Noted (Poe Dameron X Reader)

By Cats_Ewoks_Porgs

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You never had the luxury of choosing which side you wanted to fight on. There was never a question, Resistanc... More

1- Present
2- Optional
3- Patience
Chapter 4- A Reason
Chapter 5- Right Around the Corner
Chapter 6- Sanctuary
A/N- Bros
Chapter 7- Treason
Chapter 8- Voice of Reason
Chapter 10- Another Day
Chapter 11: Sorting It Out
Chapter 12: A New Perspective

Chapter 9- An Old Friend

772 23 1
By Cats_Ewoks_Porgs

        After the meeting concluded, you were left standing awkwardly next to General Organa, who was speaking to commanding officers about upcoming missions and what to do with this newfound information.
     Your eyes curiously wandered the room, the dozens of chairs littered before the podium. As you looked around, your eyes met a familiar resistance pilots.
        It was Poe. He moved towards you, patting a friend of his on he back. From the sidelines, Ëilee watched as he made his way towards you.
        After a brief break in her conversation, you placed a hand on her shoulder, "Excuse me, General."
         You met him halfway, and he stared blankly into your eyes. His lips curved into a somewhat smile, and he shook his head, "Are you really here? It's you? Y/N?"
        "Poe... That would be me," You responded, swallowing down the bile that rose in your throat. Your heart was racing.
       "I doubt your name is Poe," He let out a breathy laugh, "How did you get here? Last thing I remember-"
      "You left the base. With a stormtrooper, nonetheless. Caused an uproar, you know?" You began, "Poe, I-"
      You were cut off by an approaching Ëilee, who approached you cautiously, "Y/N, I need to speak with you," He said in a hushed tone.
      "Can't it wait?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. Half of you wanted to stay and speak with Poe, while the other half wanted to follow Ëilee to found out how exactly he knew your name.
      Poe looked between the two of you, head tilted slightly to one side, surveying your conversation with curiosity.
       "Now would be the best time," Ëilee explained, "I have a mission tomorrow."
     You nodded, "Excuse me, Poe. I hope we can speak later on?"
     He nods, looking at you and Ëilee before turning away, placing a hand where his necklace would have been.


        You and Ëilee walked out of the meeting hall, and into a refresher. You kept your fists clenched, ready to try and deck him at any minute if he tried anything.
     However, you had a sense of trust in him. He had brought you into the resistance, so you owed him, in a way. You just didn't owe him anything you weren't comfortable giving.
      Ëilee closed and locked the refresher door, turning to you, "I'm sorry about the... choice of location. I thought taking you to my chambers would be considered overstepping. No one really uses this refresher, so I figured it was our best bet at privacy."
      "Privacy?" You questioned, "Just so you know- I'm was in the First Order, I could deck you."
      "Deck me? I don't doubt that," He chuckled, "There's nothing to worry about, I just want to explain myself."
      You nodded, "The moment I've been waiting- and dreading."
      "I know it's bizarre and worrisome to have someone you barely know come up to you and use your full name," He explained, "It wasn't the right time. The explanation is simple, really."
        After a moment of silence, you motioned for him to continue, "Your explanation?"
      "Oh! Yes- Well, as you already know, I was on a mission to attack a First Order base on an uncharted planet. We were given a list of everyone who would be executed- including some of our very own resistance members. I had to memorize it, to make sure we got everyone out. We did our best, of course," He sighed, "They gave us all the information on you. Your name, full name, status, relatives, occupation. It included a photo. Dated, but it still looked like you."
      "Maybe you should have explained that before you made me think you were out to kill me," You said.
      "I'm sorry, truly. I didn't know if you were who I thought you were," He sighed.
      "And who am I?" You asked, raising a brow at him, arms crossed.
      "Someone's who's been through a hell of a lot these past few days."
    "I better go. Thank you for speaking with me and explaining the situation," You gave him a weak, small smile, heading towards the refresher door.
      "Good luck, Y/N," He said as you exit the refresher. Once you were out of ear shot, he frowned, "You'll need it..."

       As you made your way back to your small, yet cozy, quarters, you ran into Poe.
      You almost walked right by each other without noticing, but you quickly turned around and said his name, causing him to turn his head to you, which resulted with him turning around and walking towards you.
     "I'm sorry about earlier,"You apologized, "I got side tracked."
     "I know," He sighed.
    "I do want a chance to talk to you. Maybe tomorrow night?" You offer.
     He frowns, "Wouldn't want to cause anything between you and Ëilee."
     "Me and Ëilee?" You question, then it clicked, "Romantically? No- no no. He's very kind- and I do trust him. But that's as far as it goes. A good friend."
       Poe nods, "Tomorrow would be good, then. It'll give you a chance to meet bee-bee."
    "Bee-Bee?" You ask, titling your head, "Is that some sort of pet?"
    "Droid," He answered, "My second in command, in his mind. And mine, too. Though General Organa denies it."
      You let out a breathy, "Well, Bee-Bee sounds like an amazing second in command."
      After you agreed to tomorrow night, you returned to your quarters, slumping in front of your door, your feet hitting the bed in front of you.
       Tomorrow would be great, wouldn't it? Your first day before beginning training as a mechanic, which would most likely leave you exhausted. Then, the same day, you got to see Poe and return your- his- necklace. You would get to see Ëilee, too. On the downside, you had no idea what was coming next. You knew it was something catastrophic. You just didn't exactly know how devastating- but you didn't want to find out.
      What have you gotten yourself into?

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