Life After The Mental Institu...

By StylesImagines444

46.7K 833 175

Two years after Piper and Harry got married, they broke up when Harry had a one night stand. Sydney was nearl... More

Cast List For Life After The Mental Institution!
Life So Far.
Not Feeling So Hot?
Any Change?
Which One?
Kiss Me! (Warning! Dirty Scene!)
Home? (Teaser/Filler Chapter)
Home Sweet Hell!
Fantasy Seems Better Then Reality.
Birthday Time! (Filler Chapter)
See Life World Part One!
Sea Life World Part Two! (Final Part)
Prue Part One!
Prue Part Two!
Prue Part Three!
Prue Part Four! (Final Part)
The Funeral.
First Normal Day In A While.
I Spoke Too Soon!
Work And The Letter.
Josh Newton.
Not Just One Turner Part One. (Teaser)
Not Just One Turner Part Two. (Teaser)
Not Just One Turner Part Three. (Teaser) (Final Part)
Darcy's Second Birthday!
The Vowel Renewal Part One.
The Vowel Renewal Part Two. (Final Part) (Warning! Sex Scene)
Planning Phoebe And Niall's Wedding.
Family Of Five! (Filler)
Niall And Phoebe's Wedding Day!
Not Just Ours.
Mom's Birthday!
The Results And Surprise!
I'm Your Dad!
Baby Styles Number Three Part One!
Dinner Time!
Pregnancies. Who Needs Them? (Warning! Sexual Content!)
Phoebe. (Filler Chapter)
Daughters Part One.
Daughters Part Two. (Final Part)
What?! (Teaser Chapter)
A Son?
Do You Want Me To Stay?
Where Do We Go From Here?
Epilogue. (Final Chapter)

Baby Styles Number Three Part Two! (Final Part)

640 13 7
By StylesImagines444

Chapter Thirty Nine

"Okay, here is your little fetus." The doctor said as he moved the wand over my stomach for a clearer picture.

You could hear the babies strong heartbeat, even though, it's only a fetus. I turned to Harry and he had his eyes glued onto the screen. His cheeks showed his dimples as he smiled and he gripped his hand in mine as his eyes got watery.

"The baby seems healthy and quite happy in there, if I'm honest." The doctor laughed and I smiled as he clicked a button, then, turned to us. "How many copies?" He asked, indicating how many pictures we wanted.

"Can we get six, please?" I asked him as Harry's eyes were still fixed onto the screen.

He laughed and nodded before leaving the room. I took my free hand and lifted Harry's chin up to face me.

"Are you okay, Styles?" I giggled and he nodded.

"That's baby Styles number three in there!" He gasped and I nodded.

The door opened a few minutes later and the doctor entered with a white envelope in his hands and a disc. He handed them to Harry before wiping off my stomach with a few tissues and turning off the machine.

"In the envelope, there are six copies of the ultrasound photo and one disc containing a video of the ultrasound in 3D." He explained and we nodded as he picked up his clip board. "Okay, that will be all. Your next appointment is in about four months. See you, then!" He said and I stood up as Harry shook his hand and we left the room.

"Can we go and eat, now?" I asked Harry as I rubbed my stomach.

He laughed and nodded before we left the hospital. When we got into the car, I checked my phone and the time displayed 13:46am. We would go and have lunch, then, drive to Anne's to pick the girls up. Everyone was coming around for dinner tomorrow and I was cooking.

"Where do you wanna go for lunch, babe?" Harry asked and I thought for a second.

"KFC, please." I said and he nodded before taking a left.


We had just arrived at Anne's after a tiring ride. We got out and walked up to the front door and knocked. Anne appeared a few seconds later and smiled when she saw us.

"Come in, come in!" She said and we walked in.

Harry took my coat and hung it up. I smiled and walked into the living room where the girls were, eating their dinner and watching Clifford The Big Red Dog (I used to love that program when I was a kid!). I smiled as they waved when they saw me and Harry.

"We have got something for you." I said as Harry handed them a photo from the envelope.

They smiled when they saw it and I giggled. Harry, then, stood up and walked outside. I frowned, but, thought nothing of it as Anne gushed to Robin about the photo.

Harry appeared a few minutes later and sat down.

"I just ordered us all pizza." He said and I nodded.

I was kinda hungry.

Here, guys! Thank you all so, so, so much. Thank you!

Read, vote and comment!

Emma xxx


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