One-shot, Two Kills [A Rainb...

By -Aziel-

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Y/n L/n, The Best Sniper that The UN could offer. Have more than 300 confirmed kills and 99% of them are head... More

Prologue part 1 : Meeting Zofia
Prologue part 2 : Meeting Ela and The Hunting Trip
Prologue part 3 : Goodbye and Meeting Monika
Prologue part 4 [End] : Graduation and Goodbyes
Operator File : [Hawk]
Operator Loadout : [Hawk]
Chapter 1 : The Rescue Mission
Chapter 2 : Truth be Revealed
Chapter 3 : The Problem
Chapter 4 : Justice
[Operator Video Idea ]
Chapter 6 : A Harem ?
Chapter 7 : More Girls ?
Chapter 8 : Mission Briefing and A Flashback
Chapter 9 : Goodbye Old Friends...
Chapter 10 :A Broken Heart
Author's Message

Chapter 5 : New Roommates

2.9K 20 27
By -Aziel-

(Since none of you would choose , I already decided where I will put Y/n in) 

"I will choose the GIGN dormitory if thats alright with the GIGN "  

?????? : "Yes we are okay with that" 

I then turn around just to see a Guy wearing a GIGN medic uniform 

"And you are ?" 

Gustave : "The name Gustave , or you can call me Doc in missions " 

I nodded and 2 other man wearing GIGN uniforms walks up and stand beside Gustave 

Julien : "Julien , or Rook on the field" 

Gilles : "Gilles or Montagne on field" 

"Y/n or Hawk " 

Then I saw a what looks like a short woman hiding behind Gustave 

"Whos that behind you , Gustave ?" 

Gustave : "Oh , this right here is Emma or Twitch" 

I then giggles 

"A Shy one ?" 

Gustave just nods so I giggles and kneel infront of him , looking at Emma peeking from behind him 

"I wont bite" 

That just makes her run towards Giles and hide behind him 

I then stood and looked at Gustave 

Gustave : "So , where are your bags ?" 

"Its already beside your dorm front door " 

all 3 of them : "How ?!" 

"Its easy when you have 4 guardian demons watching ya" 

Gustave : "guardian demons ?" 

"Pride , Envy , Lust ,and Wrath " 

Gustave : "Oh them , but I never saw Pride " 

I laugh a little making them to look at me 

Julien : "Whats so funny ?" 

"Youre looking at him right now" 

Then their faces turned into a scared one  

Julien : "Y-you ?" 

I nodded 

"Now cmon , Im tired " 

Then we made our way to their dorm , actually its our dorm now I guess . They kept talking in French , thinking that i would not understand a word they are saying . Turns out they are talking about me and how I beat Oliver that easily 

[Timeskip to the dorm] 

Gustave : "And here we are " 

I quickly took my bags before Gustave opens the door revealing a small living room with 2 set of couch , a coffee table , and a 40inch LED TV with a small basic kitchen . We all enters the room with me being the last one and closed the door 

"I take it , I slept on the couch ?" 

Gustave : "No , you can take Oliver room " 

He then points at a door with Lion's logo on it 

"Ah alright , anything I need to throw away ?" 

Julien : "Not sure.. , but just sleep on the couch if you dont want to find out" 

"Okay then.." 

I quickly put my bags on the couch before looking around 

"Do you know , where is Nokk' s dorm ?" 

Gustave : "Oui , why ? You have a thing for her ?" 

I looked at him 

"Im her boyfriend.." 

They were in shock after hearing that 

Gilles : "So about that you are single thing , its a lie ?" 

I nodded 

"I dont want to put her in danger , especially from Taina and Zofia " 

Gustave : "Understandable , but you do have a problem now..." 

He points at Emma that now locked herself in her room 

"I think I have a solution , buttt I have to talk with Nokk first" 

Gustave : "Good luck with that , my friend " 

"Thanks , Gonna need that " 

Then I proceed to get out from the room before heading to Nokk's room , I accidentally encountered Taina and Meghan while walking towards Nokk's room 

Taina : "Where are you going , Y/n ?" 

"Uhhhh , To Nokk's room ?" 

Meghan : "Why ? " 

"Personal stuff ?" 

They nodded and kept walking , making me do the same for a while and whistling along the way since there is no one that I encountered so far . after a while , I finally reached a room with Nokk's logo on it but I can hear yelling and shouting from outside so I decided to just listen and wait 




Then the door Opened revealing Nokk that was running from a chinese guy wearing some kind of cargo shorts with a black shirt 

Nokk : "Y-Y/n ?" 

"Yes its me , now get behind " 

She obeyed me and got behind me , just right after the chinese guy looked at her with a stare that I will never forget , which is a 'I will get you next time' look 

"Who is this man , Nokk ?" 

?????? : "Just a friend , 'big guy' " 

I quickly held his collar and raised him up 

"Explain to me who he is , Nokk " 

Nokk : "H-Hes been doing the same thing Thermite and Lion has been doing and he is the one that in charge of girls in this base and organization " 

"Is that all ?" 

Nokk : "H-He h-has been torturing other girls and people to let them know that he is in charge and no one shouldn't mess with him " 

The guy suddenly spat out onto me and laughed 

?????? : "WHat WiLl you do ?!" 

I look him right at his eyes 

"Putting you in your original place " 

?????? : "And where is this place ?" 

"Right on the ground " 

After Saying that , I quickly slammed him onto the ground making a loud sound and most of the operators came out from their room to look on whats going on 


She looked at me standing behind the Chinese guy unconscious body 

Zofia : "Y-you d-did that ? " 

Nokk : "Yes he did , now please get away from my boyfriend " 

All : "BOYFRIEND ?!!" 

I whisper to Nokk 

"You said , you want to keep things a little secretive ?" 

Nokk : "Its too late for that , you know ?" 

I chuckled and pick her up before walking into the her room leaving the unconscious body laying there , Then I close the door and Nokk took off her Veil and helmet letting me to see her beautiful face 

Nokk : "So , what do you want to talk about ? " 

"So well , you know that some of the female operators in this base have  taken interest in me , Right ?" 

Nokk : "Lemme guess , you want to try this Harem thing ?" 

"If you want to , That is your decision " 

Then she made this thinking posture that she always made when she was either thinking or confused 

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