SECRETS || fred weasley

By thepiercecurls

20K 549 85


disclaimer + cast, etc.
// prologue //


630 20 2
By thepiercecurls



THE AFTERMATH OF THE Second Task had the whole school buzzing. Ron Weasley had managed to talk complete and utter bullshit of what happened with the hostages, changing the story every time until Valentina took it upon herself to tell him to shut the fuck up. Cedric and Valentina had been hanging out a lot more and there was a lot of speculation if they were a real couple from many of the students.

To most, they did seem very unlikely to be together. Cedric was the school's golden boy. He was kind, loyal, and very attractive whereas Valentina, while also attractive she was known as the 'Ice Queen'. While Cedric knew that she could be rude to those she wasn't close with, he still understood her. He felt that with her it was different and the world around them simply dissolved, fading away until it was just them, and Valentina felt the same.

They still, however, weren't an official couple and neither of them were bothered by this, but they were still unsure of who and when they should make the next move. They both enjoyed whatever it was that they had now and didn't want to ruin it by saying or doing something wrong. Rita Skeeter didn't exactly improve their situation either.

"Valentina!" Draco had shouted her in the hallways, one Friday afternoon as she was headed to their double Potions class.

"Come to give me another lecture?" Valentina asked snakily. They hadn't spoken since their last conversation in the hallways and things between them had been tense ever since.

Of course, growing up the pair had fought. Despite already being cousins, they treated each other like brother and sister, however, since attending the same school, it had really damaged their relationship.

"I just thought you might have wanted to see this," Draco hands Valentina a magazine labelled Witch Weekly.

"I don't have time for this shit, Draco," Valentina pushes the magazine back into his chest, "We have a class to attend."

"I promise you will be very interested in one of these particular articles," Draco says handing the magazine back to her. Valentina hesitantly takes the magazine, eyeing him.

She flicked through a couple of pages before finding the article he was talking about.

Harry Potter's Secret Heartache

A boy like no other, perhaps — yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since the tragic demise of his parents, fourteen year old Harry Potter thought that he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger. Little did he know that he would shortly be suffering yet another emotional blow in a life already littered with personal loss.

Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgarian Seeker and hero of the last Quidditch World Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affections. Krum, is openly smitten with the devious Miss Granger, has already invited her to stay with him in Bulgaria over the summer holidays and insists that he has "never felt this way about any other girl."

However, it may not be Miss Granger's doubtful natural charms that have captured these unfortunate young boys' interests.

"She's really ugly," says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth year student, "but she'd be well-up to making a Love Potion, she's quite brainy. I think that's how she's doing it."

Love Potions are, of course, banned at Hogwarts, and no doubt Albus Dumbledore will want to investigate these claims. In the meantime, Harry Potter's well-wishers must hope that, next time, he bestows his heart on a worthier candidate, like Valentina Lestrange.

New to Hogwarts this school year and the opposite to Miss Granger—smart and beautiful—many have reported that Miss Lestrange and Mr Potter have spent quite a bit of time together. The pair are in the same year and house at their school, so it is very likely a strong connection has formed.

However, once again it may all be too good to be true as Miss Lestrange may also have a thing for Tournament Champions. Miss Lestrange used to date Viktor Krum when she attended Durmstrang, and since his arrival, the ex-couple have been spotted together on a number of ocassions. To make matters worse, she was also seen by multiple witnesses kissing Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory. It is assumed that they are now a couple, but Harry Potter seems to be mixed up in it all.

All we can hope for Harry Potter is that he can win Miss Lestrange's heart and finally get the happy ending he deserves.

"That was a waste of my time," Valentina shoves the magazine back to Draco and continues to walk.

"What? Aren't you a tad angry about what she wrote?" Draco walked alongside his cousin.

"No. It was complete bullshit," Valentina rolled her eyes. "Viktor and I would never cross that line, and I've still barely had a conversation with Potter, so we'd never date. She needs new sources."

"What about you and Diggory?" Draco asked her.

"What about me and Diggory?" She countered.

"Are you two dating now?"

"Not sure," Valentina replied honestly.

"Val," Draco said getting serious. "You know our family would never approve of you and him."

"They're not here are they? They won't ever find out," Valentina said.

"You know that's a lie," Draco said with genuine concern. "You know that as soon as they hear it they're going to do something to stop it. Think this through."

"I have," Valentina said irritated. "Even if they do hear about it they wouldn't do anything. Your parents wouldn't risk getting on my bad side completely."

"I'm not talking about my parents," Draco said harshly but before Valentina could say anything they had already arrived at the dungeons and there were too many students already there to continue their conversation.

Potions class had flown by. The Slytherins made fun of Granger and her involvement in the article, although none had dared to make any comment to Valentina. At least not directly. She had noticed whispers about her being 'slut' and 'using each of the boys for fame' but was stopped with a quick glare. Snape had also accused Potter about stealing from his private store, however, Potter was adamant about not having any part in it.

The next day, Valentina attended Hogsmeade with Cedric again. They spent the day laughing and eating together before taking one last stroll.

"So, we've never really spoken about what we are," said Cedric, almost unsure of himself.

"No, we haven't," Valentina replied slowly. She didn't know where this conversation was heading.

"I think that maybe we should do something about it," Cedric started before Valentina cut him off.

"What do you mean?" Valentina furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean...would you like to be my girlfriend?" Cedric said awkwardly.

"Yes," Valentina replied instantly.

"Yes?" Cedric questioned, surprised with the quick answer and unsure if he heard her correctly.

"Yes," Valentina smiled.

"Great," Cedric grinned. "Perfect."

Valentina let out a little laugh before leaning forward and kissing him sweetly. Finally, she thought to herself, knowing she would forever cherish this moment. However, she felt a small pang of guilt in her chest. She hadn't been telling everything, and it was only fair now that they were together that he knew.

"Wait," Valentina suddenly pulled away from the kiss. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Ok, what is it?" Cedric asked, noticing her mood shift to something more serious.

"I haven't been entirely truthful with you,"  Valentina took a step back slightly with fear.

"What do you mean?" Cedric furrowed his eyebrows, confused to where she was going.

"Before we become serious I need to tell you everything about me," Valentina said, knowing that she'll regret spilling all of her secrets, but somehow she knew she could trust him.

"You're scaring me, Val," said Cedric.

"Just promise me you'll listen to everything I have to say before making a decision," Valentina pleads with him.

"I promise," Cedric replied. "Now, tell me what it is."

"Ok," Valentina said before taking a deep breath. Little did she know what she had to say would ruin everything.

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