Billie and Brandon: Unpredict...

By SevenandBillie

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When Billie falls pregnant as a seventeen year old in high school she is forced to make decisions about her l... More



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By SevenandBillie

"How come when you saw those girls approach you didn't leave?" Brandon called out from behind the curtain, his voice slightly muffled by the sound of the cascading water.

"I couldn't" Billie said, texting Drew the events of the day as she kicked her legs back and forth, "They snuck up on me before I could avoid them."

He said nothing for a while as he showered, and Billie subtly inhaled deeply. She could smell his aftershave, and it was amazing. She leaned back against the mirror, closing her eyes and relishing in the comfort she felt from the scent.

"Are you shaving?"

"I have dinner with my dad tonight. He tends to be super anal about the stupidest things. He says if I'm going to have a goatee then I have to make sure its completely cleanly shaven."

"He's still here?"

"He's staying until break starts to take me back to New York with him."

Billie nodded, letting the comfortable silence take over the conversation once again. She pulled out her pack of donuts and finished them off quietly, patiently answering Drew's concerned and frantic texts about the harassment. What was with everyone freaking out about it? It honestly hadn't been that big of a deal. Sure, annoying. But nothing worth crying over spilled milk about.

The water cut off and shortly after Brandon came out with his shower caddy clad in just a towel wrapped around his waist. Billie froze mid bite of her last donut, unable to tear her gaze away from him, her eyes taking him in in appreciation. He was still wet with beads of water clinging to his body and his hair was flattened down in odd angles. Sometimes she forgot how attractive Brandon was and whenever she was reminded, it would always smack her in the face. He paused as he walked by her, a small knowing smirk forming on his face when he caught her ogling him.

Brandon rose an amused eyebrow, "You want a napkin for that drool?"

Billie scoffed and went back to texting Drew, trying to pretend like she wasn't a little flustered.

"What? You're a piece of eye candy. And I'm pregnant. Not dead."

Brandon snorted and continued on his way around the corner to his locker to change. Billie considered sneaking around and snapping a secret picture of him to keep for her particularly charged nights, but she forced herself to stay put on the bathroom corner, literally sitting on her hands to make sure she didn't do something stupid.

"You know, you could have gotten really hurt today." Brandon said as he came back around the corner with his school bag, dressed and hair styled for the most part. "Not just you, but also Jellybean."

Billie frowned, "Wait. Are you still going on about that?"

"I've been googling all of these risks you can face now that you're pregnant." He shrugged. coming to stand in front of her. "I can't help but keep thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't gotten there fast enough."

"Nothing would have happened. Let it go." Billie said, rolling her eyes. "Why are you still so freaked out?"

"I just wish you would let me protect you."

Her heart skipped a beat. "I'm not a damsel in distress. I can take care of myself, Kane."

"I know..." He took her hand, stepping closer to her with a smile, "And that's what scares me the most. You would probably be the type to try to deliver the baby on your own even."

Billie laughed, taking his other hand reassuringly. "If it makes you feel better, I'll let you get all Protective Daddy on me one day a week. Deal?"

Before she could even react. Brandon scooped her up from the counter bridal style, holding her gingerly in his arms. Billie let out a surprised squeal, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck when her center of gravity suddenly changed.


"You could easily hurt yourself walking" he said simply, his chest vibrating with laughter.

"I so couldn't!"

"You never know. Cracks in the tiles could make you fall."

"What cracks? You just want to carry me."

"That's not a lie."

But Billie chuckled and rested her head against his shoulder. She couldn't lie and say she wasn't absolutely comfortable. And Brandon smelled like heaven. She could definitely get used to this.

"Did you drive?"

"Not today."

"I swear Que, I can walk."

He didn't set her down until they had gotten out of the school building, but even then, he almost immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her tight to him.

As they walked down the sidewalk on the way to Drew's, Billie spotted a hot dog/tofu dog vendor advertising his two dollar dogs. She stared at it, her stomach suddenly crying out for food.

"You want me to buy you one?" Brandon asked, noticing the intense look she was giving the cart.

She nodded slowly, already tugging him in the direction of the street vendor with an excited twinkle in her eyes.

"Hi" The man said congenially, "What'll it be?"

"Can I have a tofu dog, but without the tofu and some ketchup please?"

A small frown appeared on his face for a second. "So...the bun and some ketchup?"

"Yup!" Billie said in excitement, "That's exactly it."

"No pickles? No relish? No nothing?"

"Nope. Just a bun and a shit ton of ketchup."

Brandon and the vendor both stared at her with slightly horrified expressions on their faces. After a moment, the vendor shook his head in complete confusion, but he pulled out a bun and filled the space where dog should have gone with ketchup. He wrapped it in aluminum and handed it to Billie, who smiled gleefully. It smelled absolutely amazing.

"You know what? This one's on me." the vendor said, waving off Brandon when he pulled out his wallet, "I've seen a lotta weird shit on these Los Angeles streets, but a dog without the dog and only ketchup? Never. You two have a nice day."

She and Brandon continued on their way and Billie took a huge, happy bite of it, moaning under her breath at the relief of her hunger from the ketchup. God, she loved ketchup. Brandon was watching her the whole time, his face looking appalled.

"What?" she asked, licking her lips of some of the ketchup.

"Do you, uh, always get these super weird cravings?"

"They're not weird." She muttered, taking another happy bite. "These are amazing."

"What do you normally eat at home?"

"Well. I like to make frozen ketchup bars. And Drew mixed some chocolate pudding and ketchup for me to dip pickles in." She shrugged, finishing off the ketchup dog and licking her fingertips to get off the excess condiment that had dripped. "Peanut butter and ketchup tastes really good on bread. Anything fried of course. And pineapples and ketchup are the best."

Brandon looked a little green by the end of her explanation. "Billie, your ketchup craving is all kinds of disgusting."

"That's rude." She shot him a dirty look. "I'll kick your butt, Kane. I don't care if your baby is in me."

"Sorry" he chuckled, turning around so she was in front of him, "Hold on. You've got a little something here."

He leaned down and gently wiped the ketchup off of the corner of her mouth with his index finger. She stared up at him, her heart jumping in her chest when he pulled away with a warm look in his eyes.

"Do you have a napkin?"

"Don't waste the ketchup..." Billie murmured, taking his finger and sucking the ketchup off of the end.

Brandon's breath hitched at her action and he stiffened, his brows furrowed and eyes dancing with a fire that sent a thrill down Billie's back. She removed her mouth from his finger with a slight pop and then leaned up on the very tip of her toes, placing her hands on his shoulders and kissing him softly on the cheek. She didn't know exactly what compelled her to do so, but she felt bubbly and giggly and she just wanted to. He had something of a nervous look on his face, and he gazed at her in awe when she pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"Because you're always sweet to me. Even when I'm not."

He fell silent and watched her with a look vaguely resembling longing. And there was something else very sincere and heart-warming hidden deep in his expression that made Billie's cheek start to flush. It seemed like he had something he wanted to say to her, but he wasn't saying a word. He was clearly holding something back and it frightened her because part of her had a feeling she knew what it was and the other part of her was doing everything in her power to pretend like she didn't. She kiss him.

But she knew that could be potentially stupid.

She broke eye contact and quickly took his hand, tugging him towards Drew's house.

"Let's go Kane. It's getting dark. I need help with the rest of my songs. And you still have to go to dinner with your dad."

Brandon laughed, "Okay, but I doubt I'll be of much help."

They arrived at Drew's house and walked up the driveway. She had to grip his arm hard to stop him from picking her up again.

"I swear if you try to pick me up again I'll run, Que!"

She was laughing as they got to the front door. She slid the key in the hole and opened it, walking in with Brandon in tow.

And the she froze.

Because her mother was sitting on the couch staring at the coffee table.

Sarah was sitting nearby, wringing her hands together and looking a little uneasy. Billie's stomach flipped, part apprehensive and part excited. There could only be one reason her mom was here, right?

She swallowed thickly, her throat dry. "M-mom?"

Maggie lifted her gaze to Billie and then her eyes dropped down to her abdomen with a genuine look of distaste. Billie felt herself go rigid, and her head protectively covered her abdomen.

"Hello Billie" She said civilly, her gaze indifferent and almost frigid.

"What is she doing here?" Billie asked Sarah, a little pissed off by not only the look Maggie had given her, but the fact that they hadn't seen each other in a little more than three weeks, and she was treating her so coldly.

"She came to see you." Sarah said nervously.

"I came to drop off the rest of your clothes and shoes." Maggie corrected, shooting Sarah a scornful look. "You asked me to stay and see her. And now I've seen her."

Billie's spirit dropped once again, her heart tugging painfully in her chest. She felt so stupid. So, so stupid for thinking her mom had actually come to take her back. She had gotten excited for no reason only to get knocked down once again.

"So now that that's done, I have to go to work."

"Wait, Maggie." Sarah pleaded. "Why don't you stay for dinner? At least talk to Billie."

"I'm not interested" She dismissed her sharply.


Maggie glanced at Billie, her expression not particularly pleased. All Billie could feel from her was ice cold. There was no warmth in her gaze. No affection in her expression. Just cold, dark anger and disgust.

"Do you hate me or something?" Billie could feel her anger rising, along with something painful and heart-wrenching that was slowly climbing up her chest, "I don't understand why you're still so angry!"

"I don't hate you, Billie" Maggie said simply, "I just can't stand to look at you right now."

"Maggie. That's your daughter" Sarah responded, her voice distressed.

"While I appreciate you reminding me, Sarah, I'd rather not hear that coming from someone whose daughter isn't expecting a child." Maggie gave Billie a dirty look once again, her eyes falling to the sight swell of her belly. "Whose daughter isn't a screw up."

Billie felt her throat tighten dangerously, and Brandon calmly slipped his hand into hers, squeezing it gently to give her support.

Sarah frowned, "Billie is not a screw up, Maggie. She's been through hell and back these past few months, and she's pushed through it all to keep going on with each day. I don't appreciate that statement one bit. Billie is incredibly brave, and you need to recognize that!"

"Is that so?" Maggie replied in boredom, "Well if you're so happy with her, why don't you keep her?"

"Mom..." Billie said shakily and appalled, her breathing starting to go jerky.

"Are you saying you're abandoning your daughter?!" Sarah exclaimed in stupefaction, "Your own flesh and blood?"

"I'm not abandoning her. I want her to come home." Maggie said and everyone stared at her in shock.

Billie felt that twinge of hope rising in her once again.

"You want me home?"

Maggie met her eyes once again, "Are you keeping your child?"

"I'm planning to."

"I want you to come home, Billie" Maggie shook her head in disdain, "But only if you promise to give the child up for adoption since you're clearly not going to abort."

"What." Billie near whispered. Her voice sounded weak and strained, even to her own ears.

"Now hold on Ms. Baird-" Brandon started.

She cut him off with a raise of her hand. "Billie is irresponsible, lazy, and unfit to raise a child, especially at seventeen. She doesn't even have a job, she has no prospects, no college degree. She can't cook, she barely cleans, she's too selfish. You think she's ready to raise any kids when she can barely handle herself? There's no way she would be capable of raising a child. I would know. I've raised two of them."

"How could you say that about her?" Brandon said, his jaw clenched in irritation.

"It would be better for everyone if she gave up the child."

And Billie's heart nearly stopped, the pounding in her ears rising and becoming a loud ringing until that was all she could hear.


"Ms. Baird!"

Billie let go of Brandon's hand, stepping forward unsteadily.

"Is that what you really think of me?" Billie asked quietly, her voice quivering, unshed tears pooling in her eyes.

Maggie's mouth snapped shut and she was silent, but all Billie needed to see was the momentary guilt and resentment in her mother's eyes to know the answer.

Without another word, Billie walked straight out of the living room and away from her mother. She went straight to Drew's room, throwing her notebooks and other random papers off the bed and trying to keep herself from crying. She could vaguely hear Brandon yelling at Maggie somewhere in the back of her mind behind all the ringing.

"You don't get to make that decision about what should be good for Billie when you decided to throw away your daughter! Billie chose to keep our baby. If you were kind of decent mother, you would respect her decisions and support her no matter what!"

She laid back on Drew's bed, her breathing growing choppy and coming out in short bursts. Billie closed her eyes, biting her lip to stop the violent quivering. Footsteps stormed down the hall and stopped at Drew's door. She glanced over and saw Brandon standing there, watching her in concern.


She sniffled and turned over, facing the window.

"I don't want to talk about it."

He obliged and sat on the edge of the bed.

She stared at the ceiling, trying to swallow down the thick lump in her throat. Trying not to think about the fact that her mother said all those horrible things about her. Trying not to think that those things were all true.

Without warning, Brandon turned and laid down next to her stomach, his legs hanging off the edge of the bed. He slowly peeled up her shirt, and Billie yelped in surprise, thinking he was trying something funny.

"Brandon, what are you-"

And then her breath caught when he gently placed his warm hand on her abdomen, right below her belly button where the bump was growing.

"Hey Jellybean." He whispered softly to her belly, "I don't think we've formally been introduced. I'm Brandon Adams. Your daddy. I know I wasn't there for almost ten weeks of your life. And I'm sorry. But you can blame Mommy for that."

He glanced up at Billie mischievously with those words, and she knew tears were dropping uncontrollably from her eyes when her vision blurred. She let out a breathless laugh, at how ridiculous and comforting this was.

"But I'll be there for you every step of the way for the rest of your life, no matter what. I promise. Even if your mommy threatens to kick my ass, I'll be right there. Always."

And then he kissed the spot where his hand had been, and it was so much sweeter and so much more intimate than any kind of kiss she could have ever gotten that Billie's heart faltered a couple beats. With a slight whimper, Billie broke down into choked sobs, covering her face with her hands as her body shook with her cries.

Brandon shifted and climbed on the bed, taking her by the waist and gently pulling her to him. She went willingly, pressing her face into his chest and just letting it all go: the frustration with her situation, her grief and anguish from her mother's rejection, her anger at herself for never being good enough, her happiness with Brandon. Everything poured out at once and she clutched his shirt, wailing as he held her, rubbing her back softly as jerky hiccups wracked her body.

"I'm a mess..."

"You're not."

"What about your dad?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm not going anywhere..."

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