In Sickness and Health: Todob...

By Todorokiisaweeb

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Todoroki is class 1A's resident badass. He's quiet, calm, cool, and collected. However, he doesn't talk much... More

Bakugou has a question and Todoroki wants soba
Bakugou VS Old man

More Questions Than Answers

1.4K 53 21
By Todorokiisaweeb

Todoroki answered the door, the grumpy teen shoving past him into his Japanese room without even asking. He was wearing differently clothes, now wearing his skull t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. Typical.

Todoroki just sighed as Bakugou glared at him, closing the door to his bedroom.

"What the fuck is up with you icyhot?" He questioned. Todoroki walked back over to his desk, still scattered with pictures and notes. 

"It's not really any of your business." He replied calmly, almost ignoring Bakugou. Now that pissed the hot headed teen off, but todoroki was right, it really wasn't his business. 

"Yeah, that may be true. But it's pretty evident that you don't want people to know, and I'm pretty sure Kirishima would have seen you so I helped your ass. The least you could to is explain why you looked scared shitless."

Todoroki felt a bit guilty, if Bakugou hadn't blocked him from view, Kirishima would have probably asked other classmates why he was at the doctors out of concern. But he was confused again, because Bakugou wasn't yelling, and he wasn't planning to use this as leverage for anything. Where was the Bakugou that constantly blew up in his face?

And Bakugou would usually be doing just that, blowing up. But seeing Todoroki genuinely scared, someone so close to his power level (though he'd never admit it) scared like that, concerned him. 

"So your not gonna tell anyone? Since when did you start caring?" Todoroki teased.

"Oh fuck you! This is what I get for saving your ungrateful ass. What do you I'm some sort of asshole." Bakugou growled, fuming. Todoroki stared at him deadpanned, as if to answer yes to his rhetorical question. Bakugou was ready to explode, his eyes glowing with anger. He wasn't in the mood to put up with icyhots bull shit. He was just about to blow up his face when the Pepsi can answered his question.

"Look, I was just getting tested. My family has a history of some illnesses and my father wanted my to get tested to make sure I didn't have any since they would start popping up at this age. Turns out I didn't have any of them thought. I don't want anyone to know because I don't want them to worry."

There was nothing, not a single thing in Todoroki's body language to believe that todoroki was lying. Bakugou almost believed it, if his instincts hadn't told him otherwise. Things weren't adding up, and he knew something was off. 

"If you didn't wind up having any, why where you scared. Plus, we have gone toe to toe with the league of villains and you didn't even look terrified like that.  It's like your scared of people caring about you, And I keep saying I saved you. What the hell did you need saving from? Your a terrible liar half'n half."

Todoroki frozen, for only a second. He felt his anxiety shot through the roof. Bakugou had pretty much nailed it, and it scares todoroki solid. But he wasn't taken off guard this time. He wasn't going to slip up this time. He wasn't going to be weak.

"What, do think I have some big secret or something, like your uncovering a huge conspiracy? Look, I don't know what to tell you. It was just some blood tests, nothing more. And I guess you saved me from Kirishima and Midoryia's constant worrying. They can be a bit much."

Todoroki's heart was pounding as Bakugou stared him down. On top of that, he could feel the effects of his appointments, sleepiness slowly creeping over him.  Bakugou still didn't believe him, and wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not. But honestly, he was to tired to give a fuck, and was personally ready to destroy his entire class in a snowball fight when he went outside. 

"Whatever candy cane, maybe next time you shouldn't be so rude to someone who 'saved' your ass. You should be kissing my ass." Bakugou grumbled, walking out of Todoroki's room. Just before he closed the door todoroki responded. 

"Nah, I'd rather kick yours ass in training instead."

"Ha! As if" Bakugou said before closing is door with a thud.

Todoroki instantly dropped his act, his anxiety from moments ago coming to the surface. He felt so cold, so unbelievably cold. His breath was frosty,  looking like smoke before disappearing in the heated air. His breathing was so rapid, he felt light head. Because Bakugou had been all to close to realizing was he was hiding. 

It's like your scared of people caring about you

That's what Bakugou had said, more of a provocative remark rather than him expose if Todoroki's lies. But it had been the most dead on thing he had said. It was one hundred percent true, and he wondered if Bakugou knew it. It had only been a five minute conversation at most, and he had almost read todoroki like a book. He would have to distance himself even more, be even more careful, trace his steps even more carefully. Make sure that even if someone was starting at him there was no trace of illness. Of weakness. 

He tried his best to calm himself down, taking deep breaths. But he still felt so cold. His eyes where getting droopy, and he just wanted to sleep and forget about this horrible day for a few hours. He went to crawl into his futon, but not before staring at his classmates outside once again. It seemed like even more of them had joined in the snow day, only not seeing Bakugou out on the scene. Though he probably would soon.

Todoroki just flopped down on his futon, wondering how the hell he was gonna get Bakugou off his ass.

Bakugou was walking back to his dorm room, playing to put on much warmer clothes before destroying his classmates with snow. But he couldn't shake the feeling that todoroki was blatantly lying to him. And again, he knew it wasn't his business. Hell, he barely knew anything about the guy besides his combat skills, witty remarks, and his rather blunt attitude. But he knew todoroki was strong. Strong as fuck, powerful enough to go toe to toe with him. Powerful enough to beat Bakugou if he wasn't careful. So why was he scared? What in gods name did Todoroki have to be scared of? Was he even scared of anything? Was Bakugou just overly paranoid? 

He had gone into Todoroki's room for now explication. But it was as if every answer todoroki had given him lead to two more questions. But one questioned loomed larger in his he than any others.

What was frighting enough to make Todoroki Shouto, the number two hero's son and rising hero himself, scared shirtless like that? 

And Bakugou wasn't sure if he really wanted that answer.


Todoroki woke up a few hours later, his head pounding. He placed a hand to his temple rubbing it softly as he slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the bright light from the window. It was sunset, the snowstorm long past. Todoroki was rather uncomfortable, having fallen asleep in jeans and turtleneck. He got up slowly, still groggy, changing into a simple red hoodie and black sweatpants. Honestly it was already late, and he didn't really feel like eating anything. He just wanted to crawl back into bed. He really should be working on his case though. Looking at the crappy pictures with blurry eyes, he almost walked away from them when something in the picture caught his eye. An extremely thin white line, almost impossibly thin. However he rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things. He opened his eyes again, but he couldn't find that white streak. Now he was wide awake, the possibly of having found something overriding any tiredness he had previously had.  But he couldn't find it, he sat there for a solid ten minutes, scanning over the same photo, but it had almost disappeared. He even held the picture up to his feeling light, hoping it would reveal something to him. 

But he found nothing

Sighing, he wondered if he was losing it, frustration driving him to create things in his mind. He went to close his blinds, blocking most of the singling coming in his room. There was still some light from the cracks but there wasn't much he could do about that. He turned off his light, his room becoming very dark. He turned to his photos, which he could barely see, feeling defeated. 

But then he saw the white line again.

And not one, but hundreds.

He almost ran to his desks where the photo was, tripping over his own feet in the dark. Almost paper thin lines ran all over the photo,  the threads much easier to see in the dark. He check the other photos to, and there they where. Hundreds of them seemingly attached to the innocent people, controlling them. And the glare was not because of some shitty camera, the threads where reflecting the flash of the camera! It makes them extremely hard to trace, Todoroki's eyes losing them in seconds. He quickly pulled out a little magnifying glass from his desk drawer, using it to trace the source of the thin little lines. 

And in every single photo, the lines always pointed to one single place. The sewers.

So the villains quirk was like some sort of puppet master quirk, controlling people from  the shadows. Maybe if they cut the threads the villain would lose control of the person? How stronger where the threads?

Todoroki was ecstatic that he had finally found something after almost two weeks. But it was still frustrating. For every answer he found to this damned case, two more questions need to be solved.

Todoroki liked going in prepared, knowing everything about the villian from there name, quirk, blood type. Absolutely everything. Todoroki would use that information to easily take down his past adversaries, but this time he wasn't sure he was going to be able to do that. 

He might need some help on this one.

Meanwhile Bakugou was reviling in his snowball victory having pretty much nailed everyone in the face with snow.....except for Deku and Iida. The fucking nerds where to fast to hit. But now he was left to his thoughts, and he had a lot of them. 

Graduation was only half a school year away, and then they would go pro. It was almost crazy how fast these past years had gone, and he was gonna miss living with his class, there where always entertain and living alone was gonna be an an adjustment for sure. More importantly, he needed a new internship, one that would possibly take him as a hero. He had thought of interning with Miriko, because she was fucking awesome, but was that his best option? Miriko is defiantly his favorite option, because there so similar in personality and fighting style. As much as he hates it, he needs an internship with someone different, but not to different like best Jeanist. Oh god, he doesn't want to go through something like that again. 

But who? 

He knows he can pretty much get with any hero he wants, his popularity was though the roof. But who would most beneficial? Who would be the best teacher while simultaneously boosting his public image, but also wasn't a complete pain in Bakugou's ass?

His mind drew a blank for the thousandth time. His punch the pillow on his bed hard out of frustration. Most of his other classmates already had there final internships.  Some of his classmates even interned at the same, like Uraraka and Asui. Maybe he could intern with some of his classmates, though the only other two on his level where Deku and todoroki. And while he didn't hate the nerd all that much anymore, interning with him wasn't his favorite idea. And todoroki was with his father......Endeavor....


Holy shit, how stupid was he! Endeavor was exactly what he needed! His power was similar enough, both heat oriented and powerful, but very different in how they attacked. Along with that Endeavor was an all business kind of hero, no messing around. He wouldn't really care about Bakugou's attitude to much as long as he did what he was supposed to. And he was the number one hero! His popularity would soar!

However there where a few problems. Firstly, would Endeavor even want him? He could get into almost any agency he wanted, but Endeavor was an exception. Todoroki wanted to be the number one hero, why the fuck would he nurture the competition? In addition, he would have to work with todoroki. It's not like he hated him, he got on his nerves a lot but which was annoying but not horrible. They worked well in combat together, really well actually. But after today, he wasn't sure todoroki would love the idea of working with him. 

But it was almost to perfect to pass up, this agency had almost everything he needed. Perfect opportunity. And maybe he could figure out why the fuck todoroki was so freaked out at the hospital.

Guess it couldn't hurt to ask Half'n half about it. It's rather weird how that Pepsi can apples in his life today. From that weird moment at the hospital, and now I might intern with him?

Any other day Icy hot wouldn't be a thought in Bakugou's mind, just an obstacle to beat if anything. Just as todoroki was about to fall asleep he had the same thoughts, wondering why a random coincidence lead to him almost being caught in a lie. Why Bakugou had suddenly become more than someone to piss off.

It's funny how coincidences work. How one moment can change someone's life forever. Most of class knew that. If Deku had meet allmight he wouldn't be on track to becoming the number one hero. If Bakugou hadn't been kidnapped maybe allmights rein as number one wouldn't be over. If Midoryia hadn't helped todoroki use his fire, he would have distances himself from his father, never rising to his full potential.

Lives change forever because of one moment. And todoroki and Bakugou didn't know it then, but there lives where about to change, starting a new chapter in both there lives. Weather it changes for the better or up to them.

Authors note: hello again! Here's a second chapter for yah! I just want to add a little disclaimer here. First of all about Todoroki's illness. I might not have 100 percent accurate information on it so it might be a bit twisted for story purposes. Second of all, for those of you who can't handle some super serious topics and angst, you should walk away. Don't worry though there's gonna be some fluff tooo! And finally, there's gonna be some gory shit. I don't think I'll make it to bad, nothing worse than the anime, but be warned. Now for a little game! The first villian of the story is a not actually completely original! It is going to be heavily inspired by a villian from another anime! Can you guess who? If not then see you in the next chapter!

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