Blue and Black Stemmed Rose (...

By Ash-Bloom

3.1K 182 29

Minho aka Hades rules alone in the underworld. Though once in a while he goes out to visit the Earth to see... More

The Underworld and A Trip to Earth
Coming From the Garden
Brother To Brother Talk
Falling Thanks to A Narcissus
Sirens and A Wager
The Garden
A Favor Before A Visit
The Entrance to Hades
Stories of Scars
Discoveries in Elysium
A Much Needed Talk
Matters of the Heart
A Proposal in the Grove
A Wedding in the Underworld
First Night As Husband and Wife
Reunion of Lovers
Discovery of the King's Plot
Parting is A Sweet and Painful Sorrow
Beginning of the Changing Seasons
Epilogue: Always and Forevermore

A Terrible Truth in Tartarus

114 8 1
By Ash-Bloom

Kibum was so lost in his head that he didn't even know that the boat stopped before a familiar hand was placed on his shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts.  Softly Minho told the young god, "We're here." Before climbing off of the boat.  Kibum followed him as he took in the place before him.

The first thing that he noticed was that it was hot here.  Not regular hot like on the surface but a boiling hot, the heat starting to be absorbed into his skin already.  At the opening to Tartarus there was an orange glow coming from the inside.  Here the feeling of dread that he was already feeling grew to an almost overwhelming point, there was also a feeling of suffering that touched his heart coming directly from the entrance in front of them.  Because of these emotions Kibum instinctively pressed himself onto the other's side and grabbed a hold of his arm.  Minho must've expected this because he placed his free hand on top of Kibum's slightly smaller, delicate hands.  He then said to the young god, "If something happens in there then you tell me right away and we get out, do you understand?" Kibum just nodded.  With that Minho started walking, Kibum still clinging onto his arm as they went.

As soon as they both stepped over to being on the other side of the entrance Kibum pressed himself more onto Minho's side at what he was seeing.  For at where they were standing they had a perfect view of everything that was happening in the orange lit place.  Everywhere people were serving out there punishments, some baring the brunt of the furies' whips while others had different punishments that required none of the furies present.  Screams of agony echoing along the walls.  The reason the whole place had light was because of lava crawling along some areas on the floor that led into active volcanic pits, which occasionally bursted all over the place.  Minho's concerned voice brought Kibum out of his observation, "Do you still want to check it out more closer?" Taking a deep breath to keep his emotions under control Kibum replied, "Yes, I want to explore it more." Even though his instincts were screaming at him to leave this place he had to push himself forward to see if what he was thinking was true or not.  With a heavy sigh Minho replied, "Stay close then." Before walking along the path that led from the entrance to further inside the area.

As they kept walking Kibum kept an eye out for all of the occupants here.  Even though he barely remembers what his father looks like himself he was always reminded by his mother that he had the man's eyes, not just the color but the shape as well.  As he kept looking around the hope that he was wrong trumped any of the negative feelings that were brought out thanks to being in Tartarus.  That was before he spotted a particular occupant, causing him to stop walking because of the shock and disbelief that went through his body.

For there near the pathway was a man in tattered rags with brown hair, dark brown eyes, and his tan skin was covered in scars but he looked faded all over.  What caught Kibum's attention though was the shape of the man's eyes.  It was exactly like his own, narrow almond shaped.  The man was also at the age that he remembers his mother saying that his father was when becoming Kibum and Taemin's father, especially after he died, in his late thirties.

Minho felt Kibum stop moving which forced him to stop as well.  Seeing the shock on the young god's face he asked, "What's wrong?" Instead of answering Kibum asked back, "Who is that man, and what did he do?" As he pointed at an occupant of Tartarus.  Looking at who Kibum was pointing at Minho scoffed at who it was.  This was the third time this scumbag managed to escape from his punishment, Minho was going to have a long talk with the judges of Hades to make sure this never happened again.  Remembering that he had been asked a question Minho told Kibum, "His full name is Kim Bongki." He then spit in disgust after uttering the name.  Then he explained, "According to his record he was a warrior that went rogue and deserted his kingdom.  He then went across his homeland of Korea as a bandit.  Killing and robbing anyone that came along his path.  His favorite though was raping innocent girls before leaving them to die.  Then he met your mother, Demeter when she was bathing in the forest." At the mention of his mother Kibum stiffened before listening more, "He didn't know who she was obviously so he tried to have his way with her.  I say tried because he didn't even get a chance to do anything before she noticed him.  He then passed himself off as this wandering warrior who was without a master.  Demeter being oblivious believed every lie that spewed out of his mouth.  They then became lovers for a while.  Eventually Demeter found out what kind of man he really was, but she was so desperate for love from him that she decided to be in denial about the whole thing.  Even going so far as to make him immortal to 'protect' him, despite how many times Amber and some of the other Olympians warned her not to.  "In the end he go what he deserved.  One night while he was on one of his outings a woman that he had abused finally found him.  She cut off his head while he slept and then burned his body along with his severed head until it was nothing but a crisp.  She then left him there." Scowling at the man before them still he finished with, "Demeter eventually found where he was murdered and gave him a proper burial for him.  When he showed up he was charged with murder, thievery, rape and offending the gods.  Now he stays in Tartarus serving out his punishment of being tied down as he is burned by lava that bursts from the active pits." He then looked over at Kibum, wanting to ask why the young god wanted to know, when he became shocked at what he saw.

As Kibum heard the story the dread became too much.  He wanted to call the other a liar.  That he was just spouting out nonsense, but he knew it was all for not.  Minho never lied to him about anything, especially when it came to something as serious as this, not now or ever.  Coming to that conclusion he knew what was now true.  His mother lied to him about everything that was the subject of the man who helped bring him and his brother into existence, this man in front of them that did all those horrible things Minho described was Kibum's father.  At that realization he couldn't control it anymore, the distraught feeling in his chest overwhelmed him and it made tears stream down his cheeks.

Seeing the tears streaming down Kibum's face took Minho by surprise.  Yes he's seen the other tear up before, but it was always watering in the eyes or just a single tear managed to escape.  This was the king's first time seeing Kibum cry like this.  He then started to notice that the grip on his arm tightened as the tears continued to pour.  The need to understand why the other was reacting like this made him forget about the soul that was right in front of them.  Until a deep, gritting voice called out, "Persephone?" Causing Kibum to tense and look forward with his tear-soaked eyes.  Minho tensed as well, turning to face the soul in front of them.  The soul continued, "It's really you isn't, Persephone?  My, look at how big and beautiful you've gotten." Minho glared at the now demented smiling soul.  How did this rotten soul know Kibum's real name?  As he looked closer at the soul though he saw familiar eyes, in color and shape, that he's only seen on Kibum staring back at him.  With a sudden realization he figured out quickly why the young god was reacting like this and how the soul knows his name.  However he didn't dwell on it because the soul then uttered, "You look so much like your mother, I wonder if you'll beg and bleed just like her." Before running towards them, specifically towards Kibum.

Acting fast, Minho pushed Kibum behind him as he extended his free hand out towards the charging soul.  The palm of his hand summoned a majority of the black aura that naturally oozed out of his tan skin, before forming into a staff with two prongs at the end.  Gripping the formed staff he thrusted out the weapon towards the attacker.  The said attacker got his chest pierced by the prongs, causing him to thrash around but to no longer advance towards his intended target.  Seething in anger Minho's eyes turned completely black and his voice grew deeper and seemed to echo as he shouted, "You dare escape from your punishment and attack someone precious to me in my presence?!" The soul stopped thrashing and just stared at the king in scared shock.  Minho then continued, "Let's see you try to escape again after my furies are done with you, you rotten son of a whore." With that he swung his staff in a way where it dislodged the soul off of the prongs and then slammed the butt of it into the ground.  This caused a sharp noise to come from the staff before it slowly faded.  Not a while after the sound stopped there were two of the three furies that landed from their flight right in front of their lord.

The staff disappeared, which gave Minho just the thing he needed to gesture to the terrifying creatures to do their worst.  Smiling the two grabbed the soul before taking flight again.  Leaving the king and young god alone, or as alone as they could be.  Calming down, Minho's eyes turned back to their normal state and he turned around to see Kibum.  Only for the young god to quickly wrap his arms around Minho's torso and bury his face into his chest.  Kibum was shaking badly with fear and distress.  Wrapping his own arms around him Minho quietly told Kibum, "It's okay, he's not going to hurt you, you're safe now." This caused the arms to squeeze tighter.  Turning his head Kibum muttered, "I want to go home, back to the palace.  Please, let's just go home now.  I can't-" His breath hitched as he started to sob, turning his head back into Minho's chest as he started to sob even more.

The shock at the other calling his palace home automatically faded as Kibum continued to cry.  Gently rubbing the other's back he softly said, "Okay, we'll go home." He then hesitated before asking the young god, "Do you want me to carry you to the boat?" A nod was his answer.  The king carefully removed the arms from his torso before picking Kibum up in a bridal hold.  After they were situated Kibum pushed his face back into the other's chest, wrapping his arms around the other's neck as well.  Minho then started walking them out of Tartarus, making sure no other soul here was following them.  He knew something wasn't right with Kibum while they were in Elysium and that something bad would happen if they came here.  However he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.  All he can worry about now is what will happen after they return home.

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