One Shots

By StaceySonier

1.2M 7.7K 5.2K

This is NOT a book about sex, nope. No siree. Nope... But just in case it is, 18+ More

The Amari Brothers (MxFxM)
Dr. Pruitt (MxF)
Sleeping With A Friend (FxF)
Forbidden Desires (MxF)
What Happens In The Woods... (MxF)
Mistress Mariah (MxF)
Daddy's Little Girl (MxF)
Vanity (MxF) *SFW*
Bow To The Queen (MxF)
Best-Kept Secret (MxM)
Vanity (MxF) *SFW* Part 2
Kiss Me Through The Phone (MxF)
What Dreams Are Made Of (MxF)
In The Darkness *SFW*
Just The Girl (MxF)
Professor Sexy (MxF)
Thin Walls (MxM)
*!Important Update!*

'Mon Petit Oisea' (MxF)

177K 1K 2.1K
By StaceySonier

*Age Gap!*

"Sir," I heard through the speaker above my desk.

I sighed and then pressed down the red button as I spoke, "Yes, Walton?"

There was a brief pause that irked the shit out of me, "There's a young lady here to see you, Sir."

A fan, most likely. Probably a stay at home mother wanting to meet the man behind the stories that made her panties wet with the desire that no man could ever give her.

My characters were made up, too romantic, too sweet, and caring; no one was like them in the real world and that's what brought these Stepford wives to my doorstep. They wanted to meet the man who put their fantasies on paper.

"Just the one, Walton?"

"Yes, Sir. Just the one young lady."

Why did he keep insisting she was young? The only women who came by were in their 30s and while I would call them younger than me as I was in my early 40s, I wouldn't call them young.

"Send her in, please, and bring us up some tea," I said and stood up from my desk.

I went to the window and opened the heavy red curtains to let some light through. I had thought it was beginning to feel stuffy, but I worked better in the dark.

Opening the window to the autumn breeze, I sighed. It was my favorite season and I was missing it because I had all of these ideas fluttering through my head and if I didn't put them to paper soon, they would poof from my mind like they never existed and I would be left with another ten years of writers' block.

I heard a knocking sound on the heavy wooden door and took a seat in my dark brown leather armchair and placed my right ankle over my left knee.

"Come in," I called after I cleared my throat.

I had requested not to be disturbed for the last week and my voice was little hoarse from lack of usage. I felt as though I might've needed to speak up again, but Walton had obviously had his ear to the door or something.

I saw Walton stick his grey head in the cracked doorway and look around until his eyes fell on me, "Sir, are you ready?"

I nodded and he opened the door further and ushered the woman—or girl, rather— into the office.

I stifled my chuckle, she couldn't be older than 20 years old. What the fuck was she doing here?

When her eyes landed on my seated figure they widened and her mouth fell open into a very excited smile.

"You may leave us, Walton. Do not forget the tea. Tea is alright with you, yes," I asked the girl in a low voice.

She seemed to register the question after a moment and shut her mouth before nodding.

"Very well. Off you go, Walton," I gestured for the girl to sit on the couch across from my chair, and without another word the door shut behind my butler.

I stared at her for a moment as she did me. I don't think she realized how old I was as she still looked at me as if I were in a boy band, but this...this girl...she was beautiful.

Long jet black hair, large blue-gray eyes, plucked and sculpted brows... And her nose, the dainty little thing with its pointed end and those lips.

They were plump and the bottom was bruised purple from where she had been worrying it. Her skin was clear of any blemishes except for the two dimples in her cheeks, but who would dare call them that?

"You are beautiful," I stated in a whispered awe.

It sickened me, really, because this girl looked like she could've been young enough to be my granddaughter if I had ever had any kids to have kids of their own.

I watched her cheeks flush and her eyes cast down into her lap that was covered in a red plaid pleated skirt.

Fücking pleated skirts straight out of my third book about some girl's private school.

She had on a white button-up blouse with short sleeves that was tucked into the skirt in question and when I looked down at her feet I saw a pair of white canvas shoes over white tube socks that reached just under her knees.

"Thank you, Sir," she whispered as her eyes finally met mine again.

"Your name," I asked as I appraised her petite frame.

"Raven," she breathed.

I hummed low in my chest just as Walton walked back in with the tray of tea and assorted sugars and additionals. Without a word, he left as he knew that with all the women visitors I got, I was not to be disturbed.

"How old are you, Raven," I asked as I began to pour the tea into our cups and gestured for her to make hers anyway she liked when I was through.

"No, thank you, Sir," she politely declined the tea, "and um, 18, Sir."

I coughed as the tea went down the wrong pipe. After setting my cup back down to cough a bit more I took a deep breath, "18?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, Sir," and worried at her bottom lip.

"Please call me Luther," and sighed as I watched her cheeks flush again.

"Anyways," I began, "To what do I own the honor of your visit?"

She squirmed in her seat and picked at the end of her skirt, "I've read every book you've ever written, Sir."

"Luther," I corrected. For some God awful and, I'm quite sure, fücked up reason, I really wanted to hear my name roll off her tongue.

"I've read every book you've ever written, Luther," she whispered, but her eyes were locked to mine.

And damn it all to hell if my fucking cöck didn't twitch.

"And," I managed to keep my calm and composed exterior.

"I really wanted to see if you had anything else and just haven't published it yet," she stated.

I couldn't help the laugh as I threw my head back. When I finally caught my breath again, I looked back at her and she was pouting, poor thing, "You came all the way to my house to ask if I had any other sex novels you could read?"

Her cheeks flushed again, she was still worrying her lower lip, but she fucking nodded.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You've read about David and Corinna?"

She nodded, "Loved their bath scene."

"And you've read Phineas and Penelope?"

She, again, nodded, "I enjoyed their barn scene, oh, and when they went to that restaurant—Le Dernier Repas. I enjoyed reading about that as well." (The Last Meal)

I decided to quiz her on one of the first books I'd ever written that not many knew about as I went under a different name then, "And William and Sophia?"

She looked confused for a moment and I thought I had stumped her until her eyes brightened and she grinned, "The couple from Alaska? I remember them very well, though it took a moment as I remember she called him 'Bear' and he called her 'Fee'."

I arched a brow and steepled my fingers, "My my, Raven. You really have read them all, haven't you?"

She nodded and her eyes darkened, "Do you have anything else, Luther? I'm dying to know what you've been doing for the last ten years if you haven't released anything else."

I chuckled, "How did you know I had published anything in ten years? You were eight and if at eight years old you were reading my books, I need to have a word with your parents."

She blushed again, "No, Sir. I just... I looked you up and lots of websites speculated where you had gone and that's when I figured out that you hadn't released anything since 2008."

"I've been working on some new stuff recently, Raven, but I did have a hiatus," I said as a reached down and took my cup in my hands again. This time I managed to take a sip before she spoke.

"Ten years is a long hiatus, Luther. I need more of your words, Sir.'s the only thing that will...," she looked down and her cheeks flushed again.

"Look at me," and when she complied I continued, "The only thing that will what, Raven?"

She took in a ragged breath before whispering, "That will get me wet, Sir."


Yep, my cöck was definitely hard, but what was the use in hiding it. She has come into my home and started talking about her...issues and I'm expected to be embarrassed about my hard-on?

I was still a man and an unashamed one at that.

"My books get you wet," I asked. I knew they got many women wet. I loved getting the fan letters stating what these women did to themselves after reading one of my sèx scenes. But this little vixen in front of me got off to my books?

"Yes, Luther," she practically moaned.

I planted both feet on the ground and sat forward in my chair, "What had you hoped to gain here today, Raven if I didn't have anything to offer you?"

She worried her bottom lip before speaking, "You always have something to offer, Sir."

I quirked a brow again and smirked, "And what, per se, would that 'something' be?"

She looked down and then back up at me through her darkened lashes, "The 'something' that is eager to meet me, Sir," she trained her eyes to my lap, and though her directness to me had thrown me off guard, I hadn't let it show.

I wouldn't take advantage of this poor girl. She was a fan, and though I had fücked several fans in my lifetime, I wasn't about to ravish this one and have her regretting it in the morning because she figured out that I was a dirty old man.

"Raven, sweetheart," I sighed, "He is eager to meet anything with a pûssy and a pulse," I knew my words were harsh but when she stood up and those eyes set on me with determination ablaze in them... I was a goner.

As she walked around the coffee table and stood in front of me, it was all I could do to not lean forward and see where that fantastic citrus fragrance was coming from.

"I have both a pussy and a pulse, Sir. Let me meet him," she whispered, the little vixen.

I chuckled because if I didn't I would surely pounce, "I am old enough to be your father, Raven. What are you doing here?"

"My father is your age, so you could very well be my daddy," she breathed out the last word in a sultry tone.

"Oh, mon petit oiseau, what are you doing," I pleaded as I watched her lift the hem of her skirt up her thighs. (My little bird)

"I love when you speak French to me, Daddy," she stated, "But I wished you would do it between my legs."

I groaned as she straddled my lap, "Les choses que je pourrais te faire," I breathed out as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "Mais tu es si Jeune." (The things I could do to you) (But you are so young)

"Do them anyway," she grinned.

"You'd think me a dirty old man," I murmured as I brought my hands up to rest on her hips.

I watched her shake her head, "I've wanted you since I read your first book a year ago. I looked up the best sex novels on the market and to my delight, you have quite a few. What a busy man you've been, Dr. Dubois."

"I haven't been called 'doctor' in a while," I thought out loud.

"Probably because you stopped doing classes and seminars, but I digress. When I saw your picture... God, Luther," she began shifting her hips against my still, very very, hard erection, "I wanted you then, but I couldn't approach you if you were married and I was still 17, but when I saw that you weren't married and you haven't dated in a while," she chuckled, "All I had to do was wait until I turned 18, and I am."

I groaned again at the revelation, "You turned 18 today?"

She smirked and nodded, "I did, and I want you to be my birthday present."

She brought her lips down to mine and then leaned back, "I want you to take my virginity. As I am your biggest fan," she whispered against my lips.

"Fück," I whispered, "Je ne peux pas voler ta pureté, petit oiseau." (I can not steal your purity, little bird)

She nodded, "You can. I want you to," she began unbuttoning her shirt and I watched with hungry eyes as her creamy skin came into view.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

"No, not until you prove to me that you are 18," I hated the pout she gave me but then she crawled off my lap and leaned over the table to grab her bag off of the couch, I got a nice look at her rounded perky ass in a pair of white lace boy shorts.

She fished around until she found her wallet and then pulled out her drivers' license.

I studied it, finding that it was real—I was a heathen in my prime and knew what a fake looked like—and saw that her birthday was, in fact, today 18 years ago.

I breathed a sigh of relief but when my eyes looked up from the tiny card and I saw her stand in front of me in nothing but those white lace boy shorts, I nearly came.

Her shoulders were littered with freckles and when my eyes glanced down at her breasts I took in a sharp breath. They looked to be handfuls, perfectly rounded handfuls that sagged ever so slightly under their own weight, but what got me was how dainty and rosey her taut nipples were.

I couldn't hold out any longer as I moved to the edge of the chair and wrapped my arms around her and latched on to the right one.

She arched her back and gasped out the prettiest moan I'd ever heard, and I'd heard a lot of them.

I was so invested in what I was doing that I hadn't noticed her pulling my t-shirt over my head and I growled when I had to unlatch but it reminded me that there were two and I showed some love to the other.

She was panting and whining above me but I was going to enjoy this while I had her here in my grasp.

"Please, Luther," she pleaded in a low and dainty voice that nearly broke my heart.

"Quoi, petit oiseau?" I could barely feel her nails scraping my shoulders as she tried to gather my attention as I smothered myself in her chest. (What, little bird)

"Tu n'as pas encore touché le reste de moi," she whined, "S'il vous plaît!" (You have not touched the rest of me yet) (Please)

I hummed as I kissed down the valley between her breast, "Go lie down on the couch, Raven. I'll be back in a moment."

She pouted but reluctantly did as I told her.

I sighed as I stood up and walked to my office door and opened it, "Walton," I called.

He came from around the corner and when he saw the tent in my pants he smirked, "Being a dirty old man, I see? Is she even 18 yet, Luther?"

I narrowed my eyes at the man, "Yes, I checked," I whispered, "Go get me a condom. I'd rather not become a father at 41 years old."

He chuckled and walked to my bedroom before coming back with a single golden foil packet.

"Thanks," I grabbed the wrapper and shut the door.

I sighed again before I unbuttoned and slid the zipper down on my jeans. Kicking my shoes off and leaving my pants there on the floor, I walked back to the couch that was faced away from the door and saw her completely naked now with her right hand between her legs.

I watched as her lids were closed but her lips were open and she was moaning breathlessly as her tiny fingers worked her clït in slow circles. Not enough to do anything real, but enough that she was still staying aroused.

"What a pretty püssy," I whispered from the edge of the couch as I walked around to stand beside her.

Her eyes popped open and her pupils were the only things visible beside the whites.

She gazed up at me as she masturbated and began rolling a nipple between her fingers.

I watched her pleasure herself, watched her pretty pink nail polish covered toes curl as she moaned and I watched as her chest heaved. I watched every twitch that racked through her small body and every contraction of her stomach muscles as they worked alongside her forearm as the muscles worked to move the fingers that still stimulated her.

I dropped to my knees—with difficulty as expected but who the fuck cares right now— and swatted her hand away and replaced it with mine, but instead of that slow and torturous shit she had been doing, I had a quickness in my movements as I wanted to see that moment when she would come apart on my couch.

She arched her back and spread her legs wider and I watched her thighs twitch as she came closer and closer to the edge.

"Come for me, petit oisea," I whispered against her thigh.

"Yes, yes, yes," she sang out her praise and clenched her jaw as she stilled and I watched as a beautiful flush spread from her cheeks down to her chest.

"Beautiful," I whispered and I rubbed my thumb along her cheekbone.

Her eyes opened slowly and she smiled sweetly, "Thank you."

My cock was still raging hard in my boxes, but that would be dealt with when she was good and ready, for now, she needed to have her beautiful body explored.

I pulled her right thigh and moved it over my head until her back was against the back of the couch and her thighs were spread open for me.

I took one look at her glistening pûssy and shuddered with lust. I hadn't seen something so pretty and pink and fresh since I was in my 30s.

"Fücking hell," I cursed as I rubbed my thumb through her folds, from her clït down to her entrance, and when she gasped I watched a little bit of her arousal seep out of its dark and warm cave, I growled, "So, it isn't just my books then?"

She shook her head and gasped as I scooped up that bit of liquid and brought it to my lips for a taste.

"Délicieux," I breathed as I looked into her half-lidded eyes (Delicious)

I leaned down and, still looking into her eyes in case she began to regret this, gingerly took a swipe with my tongue to gather up more of that taste.

She arched her back and moaned, "Yes, Luther."

I placed her legs over my shoulders and began to poke and prod all around her sèx with my tongue. I tongue fücked her, tasting more of her arousal, and hardened my tongue against her sensitive clït.

And when I inserted my middle finger and felt how tight she was, I swear I almost busted in my boxers.

"Oh, Luther," she whimpered, "I'm gonna cum again."

"Yes," I pumped my finger inside of her before adding a second and listened to her grunts and groans as I stretched her out for me.

I was no small man and I was sure it would hurt for a little more than a moment for her, but I wouldn't wait until I was seated deep inside of her.

"Cüm for me, sweetheart," I whispered and she was almost there until I added a third finger and she yelped.

"It's too much," she cried out but when she started cumming around me it gave me a little more of her lubricant to work with and, with resistance, of course, I was able to work all three to the knuckle.

"I'm a little bit bigger than this, petit oisea. If you wish to have me then I'd like to make it as painless as possible," I kissed her thigh as I spoke in a gentle voice.

"Okay," she whimpered but hissed as I began working my fingers in and out of her.

After a moment I took back my fingers and licked up all of her arousal and grinned as I saw the lust at a maximum blaze in her eyes.

"Are you going to fuck me now," she asked and I chuckled.

"No, you are going to fuck me."

I stood up but then sat beside her on the couch and she immediately straddled my lap.

She reached behind her and found the foil packet on the table and brought it up to inspect, "Magnum XL, huh?"

I chuckled, "I'm pretty fucking big, Raven."

She smirked, "Let's see just how big, then."

And when she pulled my boxers down and my cock sprang up and hit my stomach her eyes widened.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

I watched her swallow before looking back up into my eyes, "That thing is supposed to fit inside of me?"

I chuckled, "Not if you don't want it to, but that's why you'll be on top so you can take as much as you can handle and nothing more."

Her eyes darkened like storm clouds rolling in before a hurricane, "I want it all," she whispered.

I plucked the foil packet from her fingers and opened it with my teeth before rolling it down my length, "Then let's go."

She grabbed onto my shoulder and lifted her self over me before taking my length in her tiny hand and holding it still while she impaled herself on me.

There was resistant and then when the head popped in and she tensed, I smoothed her long black hair down her back and cooed sweet words into her ear.

I was dying to just ram myself into her but I wasn't an asshole and I could clearly tell she needed some time so I waited until she finally took another breath because she had clearly been holding it against the pain.

She sunk down and when her body touched mine she rolled her head back and moaned.

It felt so fucking amazing to be inside of her. Like a tight glove, she was wrapped around me and I was so thankful for the condom because I wanted nothing more than to shoot my load into her.

As she lifted herself up and then dropped back down onto me we both moaned and I couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed her ass cheeks and began working her up and down my cock, "Like this," I stated through clenched teeth.

I was already so close, but I would wait for her because that's what real men do. It was her birthday, her body she was letting me into and I'll be damned if I ruined it because I didn't have any self-control.

I watched her breasts bounce as she stayed at the pace I had set. It was heaven here in her warmth and with her dainty little fingers digging their nails into my shoulders and her little mouth slightly opened in a silent 'Oh' was all I could do to hold on for the ride.

And after a while of our grunts and moans and her calling my name, I could feel her start to tighten around me.

To help her along I fücked up into her as she came down and when she yelped and then sang my name I knew she was in heaven.

"Est-ce que tu aimes ça," I asked as I watched her face contort in pleasure. (Do you like that)

"Yes, Daddy. Slap my ass, please," she begged and who was I not to give in?

I made it so that it was on one of her downstrokes that my hand hit her ass with a harsh smack.

"Yes, fuck!" I felt her clench around me and so I did it again and got the same result.

"You like when daddy spanks that little ass of yours, huh?"

I was a sucker for dirty talk and since she loved the 'daddy' word why not use it to my advantage?

"Yes," she whimpered, "I fucking love it. Please, I'm so close."

I continued to ram myself inside of her as she dropped down onto me and when her moans got to its crescendo, I smacked her ass again and that's what did it.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and moaned and then whimpered into my ear as her body twitched and convulsed against mine.

I gripped her hips and held her up as I worked myself in and out of her two more times and then wrapped my arms around her as I came with a shudder inside of her wet heat.

She started chuckling in post-orgasm exhaustion, "Is it always this good?"

I hummed low in my chest and brushed my hands through the hair that fell down her back, "It depends on the lover. Some partners are going to be shit and some are going to be amazing."

She kept her face hidden in my neck with the next words, "Will it always be this good with you?"

I sighed, "Oh, petit oisea..." I held her up and I slid out of her and took the rubber off before tying it and throwing it in the general direction of my trash can.

She stiffened and I hated having to break her heart this way, "I'm sorry," I whispered into her hair and kissed her head.

She leaned back, "Is it because you don't like me? Because I'm too young for you?"

I caressed her face, "It's because you don't want to get into anything with me, sweetheart. I'm an old man and you are just barely starting out in this world. You'll go on to get married and have many, many beautiful black haired blue eyed babies and you'll forget all about the man who stole your virtue."

She shook her head, "I won't. This is special, you are special, Luther. I could never forget this or you."

"Well, then you'll have this as a memory of how a man should treat you during sex," I brushed my thumb against my bottom lip.

"Are marriage and babies the only reasons? Do you have a girlfriend," she persisted.

"It's what you deserve, Raven. You deserve a shot at a full life and I can't give you that because I don't want kids, and no, I don't have a girlfriend."

She smiled, "Well good, but I don't want kids either. Can't stand them."

I sighed, "I'm a very reclusive and busy man, Raven. I wouldn't have any time for you."

She smirked and slid down on my semi and surprisingly he fully rose to the occasion, "Just sèx then, Luther. Give me that, please."

I huffed and when she started working herself on my cock again I almost forgot what we were talking about. I would need to make sure to remember to pull out this time.

"Where do you even live," I tried to continue.

She leaned down and kissed me before backing away and continuing her assault, "Only an hour and a half away, thankfully. If you're a busy and reclusive man then that means there won't be time for another woman so let me come stay the weekends with you and I swear to stay out of your hair until you want me."

I popped my eyes open, "You want to live with me during the weekend? Are you not in school? Do you not live with your parents? Do you have no friends?"

This little vixen wanted to live with a crabby old man? Why?

"Yes, I do. I want whatever I can get and yes I'm in school but not on the weekends. I can see my friends at school and my parents will think I'm at a friend's house."

I moaned on a particular deep downstroke and needed a moment, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were obsessed."

She smirked and leaned until her lips were at my ear, "Oh, I am. I want you all to myself, Daddy. Say yes and let me stay the weekend with you. Let me show you how good I can make you feel."

I chuckled, "You're doing a pretty good fucking job right now."

"Let me at least stay the night then," she pleaded, and ultimately I gave in.

She stayed all weekend, as she had wanted, and when Sunday night came around and she begged to stay and miss school the next day I threatened not to allow her in if she came back next weekend and she reluctantly gave in but I had to pinky swear—no, really—that she could stay next weekend again.

I gave in to her whims because I knew eventually she would get tired of me and move on. She was a burst of sunshine and fresh air every weekend she was with me. She opened the once dark house, brought in fresh air and sprinkles of joy and even Walton adored her.

I knew that when she did leave and eventually would never come back—and it was bound to happen— it would be my heart that would fall apart.

So for now, I would enjoy mon petit oisea and all she had to offer until she flew away and never returned. 

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