A Dance with Darkness and Lig...

By OGCarrel

1.5K 114 7

Wordcount: 88.33K A bully in school, a parasite as a grown-up. The shadow of a man. A shunned member of socie... More

1: Room Full of Stars
2: Dead Prince Walking
3: Visit In The Mists
4: Demands
5: The Eastern City
6: The Difference
7: The Invitation
8: Dungeon Entertainment
9: Dining with Brothers
10: Return to Solgang City
11: A Fish Hunting A Flea, Unaware Of The Hawk
12: Don't Fear The Reaper
13: The Darkness Rises
14: Heavy Rain I
15: Heavy Rain II
16: Night out with the Silkpants
17: Redrum, Come And Get Some!
18: No Honor, No Face
19: Yao Ling And Elder Fu
20: On The Road
21: A Kingdom Forged by Thunder
22: No Blood Left
23: You're Mine...
25: ...And I'm Yours
25: Slapping Faces Before The Trials
26: The First Trial
27: The Labyrinth I
28: The Labyrinth II
29: The Labyrinth III
30: Shadow of the Blade
31: Blocked At The Door
32: Moonlight
33: Event Horizon
34: Argent Moon - Golden Sun
35: Belated Birthday Party
36: The Hidden Dragon Trials Turn...
38: ...Into A Dragon's Feast
38: Ten Dragons Emerge
39: Inside The Library
40: The Banquet
41: Meeting The Adversaries
42: The Royal Tournament Begins
43: The First Match
44: The Tournament In Full Force
45: Making An Example
47: The First Round Concludes
48: The Quarter-Finals Begin
49: Jian vs Bazuul
50: Blood Essence
51: The Semi-Finals Start
52: Bazuul vs Horlet
53: A Dream For Many
54: Back In Ralun
55: There Is No Love Like The First
56: Rion Ebonwillow
57: You Make For The Perfect...

46: Contrast In Conduct

13 2 0
By OGCarrel

Bazuul walked up to the balcony and sat back on his seat. Some had a rather odd expression on their face when they looked at him. If he could do that to a girl, how vicious would he be to men? Massimo Dias, for‌ ‌example, formed a rule not even to give him the chance to cast whatever magic he had used in that fight. Merely a few were still reserved enough and understood that this was the only punishment for constantly talking smack. Would any of them react differently after a while? This had nothing to do with being a man or a woman. This was the responsibility to bear for one's faults.

"Was that too much?" He asked while looking at Elanar.

Elanar had become aware that Bazuul felt a little ashamed of his violent tendencies, back in the akashic library. As to why she was not clear on, neither had she any idea on how he felt this way. Bazuul had lived in a state full of rage and hatred for nearly fifteen years, but after being reborn here, he slowly changed. In truth, he didn't change much before meeting a certain someone here in Leizyr. Only two months ago he killed many without even flinching in the eastern city. He didn't mind then, neither had he felt shame -- no, it was the same feeling as when he killed or suppressed others back on Earth, a sense of empowerment.

"A little extreme, yes, but not too much. She is alive, isn't she?" She answered as if it were a fact. Since Elanar did not remember anything from Earth and had grown up on Tiamat, she also grew up with the mentality of this world. The Seven Kingdoms especially, were not necessarily a place where the strong bullied the weak, but the weak were undoubtedly suppressed. Also, shedding blood was a common occurrence in everyday life, even for the descendants of royalties.

Feeling slightly relieved that she didn't look at him differently, he said with a sigh, "Well, she did threaten to make me the last living eunuch."

When Elanar heard this, she felt slightly annoyed and said, "Well then you went easy on her! No worries."

Bazuul felt kind of sweet after talking about it to her, especially the no worries made him feel like his chest was about to burst from the light inside. Still looking at each other, a voice suddenly entered their ears. "I think you might have misunderstood me earlier, young prince, I have no interest in your female." Both turned their heads, although Bazuul was already aware who was addressing him again, of course, it was Horlet Richat. Elanar slightly blushed after a person she didn't know called her Bazuul's woman.

"That woman's voice annoyed me, also the punishment dealt was very entertaining. After all," Horlet continued, "the lesser beings around us have to be taught well, don't you agree?" Bazuul looked at him intensely; for some reason, he didn't like the guy. He wasn't sure before why, but he had at least found a clue now. First, he called Elanar his female, and then called his previous opponent a lesser being. He did agree that Valentina was someone lesser though, but considering the way, he called Elanar his female Bazuul didn't think he meant Valentina's inferior mind when he said that. Disinclined to talk to that guy he turned his gaze back to the battle platform and ignored him; this caused an enchanting giggle to escape the person next to Horlet, Nazela Amenti. Luckily, another inferior being helped Bazuul ignore the two of them.

"What do you mean his female? ARE YOU EVEN AWARE WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! What even are you? Know your place, or I'll make you understand your position." Arkenon erupted from the side.

Bazuul really couldn't be bothered with them. Elanar also turned her gaze to the battle platform, the blush from before had intensified. This time around it was her that felt ashamed. Once more, her eldest brother was causing a scene. It would be better to focus on the two contestants standing ready on the stage, then on anything else right now.

After all, the first princess of Donar, Ragna Donarim, and Jian Zheng were going to fight now. The latter being a person nearly everyone had been warned of before departing for Leizyr. A youngster hailed as the only potential swordsman to become as great as his father, a sword saint in the making.

"FIGHT!" Tyr's voice reverberated throughout the arena.

Immediately afterward, the sound of two swords clashing rang through the stands and into the heavens. One sword was emitting crackling noises while lightning traveled on its surface from time to time. While the others, Jian Zheng's to be precise, was soundless. To the viewer, this match seemed to be a tough one, seeing that both looked to be in a sorry state. Apart from the noise of swords clashing the spectators were silent, they held their breath at the speed and intensity this fight brought with it. Then again, if one looked closely, one would notice that under the sliced-up clothing both wore, only one of them had wounds with blood dripping, it was Ragna.

Every of Jian's strokes was carried several meters forward by the wind, while Ragna approached her target with incredible speed every time.

Two people who fought with their swords, but had completely different tactics. While one favored a sword fight in close quarters, the other preferred to keep his distance. This almost cat and mouse play kept going on for nearly twenty minutes. Eventually, though, Jian Zheng disarmed her elegantly and held the tip of his sword on her neck, which gave Ragna no other choice but to surrender. This way of defeating his opponent was in stark contrast to the brutal match before. Therefore, the reaction of the crowd was completely different than before, as they broke out into cheers and applause.

Bazuul had wanted to see Jian Zheng fight ever since his father had warned him and his brothers about the swordsman. Although this match seemed to be a tough one, he had an inkling that Jian had not yet used his all in this match. Even then, Bazuul still felt confident about winning if he had to confront Jian Zheng somewhere along with the tournament. Albeit a hard-fought victory, it would be his nonetheless.

Jian Zheng returned to his seat on the balcony and sat there silently, his opponent, Ragna, was escorted out of the arena.

There would be a short pause now before the tournament would resume to its eighth match. Another match between two unequal opponents, but it might be an interesting one nonetheless.

One of them being the crown-prince of Eras, Markus Bender. The other being a young girl from the proudest family of warriors in Ralun, Emilia Stark. As to why this was another match of unequal opponents was easy to explain. Markus was seventeen years old and in the seventh stage of the true qi realm. While Emilia was fourteen years old and in the fifth stage of the true qi realm, the gap in cultivation and age was, in this case, huge. Although, as seen before, in the case of Walter, back in the third stage of the hidden dragon trials, disparities could be overcome.

Sadly, and to the regret of Bazuul and the other two fellow competitors from Ralun, it was not the case this time around. While Emilia fought valiantly and managed to dish out some damage, the other party was simply too strong. Another contrast to Bazuul's match was this one too. Toward the end of the match, Markus softly pushed her off the stage, therefore winning. He was still full of vitality, but his face was flushed beet red when he watched Emilia's back disappearing in the hall.

The crowd once more erupted into cheers and applause, and Markus returned to his seat.

Even then, three out of four competitors from Ralun had made it to the second round of the royal tournament.

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