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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


4.2K 183 42

April ^

Btw somewhat edited and extremely long chapter 😈

Ren pov:
"Now lets get started."

"You don't know me but I know you. You see you had someone who worked for me killed. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about."


"You messed with my employee and now we'll people have to die ," he turned to the young man who I didn't know was even in here. No seriously when did he get in here?

"Turn it up."

The man turned something up and instantly my body froze. I heard doms voice and is sounded so beautiful  and boy was I glad to hear him.

"Dom-" I could barely say his name. My heart was racing faster then ever. Where was he...now would be a perfect time to come save me or hell anyone can come save me.

"And he speak , is that all you have to say to me?"

A woman's voice?
Is that why he came to London for her?

I looked up to the unknown man who was watching my expression deeply.
This bitch ass nigga.

"What exactly do you want me to say April?"

April? I thought she was dead ....I wish she was dead.
No no no Ren you don't even know her!

So she broke doms heart.
I'm legit in here talking to my damn self. I'm going insane just like my father.

"I missed you honestly, we hav-

"What you expect me to say I miss you to ?The woman I loved laid a build in my chest missing my heart by a few inches. Oh no better yet a woman I've known since I was fucking five betrayed me and turned her back on me.?"

"I didn't have a choice Dominic-"

"YOU ALWAYS HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE! Don't feed me that bullshit. I loved you with every goddamn bone in my body and you fucking left me April."

I jumped at the sound of dom hitting something. Apparently he was somewhere in the car I could hear the blinkers and the engine. Where were they heading?

"You don't know how it felt waking up with a hole in your chest put there by the one person you would have never thought would do some shit like that.....I craved you, everyday and night.I didn't eat ,sleep hell I was so numb I wanted to pull the trigger and end it all. But then I remembered who the fuck I was and that you were just some bitch I shared a bed with."

"Some bitch!"
"I said what I said."
"We were engaged, I was your FIANCÉ."

"Can you just turn it off?" Honestly fuck dom.
I didn't give a shit about him and that woman. It's was hard enough that we weren't together anymore.

The unnamed man opened his mouth to say something but the audio soon cut off on its on. He looked confused but then I seen a smirk play across his grey bearded face.

"As expected." He stroked his chin.
"I knew for a fact she'd betray me for her first love."
Not that I give a fuck!

"Im sorry not trying to interrupt your evil plan or anything but whats does being here and listening to dom have shit to do with ME?"

He made a face.

An unpleasant one.

Then I felt a sting to my right cheek and I soon tasted blood. I know this bitch ain't just-

"Did you ...just fucking punch me?" I asked not giving a fuck how I sound. He smiled

"You got spunk , just like Adam and David." He smiled

"More of Katherine in you though. Whew she was a nice tall piece of chocolate." He licked his chapped ass lips.

"You...you need some carmax." I smiled and im sure blood was stained in my teeth. I was so feisty for some reason like I wanted to get up and beat his ass and the man behind him. Then I'll head down stairs and beat the living shit out of Adam.

"Sir their here." The young man turned looking at me.

"If you not gone help me then turn around." I said and he did. Pussy ass

"You can't go talking to my employee like that." The old man spoke once more

"There is hundred of men around the world right now that'll pay top dollar for your ass since your the daughter of a mafia leader.It'll be better if you were a Virgin. Anywho ,-"

"Um sir.... they surrendered."

His facial expression changed I'm sure he wasn't suspecting that.

"Well let them in after all doms paying 40 mill for no hit on you or your family." He said the last part to me but I'm sure he's probably crazy which comes to my conclusion.

What he selling me for because he looks like he's ready to die at any moment just standing there like a big bag of dust and bones.

"What?" So this was the "business" dom was talking about he needed to take care of. Still doesn't explain why he's be gone for two months.

"You see ,dom had two options fight me and die or pay up and no one gets hurt. Davis of course probably talked him into option number two. Davis knows how much power I possess and I can have dom killed any moment now." He smiled

"Your english is very shitty." I mumbled and his eye twitched

"I can't wait to tame you."

"I'm not an animal sir." This was not the damn zoo!

"You will be."

"What in my next life because I always wanted to be a eagle or a fox-"

Smack his left hand collided with my cheek.

"Ouch....that really hurts." I lied and he was beyond angry now. I didn't care as much I do feel pain hell I've been beaten by Randy so bad to the point a punch is just a pinch.

"You talk to much." He held his head as if he had a headache on the way.

"I've been told I talk to little." I smiled

"Mírala asegurarse de que no se vaya."
(Watch her make sure she don't leave.)
He shook his head leaving the room.

Thirty minutes went by Im sure it was
longer. As I was still sitting in this same old chair. It was kinda chilly in here but thank god I had on pants a long sleeve and my pea coat. That New York weather ain't nothing to play with.

"I have to pee." I told the boy.

"Not my problem." He said while eating his pizza.
I hope he choke on that damn pizza

"I'm also on my period." It was a lie yea but I needed away out of this chair. If I could just get my hands on that damn phone.
It wasn't really smart to put me in a room full of technology. I could easily contact someone for help. Wait what's the number for the police in London? Shit did they have a phone book or something? Oh never mind it's a computer right there. I mentally laughed at my self again.

"Could you at least loosen the rope my hands really hurt." I begged


"Your boss is gonna be real mad when he sees blood everywhere and pee dripping from this seat." He rolled his eyes coming to untie me.

He held a knife out to my throat "You try anything stupid and I'll gut you like a fish."

"Nice line did you come up with that on your own?"

My hands were finally free , he had just my left leg to go and then what Ren what the hell can my skinny black ass do?

Teenage mutant ninja turtles!

"Let's go." He said pulling out my chair but my ankles hurts so bad I looked down to see the rope had blood socked through it.

"OWWWW" I tripped over nothing but air and fell to my knees.

"W-what happen what's wrong?" he asked while leaning down then boom.

My elbow connected to his nose I'm sure breaking it and I seen him cup his face as blood was leaking down.

"You bitch." Then I power kicked his ass right in the stomach. He flew back his his head on the cold metal stand. When his body hit the floor nothing but blood leaked from his head.

"Oh shit." I walked to him to see if he was alright which I know is stupid. I didn't try to kill him just knock him out a bit.

I felt bad but then again it's his fault. This what happen when you try to do what you've seen on tv.  I guess that's why they say 'don't do this at home kids'.

I looked up grabbing a random phone and the main person I tried calling was Davis.

It was ringing 'not supported area.' Fuck my dumb ass forgot we're in London and he's in Florida.

So I literally sat there downloaded instagram and called from there. Smart yea I know because Davis has an instagram. I made him download it and I think that's as a good thing. High five to me.

It made some weird noises until it finally answered.

"SERENITY WHERE ARE YOU?" Turning the phone down because why the fuck was he so loud?! Thank his no one was around to guard me which is funny. Did he think that one boy was gonna hold me back? Do I look that weak?

"Shhh dad I've been kidnapped well abducted I'm not a kid so I guess that's the right term."

"Okay where are you do you know what state your in right now come on little one I need clues."

"Um I'm in London I know for sure." Then I heard a loud thud as I was thinking that's a clock just now striking twelve I believe. Was that a church bell or?

At the same time I heard on Davis end a bell rigging as well.

"Are you in London Davis?"
"Yea little one take down this number it's my London number I'll track you from there."
"Okay" I did as my father asked and wrote the number down and called it.

When he answered he told me to leave the phone on that way it'll be faster to find me.

"Davis dom is-"
"I already know I went by his mother house and it's blown to filing pieces I don't know where he is right now."

"No no he's here something about 40 mill for my release but this crazy ass old dude tryna sell me!"

"I knew all about the 40 mill I set the whole thing up and Wait how are you even out and to a phone right now?"

"Oh um that.....I broke this guys nose and kinda hit his head killing him."

I heard him laugh loudly then I heard his blinkers.

"That's my girl. Now I want you to stay put I'm on the way and baby I'm bringing backup."

I nodded but of course he couldn't see that.

I heard a faint scream and looked on the screen just across my face.

"Hold up dad." I left the phone on the end of the table and rushed to the screen once seeing dom. He was wearing a suit and damn did his hair grow like crazy. He could even put it in a bun!

Some woman was next to him wearing not much clothes as she clung to doms left side. I assume that's April and the other woman I didn't know but she was old kinda looked bad ass.

I looked for the button to turn it up more and I was successful.

"It's all there." He said throwing four bags of money on the desk.
He looked like he wanted to laugh but instead the old woman spoke up

"Just take the damn money Javier ."


Finally a name for my kidnapper.

Javier snapped his fingers and some man came and grabbed the duffel bags one by one.

"Okay , you have my word I won't step foot in Florida for the next four years nor will I ever lay a hand in the Wright family including the people that associate with them."

"He's lying!"
I yelled.

Where was that room located I looked everywhere on the desk until I found something. At the bottom of the screen it said bt21 and on this piece of paper it said this room was com/tec I'm guessing computer technology room. I looked at the door to see the same label com/tec.

This was almost to easy.

I checked the dead mans body and grabbed his loaded all silver hand gun ,knife and some keys. This lowkey felt like call of duty only you know if I die that's game over for real.
Staring down at the weapons before me my head started spinning.

What the hell am I gonna do go out there and kill all them? With this tiny ass gun?!

"Hey dad how many bullets come in a hand gun?" I asked

"Depends on the gun some can hold up two rounds why?"

Clicking the gun back in place and held the safety part down.

"Was that a gun Ren?Whatever you got planned don't do it I mean it."

"Davis there are men downstairs waiting to kill dom and his two companions if I don't do nothing they all could die."

"Fuck" I heard him yell.
"I love you Little one I want you to know that okay. As my first born who carries her mother's back bone and pride. I'm almost there okay."

Tears almost fell from my eyes but I needed to be strong for myself , Mk, and Davis. They're my family and I love them so much.

"Okay?! Ren." I forgot to reply back

"O-okay." He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Now here's what's gonna happen."

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