Naked 2 πŸ”ž rosekook

By Varl_05

136K 2.8K 831

-continuation of Naked More

πŸ”±πŸ”± ch.21 Bye bitch
πŸ”±πŸ”± ch. 22 I won't
πŸ”±πŸ”±ch. 23 Surprise
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 24 The Space Between Us
πŸ”±πŸ”± 24. F.U
πŸ”±πŸ”± ch 25. truth is
πŸ”±πŸ”± ch 26. Scared
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch 27. Contentment
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch 28. Happy
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch 29. Flowers
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch 30 . You
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 31 Never Goodbyes
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 32 Dreams
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 33 Forever
πŸ”±πŸ”±ch. 34 fears
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 35 Exception
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 36 Without you
πŸ”±πŸ”± Ch. 37 LAST CHAPTER


6.1K 137 136
By Varl_05


"I put my heart into your hands,
Here's my soul to keep.
-And you bless me with the best gift
That I've never known.


"Oh no, Don't cry love." Jungkook chuckled removing my hands whose covering my eyes.

"You don't understand Jungkook!" i snap trying to calm myself but still couldn't help bawling out. One thing i hate the most is that instead of consoling me, he ends but laughing as he looks at how sensitive I am of what is happening.

"Love, we won't be able to get outside unless you control your emotions. So please." Jungkook pleads as he leans and brush off the tears whose still stubborn enough to fall down endlessly.

As gentle as possible, he cups my face as he continues to wipe everything off. With a soft chuckle, he pat and rubs my shoulders and hums softly just so i could calm down.

My heart is really heavy right now and i couldn't control my emotions. Maybe this is just normal. Of course it is so i continue to cry myself out in spite Jungkooks constant reminder that I have to calm down since it's bad for me.

He's still busy consoling me when someone tsked on the back, nodding his head in amusement while his hands are crossed on his chest. Brows furrowed, he scoffed, "Told you dad, we should have not let mom come with us."

Turning to face my brat who's comfortably sitting at the back of the car like a the king himself, a carbon copy of his dad if i may say is looking at me comically. "Cloud!" i groaned. "Aren't you happy I'm here?"

"Of course i do mom, but it's just my first day of school not my wedding." rolling his eyes and said like its the natural thing in the world. I turned to look at his dad who's trying not to laugh while putting his hands up like he didn't teach him about it.

I swear, if he isn't 5 years old, i would thought that Joensan " cloud" Jeon was a middle age man. He's too smart for his age. We named him after his older brother who's already in heaven and since me and Jungkook like clouds the most, we nicknamed him as "CLOUD".

"Hmmp."grumpily i cross my arms in my chest and act like im somewhat mad at the two men in my life but of course as soon as they saw me getting mad Cloud hugs me on my back while Jungkook does it as well.

" I'm sorry mommy. You can cry all you want. "he said tapping my shoulders again like he's older than me. I shrugged them off still a bit mad.

" Come on, love. Clouds just joking. " Jungkook said still smiling wide but that makes me pout a bit more.

" You! Look what you're teaching our son. Is it not allowed to cry when im just sad coz its his first day of school?" getting emotional again.

" Mom, im sorry. Hwayoung will cry on your tummy when your crying as well." Cloud said worriedly. Jungkook use to tell him not to make me mad nor cry coz it can affect the baby and since then he really thought it was true which is partly right.

I nodded and calm down as they both rub my belly. I'm already on my 9 months and any moment from now I'll be giving birth to our third child.

We where cut off by a knock on the door and as soon as Cloud saw Jelly together with her mom Jennie, he opened it right away. "Good morning beautiful." he greeted the little girl.

"Jeon, your son is just five but he's already hitting my daughter." Jennie grunts earning chuckles from the latter. We soon head out outside and before we could even step further Eunbi who's Jisoo's daughter hug our feets tight. Jungkook carried her and shower her with kisses." Uncle Kookie. " she said giggling.

"Morning unnie, hyung/oppa." we greeted Jisoo who's with her husband Jin.

Today is our children first day of school as a kindergarten students. When I got pregnant, I was surprised that Jennie and Jisoo got pregnant as well . Jisoo married a month after Jungkooks surprised marriage. While Jennie surprise us that she got engage and we didn't expect that she's going to marry the famous Lee Min ho, we didn't even know they know each other. It was a total surprise for all of us and our fans as well. As for the other members, Namjoon married his non showbiz girlfriend while Hoseok is still single and ready to mingle. Yoongi married his first love Jieun 'IU' unknown to everyone, They've been in a relationship for a long time. While Jimin is engage to Suelgi. They we're an item long before but work has been hectic and toxic that it took a long time to finally settle down for good.

"This kids are pretty excited, huh?" Jisoo said which we couldn't agree more as we all nodded. The three have been video calling non stop and are more updated compared to us their parents. Kids nowadays are really different. Witty and smart.

The bell soon rung indicating that it's time for them to head in their respective rooms since the classes will start.

Clinging on each others children, i focus more on my Cloudy. "Baby, are you ready?" i smiled but couldn't help but pout while Jungkook carry him.

Cloud, as usual, heave a sigh and nodded. "Mom, I'll be fine. Besides, i have Eunbi and Jelly with me." he confidently say. Earning a pinch on his cheeks.

"My baby's really grown up huh?" i said as i showered him with kisses which also Jungkook did as well

But our baby boy frustratedly sigh, "Mom, Dad, I'm a big boy already! I'll be a big brother so please don't call me a baby." he protested earning chuckles from all of us.

Jungkook put him down and kissed his forehead. "My young man needs to listen to the teacher and behave, okay? Don't be naughty and protect the girls." Jungkook said that warms my heart. My baby boy is now a full grown daddy with his own baby boy. They're totally alike in so many ways and i couldn't be more happier. They're my bundle of joys. Smiling as i rub my big swollen belly, we wave the children goodbye as they head inside their classroom.

While walking back to the car Jisoo stopped and ask, "So, when are you and Lisa going to give birth?"

"I don't exactly know but it's going to be this week or early next week unnie. Lisa's been having a hard time walking and she's grumpy all the time and poor Taehyung, it's their first child anyways." i said remembering Lisa's constant nag over the phone last night over simple things that needs to be prepared for her delivery. She's really worried that to the tiniest details, she wants to arrange everything beforehand.

The two laugh and knowing Lisa, we're not surprise at all. "Good luck to Taehyung once the baby will be delivered. I remembered getting drag in the hair by this woman when she gave birth to Eunbi." Jin said which is true. We had a good laugh after Jisoo's birth. Jin almost fainted by all the punches, grips and curses of Jisoo.

" Yah! KIM SEOK JIN!!!" Jisoo hissed unable to hide the redness on her face ashamed of what happened.

We we're all laughing when I received a call. Without checking the caller, i answered the phone.

"Hello, who's this?" i ask

"H-hospitaaaal now..... L-Lisa's GOING TO G-GIVE BIR..." the line cut off. Taehyung was stuttering and you could hear that his scared and with a mix of nervousness on the tone of his voice. He seems to be in a hurry and sounds of running and some cursing on the background coming from Lisa.

" Oh my Gosh, shit! Lisa's going to give birth!" i exclaimed loudly causing them to nervously ask where they were. "They're going to the hospital. Let's g-....." i couldn't complete my sentence when i felt water falling on my legs. "Oh shit, my water just broke." i shouted and with that we were all running towards our cars and head straight to the hospital

After long hours of delivery, Lisa gave birth just 1 hour before me.

🐯 Tael Manoban Kim

🐰 Jeon Hwayoung

"I swear, they're soulmates." Taehyung said as he proudly watch his son. He looks like a mix of Taehyung's and Lisa's Thai and american features. While Hwayoung looks like her mom and dad. Very Korean.

"I bet they are." Jungkook mumbled happily watching his little girl sleeping peacefully.

°°° fin °°°

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