Barry and Iris OS

By Rauraflash2020

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So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... More

No Nora No.
The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Killer Frost
Elongated Journey into the night
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
License to Elongate
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
Dead or Alive
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

Cause and Effect

66 2 0
By Rauraflash2020

Hey everyone
So I finished the Nora chapter. Anyways here we go

Previously on the Flash
" If the answers that we need to stop Savitar and save you,are in the future then that's where I need to go." Barry says.
" You're from before she dies, aren't you?" Future 2024 Barry asks.
" You stopped Savitar in the speed force. Just tell me how you did it." Barry 2017 asks.
" I had help. Her name's Tracy Brown. She made the Speed Force trap for me." Barry 2024 says.
" You're telling me my ideas about the Speed Force -I'm right?" Tracy asks.
" In the future. We need you to build this trap now." Barry says.
Glass shatters
" Caitlin's after Tracy. That means she's working with Savitar." Cisco says.
" So you talked to Cecile?" Barry asks.
"Told her I love her. Told her everything. Told her that you're the Flash." Joe says.
" Like I told you from the beginning, I'm the future Flash." Savitar says as he gets out of the armor.

" It's like looking in a mirror. Well not quite." Savitar says.
" You're not so scary without your armor." Barry says.
" What can I say? I outgrew red." Savitar says.
" I know what you are. You're a time remnant." Barry says.
" A temporal duplicate when you run back in time and meet yourself. You brought a remnant to life last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died, saving the multiverse and you continued your happy little life. And it would've stayed that way, but then you decided to play God. You created Flashpoint and changed everything." Savitar says.
" I went to the future. My future self told me he created time remnants to stop you. But you slaughtered them all." Barry says.
" All but one. Me. I lived. But a funny thing happened when I did. You, Joe,Wally, Cisco. You all shunned me because I wasn't the true Barry Allen. I was an aberration. A disposable hero. Future you failed to mention that, didn't he?" Savitar asks.
" How did you become Savitar?"Barry asks.
" I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when I realised the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Iris to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born." Savitar says.
" And the other?" Barry asks.
" It may sound ironic given who I'm talking to, but that one I'll keep to myself." Savitar says.
"What happens if I kill myself? If I kill myself, you'll never be created." Barry says.
" Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie,did it? Shot himself in the chest. Thawne's still kicking around. See that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you." Savitar says.
" But us having this conversation right now we're changing the future." Barry says.
" Are we? My ascendency is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten." Savitar says.
Barry speeds and tries fighting with Savitar
" You're gonna die right here!" Barry says.
" I forgot to tell you my suit's cooler than yours." Savitar says.

STAR labs
" It's impossible." Iris says.
" I don't understand. How can Savitar be you?" Joe asks.
" He's not me. Not really." Barry says.
" He's all the worst parts of you. It's like in Star Trek when the transporter splits Kirk into good Kirk and bad Kirk. Please tell me you have Star Trek on your earth." Cisco asks HR.
" Voyager." HR says.
" I hate spinoffs." Cisco says.
" That explains why Caitlin was willing to follow him. He has a face that she trusts." Julian says.
" Half of one anyway." Barry says leaning back in his chair.
" So when the Legends found that message in the Waverider from old you saying " don't trust Barry Allen" it was talking about Savitar Barry Allen. Cisco chuckles
Oh ho ho. This is coming together in the best way possible." Cisco says.
" You said you made Savitar? How?" Joe asks.
" Peep this. Four years from now, future Flash creates a time remnant to fight Savitar. But Savitar let's that remnant live so that later it can become Savitar. So once Savitar is imprisoned in the Speed Force, this remnant starts to go crazy. And he goes back in time to the past and becomes Savitar." Cisco says.
" Creating the lie that he was the first speedster, spreading the myth and recruiting acolytes throughout the ages." Julian says.
" That doesn't make sense. Which came first, Savitar or the time remnant?" Joe asks.
" It's It's a closed loop. No beginning, no end. It's just one endless cycle." Cisco says.
" Classic chicken and the egg scenario, I think, eh?"HR asks.
" A time remnant, it's, um, like like a duplicate of you, right? Your feelings your memories. So why would it want to hurt us? Why would it want to kill Iris?" Wally asks.
" HR, how's Tracy coming with the Speed Force trap?" Barry asks as he leaves.
" Good, yeah, good. Slow." HR says.
" Get her to speed up, all right?" Barry says.
" I'll do that. Can do." HR says.
" If Savitar is a version of Barry from the remembers everything that Barry does, how are we gonna come up with a plan to stop him?" Wally asks.

In the speed lab
" What was he like?" Iris asks Barry.
" Broken." Barry says.
" You know ( Iris sighs) all this time I thought Savitar was a monster. It's hard to picture what might happen, and it being you that I I know it's not you." Iris says.
" I'm part of him is. He said it was like looking in a mirror, and he was right. But not just the way he looked. It was his eyes. The pain that was inside them. I've seen that in myself. When I think how my parents died so violently sometimes I want to repay that violence with more violence. I want to make someone else hurt as much as I do." Barry says.
" But you don't do that ever. You're a good person." Iris says.
" But it's in there, you know. It's in me. That power, that pain, that's where Savitar comes from. From loss. From losing you." Barry says.
" You're not gonna lose me. Do you hear me? And we are going to stop Savitar. You are not alone. He is. And he is not a God. " Iris says.
Barry sighs deeply
" Jay told me that we were not God's. He was wrong. We could be. Any speedster, and it wouldn't take much. When the love that we feel on our hearts is drowned in anger when the bad memories outweigh the good ones. What am I going to have to become to stop him?" Barry asks.

Cisco comes into the speed lab
"Oh, bad time?" Cisco asks.
" No man, what's up?" Barry asks.
" I came up with the best idea ever. Either that or its the worst idea ever. But." Cisco says.
" It's an idea. " Barry says.
" It's an idea." Cisco says.

In the speed lab
" You want to give me a perm?" Barry asks.
" It's not for your hair, Steel Magnolia. This is for your brain, okay? I want to stop you from making new memories." Cisco says.
" What are you talking about?" Iris asks.
" Savitar knows everything we're gonna do because he remembers doing it. He's a future Barry. So what if Barry can't remember what we're doing now?" Cisco asks.
" You want to mess with his brain?" Joe asks.
" Just a little bit. It's a minimal procedure. It'll be the same Barry you know and love, except he just won't be able to retain new information." Cisco says.
" There are two types of memory, Allen. Short term and long term. Long term is where you." Julian says.
" Okay, Julian just stop. This is my presentation. I'm the expert here. This is the part of the brain that retains new information before sending it to the cortex to be stored forever. So what if we block that chain with a magnetic disruption?" Cisco asks.
" So Savitar won't be able to remember whatever strategy we come up with to defeat him." Iris says.
" Which means he can't be two steps ahead of us anymore." Wally says.
" With any luck,we'll actually put him one step hehind." Julian says.
" Beautiful. Cause and effect." Cisco says.
" Barry, what do you think?"Iris asks.
" Let's do it." Barry says as he sits in the chair.
" Wait, wasn't Caitlin the expert on brains around here?" Joe asks.
" She was. But this something we'll have to do without her."Cisco says.
" I trust you." Barry says.
" You won't feel a thing." Cisco says.
" Okay, let's get this show on the road. The disruptor is attached to your hippocampus. So, it's ready." Julian says.
" Ready for zapping." Cisco says.
" Can we not call it " zapping?" Joe asks.
" Ready to activate. In three two one." Cisco says.
Barry remembers
" Sweet dreams, my beautiful boy." Nora says.
" Way to go slugger. Run, Barry, run." Henry says.
" I have watched you be in love with Iris." Joe says.
" Maybe we were meant to be together." Iris says.

" Okay, that should do it." Cisco says.
" All right. Right. How do you feel?" Julian asks.
Julian clears his throat
" How do you feel?" Julian asks.
" I feel fine." Barry says.
" You see? He feels fine." Cisco says.
" Barry. " Iris says.
" Barry?" Joe says.
" Barry."Julian says.
" Who's Barry?" Barry asks.
" Not fine." Cisco says.
" Who are all of you? What's going on?" Barry asks.
" Seriously, who are you guys?" Very asks.
" Okay, Barry stay calm." Iris says.
" Who's Barry?" Barry asks.
" Cisco!" Joe says.
" Slight miscalculation." Cisco says.
" Slight wouldn't be a word I'd use." Joe says.
" Where the hell am I? Is this dentist offiice?" Barry asks.
" No, no. This is STAR Labs." Iris says.
" St labs. A laboratory? St a laboratory? What are you? Are you guys experimenting on me?" Barry asks.
" No one is ex Well yes, technically, yes. But but it was cool consensual." Julian says.
" You were. You." Barry asks.
" Yes." Julian says.
" Why can't I remember anything? Why can't I remember my name?" Barry says.
" Your name is Barry." Iris says.
" My name's not Barry. My name's Bartholomew Henry Allen. That's not a good name." Barry says.
" Look Barry." Iris says.
" Are you sure I don't go by Bart? Can " Bart" feels more natural to me. Can we go with Bart?" Barry asks.
" Bart's kinda cool." Wally says.
" Okay?"barry says.
" Wally?" Joe says.
" Okay, hey let's get you back in the chair." Cisco says.
"No, no, no. I'm I'm not getting back in the chair." Barry says.
" Let's get you back in the chair." Cisco says.
" No, how do I know you didn't kidnap me to do some weird brain cm surgery on me. Or maybe you're like those criminals who trick people into hotel rooms so they can steal their kidneys." Barry says.
Barry gasps
" Do I still have my kidneys." Barry asks.
" We don't want your kidneys." Julian says.
" Okay Barry, look at these photographs. We're your family, your friends. We just want to help you, okay?" Iris says.
Barry sees his ring that he picked for Iris
" That's a nice ring. Who's the lucky guy?" Barry asks.
" You are, Barry. Look, I know you're scared, okay? You can trust us." Iris says.
" Cisco. A minute." Joe says.
" Yes, sir." Joe says.
" I'm gonna be right back, okay? Wally, stay with him, okay?" Iris says.
" Me?" Wally asks.

" So how do we know each other?" Barry says.
" Oh, I'm your brother." Wally says.

In the other room
" There is no sign of permanent structural damage." Cisco says.
"Then why can't he remember anything?" Iris asks.
" Julian?" Cisco says.
" He appears to be suffering from some sort of psychogenic retrograde amnesia." Julian says.
" Amnesia." Cisco says.
" What if we didn't account for Barry's neural velocity, due to his super speed." Julian says.
" Wait, do we think he knows he's the Flash. That he has super speed." Joe asks.

Cisco opens the door to the med lab
" Hey, Barry. Catch." Cisco says as he throws something.
" Oh my God." Cisco says.
" He's like God awful."Julian says.
" He's pathetic." Cisco says.
" Can we flip a switch undo it." Joe asks.
"Okay, we are not flipping anymore switches- until we figure this thing out." Iris says.
Joe's phone vibrates
" It's Cecile." Joe says.
" An emergency? Okay, bye." Joe says.

" Okay, Cecile needs Barry at CCPD, like, right now. She says it's urgent." Joe says.
" He can't possibly go out in that condition." Julian says.
" Okay, um, you dad and I will take Barry to Cecile. You and Cisco figure out a way get Barry's memory back. And fast." Iris says.

Later in Cisco's workshop Tracy is trying to build the Speed Force device to trap Savitar
" You don't want to work? Well then,I don't need you." Tracy says.
" Um, am I to infer then that, uh, you've hit a speed bump in a quest to build a device to trap Savitar in the Speed Force. The the. HR says.
"The accelerated matter microgenerated projectile. No I know. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue." Tracy says.
" No it doesn't. How about we call this fancy device of yours." HR says.
" You know, you probably shouldn't." Tracy says.
" Call it the Speed Force canon." HR says.
" Speed Force Bazooka." Tracy says.
" Speed Force gun." HR says.
HR and Tracy together
" Speed Force Bazooka."
" Is better, yeah. But if the Speed Force Bazooka doesn't start workinv soon, we're gonna have to start calling it the Speed Force Epic Fail." Tracy says.
" Why? What's the problem?"HR asks.
" Okay, the accelerometer. It sucks a hell of a lot of watts- which is measured." Tracy says.
" Alright. Stop talking science! You need to take a step back from the Speed Force bazooka." HR says.
" There's not time." Tracy says.
" There's always time! Because sometimes to move forward, you have to take a step back. Step back! You see?" HR asks.
" Yes." Tracy says.
" Shake a little. ( Tracy mumbles) Shake out those shoulders. I feel like." HR says.
" Oh, oh my Gosh?" Tracy says.
" The tension in your shoulders. Think if something that calms you." HR says.
" Coffee. " Tracy says.
" Co. Oh yes." HR says.
" But not just any coffee. Piping hot Indonesian with." Tracy says.
HR and Tracy say together
" Raspberry and coriander."
" I have never met another person who uses copious amounts of caffeine to chill out." Tracy says.
" I've never met another person either. I I I I'm relaxed. Are you relaxed? HR asks.
" Mhm-mhm." Tracy says.
" Mhm-mhm. You uh and I'll." HR says.
" Yeah." Tracy says.
" I mean okay. Yeah." HR says.

" Good morning people." Cecile says.
" Hi. I'm Barry Allen. You can call me Bart." Barry says.
" Okay." Cecile says.
" So you said there was an emergency. Where's the fire?" Joe asks.
"Ah, funny you should say that. Luscious Coolidge." Cecile says.
" Who?" Barry asks.
" Heat Monger. The worst arsonist Central City's ever seen since Mick Rory went off the scene. That is until Flash here stopped him."Cecile says.
" What's Flash?" Barry asks.
" Uh, ah, so what what is the problem?" Iris asks.
" Judge Hankerson. He's got an opening in his docket, so he moved Coolidge's probable cause hearing up to this afternoon. Barry was the CSI on the case. So I need him to testify in order to hold Coolidge over for trial." Cecile says.
" Uh,yeah, no. Barry can't do that." Joe says.
" Why not?" Cecile asks.
They go into Singh's office
" What do you mean he has amnesia?" Cecile asks.
" Bar, what's her name?" Joe asks.
" Uh, Felicia?" Barry says.
" Oh my God. Is this is this like a Flash thing. Was he battling a super villain who used his evil powers to steal Barry's memory?" Cecile asks.
Joe laughs
" Uh, no we sort of accidently did this to him ourselves." Joe says.
" Why?" Cecile asks.
" That doesn't matter. What does matter is you stalling that judge. Barry is in no condition to testify in court." Joe says.
" Joe, if Barry can't testify, Coolidge walks. And then God help us all." Cecile says.
" Okay, we'll figure something out." Joe says.
" Please do." Cecile says.
" It was nice meeting you." Barry says.
" Yeah. You too Bart." Cecile says.
" I've got some friends a the court house. I'm gonna go down there and see if I can delay this whole Coolidge situation, okay?" Joe says and leaves.
Barry sits on the couch
" I'm sorry." Barry says.
" For what?" Iris asks.
" I don't know. It just seems that everybody is upset and it feels like it's my fault." Barry says.
" No, no not at all. Look , we just want you to get back to normal,that's it, okay?" Iris says.
" Well I would, if I could remember what normal is. I mean, what have you and I been doing lately? Are we planning the wedding? Like, are we sending out wedding invitations or picked a honeymoon destination or. Am I a warm weather guy or a cold weather guy?" Barry asks.
" Actually we've been a little busy lately so." Iris says.
" With what?" Barry asks.
" Um, nothing you need to worry about,okay?" Iris says.
" Okay. You know what's weird. I know we just ate, but I'm already feeling hungry."Barry says.
" Let's get some food in you." Iris says.
" All right." Iris says.
" Okay." Barry says.
Later in Savitar's lair
" What's that saying? Man plans and God laughs. Well, men are planning. And what's the God of speed doing? Kneeling. Brooding time is over. You revealed yourself. Now what? Any idea what to do with Flash and friends. Because we are getting pretty close to your big becoming, and if we don't take them down, neither one of us gets what we want.( She knocks on the kneeling armor) Hello, anybody home?" Killer Frost asks.
Savitar picks her up and chokes her
" What are you doing?" Killer Frost asks.
" Who are you?" Barry/ Savitar asks.
" What's wrong with you?" Killer Frost asks.
" Who am I?" Barry/ Savitar asks.

CC Jitters
With Barry and Iris
" Science club?" Barry asks.
Barry laughs
" Yeah." Iris says.
" Key club." Barry says.
" Mm-hmh." Iris says.
" Astronomy club?" Barry asks.
"Yup." Iris says.
" Yearbook." Barry says.
" Yup." Iris says.
" And anime club." Barry says.
" Oh yeah. You loved loved dragon ball Z." Iris says.
" I don't know what that is." Barry says.
" Yeah, I couldn't explain that show to you even if I wanted to." Iris says.
" Okay." Barry says.
" Sorry." Iris says.
" I definitely had quite the nerd thing going on, huh?" Barry says.
" Yeah, a little bit." Iris says.
" I thought you said we were best friends in high school." Barry asks.
" Yeah, we were." Iris says.
" Then why didn't you give me some advice, help me out?" Barry asks.
" Oh, believe my I tried." Iris says.
" Really?" Barry asks.
" Yes." Iris says.
" Okay, because I have evidence you did not. Uh, I don't remember this, but even I can see how wrong that look was." Barry says.

Iris laughs
" This is visual terrorism. I won't look at it anymore."Barry says.

Iris looks at Barry
" What?" Barry asks.
" Uh you just you're so different. You're so light." Iris says.
Barry laughs
" What do you mean?" Barry asks.
" I don't know, it's like you're not carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders." Iris says.
" So what, I was brooding all the time before?" Barry asks.
" Sometimes." Iris says.
" Yeah." Barry says.
" Yeah." Iris says.
" Really." Barry says.
Barry laughs
" I don't know, it's just it's really nice to see you smiling so much." Iris says.
" I mean how could I not, knowing I'm gonna be with you for the rest of my life." Barry says.
Both Barry and Iris laugh
Barry's phone buzzes
" Uh-oh. I got to get to the courthouse." Barry says.
" Oh, yeah. Of course." Iris says.
" Yeah. I gotta." Barry says as he goes closer to see kiss Iris.
" Hey, yeah." Iris says.
" Um I'll yeah." Barry says.
" Yeah." Iris says.
" Yeah." Barry says.

The courthouse
" Docket number CC- 15- 204. Evidentiary hearing for Central City versus the defendant, Lucious Coolidge. I see the city wishes to fike." Judge Hankerson says.
" Cutting it really close, guys." Joe says.
" Felony charges. Judge Hankerson says.
" You ready to testify?" Cecile asks.
" No. I am not." Barry says.
" Yes, he is. He just needs one minute, please." Julian says.
" The prosecution may proceed." Judge Hankerson says.
" Too late. He's up." Cecile says.
" Here. Just take these." Cisco says.
" I wear glasses?" Barry asks.
" You will now. Just put em on. You'll be okay." Cisco says.
" Just don't get them wet." Julian says.
" What?" Barry asks.
Cecile clears her throat
" Your honor I would like to call Barry Allen to the stand." Cecile says.
Barry goes to the box and stand
" Raise your right hand, please. You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Judge Hankerson asks.
" I do, yes." Barry says.
" Thank you. Ms. Horton." Judge Hankerson says.
" Mr . Allen." Cecile says.
" Can I sit?" Barry asks.
" Please." Cecile says.
Cecile motions to Barry to sit
" You are a crime scene investigator for the Central City Police Department, correct?" Cecile asks.
Barry exhales sharply
" Uh oh this is so cool." Barry says.
" Well, I'm glad you enjoy testifying, but please just answer the question." Judge Hankerson says.
" Of course." Barry says.
Barry clears his throat
" Uh, yes I am a CSI at the CCPD under the expert direction of Julian Albert.. smiley face." Barry says.
" Want to cut it out with the emojis?" Cisco asks.
" Mr. Allen, can you tell me in your honest opinion, what substance you see in this photograph?" Cecile asks.
" Uh, shellac flakes. Shellac is a resin secreted by female lac bugs in Thailand. That's too fast. That's too fast." Barry says.
" Mr. Allen, are you okay?" Judge Hankerson asks.
" Yes, I'm sorry. I'm fine. It's just it's getting hot in here." Barry says.
" What else is unique about shellac flakes?" Cecile asks.
" It's the fire accelerant used in all of the arson cases associated with Heat Monger." Barry says.
Julian scoffs
" Such an embarrassing name." Julian says.
"I like it. I think it's great." Cisco says.
" And how would you know when shellac flakes have been used?" Cecile asks.
" We calculate flame temperature and burn patterns, and telltale sign is when shellac is burned into potassium percolate or ammonium percolate, which is considered a high temperature accelerant fire." Barry says.
" Hmm. So, then would you say the fire in these photos would be considered high temperature accelerant fires?" Cecile asks.
" Uh yes because." Barry says as his glasses split
" Ow." Barry says.
" Uh -oh." Joe says.
" Um Mr. Allen can you continue?" Judge Hankerson asks.
"Yes yes I can I can continue. The uh, yes, the fires were high temperature accelerant fires, because the flames were very yellow." Barry says.
" Mr. Allen." Judge Hankerson says.
Barry softly whimpers
" Ms Horton, if Mr. Allen is unable to elaborate,I'll have no choice but to dismiss. Mr Allen? " Judge Hankerson asks.
" That's um. ( Barry sighs) " Barry says.
" Dismissed." Judge Hankerson says.

Later Cisco and Julian meet Wally outside the elevator
" How did it go?" Wally asks.
" Marvelous. They let the Pyro go." Julian says.
" What went wrong? " Wally asks.
" Everything. Barry's memory loss is t starting to become a problem." Cisco says.
They enter the cortex and see Killer Frost
" It sure is. For more than just him." Killer Frost says.
Wally tries using his speed
" I don't have my speed any more." Wally says.
" Not anymore. And I know why. If you want to fix this and help Barry, you are gonna do exactly as I say." Killer Frost says.

With Barry and Iris in their apartment
" Now this Heat Monger's gonna go free because of me, and and I feel awful." Barry says.
" Barry, it's not your fault." Iris says.
"It's just that there is the streets, and I can't do anything about it." Barry says.
Iris sighs
" What? Is that something I would've said before?" Barry asks.
" That is something you would've said before. There's just something about you that always want to help." Iris says.

Iris switches lights on and Barry gets a better look at the apartment
" This is our place? How do we afford to live here? Wow! You have great taste." Barry says.
" Uh, actually this is all you." Iris says.
" I find that hard to believe." Barry says.
Barry chuckles
" Is that me?" Barry asks looking at a photo of him when he was younger.
" Yeah." Iris says.
" Who are these people?" Barry asks looking at a picture of Henry and Nora.
" They're your parents. You don't remember anything about what happened?" Iris asks.
" Why, did something happen?" Barry asks.
" They died. It was unexpected, but they died peacefully. That's why you came to live with Joe and me." Iris says.
" And that's when we met." Barry says.
" Uh, no,actually, we were friends before them. I remember the first time that I saw you. You were the happiest boy I have ever met." Iris says.
" I have a feeling that was because you entered my life." Barry says.
Barry kisses Iris
" It's okay. " Iris says.
Suddenly Barry gets his speed back and falls on the couch
" What the." Barry says.
He falls next to the couch
" Barry, are you okay?" Iris asks.
" What just happened to me?" Barry asks.

Joe, Iris and Barry are walking to the cortex
" These powers are so cool. I can feel electricity coursing through my body. I mean, is it always like this? This is amazing ( they walk into the cortex) We just walked into a buzz kill. " Barry says.
" My presence usually dampens the mood." Killer Frost.
" Joe, don't." Cisco says.
" You fire, I'll fire." Killer Frost says.
" What the hell is she doing here?" Joe asks.
" She wants to help. " Cisco says.
" Help?" Joe asks.
" With what?" Iris asks.
" With the fact that I lost my powers." Wally says.
" Barry, why don't you give us a minute." Iris says.
" Sure, yeah. Are you like a super villain?" Barry asks.
Killer Frost gives Barry a look
" Just asking. Okay." Barry says.
" How did this happen?" Joe asks.
" You got rid of Barry's memories. What Barry remembers, Savitar remembers." Killer Frost says.
" So Savitar's lost his memories too?" Julian asks.
" Savitar loses his memory, he doesn't go along with the plan to give Wally powers." Joe says.
" Cause and effect. But if you let me figure out how get Barry's memories back, everything goes back to the way it was." Killer Frost says.
" Kid Flash runs again." Cisco says.
" And Savitar survives." Iris says.
" And Iris dies." Wally says.
" Life's full of difficult choices." Killer Frost says.
" Or it isn't. If Savitar survives, what's in it for you. " Iris says.
" That's my business. You think that Barry can become the Flash." Killer Frost asks.
" Yeah. He can learn." Iris says.
" I still know everything. I can teach him."Wally says.
" Okay. Maybe this is how you defeat Savitar. But there's still a lot of villains in this city, and no flashes to protect it. Is that really a chance you're willing to take." Killer Frost says.

Tracy and HR
" Hi." Tracy says.
" Ah! You're still here." HR says.
" Because when you left, I stayed." Tracy says.
" We gotta talk about the elephant in the room. But you know what, I I a job to do. We have to build that device. We gotta focus on the task at hand. Do you understand what I'm saying." HR says.
" I totally understand. Tracy says.
" From here on our, whenever I look into your azure eyes, flecked with gray, like a summer rainstorm coming to kiss my lips, the only thing I'm gonna be thinking about is how I can best inspire that beautiful, sexy brain." HR says.
Tracy then kisses HR
" Sparks." HR says.
" Sparks." Tracy says.
" You felt them too." HR asks.
" No." Tracy says.
" No." HR says.
" No, I mean, yes, obviously. Sparks. Jumping between two parallel wires a modified high voltage climbing arc." Tracy says.
" I guess my work here is done." HR says.

Killer Frost, Cisco and Julian
" You should never have tried this without Caitlin." Killer Frost says.
" Well, we didn't have much of a choice, now did we? Also, don't refer to yourself in the third person. It's Caitlin. It's you. It's the same person. It's just confusing." Cisco says.
" Hand me the Girard processor. It'll help us prime his neocortical and medial frontal lobes." Killer Frost says.
Cisco gives it to her and gives her a look
" What?" Killer Frost asks.
" Nothing." Cisco says.
Cisco is typing on the computer as he says
" Oh golly, Look at us. Just three musketeers working away. Just like old times, huh? Hey Julian, did Caitlin ever tell you about the time working on the Particle Accelerator with Ronnie?" Cisco asks.
" No. No she did not." Julian says.
" There was this one time we had this very strict deadline and Dr. Wells was super hard on us. All of us, even Hartley." Cisco says.
" Who's who's Hartley?" Julian asks.
" Oh, he was just this guy we used to work with. Such a dick. You actually reminded him a lot of him when you first came on board. Anyway so we were working on the iridium plating for ( Cisco snaps his fingers) What was it called again? The synchrotron, that's what it was called. So anyway, we were struggling, and we were burning the midnight oil, and could not get the dubnium capacitor to hold a single charge. And so all of a sudden just loses all his chill. He turns beet red and starts yelling at the thing " Come on, you dumb-nium capacitor." Cisco says.
" Take charge." Killer Frost says.
"Yes." Cisco says.
Cisco laughs
" Yes. Oh my God. I think about all the memories I cherish,and and you're in every one, Caitlin." Cisco says.
" Let's figure this out. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." Killer Frost says.
" Suit yourself." Cisco says.

In the Speed lab
Barry is speeding around the track
" Okay. I still can't believe I have these powers. They're amazing. I mean I think I could be a super hero." Barry says.
Joe laughs
" All right, well is it cool if I run some more?" Barry asks.
" Have at it." Joe says.
" All right." Barry says as he continues speeding on the track
" I haven't seen him this happy." Jose says.
" Try ever. It's the first time he hasn't been weighed down by the tragedies of his past, you know? First time he's actually been free of them." Iris says.
" You don't want his memory restored, do you?" Joe asks.
" Dad, I I can't say that seeing him happy and light isn't something I have ever wished for him, because yeah,it is." Iris says.
" Sweetheart, I wish that for him, too. But you didn't fall in love with the Flash. You fell in love with Barry Allen." Joe says.
" Dad, I know this is a different version of him, but he's he's still Barry." Iris says.
" No,he's not honey. Look, until yesterday Barry had 28 years of experiences to define him, and some of those memories were bad, some of those were good, too. But without those memories the Barry Allen we know and love is gone. " Joe says.
" Woo-hoo."Barry screams as he speeds.
" I don't know, Dad. You know part of me can't help but that this is some sort of gift, you know that this is the life he was supposed to have. Maybe the city doesn't need The Flash." Iris says.
Later Heat Monger goes into a building and wreaks havoc
" Haye everybody. Happy Friday!" Heat Monger says.

In the cortex
"So I am a super hero?" Barry asks.
" Yeah. A real good one." Joe says.
" Huh!" Barry says.
" You're The Flash." Iris says.
" You're sure the Streak isn't a better name, maybe?" Barry asks.
Joe laughs
The rest of the team come into the cortex
" Turn on the TV." Wally says.
" Uh okay, yeah." Iris says.

Eyewitnesses say the man who set fire to the offices is none other than Lucious Coolidge, AKA Heat Monger.

" That's the guy that went free because of me." Barry says.
" At this rate, it won't be long before the whole thing falls down." Cisco says.
" There's hundreds of people who work in there." Julian says.
" We need to stop it." Wally says.
" How? I mean, you can't right now." Iris says.
" No, but I can." Barry says.
" Barry, you don't know how to use your powers." Iris says.
" Bar. " Joe says.
" You just said I'm a super hero, and a good one, right? I mean, memories or not, I can't stand by and watch people die if I can prevent it." Barry says.
Barry speeds out of the cortex
He speeds back and says
" Forgot the suit." Barry says
Barry then speeds to the building and sees it up in flames
" Barry,you okay?" Iris asks.
" Uh, yeah, I'm good. Stopping's hard. How do I save everyone inside?" Barry asks.
" You just run them out of there." Cisco says.
" I barely got here myself. How do run with someone else?"Barry asks.
" There's gotta be something we can do." Wally says.
" There is something we can do: jump start his brain using that thing." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
" We have not done a test run." Cisco says.
"There's no time for a test run." Julian says.
" What is that thing?" Joe asks.
" This can send electrical charges through the transmitters in his suit, ad theoretically should jol his memory." Cisco says.
" You want to electro shock his brain?" Iris asks.
Won't that fry it even more?" Wally asks.
" If we don't do that, all those people are gonna die." Julian says.
" Life's a game of chance." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
" Okay, Barry, you're gonna feel something. Might hurt, might sting,might suck." Cisco says.
" Wait, what?" Barry asks.
" Probably all three. Okay here we go." Cisco says as he presses the button.
Barry screams and moans
" Barry, Barry?" Cisco asks.
" Uh, yeah I still don't remember." Barry says.
" Why didn't that work? That was supposed to work." Julian asks.
" We kick started his temporal lobe. Now he just needs to access it." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
" Gas in the tank, we just need to turn the ignition." Cisco says.
" We need a visceral memory to spark his brain." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
There is a woman screaming in background
" Okay, Okay, Barry I need you to remember." Iris says.
" I can't." Barry says.
" Yes, yes you can. Okay, listen to me, the night that your mom died, I didn't want to tell you how, but she didn't die peacefully. She was murdered." Iris says.
" What?" Barry asks.
" And you came to live with us. My dad brought you inside, and and you were in shock you weren't even crying. And later that night, a sound woke me, and I crawled out of my bed and I realised that the sound was coming from downstairs. I peered over the banister and I knew I had to go to you. I sat next to you, and you put your head in my lap, and I held you while you cried. And I didn't know it then, but now looking back, I realise that was the night we fell in love. That was the night we realized how much we needed each other. And look I so wish that I could take your dark memories away. I wish that I could make that pain go away but I can't. Oka, but what I do know, what what I know, is that for every bad memory, there is a good one that will get you through it. " Iris says.

" Run Barry run." Henry says.

" Barry?" Cisco asks.
" I remember." Barry says.
" I remember." Barry/ Savitar says.
" I remember everything." Barry says.
" I remember everything. " Barry/ Savitar says.
" Now for this fire." Barry says as he speeds up the building.
" I don't think I can put this fire out alone." Barry says.
" You don't have to." Wally says as they speed up.
" Yes." Cisco says.
They then get Coolidge down
" Looks like you remembered how to save the day." Wally says.
" Like riding a bike." Barry says.

Later the next morning at STAR Labs
" Your mom's maiden name?" Joe asks.
" Thompson." Barry says.
" CODIS is an acronym for what?" Julian asks.
" Combined DNA Index system." Barry says.
" Okay. In the third grade,you renamed the class hamster to(Iris chuckles)" Iris says.
" Alexander Ham Bell." Barry says.
" Joe and Iris laugh.
" I was right years old." Barry says.
" So you got your memories back. Now we can all focus our attention on stopping Savitar." Joe says.
" Good luck with that." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says as she goes to the elevator.
" Please tell me we're not gonna let her walk out of here." Joe says.
" Now you want to fight? Caitlin/ Killer Frost asks.
" We don't want to fight you." Cisco says.
" Can really avoid that, can we?" Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
" Yeah, we can. You can stay here with us. We're your friends. Your family." Barry says."
" Caitlin,  I  can fix you."  Julian says.
" You already tried." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.
" Well then, I'll try harder. I don't care what  it takes. I don't care what I hav to do. Caitlin, I love you." Julian says.
" I don't love you, Julian. I never did. I never loved any  of you." Caitlin/ Killer Frost says.

Killer Frost gets into the elevator and the doors close
Later Iris comes into  the med lab through the cortex doors
" She's gone?" Iris asks.
" Yeah. Maybe too far gone now."Barry says.
"We'll figure out how to get her back. Just like we figured out how to get you back." Iris says.
" You sure this is the me you want? With all the baggage?" Barry asks.
" Seeing you without the weight of everything that's happened, seeing you happy, like you were before your mother was killed? Without all of  that darkness haunting you, you were finally free. It was nice."  Iris says.
"  I had that same thing months ago." Barr says.
" What do you mean?" Iris asks Barry.
" That freedom. I had that. When I was  with my mom and dad again in Flashpoint, and I could've let it stay  like that. I could've let the memories of this timeline fade, but if I'd done that, I would've lost Joe, Cisco, and Wally and Caitlin and you. Pain and darkness, it's a part of me. You know,  I need it to fuel  me, to push me to be a better person, to be a better hero. To keep me from ever forgetting who I am." Barry says..
" Now that is the Barry Allen I know and love." Iris says as they passionately kiss
HR then comes in
" Hey, you guys. Okay. You guys you got to come see this. Y you have got to come see this." HR says.

In Cisco's workshop
" What is that?" Iris asks.
" This is the Speed Force Bazooka." HR says.
" And that's going to trap Savitar?" Joe asks.
" There is a tiny problem." HR says.
" What's that?" Barry asks.
" It's Uh." HR says.
" In order your generate enough power to magnetize Savitar's radial field and keep him in a state of perpetual stasis." Tracy says.
" Stasis." HR  says.
"  Inside  the Speed Force we need by my calculations."  Tracy says.
" By calculations." HR says.
" 3.86 terajoules of energy." Tracy says.
" I'm guessing that's more energy  than in a  AAA battery." Joe asks.
" Yes." Tracy says.
" That's more energy than in the sun." Cisco says.
" Guys, where are we going to find something like that?"Iris asks.

Hey so took a little extra time than normal but I love thos episode and  it was fun to write. Anyways comment and vote
Signing off

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