.

"Nothing let's go." Vivian walked out the door with Jaxson following her. They got into the car and drove to the casino.

"What time is it?" Vivian asked.

"10:55."Jaxson answered looking at his watch.

They pulled up to the big casino and went in.
As they went in they saw some of  Valentino's men head to the back of the casino. Vivian and Jaxson decided to split up to see where the men were going. Vivian followed the men while Jaxson was going to find another way to the back of the casino.

Vivian walked in the dark hallway slowly and quietly so the men wouldn't hear her.
The men finally stopped and went into this door leaving it cracked open enough for Vivian to see inside. The men were smoking Cuban cigars and they were gambling some of them were drinking. Vivian got a little bit closer to hear what they were saying even though this was not her job she still had to keep an eye on Valentino in case he got suspicious about her, they were speaking Italian and Vivian spoke about four different languages but Italian was not one of them.

"Cosa stai facendo qui?" Vivian turned around to see a huge guard. He grabbed her shoulder hard forcing her to walk towards the door. "Sei una spia? Don't worry the boss is going to make sure your six feet under the ground."
(What are you doing here?)
(Are you a Spy?)

With that Vivian turned around and punched the guard right in his nose. The guard rubbed his nose trying to soothe it, he saw a black and white flash when Vivian punched him causing him to be a bit dizzy.

Vivian grabbed her clip point pocket knife out of her skinny black lace thigh band and slices the mans arm. The man then tries to swing but Vivian moves and makes the guard punch the wall but then the man charges at Vivian but this time knocks her down on the hallway floor making her hit her head hard but Vivian does not give up.

The man was on top of Vivian with his hand around her throat while Vivian kept punching the guard in the face she then grabs the knife and tries to stab him in the throat but the man held Vivian's arm in a position centimeters away from his neck.

All of a sudden the man is shot in the head. Vivian rolls the body off of her even though the dead body weight was really heavy. She looks up and see Jaxson with a 9mm silencer in his hand. He grabs Vivian's hand and helps her up.

"He is a big one." Jaxson said kicking the man in his side a little making sure he was dead. "I gotta admit you can put up a fight because this dude is a giant."

"He charged at me, I started to think that my survival instincts were kicking in." Vivian said making Jaxson laugh a little while she was fixing her hair.

"Let's go before they come out of that room. I'm surprised that they didn't hear you two." Jaxson said.

"Their music is way to loud." Vivian said.


Valentino walks out of the room.



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Until next time.
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