Bow To The Queen (MxF)

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*I hope this makes all of you feel as powerful as I felt writing it.*

*Minimally edited.*

"Queen Ambria, please have mercy," he begged as she sat high on her beautifully intricate golden throne.

She was gorgeous with her unblemished dark skin and her dark-as-night eyes. Her hair was curly but tied up and wrapped in the finest silk to be kept in place. Her lips were plump and cherry red with a new lipstick as she looked down at the waste of space on his knees in front of her.

"Your name," she asked in a sneer, she just wanted something to call him besides 'boy' while she thought of what to do with him, though she was feeling in a more forgiving mood today. Besides, the boy looked to be young, barely of age and terrified. Surely, he had a good reason to commit his crime.

"Edric, Your Majesty," he replied, his voice shaking with fear. He knew that in this day and age, beheadings were far too common and even though all he had done was steal some bread, he had stolen it from the Crown and knew that his fate now depended on Queen Ambria's ever-changing mood.

"Well, stole from me. What should I do with you, hmm? Tell me, what should your punishment be? Should I take your head perhaps," and when he whimpered she chuckled, "Perhaps just your hand then? The one that stole from me?"

She was known for being ruthless, rash, and quick on her judgments but what no one else knew was that the nobles in her land and her advisors were constantly pressuring her to find another husband for, in this age, a woman on the throne was not something many relished or agreed with.

She had men vying for her crown, constant attempted usurpings, she had been made to look weak in the eyes of the world, but she showed them time and time again that she, Ambria Lillain Zavois, was not one to be fucked with.

As was known, she had a child with her last king consort...

And as was not well known or heard of in her time, when she found out about his...straying from her, his adultery...

Well, she took his head for that. She would be made to look weak by none, not even the father of her only child.

Ambria was taken from her thoughts as Edric clutched his hands tight to his chest, "Please, Your Majesty. I beg of you to please show mercy. I was only trying to survive," he said, his voice still shaking.

She inhaled sharply and stood, "You were only trying to survive, hmm?"

Edric did have to admit that while he was terrified of her, as were all, she brought about something inside of him that he had never felt before. He felt as though his place in life was to always be on his knees for her.

Her velvety voice floated through the room and down to him and he nodded, "Yes, Your Highness."

She sighed and with the flick of her wrist, Edric was pulled up by his upper arms to hear his fate.

"Guards, toss him in the tower until I find a suitable punishment for him," she said nonchalantly and sat back down but not before adding, "See to it that he gets fed. Now, be gone from my sight."

Edric couldn't figure out whether to thank her for letting him eat or if he should be frightened that this was the last meal of his life.


Edric awoke with a pointed shoe gently to the chest.

"Wake up. I have found a way for you to serve out your punishment," and with hearing that velvety voice that made his insides clench in fear and lust, he sat up and bowed as he could.

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