when my heart tripped (a just...

By harryedward12412

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when my heart tripped (a justin bieber love story"
part 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
part 5
part 6 -- the real 1
chapter 7
chapter 8
chap 9
chap 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 17

3K 11 12
By harryedward12412

i tried on a blue bikini, i liked it so i put some denim shorts on while i was getting ready. Justin was laying back on my bad with his hands behind his neck. I decided to have abit of fun, i looked through my suitcase got my gladiators, i crossed my arms over, pushing my chest together and stretching my shirt

me-justin baby, have you seen my gladiators?

I looked up at him, he sprung up

Justin-umm, i.. ya.. umm no, umm yeah.



I smiled and walked over to him

Me-do you like what you see justin?

Justin- yeahh, i do, infact i love it, i love you.

He pulled me gently onto the bed, he held me tight, i felt so safe in his arms. I put my head on his chest


Justin-yeah baby?

Me- i love you

He pulled me closer.

Me-i think id prefere to stay home and cuddle with you

Justin-well, my mums out tonight, some girls night, ill organise something special okay?

I played with his hand.


I kept trying to get closer to him.

Justin-dani, tonight i think you should wear something comfy but sexy.


Justin-acutaly, you make anything look sexy, so wear watever you cant.

Me-your cute justin

Justin-your way cuter. I kissed him on the cheek then i got up and finished paking. He sighed, then looked kinda unhappy

Me-whats wrong justin?

Jutin-nothing, well, when you were asleep, you where kinda talking and stuff, you said you loved cody, not me and something about me and selena and did you mean it?

Me-no, i love you, it wasa bad dream, i don’t think anything of cody, hes just a friend i promise you


Me-justin, i promise you, don’t you trust me?

Justin-i do, o course i do

I finished packing and took my bad downstairs.

Justin followed me.

Justin-so tomorrow, will you come to the mall with me?

Me-people might recognise you

Justin-soo?, im just a normal teenage boy spending time with his uhh ‘friend’

Me-hmm, okay


There was aknock at the door i went to open it. cody was there, i said goodbye to justin and we left.

When i got home, i went upstairs and changed into black skinny jeans and a white singlet, underneath i wore a white bra and matching underwear, i did my makeup then went to find justin. He was downstairs in the theatre. There were heaps of pillows and blankets on the large foldout movie chair, there where also popcornand heaps of sweets. I couldn’t see justin


Justin-im over here baby

Justin came through from the black, he looked hot. He came ove to me and led me to the seat.

Me-what are we watching?

Justin-something scary

Me-justin, ill get scared.

Justin- i didn’t intend on watching the movie, i wanted to do something else with you..

I giggled he put the movie on it was SAW i held onto him, his arms aroundme and my head on his chest we watched the forst 15 minuites, i couldn’t take it anymore, i sat up abit and then istarted kissing his neck

Justin-you scared?

Me-yeah, but its okay, i can distract myself

Justin-well, i know something else wecould do

I pretended to have no clue what he ment


He huggedme tighted and whipered into my ear

Justin-how about this?

I giggled abit, i cuddled into him, then he kissed me

Justin- your kisses are my drug

Me-aww justin

Then i put my hand slightly up his shirt, feeling his abbs. He smiled through the kiss. Then i finally pulled his shirt over his head. He was hot! Then he slowly put his hand under my shirt, as if asking for presission, i nodded, his hand slowly creeped up my shirt.

????-justin! Where the heck are you?

Justin-seriously, baby, ill be right back, i love you

Me-love you too

Justin got up and left the room


Dani was so perfect, everything about her, her lips, tasted so sweet.

I didn’t want to walk away from her.  I found ryan and chaz in the family room, with a girl, with Caitlin? God i hated her

Me-uhh, whats she doing here?

Caitlin had her face in her hands

Ryan-she got thrown out, she dosent know where to stay, we don’t have room atour houses so we thought maby she could stay with you for a while

Justin-umm, my girlfriend lives here to, hows that gona work,

Chaz-we have to help justin

Chaz wouldnt care about Caitlin this much, unless, he had feelings for her. I was angry

Me-chaz, could i pleasetalk to you in the kitchen

He nodded smiling, i kept my face flat. We walked into the kitchen

Me-you like her

Chaz- no i don’t

Me-it wasn’t a question, how could you like her, after what she did, then bring her here, interrupting my time with dani, i don’t care about her.

Chaz-justin, shes pregnate okay, i feel sorry for her, do i like her? Yes but i need to help her, please do it for me.

I couldn’t believe what ijust heard

Me-are you sure chaz?

Chaz-she told us,

Me-fine, whatever show her to the guest room, i don’t want to talk to her though. You have to stay here, keep her out of my way, don’t let her do anything to dani

Chaz-yeah, thanks justin, its helping her alot

Me-whatever, im going back to dani, stay upstairs with her for afew hours okay?

Chaz-gosh man,what are you guys up to?, don’t worry ill stay upstairs, i don’t really want to know

Me-yeah anyway, whos the father?


Me-wtf, don’t, tell dani, u cant

Chaz-i wont

I walked out, not happy back to find dani. She was laying down. Smiling at me when i walked in,

Dani-are you okay baby?

Justin-uhh, yeah, we have another house guest


Me-uhh, my ex-girlfriend...


Me-i know, i know, but chaz kinda made me

Dani-why cant she stay at his house?

Me-i don’t know, im sorry

She got up

Dani-its okay, don’t worry, im just gona go have a shower

Me-cant we finish what westarted?

Dani-i don’t think so, maby later

She wasn’t happy, even angry she was cute. She walked out if sight id just missed my chance. Caitlin was sittingon the couch by herself, her eyes where puffy and red. I felt bad and i walked over to her

Me-hey Caitlin

She looked up at me

Caitlin-hey justin, thankyou, so much

Me-its okay, how are you feeling?

Caitlin-umm, okay, im still abit shoked,

Me-yeah, well if theres anything you need, just let me know

Caitlin-thanks justin

I got up and went to find dani, her door was locked, i knocked


Me-dani, its me, can u let me in please

Dani-umm, yeah okay

She opened the door.

Me-dani, im sorry can u forgive me, please

Dani-u didn’t o anything wrong, im just kinda disappointed.


Dani-cause, it was special, and it would have been special but..

Me-yeah, but i guess theres later on


she went to bed, the next few days, we talked, but i knew she wasn’t happy (btw its Thursday)


Dani pov

I went into the bathroom to have my shower, i finished the last of my shapooo bottle and went to throw it in the bin. a bright blue, green and pink wrapped caught my eye, it was a tampon rapper, they wernt mine, pattie didn’t use this bathroom, and im preety sure they wernt justins, they had to be caitlins, i didn’t trust her little act, shes been taking any chance to see justin and go out with him, she was tanning yesterday and her stimache was perfectly flat. I got changed and there was a knock on the door, i opened it while i was doing my hair, it was justin.

Justin-your looking very beautiful today

Me-thankyou justin, but umm, i have to talk to you

Justin-okay, sure anything

Me-justin, caitlin isnt pregnate....

Justin-of course she is, don’t be silly

Me-justin, she isnt

Justin-how do u know?

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