The fox prince

De Ursy12345678910

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And old man is reading a story to three kids about A young prince called Glendoor is very unhappy so he sets... Mai multe

Chapter 1 the bedtime story

Chapter 2 cloud village

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De Ursy12345678910

When Papa woke up, Poppy and Marly were all ready dressed and sitting on the couch with their hair washed and teeth brushed"well you look smart" Papa commented pouring milk froth into his mug of coffee "were getting

ready for the big day" Marley

said pulling a comb through her wet hair "what's

happening today? questioned Papa wiping his

milk mustache from his lips "your telling the story, of course" Ivo said bouncing on a cushion "well I thought maybe we could go to the park today" said Papa doing his shirt buttons up and snatching the car keys "yay'' squealed Marly shoving on her shoes and reaching for the door knob.

Once they had arrived Poppy ran over to the swing

"Look at me" she cried flying into the air Under an old maple tree, put a spread out the picnic rug and opened a container with a cut omelet and a green cup with rice and carrot "Poppy!" Papa called, poppy dashed over to the rug and papa started the story.

When Glendoor woke a silent mist had settled on the trees and the sun was still far away,After walking out over the endless fields he saw a black figure –behind a lock of Gumtrees "Hello?" Glendor's voice echoed over the series of mountains the, strange man casually strolled over to Glendoor and smiled showing his yellow stained teeth "where are you going" he hissed twirling his musty grey hair a witch sent me to rainbow corn so I'm headed to cloud Village "Rainbow corn and I are best of friends, may I come with you?"the man question and Glendoor agreed,and the two men set off over the sunny plaines towards cloud village not long before night they arrived at the short bridge crossing over to town they decided to rest under an oak tree where in the morning they would cross the stream and meet rainbow corn at midday

The night was slow and vast, Glendoor spent most of the time gazing at the millions of shining diamonds embroidered into the night's black cloak, until a crown of apricot rested on the hills. Glendoor and his partner crossed the bridge safely and entered the town with a map and one days worth of food given by Carcarus the entrance manager.

Cloud village was humming With excitement and the stalls were filled with jewellers, bakers, and gardeners equipment. Glendoor stared wide-eyed at the variety of cheese and honey cakes glistening on glass platters. The map directed them down an alley that smell of rotten apple cores and dead fish, soon after they came to a narrow street filled with similar looking white houses, but at the end of the street was a beautiful black house with the long rainbow ropes attached to the windowsill Anand the window panes were tinted Aqua and purple this must be the house Glendoorthought ringing the doorbell, footsteps echoed through the door and a young woman with a coloured headband mixed like marble, and a rainbow scarf hung around her shoulders, a long skirt swept across her legs as she walked towards Glendale "come in" she said her breath smelling of peppermint .Glendoor's friend decided to stay outside once Glendoor had settled on rainbow corn's couch he handed her the prescription Celai had given him she stared of the piece of parchment "I think I could do this" she muttered at last, Glendoor acknowledged her kindness and went to book the hotel with the man he had found on his journey.

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