The Waterbending Avatar(Zuko...

By burning_marshmello

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The cover photo doesn't belong to me and neither does A:TLA... I wish it did though. Slow updates More

Chapter 1: The Airbender
Chapter 2: Going Home
Chapter 3: The Banished Prince
Chapter 4: Kyoshi Island
Chapter 5: The City Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: The Spirit World
Chapter 8: Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The Waterbending Scroll
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The Storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The Fortuneteller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The Water Tribe
Chapter 16: Learning To Breathe
Its been a while... (a/n)
Chapter 17: Sokka The Inventor

Chapter 10: Jet

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By burning_marshmello

"I just have a really bad feeling about flying."

"So what are we doing now, listening to Sokka's instincts?" I asked.

"Yes and my instincts say we go this way."

We walked past a large tree and saw Momo hanging in a cage, "What do you know, my instincts were right!"

Katara glared at her older brother, "Ha ha, very funny Sokka."

Aang flew up and helped Momo down. The other two creatures trapped in cages looked at us with begging eyes, "Aw fine." Aang flew back up to help but Sokka beat him to it using his boomerang.

There we were, walking... gosh it was boring.

"This bag is heavy." Aang complained.

Katara used this chance to tease her brother, "You know who should carry it? Sokka's instincts!"

Sokka sighed, "The point is, we're staying low, keeping safe from the..... fire... nation..."

He had just moved a bush to the side to reveal and army of fire nation soldiers.

Me and Katara both started water bending, thanks to our water pouches we started carrying around. Aang airbended at them. And Sokka, well he used boomerang.

He was about to hit one of them when suddenly a teenager with dark hair dropped onto the soldier. He was followed by many other teenagers all coming from the trees.

"Down you go." The boy said.

Him and his team proceeded to take out the army before he came right up to me and Katara.

"Hey, my names Jet."

Katara look amazed, "Wow, you almost took out a whole army, singlehandedly!"

Sokka huffed, "There were only like, 10."

"Actually we were planning on ambushing them all day, we just needed a perfect distraction." He winked at Katara and she blushed.

Uekk, they're flirting.

"Jet, these barrels are filled with blasting jelly!"

"Bring them up to the hideout."

He turned back to us, "These guys are my freedom fighters."

He pointed to each one of them while stating a name.

"Do you guys wanna come to our hideout?"

Aang and Katara replied almost immediately, "Sure!"

Me and Sokka followed in the back as we all walked off.

"Hey Y/n." Sokka whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"I don't trust this place. I know it sounds stupid but my instincts are telling me these people aren't who we think they are."

"Oh trust me Sokka I agree with you for once."

He cocked his head, "Wait really? I thought you'd go 'no Sokka, you're stupid Sokka, instincts suck, Sokka"

"There's something strange going on. From what I know they had no reason to wipe out the army."

"So should we do some... detective work?"

I laughed at his childishness, "Yeah."

"We're here." Jet spoke.

Sokka crossed his arms, "I don't see a secret hideout."

"That's because it's in the trees. Here hold this." He handed Sokka a strange and definitely untrustworthy rope.

"What's this supposed t- AHH" The rope suddenly pulled him up into the trees.

Next, I grabbed onto the rope and went up.

Aang flew up while me and Sokka stared in disgust at Katara and Jet having a romantic moment.

"Wait a second while I go throw up." Sokka weakly walked away.

That night we all sat by a large table where Jet gave a speech. "Today, we've defeated the fire nation once more! I am glad to say we have the avatar staying with us. As well as her friends."

Jet smirked at Katara before joining to sit next to her. Everyone cheered for Jet. Well, everyone besides me and Sokka.

When the meal was over Jet showed us where we'd be sleeping.

Sokka spoke up, "You know my instincts are telling me we should really get going tomorrow."

Katara snapped at him, "What is your problem with this place? We can't leave. Tomorrow, me and Y/n are helping Jet fill the dam to protect the forest. The fire nation is planning to burn it down."

"Uhh, I am?" I asked her.

"Oh sorry I didn't tell you, but I really need your help. I'm trying to protect my people. And Sokka, I actually needed you for an important mission tomorrow."

"What mission?"

Sokka had gone off with Jet on whatever mission while I sat there, bored.

"Come on Y/n, we're supposed to meet Jet at the dam soon."

Katara had somehow convinced me to go help, even though I had my doubts.

"Hey, you guys are here. Sokka just got back to the base."

Katara smiled happily, "Tell us, what can we do to help?"

"There's water trapped under ground and it needs to be freed. Once it's free it'll all come pouring out."

Katara looked down, "I've never bended water I can't see."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Katara I know you can do it."

Jet agreed, "You can do it Katara, and I know the avatar definitely can."

Me and Katara walked towards the first hole and started bending the water. Soon enough it had all came out.

We moved on to the next one, and the one after that, and on and on until Jet said we had done enough.

By the time we got back, I was so exhausted and I was about to sleep until I heard a commotion outside.

"He told you that I ambushed an old man but did he mention he was fire nation?"

Katara huffed, "No, he conveniently left that part out."

Sokka got really upset, "He was harmless!!"

"He was sent to assassinate me." Jet pulled out a knife and unscrewed the top. "There's a secret compartment for poison."

"I didn't see a knife!"

"He concealed it."

Sokka was about to say something else until Katara put her hand on his arm and said, "You know what? I'm tired of this! Jet is a nice guy and he wouldn't do anything to hurt us so I don't get why you don't trust him!"

Sokka kicked a pebble and walked away.

Now that the screaming is over... I walked to my bed, plopped down, and passed out the second my head touched the pillow.

The next morning, Sokka was nowhere to be found. This was definitely suspicious.

"Do you know where Sokka is?" Katara asked Jet after realizing her brother was missing.

"He went out on a scouting mission with Smellerbee and Pipsqueak. They'll be out for a while."

Katara gave him an apologetic look, "Look, I'm sorry for my brother's behavior recently. I don't know what's gotten into him."

"It's alright, he apologized."

This got Aang's attention, "Sokka apologized!?"

"I was surprised too, he said he was just very wary of me at first. I think maybe it had to do with something you said."

Katara's eyes widened, "Actually I did talk to him."

Hmm, no way Sokka just apologized to some random guy we met the other day saying he was just being wary. Something is wrong.

"What scouting mission?"

Jet didn't hesitate to answer, "They're going to walk along the outskirts of the forest to make sure nobody from the fire nation is trying to come early."

"I'm glad my brother is deciding to help."

"Yeah I'm glad he could help. Anyway, I better go to the dam to see how everyone's doing."

I quickly intervened, "We should come along too. To make sure everyone's safe."

"Oh there will be no need for that. You've helped plenty already."

This is definitely suspicious.

After a few hours, me, Aang, and Katara got bored sitting and Katara recommended to head to the dam.

"Are you sure? Jet said we shou-."

I interrupted Aang, "Yes let's go to make sure everything's going alright."

They both shrugged as we headed off.

When we got there we saw some of the freedom fighters bringing large barrels to the dam.

"Why are they bringing barrels of blasting jelly?" Katara was confused.

"Jet's going to blow the dam."

They both looked at me like I was crazy. "Y/n, first Sokka, now you. Jet is nice and he cares about us!"

"Katara! You're only saying that because you have a crush on him!"

Aang's face slightly dropped at that statement and Katara's face turned red as she glared at me.

"Jet would never do that!"

"Actually yes, I would."

Me and Aang took fighting stances when Katara stood there shocked.

"We need to get revenge on the fire nation."

Aang steppes towards Jet, "But what about the earth kingdom village? Those innocent people."

"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made."

Katara's eyes were tearing up, "I trusted you, and all this time. Sokka was right."

"I was hoping you'd be more understanding than your brother was."

"Where is my brother? What did you do to him!?"

"He was taken on a walk, a long one."

Aang pointed his staff at Jet, "Call off the attack and I might let you go."


Jet swung at Aang, knocking him over. Me and Katara both bended our water repeatedly at him, causing him to back up against a tree. We then froze the water, freezing him to the tree.

"You failed, Jet."

Then Jet suddenly whistled, signaling something. Then we saw a fire lit arrow, flying towards the blasting jelly, "We were too late."

"No we weren't!" Sokka came out of the forest on Appa's back. "I went to warn the village. They didn't believe me at first and said I was a spy. But someone vouched for me. It was the old man you ambushed."

Jet looked down in shame.

"I can't believe I actually liked you." I could tell her words hurt him but he deserved it.

We all got on Appa and spoke two words, "Yip yip."

"Sokka, I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first."

Aang joined in, "Jet had us fooled."

"Well maybe this shows you should listen to my instincts more. Sometimes they're right you know."

"Sokka we're going the wrong way."

"Sometimes they're wrong!"

He swiftly turned Appa around as we flew off into the sunset.

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