Chapter 1 the bedtime story

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In a cold wet foerst, three children, Marly, Poppy and Ivo huddled around a fire in a warm straw hut on a rug in front of an old man. Outside a slow rain slid down the window like a waterfall and a sliver of moon twisted between a forest of trees.

"Tell us another, another Papa" Ivo pleaded clutching

"deep deep down in a place far away known as snow forest was a rich prince who lived in a sparkly tower with rows of turrets and drawbridges studded with rubies and rare gems , this prince's name was Glendoor"

"oooh" Poppy and Marley chorrased

"now Glendoor wasn't very

happy. His father had left

when he was very young and who knows what happened to his mother.

He lived far away from the nearest town and only had brownies, pixies and fire fairies as a comfort, as he didn't like to think about Celai the witch in the forest. Celai mixed herbs and fire honey to earn her living, her house was an old water tank with no windows, although she couldn't since her walls were covered in shelves of

books, fire honey and Calca clay.

Glendoor just wanted to be happy so he set off to celai, once he had arrived he could hear a faint humming through the door something like this:

Cackle and burn,

Fire is stern,

Slish slash

Mish mash

And kaboom!"

Papa shook Ivo's knees and Poppy squealed.

"He gained his courage and wrapped on the blue tin of the water tank... silence, Celai waddled over to the door "who is it?" her voice was sharp and cold "G-Glendoor" the prince stammered "well don't just stand there, come in" she scorned pulling his back into the cold room "now, do tell me what you want" she

said pushing him into a stiff arm chair where he told her his story. "Well," she said after a while "looks like you need to go to Rainbow corn to make you some red juice" she dug around a pile of paper and handed Glendoor a short prescription in Celai's messy handwriting. So as dusk covered the forest Glendoor set out to white fields, which was where Rainbow corn lived.

After hours of walking he came to a muddy swamp,

Gurgling like a pot of soup on the stove and sending off a foul smelling fragrance so Glendoor quickly hurried across the bridge into the red meadows, it was getting dark so he decided to rest under two trees bending over like a canopy where he lay down to sleep."

"Just like you will" Papa said scratching Ivo's head and picking Poppy up in his arms

"Come along Marley,'' he said, turning a corner into Ivo's room "Papa is this story

real?" "Well, if I told you it would ruin the purpose" "but I can keep a secret"pleaded Ivo "night night" whispered Papa kissing Ivo's forehead and blowing out the candles "PAPA!" screamed Poppy "say goodnight to me to" "coming" called Papa strolling down the hall "goodnight to my little princess" Papa whispered

Flicking off her lamp and flopping down in his own bed and nodding off to sleep.

The fox princeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz