"POKER HEARTED" ✿A Jikook & V...

By kimyeontansmom30

850K 44.6K 36.3K

"Jungk-ook, y-you c-can't do this to m-me...." Jimin stutters while controlling his tears that are ready to f... More

-:2.You Are Disgusting:-
-:6.I'M GAY:-
-:23.ON SAME BED:-
-:24.THE TRUTH:-
-:26.THE STARS:-
-:28. 🔞LOVE? & LUST!🔞:-
-: ☆Thankyou So Much☆:-
-:30.Clouds Clearing?:-
-: 32.REMEMBER PT.2:-
-:34. AT THE BEACH:-
-:36. Agust D!!:-
-:37. At The Hospital!:-
-:38. Dad?!:-
-:39. Step Brothers?:-
-:40. Living Together?:-
-:41. Stubborn Mrs.Jeon!!:-
-:42. Kook's whining!!:-
-:43. Bonding Of Brothers? :-
-:44. Images?!:-
-:45. House Party!:-
-:46. Tae's Outburst!:-
-:47. We Kissed! :-
-:48. Hoseok's Outburst!:-
-:49. Jin's Tension! :-
-:50. Take Off!!!:-
-:51. Proposal?Pain!:-
-:52. Shocked?:-
-:53. Starting A New Life?:-
-:54. Jung Aera?:-
-:55. HopeKook's Painful Tears!:-
-:56. Revenge!:-
-:57.Caught you!:-
-:58. Caught you Pt-2!:-
-:59. Caught you pt-3!:-
-:60. Raging Beast!:-
-:61. Secret!:-
-:62. I don't know what to name this chap😅:-
-:63. Flashback!:-
-:64. Threatenings!:-
-:65. Jimin's Agony Begins!:-
-:66. Hearken back!:-
-:67. Slave?:-
-:68. Hoseok's words! :-
-:69. D.O.'s Entry!:-
-:70. Fake Friend?:-
-:71. Smiles!:-
-:72. He knows!:-
-:73. Same Kiss?:-
-:☆ Q/A!☆:-
-:74. He Knows Pt-2!! :-
-:75. What Triggered?:-
-:76. Punishment?!:-
-:77.🔞Punishment? Pt-2🔞!:-
-:78. Kevin's Son!:-
-:79. Attack on Jihoon? :-
-:80. Many Visitors to Seoul! :-
-:81. Lashing out on Hoseok!:-
-:82. Jungkook's question!:-
-:83. Jungkook's Resolve!:-
-:☆Important Note!☆:-
-:☆I am Back!!☆:-
-:84. Forgotten:-
-:85. Namjin's Wedding:-
-:86. Newly weds Dispute:-
-:88. Namjin exclusive!:-
-:89. Unexpected Gathering!:-
-:90.Hoseok Collapses!:-
-:91. Hoseok's past:-
-:92. Hoseok's Past-2:-
-:93. Surgery!:-
-:94.To Jeju!:-
-: 95. Aggressive!:-
-: 96. In the Forest!:-
-:97. In The Forest Pt-2:-
-: 98. In The Forest Pt-3:-
-: 99. The Actual Truth!:-
-:100. The Actual Truth Pt-2:-
-:101. Night In The Forest:-
-:🔞102. Night In The Forest Pt-2🔞:-
-:103. Returning To Seoul:-
-:104. Suho's Revelation:-
-:105. Baekhyun's Entry:-
-: 106. The Weddings!:-
-:🔞107. Love...Love & Love!🔞:-
-:🔞108. Love... Love & Love! Pt-2🔞:-
-:🔞109. Love...Love & Love pt-3🔞:-
-: 110. The untold story!:-
-: 111. The Good news!
-:112. The Finale!:-
✧ I am Here!✧
-:Good & Bad News🙆🏻‍♀️:-
💜Hey Lovelies!💜
✧Sehun×Suho Story!✧

-: 29.Love is in the Air:-

9K 441 588
By kimyeontansmom30

Here is the chap that you all expected the most😉!!

Authors P.O.V:-


After coming back to the room Jimin was still not getting down from Jungkook.

"Jimin get down now! we are in the room now".

"Nooooo *Hiccup* I don't want to *Hiccup* get down!!" Jimin said whining like a kid.

"Come on Jimin get down now u asked me to carry up to the room...I did! Now get down!!" Jungkook said sighing.

"Noooo...I will stay*Hiccup* like this It's so*Hiccup* comfortable for me*Hiccup*!!" Jimin said tightening his grip around Jungkook's neck and placing his head on the crook of Jungkooks neck.

"But it's not comfortable for me! Are you getting down or should I throw you on the ground now!!" Jungkook said faking annoyance and slowly removing his hands balancing Jimin.

"Aah! *hiccup* NOO!! My precious Jibooty will hurtuu if u throw me on the ground *hiccup*!!" Jimin said and jumped out from Jungkooks grip and stood in front of him pouting with his lips and glaring at Jungkook making his eyes small.

"Now who is this Jibooty? Huh?" Jungkook asked raising his left eyebrow.

"This!" Jimin showed his index figure to his booty.

Jungkook couldn't hold his laughter now. He burst into loud laughter. Jimin pouted more seeing Jungkook laugh. "Why are u laughing now?!" Jimin hit continously on Jungkooks shoulder with his cute little small hands.

"Hahaa!! You named your ass! Haha!!" Jungkook continued laughing.

"You!! You are so meanie! It's not ass... it's my Jibooty and you also threatened me to throw on the ground to hurt my Jibooty! you meanie!! I am not gonna talk with u!" saying this Jimin hit jungkook on his chest and ran out of the bedroom towards the swimming pool.

Jungkook walked towards Jimin still laughing. He went to the poolside but there was no Jimin. Jungkook called Jimin "Jimin where are u hiding? Come here! I am so tired to play hide & seek now!"

Jungkook was looking for Jimin while walking along the poolside when Jimin came from the backside and pushed Jungkook into the pool with a loud sound of splashing of water followed by Jimin's cute giggles.

Jungkook didn't expect this he was totally drenched in the water... His clothes were all wet. Jungkook heard Jimins cute giggles. He stood up in the pool and walked while brushing his hair backward water droplets are dripping on his body...his clothes attached to his body showing his toned muscles & six-packs...He looked like a freaking Greek god.

Jimin looked at Jungkook & gulped at the sight... seeing his sexy husband walking towards him. Wait walking towards him?...when did he come out from the pool? Jimin was now out of the trance and wanted to run away but Jungkook was fast enough to catch him.

"Kookiee!! Let me go..." Jimin said so cutely that if he asked to give an entire universe we would grant him that.

But Jungkook was Jungkook "Now u want me to let u go...Your puppy eyes are not gonna work on me Chimmy!" Jungkook said smirking and lifting Jimin into bridal style on which Jimin gasped. Jimin was about to say something but even before that Jimin was thrown into the pool with a loud splash of water.

"Jungkook I'll die!! I don't know how to swim! Help me! Help me! I'll never throw u in the pool again!! please help me!!" Jimin said while trying to swim splashing more water like fish when it's out of water.

Jungkook sighed and scratched his forehead and sat on his foot on the railing of the swimming pool "Baby! It's only 5 feet & u probably won't die from drowning even though you are short!"

Jimin then stood in the pool "Only 5 feet?!" 

Jungkook blinked his eyes nodding. Jimin let out an awkward smile "hehe! I thought I'll drown today!" jimin said scratching the back of his neck.

Jungkook then walked into the pool towards Jimin while Jimin was looking at Jungkook without blinking his eyes. Jimin tried to walk back but Jungkook quickly grabbed Jimins slim waist & pulled towards him making Jimin hit his chest.

"Jimin...so alcohol is gone from your system now?" Jungkook asked to which Jimin lifted his both shoulders giggling while hiccuping meaning that Jimin is still tipsy...Jungkook cooed at that.

"Jimin! Will u answer my questions honestly?" Jungkook asked voicing gently. Actually Jungkook added the truth potion in Jimins drink to know if Jimin is really innocent or not. (A/N: U need a potion for that you idiot can't you look at Jimins eyes that are too innocent for this world. JK: Now you please shut up & go will you!! A/N:🙄🙄)

"Okay! Kookie" Jimin answered.

"Let's start with simple ones first!... Did you have any boyfriend before our marriage?"

"Nooo~...Kookie... You are my first love*Hiccup*" Saying that Jimin cupped Jungkooks face.

Jungkook grinned at Jimins answer "Next! Did your dad tell you anything like making me sign some papers?"

"Hmmm... Yes...Yes, *Hiccup* he told me!" Jimin said to which Jungkook tightened his grip around Jimins waist his eyes turning dark.

"So... You saying me that... you love me & all are bullshit... You just wanted me to trust you with the crap you are saying and make me sign the papers & flee from me after betraying me! Right?" Jungkook said now holding Jimins chin tightly with his right hand.

Jimin eyes glistened at the pain as Jungkook was holding painfully tight "Kookie you are hurting me!" Jimin said whimpering.

"Answer me now!!" Jungkook said sternly raising his voice.

 Jimin flinched at that"No! I said no to my dad... he thought I would do such cheap things never, even if I didn't love u I would never do something like that to anyone. But I love ...I love you so much that I can't even dream of betraying you let alone do that... why kookie *hiccup* why you never believe me? Even if you never love me please trust me I would never do anything to harm or deceive you*Hiccup*" Jimin said as a small pearl-like tear escaped from his brown eyes.

Jungkook sighed loosening his grip on Jimin... Jungkooks eyes softened and with his thumb, Jungkook wiped away the tear Jimin had "Jimin-shi! Sorry that I had to use this method to know the truth but I really wanna break all my walls when I am with you...so I was desperate to know the truth and I am happy now that I did it!"  

"So...Now you trust me*hiccup*," Jimin asked looking into Jungkooks doe eyes. 

"Yes! I trust you and will do more from now on!" Jungkook said honestly.

"Really?!" Jimin asked enthusiastically. 

"I never in my life thought that I will start believing again in anyone but you make me everything that I don't wanna do! How do you hold such power in your cute little innocent face! Huh?!" Jungkook asked while caressing his cheeks.

Jimin let out a cute giggle to that and hide his face in Jungkooks chest. Jungkook grinned at the sight and lifted Jimins face up to look at him.

Jimin looked up at Jungkook & Jungkook slightly brushed Jimins wet hair which is falling on his eyes to the back of his ear. Jimin closed his eyes at this action & Jungkook let his hand trace Jimins cheeks and then to his lips... with his thumb Jungkook slowly traced Jimins lips.

The air is getting hot & there was a sensual tension between them. Jungkook cupped Jimins face and leaned in moving close towards Jimins lips. Jimin slightly opened his eyes when he felt Jungkooks hot breath against him & immediately closed them while his lips were trembling.

Jungkook saw the little action and smirked leaning more closer closing the gap between them. Jimins breath hitched when Jungkooks lips touched his & his heartbeat raised to the point where it will explode out from his chest. Jungkook sucked on Jimins lips softly but pulled back confusedly.

"Jimin?!" Jungkook called Jimin whose eyes were still closed. Jimin opened his eyes "Hum?" 

"Why are you not breathing?" Jungkook asked Jimin who let out his breath which he was holding without knowing. Jungkook let out a small laugh "Is this your first kiss?" Jungkook asked to which Jimin slightly nodded while blushing pink & lowered his head. Jungkook smiled at Jimins shy actions. 

"But wait I think its 3rd?!" Jimin said looking at jungkook whose forehead formed a frown knowing that jimin kissed another man.

"Who?" Jungkook asked in a monotone voice eyes begin to become dark.

"Huh?!" Jimin asked confusedly.

"Who is your first kiss?" Jungkook asked gritting his teeth.

"You!" Jimin answered innocently.

"Me?!" Jungkook asked confusedly lifting his left eyebrow with a frown.

"Yes! On that day at the mall...You fell on me and stole my first kiss and then you kissed me at  our wedding remember?!" Jimin said blinking his eyes twice & his lips forming a slight pout.

Jungkook sighed & shook his head in disbelief but chuckled as he was relieved that Jimin never kissed anyone. "That was not called a kiss...It's just a peck!" Jungkook said smiling.

"Ohh!! Then you didn't steal my first kiss!" Jimin said tapping his index finger on his chin sounding so innocently that Jungkook lost it. Jimins plump lips that are so inviting he looked at those lips as he was going to devour them at anytime soon.

"Yes! But today I'll steal your first kiss too!" Jungkook said smirking while Jimins eyes widen. Jungkook pushed Jimin back towards the wall of the pool for support "Don't hold your breath & follow me!" This said Jungkook once again attached his lips to Jimins to which Jimin gasped and closed his eyes leaning into the touch.

Jungkook was finally kissing Jimin he let go of his insecurities and all the walls between them. Jungkook wanted to kiss Jimin for a long time now. when their lips touched accidentally at the mall he wanted to touch those plump lips again but couldn't because of his poker heart and when he pecked Jimin on their wedding day he wanted to devour that plump pink lips then & there but couldn't cause everyone is watching.

 And then the last night when traced out Jimins lips but couldn't cause jimin was sleeping at that time and again when they were playing pillow fight when Jungkook took out the cotton that was placed on Jimins lips but couldn't and controlled himself from kissing the hell out of Jimin. The image of Jimin's plum pink cute lips was flashed before Jungkooks eyes the whole day bothering him. 

But now he lost that control...now he just wants to taste those lips. Jungkooks lips brushed Jimins, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, feeling the warmth of Jimins lips and the taste of his lip balm which tasted like honey and alcohol they had. 

Jimin did as Jungkook said following his lips. First, it was a soft kiss that changed into a sensual one when Jungkook bites Jimins lower lip asking for Jimins permission but Jimin being innocent just let out a small whine like a moan. Jungkook was turned on by Jimin soft moan. 

Jungkooks hands travel from Jimins waist to back groping Jimins ass cheeks. Jimin gasped at the sudden action and Jundkook took this chance to enter his tongue into Jimins mouth. It felt like an explosion of the best flavors in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best sensation that Jungkook ever felt. Jimin felt like he's not in his own body anymore and was in another universe floating.

Jimin also lets his tongue explore Jungkooks mouth. The kiss was soft & moist at the same time hot & breathy, they both twirled their tongues not trying to win a battle but seeking union & closeness & the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeline, and passionate moment. 

The heat was rose in Jimins cheeks as their tongues played with each other, quick electric & delicious, then more determining & curious to explore more. Their tongues now battling each other back & forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin the other.

Jungkook won the battle of tongues and explored each and every corner & cavern of Jimins mouth and lastly pulled back as they both were out of breath. Jimin was panting heavily as it was his first heated kiss. Jungkook then went to Jimins exposed neck and started sucking, Jimin tilted his head & closed his eyes still panting from loss of breath. 

Jimin let out a loud moan when Jungkook bites his sweet spot "Mmmhh!"

Jungkook smirks at the moan & continues biting it leaving a reddish hickey. He then moves to another side of the neck leaving a hickey again when Jimin "Mmh Jung-kook!!"

Jungkook continues leaving hickeys all around Jimins neck while his left-hand brushes Jimins chest which is wet and goes towards the nipple and pinches it while Jimin lets out a moan with a shaky breath. All these sensations are new to Jimin. He never experienced such things. He was so sensitive now and also with the alcohol effect, Jimins legs were going weak from this pleasure and also shivering from the coldness as they are in the pool for a long time now.

Jungkook observes Jimins shivering and lets go of him and plant kisses all over Jimins face "Shall we continue in our bedroom? Baby!" Jungkook asks Jimin cupping his face. Jimin shyly goes and hides his face in Jungkooks chest placing his hands over Jungkooks neck and says a little "Hum!"

Jungkook smiles and lifts Jimins legs which jimin surrounds around Jungkooks waist and holding onto him like a koala. Jungkook then slowly comes out from the pool and walks towards the bed and climbs on it. When Jungkook tries to place Jimin on the bed Jimin didn't let go of Jungkook.

"Baby! Let go of me now!" Jungkook says softly. But there was no response.

"Jimin?!" Jungkook calls again but there was no response instead he hears little snores. Jungkook then frees himself slowly and sees that Jimin is sleeping like a little angel with cute little snores.

"Hmm...You left me so hard & hot and then sleeps as if nothing happened? What should I do with you? huh?!" Jungkook says smiling & brushing of the bangs on Jimins forehead. He then goes and takes a pair of a nightdress and walks towards Jimin.

"Let's change your clothes first or else you will get cold" saying this Jungkook carefully removes Jimins shirt and goes to remove his pants but stops & thinks "Will he get angry if he knows that I changed his clothes without his permission? hmm... Whatever!!" And this said he took off jimins pants and boxer and looks his cute little mochis thing and chuckles a bit. 

"I think he'll murder me tomorrow!" Then he rubs the towel on Jimins body, dries his hair, and then fastly dresses him back and tucks him in the blanket. Jungkook then goes to the washroom showers himself to calm his senses and changes into comfy clothes and lays down beside jimin. 

Jungkook covers himself and jimin in the blanket and hugs Jimin tightly and plants a kiss on jimins forehead "You will receive a sweet punishment tomorrow for leaving me all hot & bothered" Jungkook says this smirking to himself & drifts to sleep peacefully.


(A/N: So guys how's the long-ass chap?! I hope you liked it & didn't get bored! What do you guys think will Jimin remember all this or he forgets like the first time? What do you guys want to remember or to forget? let me know in your comments! Vote if you like the chap!)

Take care😘💜
And Stay tuned😉‼

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