
By allyvegaz

229 20 2

Nara is part of a magical family. All her siblings have powers, but she hasn't found her's yet or did she? More

Chapter 2 ~ School
Chapter 3 ~ Getting Ready for Denish
Chapter 4 ~ Dream Love
Chapter 5 ~ Trigger
Chapter 6 ~ Getting Ready for
Chapter 7 ~ Fire Ceremony
Chapter 8 ~ In Trouble
Chapter 9 ~ Sneaking Off
Chapter 10 ~ Am I?
Chapter 11 ~ I Am
Chapter 12 ~ The Curse
Chapter 13 ~ Water Ceremony

Chapter 1 ~ Life as Nara

34 4 0
By allyvegaz

My name is Nara Kayan, I live together with my four siblings Rain, Rahja, Antra and Ilan and my parents. Well, my family isn't as normal as you might think on first sight. We're witches. Powerful witches, well everyone except me.

Yup, I'm a powerless witch. Haven't got my powers yet, giving my siblings the perfect topic to tease me, mostly with magic.

And this is one of those moments. Rahja levitates my school books for homework, Antra turned me into a clown and Ilan is just sitting there laughing. He wouldn't ever think about helping me, he's helping my sisters of course. He, Rahja and Antra are the closest.

"Come little girl, jump" Ilan said and laughed. I jumped and tried to get my books back, but I gave up. I ran into the bathroom and tried to get the make up off. It took me 10 minutes. I threw the red wig onto the corner and got out of the costume. I slit down the wall and started crying like hell. I then heard, how outside it started raining. Great I thought. I hate the rain!! It only comes when I feel like shit!!

After about 15 minutes of crying, I got up and went to the mirror and looked at my red face. My greenish eyes were swollen from me crying. I put my dark brown hair with brighter highlights into a bun and took some toilet paper to fix my make up. I walked to the window and looked outside. The rain stopped... strange... I thought and took a top from behind the shelf and some jeans shorts and put them on.

I took a deep breath and sighed, before opening the door and walking back to my room. Luckily my so called siblings are gone from my room.

I gathered my books and threw them on my bed. I locked my room door and put some blanket, my favorite blanket, a pink blanket, in front of it. My mother cast a spell on it a while ago, so it won't allowed magic to the things it was covering, meaning my siblings couldn't open the door with magic.

I hate not having my powers, it's what makes me weak! I don't like being weak, it makes me vulnerable. I don't like being vulnerable. It's totally dangerous in my family, because being the only powerless witch in a witch family is not as great as you think it might be. You think being normal in a family of witches is great? Well, it's not!!

I jumped onto my bed and continued studying.

One thing about being normal, is studying. I have to memorize everything for school by myself. My brother just cheats in a test by making himself a pair of invisible glasses with the test answers in it or Rahja always writes in an extra room, because she is 'sick' at the original test date and casts a spell on the pencil or Antra, who just casts a spell on the test paper to make the answers appear. All like cheating in school, I would never do that, but not being able to is hard. Even Rain used to cheat. She became valedictorian and had straight A's. Now she's in some elite witch college and an straight A student there.

Then someone banged against my door. "Take the fucking blanket down Nara!!" I heard my brother Ilan yell. "You would like that, so no!! Get lost!!"

"Nara!!" He yelled again and I just laughed. "I'm not opening the door. No chance" I yelled and he continued to bang against the door. I took my headphones and started to listen to music and ignore Ilan completely.

Being different is the most annoying thing I know. I hate it. I read the rest of the page and threw it on the ground next to my desk. I sighed and took my blanket from the door and wrapped it around me. I unlocked the door and went through the bright blue hallway into the dark red and white living room and into the garden. The rain started again and I was down again.

I sat down on a chair and just watched the rain drops fall to the ground. "Nara?" A female voice asked and I looked to the door, where my oldest sister Rain was standing. "Yeah?" I asked a little sad. "What's wrong?" She asked and sat down beside me. "Ask Rahja, Antra and Ilan" I said and looked back at the rain. "I told them to stop" Rain said and I felt that the anger rose in me. "Well, they didn't" I said and went back inside and into my room. I locked the door and hung the blanket in front of it again and closed the curtains, which were enchanted as well.

I closed my eyes and remembered the time, were all of us haven't had our powers yet. I was like all my siblings back then. Now I'm 16 and my powers should have been here 2 years ago, so someone please tell me where they are!! Nope, ugh... Then I have to search for them myself.

I fell asleep and dreamed about a life with witch powers, a life better than mine now. I was able to tease my siblings like they tease me, just in real life it's more bullying than teasing what they do.

They once turned my hair lime green and they didn't knew the spell to change it back. I had to wear a hat for a week until Ilan and Antra found the reset spell. They can be so stupid sometimes and why do they always practice their magic on me?!

I woke up again and looked around.

Nope, still my boring powerless life. I rolled around in my bed and grabbed my phone. I looked through the pictures and saw old family pictures, where all of us kids where normal. That picture was 6 years old. I was 10, Ilan was 11, Antra was 12, Rahja was 12 and Rain was 13. Yes, we all are one year apart.

The next picture showed a selfie of me and my friends Laura and Eddie. Well, both are the outsiders in homeroom, so we decided to form a group and hang out together, we don't really get along. Laura and I fight most of the time and Eddie wishes that he would be deaf. He likes it, that he's not alone, but he hates it that Laura and I are his only chance to hang around people.

So they aren't really people I would talk to about this. I don't have witch friends that I could talk to.

"KIDS!! DINNER IS READY!!" My mother yelled through the entire house. I got up and took my blanket and wrapped it around me again and opened my door and walked to the dining room. "There she is, the powerless witch" Antra said with an evil smile.

"I'm going back into my room" I said and turned around. "Nara! Stay!" My father said and turned to Antra. "And you keep it down Antra. Don't be so mean to Nara. It's hard enough for her without you getting involved!!" "Yes father" Antra answered quiet and places the plates on the table. "Come, sit down Nara" My father said and I really didn't want to, but decided to just sit down and do nothing against my father. He is the most powerful witch or warlock in our family.

We started eating and the entire time, I was quiet. I couldn't take talking to my family. I wasn't good enough, not for my sisters, not for my brother and I am pretty sure my parents think the same. The people who where supposed to love me and the people I was the daughter of.

They talked about the spells they learned, the spells they need to work on, about other witch stuff. Once again, topics I couldn't talk about. I hurried with eating and got up. "Where are you going?" My mother asked. "I'm done with my food. I'm going back to my room" I said and took my plate and put it into the sink and walked off. I hated to always walk around with a blanket around my body, covering it completely, but it was the only way to be save from my siblings.

I hurried back into my room and hung the blanket back up and locked the door. I sat down on my window seat and looked out of the window. I saw how the sun was shining and I was a little bit confused. How come it was raining that much just an hour ago and now it's sunny again. I don't get it.

I lied back against the wall and thought. I don't know about what I was thinking. I just had to think. I want my powers, I know I am annoying, but I want them and I want them now!!

About 30 minutes of complaining in my mind later, I went to take a shower and went to bed. I was sick of thinking about whatever I was thinking.

It took a while until I fell asleep. I was crying myself to sleep, which became totally normal for me, I mean come on, when was the last time I didn't cry myself to sleep? Do you know it because I don't!

Stupid brain, go to bed!! I wanna sleep too!!

Thanks, finally!!

I guess you knew what happened, I fell asleep

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