The Paper Fleet (Azur Lane fa...

By thaultrabeast

6.6K 71 24

Wisdom Cubes something Humanity had obtained they used these cubes to make ship girls to fight the Sirens who... More

Chapter 1 Attack on Azur Lane
Chapter 2 The Late Arrivals
Chapter 3 Battle
Chapter 4 The Black Cube
Chapter 5 Mirror Sea
Chapter 6 Sirens
Final Chapter The End of All Sirens (1/4)
Final Chapter The End of All Sirens (2/4)
Final Chapter The End of All Sirens (3/4)
Final Chapter The End of All Sirens (4/4)

The Northern Parliament

304 4 0
By thaultrabeast

Speaking: "Hello."
Thoughts: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO."
Action during speech: "hel*punch*"
Morse code/writing on paper: "Hello."

Third person POV

A few months later after the battle against Orochi Azur Lane received a transmission from the Northern Parliament they requested for some assistance from Azur Lane so Prince of Wales put together two fleets, along with a sub fleet. Montana, Reaper, Conqueror, Javelin, Laffey, and Ayanami. The other fleet was Hornet, Saratoga, South Dakota, Cleveland, Columbia, and Montpelier. The submarine fleet was lead by Shadow the other two subs were I-400 and U-0 I-400 was a submersible carrier and U-0 was Shadow's right hand man when it came to being under the water. They all set sail for the north to conduct a joint operation however due to some problems Conqueror didn't set out with everyone else and had to leave a few hours after. Everyone else reached the fortress that was the goal of the joint operation two Northern Parliament ships greeted the fleets Avorua and Pamiat and they started to move on the stronghold. 

Back at the Azur Lane base Conqueror just set sail despite his not wanting to go until he was told Javelin left then he left right away he sighed to himself as the air grew colder and a fog surrounded his ship. It had been some time since he had received any sound from Montana so Conqueror figured he entered a mirror sea but his thoughts came to an end as a fleet of Sirens showed up in front of him. Conqueror sighed once again as he turned his ship and aimed his cannons.

Back with Montana's group they started their attack on the fortress the Eagle Union fleet took charge and went in first letting the Paper Fleet save their ammo and the forces they encountered weren't mush of a threat. Montana thought something was off he wondered why the Northern Parliament struggled against this fortress the giant ice burg in the ocean loomed over the area putting Montana on guard. Reaper and Shadow noticed this and also kept their guard up after seeing the shield and anti-aircraft fire they didn't want to take any risks they moved forward at a good pace Pamiat was wowed seeing them get further. A mysterious Siren emerged and fired a strange weapon at the fleet South Dakota used her shield and protected Pamiat from it she took minim damage but her fire control was down. The Siren then fell back and left her forces to deal with them.

Conqueror was sailing forward still the fog around his ship growing thicker as he traveled along the sea. Behind him a sea filled with wrecked Siren ships slowing falling beneath the waves Conqueror only had minimal damage on his ship as he went to find his comrades.

The Eagle Union and Paper Fleet got separated when an ice burg appeared under them blocking them off from each other then the ice burg begun firing salvos at the Eagle Union. On the other side the two Parliament ships were with the Paper Fleet staring down a Siren fleet Montana took the lead and drew his sword. The fight started salvos were exchanged the sub fleet was nearby sending waves of torpedo's at the Siren's then another set of salvos and torpedoes' started hitting the fleet. Montana looked over and saw a fleet of ships in white uniforms Montana smirked.

Montana: "The Northern Parliament's fleet your late."
???: "Well I'll make it up by blasting them all away then!"
???: "Gangut please restrain yourselves in front of our guests." 
Pamiat: "They are here!"
Avorua: "With reinforcements we'll be fine."
Javelin: "Then let's keep going we'll surprise Conqueror once he gets here."

They wiped out the remaining Siren ships then the Northern Parliament introduced themselves the lead ship a battleships named Sovetskaya Rossiya (shortened to Sovet) and Gangut. The cruiser Chapayev and the destroyers names Grozny, Minsk, and Tashkent. Another ship was with them as well though she wasn't fighting for whatever reason the cruiser kirov the sub fleet was sent come distance ahead to scout while the others talked for a bit.

Sovet: "I couldn't help but notice that Javelin mentioned another ship. Where is she?"
Montana: "The ship she was talking about is not a she by the way he is Her Majesty's Shield Conqueror."
Gangut: "The famed Conqueror? The one who went head first into a mirror sea and didn't emerge for several months?"
Javelin: "What!?"
Chapayev: "Yes I saw it myself he was nearby when it happened a fleet appeared before him he sifted into his rigging and fell into a portal."
Reaper: "He never shared this story."
Shadow: "While this all sound interesting we have Sirens coming in hot!"

The fleets looked up to see the incoming Siren aircraft they even saw the carriers that lunched them the battle continued.

Conqueror was but a few miles away seeing the massive ice burg and the fortress knowing Montana he decided to head for the fortress while taking out any other Siren still around. Unknown to Conqueror he was being observed by several Sirens watching him since he took out the fleet from before.

Observer: "He's gaining strength faster then I predicted."
Purifier: "Was it worth losing all those ships?"
Omitter: "They weren't anything much. Why are we so focused on this one again?"
Observer: "The Empress has taken an interest in him I don't proceed to know what she wants from him however."
Omitter: "Interesting I'll test him then."
Observer: "Do so make sure you keep a way to get yourself out."

Back with the main fleets they just finished taking out another group of Sirens and have approached the fortress the ice burg littered with gun implements the Eagle Union fleet had met up with everyone else. Thus the final assault on the fortress begun Omitter came out and read from a script edgy final boss lines which Gronzy didn't appreciate Omitter came out with a fleet of her own. She said more lines but no one was having it with her so the battle begun salvos being exchanged aircraft flying in the air torpedoes being lunched. An upper class Siren wielding a sword jumped off Montana using him as a spring board and tried to attack Gangut Sovet fired a salvo taking the Siren out. They kept fighting until a large glowing red dome formed over the four fleets and an additional dome formed over each ship Javelin was the only one not in a smaller dome.

Javelin: "What is this?"
Montana: "Have we been captured?"
Shadow: "I won't tolerate this!"
U-0: "Calm down you fire anything in this close a space you'll damage yourself."
Reaper: "I can't lunch any aircraft like this."
Saratoga: "How is sister Sara supposed to fight with this."
???: "You won't."

Another Siren wielding a sword appeared and phased through the big dome and stood across from Javelin she pointed her sword at Javelin.

???: "I am ah wait is that what it is *Take out a small piece of paper and reads it.* I am called Separator Bata a Siren of barriers and I challenge you destroyer to a fight!"
Javelin: "Huh?"
Separator: "Prepare for battle!"

The new Separator charged at Javelin and swung her sword it was blocked by Javelin's -- javelin then Separator got hit by Javelin's main gun then she fired torpedoes at the Siren while the others were trying to get free. Other Sirens started moving into the dome and firing at the small domes their shells and lasers going through the smaller domes.

Montana: "Really?! This isn't fair I'm not a fish in a barrel for you to fire at!"
Sovet: "We won't be able to keep this up for long."
Javelin: "Oh no."
Separator: "Got you."

Separator managed to disarm Javelin of her javelin and raised her sword high above her head to swing down on Javelin but a massive explosion turned her attention as the bigger dome shattered. Then an object stuck itself into her chest then another then she was ripped in half a gleam followed a shield as the other barriers made shattered. Conqueror stood there his arm extended out to his side a smile on his face.

Conqueror: "How rude you all started the party without me!"
Montana: "It isn't our fault you were late."
Conqueror: "Hey so the Parliament isn't here yet right?"
Shadow: "They've been here longer then you have!"
Sovet: "Your Conqueror?"
Omitter: "Don't ignore me!"

She fired her cannon at Conqueror he bat it aside with his shield and took a step forward aiming all of his cannons and firing at the Siren hitting her.

Gangut: "He still hit?!"
South Dakota: "Isn't your fire control offline?"
Conqueror: "Of course it is but an electronic attack doesn't affect the original fire control my eyes."
Omitter: "That's amazing this entertainment is this what Tester is always going on about?"
Conqueror: "I don't give a damn about what Tester goes on about were going to take you and your fort down here and now!"
Sovet: "Just as long as you remember our conversation isn't over yet."
Javelin: "What did you do?"
Conqueror: "Later!"

Conqueror charged forward and a red hue surrounded him his shield changing becoming more angled the upper part of his shield pulled back and he punched Omitter the shield slammed forward sending Omitter flying. Conqueror then shot at her with his bow guns then he fired his aft guns at other Siren mass produced ships Montana and Shadow flanked both his sides charging forward past him. Montana sliced a ship in half his sword's edge glowing red and blue Shadow jumped up and sliced two Siren aircraft making them crash into their own ships he then spun firing torpedoes hitting with all six. Reaper lunched a large number of aircraft with his two flight decks and cut a Siren in half with his scythe Javelin Ayanami and Laffey lunched a number of their own torpedoes at the Sirens after they got in front of Conqueror. The Northern Parliament fought with similar tactics while the Eagle Union wondered why they were even here then one more wave of Sirens emerged leading this wave was Sororitas.

Montana: "Oh it's you traitor."
Sororitas: "Oh don't be so mean it's unlike you besides weren't you branded one as well?"
Reaper: "Only because of your actions!"
Shadow: "After all we had been through together you went and turned your back on us!"
Conqueror: "You know those few months weren't fun for me."
Sororitas: "I've accepted a greater calling! You just can't understand that Conqueror your the one I'm most disappointed in. How could you look at her and not see how much greater the Sirens are?!"
Conqueror: "I don't know maybe because I have some sanity left in my head."
Sororitas: "After what happened to you I'm shocked to hear that."
Javelin: "What happened?"
Montana: "We were kicked out of the Eagle Union because of you it took us a couple of years just to get them to trust us again!"
Sororitas: "I was hoping they would destroy you all save us the trouble."
Sovet: "Huh I'm sure this is important to you all but we've taken care of the rest of the Sirens."
Conqueror: "Operation distraction is a success I see."

Sororitas looked at her destroyed fleet and took a step forward one of her eyes were blue while the other was a gold color her hair was a half silver and blue it is also straight and reached her lower back. Her rigging was also half Eagle Union and half Siren she has three triple barrel gun turrets that were normal Eagle Union guns her final gun turret was Siren like. Her rigging looked exactly like Montana's rigging which made sense as she was also a Montana class battleship.

Montana: "Well little sister I'm going to take you down to the coral!"
Sororitas: "Aw is that how you treat family?"
Montana: "You are no family of mine not anymore."
Sororitas: "Ah that look if only you had that resolve when I betrayed you all! Maybe It wouldn't have gone this way."

Montana's sword glowed red white and blue has he charged forward firing his guns Sororitas fired back using only three of her guns she drew a blade of her own a broad sword and clashed with Montana. The force from their clash rippled the water around them Montana started to push back against the hybrid only for her sword to start glowing black and even out the pushing. They entered a stalemate for a moment Sororitas aimed her Siren cannon t Montana but she got beat to the punch has Montana fired a full salvo into her she was sent flying back but her cannon was still aimed at Montana. A laser shot out from the cannon it raced right for Montana he raised his sword and deflected it off to the side he then set his sword in front of him and charged forward ignoring all the shells shot at him. He jumped up and brought his sword down Sororitas smirked to herself and fell into a portal Montana would have followed had Conqueror not shot him and blasted him away from the portal then it closed.

Montana: "What the heck why did you shoot me?!"
Conqueror: "You do not want to see what's on the other side of that portal trust me."
Javelin: "Conqueror I want to know."
Conqueror: "That will have to wait can't exactly say the Northern Parliament likes me."
Sovet: "Yes the last time you were here you never answered the question."
Tashkent: "It was rude of you to just up and leave."
Conqueror: "No I told you the answer but you didn't like the answer so you tired to fight me."
Reaper: "And I'm sure that ended poorly."
Gangut: "I want to fight you again I've never felt more excitement in my life!"
Conqueror: "I really don't feel like it though."
Javelin: "Wait you never said what the question they asked you was."
Conqueror: "Because it isn't important!"

At that moment Montana, Reaper, and Shadow all felt something and it was something they could use to mess with Conqueror they took full advantage of it.

Montana: "Sovetskaya Rossiya what was the question you asked him I want to know."
Conqueror: "Oi NO!"

Shadow and Reaper held the battleship back while Laffey and Ayanami watched from afar not wanting to get involved with whatever was going on over there.

Sovet: "I asked if he would stay in the Northern Parliament and date me."

Conqueror stopped moving at that point and looked at Montana.

Javelin: "Oh and what did Conqueror answer?"
Sovet: "He still hasn't answered me."
Gangut: "Let me get the answer for you!"
Conqueror: "What don't you understand about the word no!"
Minsk: "I can solve this he likes that destroyer there!"

Minsk points to Javelin who seems confused and tried to look behind her then she pointed to herself she looked at Conqueror but all that could be seen was Conqueror.exe has stopped working. Montana was on the ocean laughing his rear off Shadow joining him while Reaper shook his head at the two then Conqueror snapped back to it.

Conqueror: "Hey don't just say things!"
Javelin: "Conqueror is she right?"
Conqueror: "Wha- uh- ah I got to go!"

Conqueror then tried to leave but he forgot one thing Javelin moves faster then he does she cut him off from moving anymore forward.

Javelin: "I want to know!"
Conqueror: "Um ah."
Shadow: "Just go for it."
Montana: "Everyone know already."
Conqueror: "Shut up both of you before I send you to a watery grave!"
Sovet: "Wait but."
Chapayev: "Oh no it looks like she might steal him from you."
Javelin: "Conquer?"
Conqueror: "Ah crap." "What would you do if I said it was possible?"
Javelin: "For real!?"
Conqueror: "Hey I said possible!"

Javelin almost tackled Conqueror while he was confused after about ten minutes of talking Conqueror managed to calm the situation and him along with all the others with him were on their way back to the Azur Lane base. He was exhausted after all he was forced to go to the Northern Parliament about once a week as a go between person for the Northern Parliament and Azur Lane. An arrangement he wasn't happy about and he still wasn't sure about Javelin after all she knows he likes her now and now things are awkward because he doesn't know what to do. He makes a mental note to kill Montana and Shadow later he was at the bow of his ship the fleets with him were complaining because a fog always follows Conqueror when they are traveling. He sighed to himself as they had some trouble getting a signal to Azur Lane to report Conqueror looked to his ship and thought of why Sororitas joined the Sirens. He thought about her words and then he thought back to the only Siren he knew that could have had a hand in Sororitas leaving.

Conqueror: "Arbiter-The Empress III what are you?"
Javelin: "Conqueror?"
Conqueror: "Yo Javelin w-what's up?"
Javelin: "You started talking to yourself I was making sure you were ok also Montana wants you."
Conqueror: "Nothing and thanks I'll head over to him."
Javelin: "Sorry about before."
Conqueror: "Nothing to say sorry for I just wished I didn't end up in the Northern Parliament."

Conqueror made it to Montana to see what he wanted and they talked for a bit mostly about random things that didn't mean much but then Montana asked about Javelin. Conqueror looked at the fellow battleship and sighed he got up and went to the door.

Conqueror: "I don't know."
Montana: "All that time you've spent with her and all you can say is you don't know?"
Shadow: "Lame."
Conqueror: "Shut up Shadow. The thing I don't know is how she feels about me damn it. Every time something comes up I rip things apart I mean she must be terrified of me at this point. I ripped a Siren in half in front of her."
Shadow: "First of all that was epic second she clearly isn't even scared of you and thirdly even Wales agrees with us that you two should just get together at this point."
Conqueror: "Well I know nothing about stuff like this I don't even know how you two learned these things."
Shadow: "I my man am a natural."
Montana: "I'm just not dumb like you are."
Conqueror: "I'm going back to my ship we should be entering port now."

With that Conqueror left then Javelin came out of her hiding spot and Shadow gave her a thumbs up and laughed to himself looking at Montana who was wondering when she got there.

-Time skip to night-

A annoyed Conqueror was leaning on a railing Shadow had kept pressing him with Javelin so now he was away from everyone little did he know that was all part of Shadow's grand plan. Javelin stood next to Conqueror after practically being shove out there by a number of the Royal Navy and Shadow while Montana and Reaper were there to watch. Conqueror didn't notice Javelin until she was right next to him he jumped as he was deep he though and she startled him.

Conqueror: "H-hey Javelin how's it going?"
Javelin: "It's going how about with you?"
Conqueror: "I want to hit Shadow many times with my shields but other then that I'm good."
Javelin: "Don't you always want to do that?"
Conqueror: "Not always... Just most of the time."

Both giggled to themselves then it became awkward neither knowing how to move on with the conversation Shadow was almost banging his head on the wall the only thing stopping him was the Royal Navy along with his own want not to get caught. Javelin looked back and everyone made a go on with it gesture and Javelin turned back blushing.

Javelin: "So um Conqueror."
Conqueror: "Yes ma'am!?"
Javelin: "So ah you like me right I can be sure on that right?"
Conqueror: "Well um it's ah whatever yes you can be sure on that."
Javelin: "Good because I like you two!"
Conqueror: "As a friend?"

At this point Javelin was in Conqueror's face but he was trying to lean back to back away he was holding onto then railing to stop himself from falling while Javelin had her hands on her hips pouting. 

Javelin: "You know exactly what I mean."
Conqueror: "Yeah I do just wanted to make sure so now that we've professed our love to each other what's next?"
Javelin: "I don't know I wasn't sure I would get this far."
Conqueror: "Well the first thing we should do is take care of the."
Javelin: "Eh who cares right? Come on let's hold hands and look at the night sky."
Conqueror: "Ah alright I swear if I see pictures of this on that social media thing I might be mad."

Conqueror and Javelin held hands and watched the night sky together as a shooting star raced by the next day he did indeed find a picture on social media it was posted by more then one person though. It was several Royal Navy and Shadow saying they finally won their own war Conqueror just sighed to himself as he looked over Azur Lane from atop of his ship relaxing.

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