The Debt To The Chosen One

By Ginersnap2010

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The legend Beasts and legendaires see ash suffers so much. Due to him him constanly saving the world . They d... More

Chapter 1: Dream land
Chapter 2: The fantasy world
Chapter 3 : Kidnapping Molly and The Plan
Chapter 4: Joining Forces
Chapter 5 : Crossing Paths, Explanations And Answers
Chapter 7: Caught
Chapter 8 : Molly's New Mama!
Chapter 9: The New world~!
Chapter 10: Ash is a Good MAMA~!
Chapter 11: Team rocket and gang escape the distortion world!
Chapter 12: Library
Chapter 14: The Jewel
Chapter 15: Ash Awakens!
Chapter 16: showdown
Chapter 17: Fixing The land
Chapter 18: The true myth about the chosen one
Chapter 19: Happy ending for all~
Alternate ending

chapter 13: A missing part of the scroll~!

1.3K 16 10
By Ginersnap2010

meanwhile, gary and paul, were walking west still, when they came across what looked like a library. paul walked inside and ushered gary in too, there were drawings scrawled amogst the walls. In the middle was an alter with a peice of papper on it. Carefully, gary walked over and picked it up. It appeared to be a scroll, which depicted ash containg this ball, of red stuff.......what ever that was.

that's when he noticed the text.

" uggefffpihh woqihqw[ohfp oqiwhfpf23h3 owibn2epooh2g ip31h[ohe2i2ehf

ihenndkkqqpkkef ewlllewi[jdw[okew oobefkpbw ipwnbewei epkbf[oene[2oj jdhf fjeooje    

adubeeb qqjgbewipe lkneqwme khr[oih 2piy48-3ryhyh p93ypib2fe 3iyrene pih3rfpih3 w1iph1ipf3e 1pihifppewipwehfipe  wkknw wheffi wqkfkq 1ihfipq wfhipw qwiwfbiqwp w1pbip 122jfbqwpi qpihfpiqwppppbeqpi   wihfi1h qojbfqpjkef epbew[be qekwne[kknew kbccbewf[eb pbdpibqen qqqqqqfebipqbqei[he1i [ 93y92u3ihewnfe     (owejfbwpb) weojbewfin(-\) qkjebfowene jqbefojenrglj 2k3j2hrpi29- 23pihtpihrirggr, What the fuck does that mean?!" gary yelled pointing at the nonsense on the scroll

" i might know."a voice said

" AAAAAAAAAA!" gary screamed jumping into paul's arm, only to sew mewouth and jessie and james.

" oh it's just you guys.' gary said as he got back down

' go on mewouth~!" james said

mewouth cleared his throat and  began " it says from what i can understand, oh yeah! chosen one rise.....wait no i get it. it says on the last part, Chosen one will rise, from the room with nothing but tombs , when the sun rises on the third day, before, the  fright of the fight a light shall guide the way, to where he lays. through the eye, you shall see, the path of his destiny.  he has kept it hidden well, to prevent the darkness, that dwells. to get the thing that could save the world, or make it scream. In the hand of he, he shall set, your spirt free, and stop this nightmare from ever coming to be~! but his jewel was lost mielina ago~ so he wanders long , to save you so. His jewel is the key, to stopping what should never come to be~!" mewouth read

" wait isn't there more?" asked james pointing to another ripped end

" oh goooood! there's another missing part!!!!!!!!!!!" paul groaned

" yeah, and by the looks of it, we need to find the jewel, this definatly has  ash  written all over it~!" mewouth said

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