
By ComfortablySedated

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Peaches holds a secret that binds her to a lifestyle she was forced into at a young age. She is made to perfo... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four


2.2K 76 59
By ComfortablySedated

M A T U R E A U D I E N C E S O N L Y!
*Trigger warning*

"Did they say why they were looking for me?" My tone held strong through the worry that plagued my senses. Escaping this fear was near impossible even through the haze of my drunken state of mind.

What if I had been there tonight? What would be my fate?

Candy tugged at her tights, forcing them down her legs. "No, Briel, they didn't say a thing to me." Her responses were snappy and rushed, with good reason.

"Are you sure you saw Daddy?"

She nodded solemnly peering up at me through her fluttery lashes. The dark circles around her eyes were wet with tears. "Parked right outside. He was in his limousine, I'm sure of it. He was there."

With a heavy sigh to relieve the ache in my chest, I scanned over my room, searching for the courage I needed to face this situation. "You don't think he just wanted to check in?"

"Check in?" She scoffed. "Tell me when the last time he decided to actually "check in on you" was? He always says he will, but he sends one of them instead."

"It's been a while, Candy, but it's not totally bizarre."

"So why now?" She demanded, her chest heaving as she spoke. "What did you do? What did I do? Have we done something wrong?"

"I don't know, Candy but-"

"We have always been good." She tore off her top and threw it to the floor with a trembling hand. "Do you really think that we're ever going to be safe if they-"

"Relax," I stood up to her, holding her arms carefully. "Candy, we are going to be fine. Don't let them take away your strength. You and I both know that Daddy favors us. He's told us."

"But he just lets his men-" her pained face crumpled into a sorrowful cry.

"I know." Was all I could manage. Though I know it wouldn't heal the pain she felt-I embraced her, holding tight so she didn't feel alone. The terror they had instilled into her heart would resonate forever. They had taken a part of her away. Whether she'd admit or not. They had broken her.

"Something is different about you." Candy said softly, staring up at the ceiling fan as it swayed through the air. Our pinky fingers crossed together while we laid in the warmth of each other's company.

"Is it a good kind of different?" I questioned, running through all potential ways I could have changed in her eyes. Deep down I knew what she was talking about. The staring off into space, daydreaming in a little fantasy world.

Why can't you just focus?

"You seem a little happier." Her head turned on the pillow, blinking slowly at me as she spoke. "You normally look all grumpy and pissed off, but lately you've been smiling more."

I shrugged, biting back a smile. "I don't know, I guess-"

Her jaw dropped open as she gasped out. "Peach!"

"What?" My cheeks began to flush with embarrassment.

"You slept with him didn't you?" Her eyes scanned me rapidly as she nudged my arm. "Don't even lie."

I covered my face with my hands and giggled, confirming with a nod.

"Well god damn girl! That boy is fine, that's for sure."

"You're telling me." I turned over onto my side, grinning broadly at her.

"Be careful though." She grabbed hold of my hand, squeezing carefully. "Daddy could be watching. With all the shit going on at Honeys, Briel, just be careful."

My smile slowly faded, her words sinking in. She was right, I did need to be careful for a multitude of reasons. "I will, I promise."

"Good." She snuggled herself under the comforter and sighed.

I watched her close her eyes sleepily and felt envious of the way she could so effortlessly slip into sleep. It took quite a bit of time for me to turn my brain off. All the thoughts racing through my mind would take over and I would be wide awake with anxiety.

"Was it fun?" Her eyes shot back open, twinkling as she beamed.

"What?" I snuggled closer next to her, curling my legs up. "The sex?"

"Duh, what else is good in our life?" She laughed cynically.

"It was pretty great, Candy. He exceeded my expectations and more." Visions of our tangled bodies crossed through my mind, his naked skin pressed against mine. That eagerness to please me all while keeping controlled and dominant.

Those sensual groans of pleasure I was able to pull out of him.

"You know very well that you can't just leave it at that, Bri. I need to know the stats here. Was it romantic or rough? Was he ginormous? He looks like he's pack-"


"I'm so serious. Do you know how hard it is to find decent dick?" She sighed longingly, twisting her hair around her pointer finger.

"Well, if you must know-"

"Literally need to know." Her eyebrows raised, waiting for a satisfactory response. "Like how did it even happen in the first place?"

"He just kinda pounced on me," I explained, making sure not to sound so infatuated. "I don't know, it wasn't super rough but it was also really-" I fished around for the words in my brain, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. There was no perfect way of explaining the sex, other than the fact that I could not for the life of me stop thinking about it.

"Really what? Here you go daydreaming again." She propped herself up onto her elbow, tossing her tangled brown hair behind her bare shoulders that glistened with body glitter.

"I'm sorry, it was just- he's the best I've ever had." The fine hairs on my neck stood up with shivers that coursed down my spine, craving the comfort of his touch.

"So it was big." Her head bobbed with excitement, quietly squealing.

"I- yes, very." In comparison to the gentlemen I had slept with, he was a god. "That's not all of it, Candy. We slept together and showered together, it was so far away from just a casual fuck. I really believe that it will happen again, whether I want it to or not."

"You catching feelings?"

"Of course not."

"Briel." Was all she had to say, burning a hole in me with her skeptical gaze.

"He's an asshole. He's mean and violent, always stomping around. It drives me crazy." I watched her thoughtfully, digging my hole deeper and deeper until I realized what I was actually saying. "He doesn't respect me, but he touches me like I'm a fucking freshly picked rose or something. One minute he looks at me like I'm so rare and so special, and then he just hates me."

"What are you going to do, then?"

"The more distance I put between us, the better it'll be. I know to be careful, and I know-" A smile threatened the serious expression on my face. Why was I smiling?

This is serious

"Make sure you know how to stop it when you need to." She grabbed my hand again, this time much tighter than before. She was worried for me.

"Starting now." I buried myself further in my pillow, hiding the tears that pricked my eyes as my smile faded away. "It'll stop, I promise."

"They're looking for you, Briel."

"I know."

Candy had fallen asleep fairly quickly, silently dreaming while I laid awake beside her. As much as I tried I couldn't reach the point of full undisturbed sleep. Tossing and turning, flinging my blanket off and on, silencing my overactive brain was near impossible.

I mindlessly scrolled through my cell phone, for hours until I saw the sun begin to peek through my soft grey chiffon curtains. The clock read a quarter after seven, a perfect time to start the coffee and begin the day. It was my mission today to be as active and productive as I could. I'd even worked up the balls to go into Honey's to cover Candy's shift. I figured it was best if I went to face whatever was waiting for me at that club. Better me than her, huh?

Candy remained unmoved, soft snores escaping her slightly parted lips as she lay peacefully. With a final look behind me, I crept out of my bedroom and walked to the living room where Chris sat shirtless on the couch.

His gun sat on the seat beside him, ready for any action. It seemed as though he had in fact been waiting all night for some unlucky soul to disturb the peace. The dark circles around his eyes proved that, along with the lazy stare he cast upon the TV.

"You've been up all night?" I asked, rubbing my eyes with complete disregard to the mascara smearing over my eyelids.

"Damn right I've been up all night." He snapped, visibly displeased to see me. "The fuck else am I gonna do? You think I can sleep knowing y'all got problems?"

"I didn't sleep either." I shrugged, rubbing my toes along the carpet flooring nervously.

"Good." He huffed, taking a drink from his cup of dark black coffee. "You wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"I told you last night. Just some weirdos who get too infatuated with the dancers." I lied, voice unwavering. "They really like Candy and I."

"Oh no," he shook his head with a chilling laugh. "Don't feed me bullshit, sweetheart, I'm not fucking stupid."

"I never said you were. All I'm saying is we are perfectly fine and safe. It's all under control."

"Bullshit!" He shouted, flying up off of the couch. His tall frame loomed over me with a look so cold, it could freeze all of the blood in my body.

"It's not-"

"Someone's looking for you, and you expect me to believe that it's just some loser creeps?" Closing in with every step, he finally had me against the wall with no escape from his anger. "You got me so fucked off if you think your little lying game actually works with me."

"You yelling at me isn't helping anything." I countered, turning my cheek away from him so I didn't have to be so close. I was shrinking under the weight of his fury.

"You're damned right I'm yelling!" He slammed his fist against the wall beside me, making me jump in place. "Maybe you'll fucking listen to me for once."

"You need to move away from me, Christian." I pushed on his chest like I was pushing on a brick wall.

"You need to tell me the truth, Briel." He forcefully turned my head back to him. Before he could pull an answer of out me his cell phone rang, buzzing loudly against the wood grain coffee table. "God damn it!" He cursed, finally freeing me from the trap his arms had set me in, moving over to answer his phone.

"Who is it?" I asked, watching the frustration in his eyes turn to pure hatred, slamming his finger down to answer the phone.

"I'm dealing with something right now, what do you want?" He answered, attempting to sound composed through every word he bit out.

This was my opportunity to finally leave the room and get myself a cup of coffee. I raced to the kitchen, finding it best to snoop out of his line of sight. The coffee smelled delicious, rich, and bold in flavors that wafted through the house. However, as pleasant as it smelled, I didn't really need the caffeine after having Chris scream in my face. My hands shook as I poured my cup, spilling coffee on the counter carelessly.

"So you need me to take care of it?" I heard him pacing the living room, his untied boot laces smacking against the leather steel toes. He stormed into the kitchen, slamming his empty mug on the counter. "You think he is capable of that kind of- No, I never said I couldn't do it, boss, I'm saying I don't think he had anything to do with it."

With wide eyes, I watched him drop his face in his free hand. "What's going on?" I whispered, not necessarily expecting him to answer me.

"Fine. It'll take me an hour to get over there. Yes, I know where it is. I'll let you know when it-" Chris abruptly stopped talking and dropped his phone down. Whoever it was he was just speaking with had hung up on him, frustrating Chris beyond belief.

"Is everything alright?" I peered at him over the rim of my mug.

"No, it's not alright, Briel. Not only do I have to deal with your bullshit, now I have to find which one of my guys are looting supplies from the warehouse."

"Like cocaine?" I asked timidly.

"Guns, coke, a little bit of everything. They're stealing it and selling it off for their own profit." He yanked out his cigarettes and stuffed one in his mouth. "See how easy it is to fucking communicate?"

"You're very right, it is easy, but I don't have anything to tell you." I tiptoed closer to him, the racing beat of my heart throbbed in my ears, muffling all other sounds around me. "I promise I'm okay as long as you will be okay."

He sighed and turned away from me, breathing heavily with the intensity of his anger. "I'll be fine tonight."

"What do you have to do to those guys?"

I'm thinking I really don't want to find out.

"It all depends on what they have to say and what I find. Look just drop it alright, Briel you don't need to know that kinda shit." He dropped down to his knee and yanked on his laces, twisting them around his knuckles and tightening them aggressively.

"Okay, but what if-"

"I told you exactly what you need to know and more." Finally finished tying his boots up, he stood and made his way over to the living room.

"Chris, I'm not trying to make you mad." I followed after him like he had a second shadow. My heart couldn't handle him being upset with me, especially after he made it perfectly clear that he would be in danger tonight.

Maybe he was the danger.

"Well, you are." I watched him lift his pistol from the couch, releasing the clip and stuffing the magazine in his back pocket. He then cocked it back, dropping a small gold bullet on the floor by my feet. "You wanna know why I'm mad?"


"Because I tell you what's going on, without giving a fuck. I know I can handle it and help you, but you won't fucking let me." With a defeated sigh, he stuffed the pistol into his waistline. "I have to go now, Peach."

"When will you be back?" My feet seemed to move on their own, drawing me in until I stood before him. The only thing I wanted to do was wrap my arms around his waist and just hug him. To be able to lay my head against his chest and listen to the steady beat of his heart grow slowly faster.

"I really don't know." His jaw clenched tight as he looked around the room. He tried avoiding me for just a moment before his eyes slowly drug back to mine, making him soften. "You aren't leavin' the house."

"I have to, I didn't go to work last night so I'm taking Candy's shift."

"Do you really have to?"

"Yes, I do. Do you have to go?"

He nodded, touching his fingers to the bare skin of my shoulder and slipping them under the strap of my tank top. "You gonna miss me?"

I shook my head from side to side, a cheeky grin spreading my lips. "Nope, but you'll miss me."

His lips brushed against mine as his hand snaked around my waist, pulling me into him. "You think so?"

I'm going to miss this.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, attempting to slide my spatula under the egg that was now burnt to the frying pan. With every failed attempt I made, the poor perfect sunnyside up egg began to turn into a scrambled one.

"Aww, you're making me breakfast?" Candy stepped into the kitchen, her bare feet softly padding against the tile flooring.

"I'm trying to." I glanced over at her, no doubt looking like a disheveled mess. "More like burning it."

She peeked over my shoulder at the now entirely fried egg, stuck to the pan beyond repair. "Did you use any butter or oil?"

"No, I didn't think I needed to." I shrugged, swiping my hair out of my face.

"Babe, you're cooking it on high!" She moved me out of the way and removed the pan from the burner. "Eggs are delicate. Let me take over."

With a sigh of defeat, I stepped back and leaned over the counter. "Well, at least I made toast."

She glanced over at the toaster and giggled. "Hun, that's burnt too."

To my dismay, the once perfect slices of wheat bread were now burnt to a black crisp. "Whelp, I tried."

"Don't you worry, it's the thought that counts." She moved quickly around the kitchen, buttering a brand new pan and starting up another batch of eggs.

"How'd you sleep?" I pulled myself up onto the counter, lifting my cup of coffee up to my lips.

"Seriously so good. Who knew right?" I admired her chipper attitude. She wasn't going to let anyone stop her from trying to be positive.

Except for Daddy perhaps

"I couldn't sleep for the life of me."

"I figured as much." I watched her load two more slices of bread into the toaster before she turned over to me, looking remorseful. "I heard you and Chris talking this morning."

"More like yelling, honestly."

She nodded. "He didn't sound too happy."

"I can't tell him anything, Candy. It's killing me inside." I rubbed my temples, massaging them in a circular motion to clear away my headache. "I'm working for you tonight, by the way."

"No, you are not working for me tonight." She snapped, dropping the spatula down onto the stove. "Are you crazy, Briel?"

"I was thinking maybe if I just came in tonight for you, then it wouldn't be such a big deal that I didn't go yesterday." It was foolproof, just a simple schedule swap.

"You think that's going to work?" She reluctantly dropped her shoulders, her brow furrowing. "You don't think Daddy would be upset with you?"

I shrugged, fiddling with the hem of my shorts. "Not if I explain myself. Daddy likes me, Candy. He always tells me how pleased he is with me."

Candy carefully scooped each egg off of the frying pan, setting them down onto a plate one by one. "Well, I guess there's nothing to lose right?"

"Exactly. I'll be just fine, I swear to you."

"I start at eight." Her tone was full of sadness, looking away from me with regret.

"Perfect. Then we can get a good workout in, maybe go to the studio." I did my best in staying upbeat, removing all traces of fear from my voice. "What do you think?"

"Sounds nice." She said quietly, turning the burner off and handing me my warm plate.

"It'll be okay, Candy."

"I hope so."

Spending the day with Candy was refreshing, god knows we both needed the time. After a long and very rewarding session at the dance studio, she helped me prepare for the night. Within only an hour I was dressed to the nines in red lacy lingerie and sexy stilettos. Candy had always told me I looked best in red.

I arrived at Honeys at precisely a quarter till eight. I felt overjoyed to see that the lot was filled with the usual beat-up sedans and simple middle-class vehicles. No big shiny fancy cars in sight.

As I stepped inside, Victor approached me, a sullen look on his face. "You have a gentleman waiting for you in there."

I stared dumbly at him, blinking slowly as I mentally prepared myself for whoever was here to visit. Without a doubt it had to be either one of Daddys men, maybe even Daddy himself. I felt a grim feeling looming over me, plaguing my senses as I walked through the club, shakily punching in my numbers.

The dressing room was empty, leaving me a chance to take a moment to control my nerves. I warily stepped over to my vanity, feeling a slight breeze through the air. Chills ran down my spine as I heard my name whispered through the silence of the room.


The voice made me stop dead in my tracks, so familiar and haunting, with a slight Cuban accent. I could smell his harsh cologne, stinging my nose as I took in a shaky breath.

"Come to me."

I turned and started towards the backdoor that sat propped open, coming face to face with one of Daddy's men. The same one who came to Honeys for my review.

I do feel relaxed

"Time for a drive." He stood next to a long black limousine, slowly pulling a door open and signaling me to proceed forward.

My chest became hollow, every shallow beat of my heart echoed through my body. A dark and lonely feeling washed over me, nearly rendering me motionless. Each step I took toward him felt grimmer than the last. "Where are we going?"

He kept silent and still while he held the door for me. A bored expression was written over his hardened features. There was no mistaking it, he was most assuredly one of Daddys right hands. His broad shoulders held tall, bold, and fearless under his crisp suit.

I timidly took the steps over to the limo, briefly glancing up at him before I lowered myself in. The scent of strong Cuban cigars clouded the limousine, nauseating me.

"Hello, Peaches." I sat facing my monster, his eerie smile opening a floodgate of memories that haunted me.

"Hello, Daddy." I sat up straight and tall, keeping composed despite the slight trembling in my hands. His demeaning stare saw through me, reading every thought that spread across my face.

He lifted his hand and summoned his men back in the limousine. It was then that I realized it was more than just the one, there were at least five of them in sight. All of them holding semi-automatic pistols in their grasp.

"You look lovely tonight." He smiled as my cheeks flushed to match my lacy garments. A gold tooth shining in the dim light, adding to the intimidating aura around him.

"Thank you, Daddy." My palms began to perspire, tightly clasped together in my lap.

"Let's go." He shifted his gaze to the driver, staring into the rearview mirror at his reflection until he began to drive out of the lot.

"Where are we going?" I tried again, briefly glancing out the window as we entered the highway, heading southbound. Farther and farther away from home.

"I put you in charge for a reason, do you remember why, Ambriella?" He sat back in his seat, crossing his leg over his knee and puffing out on his cigar.

"You always tell me I'm a good girl. That I'm very obedient." I figured sticking with the most positive of things he has told me would be the best route considering I had no idea what his intentions were.

He cocked his head, inhaling harshly through his clenched teeth. "You're an intelligent girl, talented, and beautiful. You're privileged, do you understand that?"

No, I absolutely do not understand that. I wanted to scream out, to vanish away from his wicked stare. Every word he spoke seemed to leave me at the edge of my seat, heart beating like a bass drum in an empty auditorium. I nodded solemnly, focusing my eyes down in my lap.

Daddy leaned forward in his seat, snapping his fingers in my face to catch my attention. "You would imagine with that privilege, you would take to your duties responsibly. Without failure."

"Yes, Daddy." I blinked away hot tears, feeling the darkness closing in on me, enveloping me in the fear that consumed me.

"The numbers are dropping, my dear. Care to explain why that is occurring at the most successful club in southern Miami?"

My throat tightened with a rising lump that seemed to grow as anxiety riddled my nerves. "No, sir. I-"

"I expect you to look at me when I speak to you, Peaches. You know who you're talking to." My gaze darted back up at him, staring into his sinister eyes that were dripping with intense distaste.

"Yes, Daddy." Forcing my eyes to stay focused on him, despite the overwhelming urge to want to sink into my seat and cower in fear.

"Now, answer my question before I lose my patience." He growled out, a vein appearing on his forehead, decorating his aging face.

"I've had a lot of dancers leave." The words spilled from my mouth, without a chance to be carefully thought out. "Most of the new girls we have, well they don't really like the way our guests treat them in the private shows. They violate our policies on-"

His hand flew up, silencing me. He had heard enough, a look of pure disgust resonated on his face. "Now you mean to tell me I'm losing business because you pequeñas putas don't like entertaining my clients?"

For just a split second, my eyes flicked back down to my lap. In that split second, his hand flashed up to my cheek, whacking the side of my face with the back of his hand. Almost instantaneously, I felt the skin on my lip tear open, dripping blood down my chin. The force from his slap was enough to move me in my seat, falling onto Daddy's right-hand man.

"Answer the question, ciérrele puta estúpida." He yelled, voice booming in my fragile ears.

"Yes, Daddy." I bit back tears, facing him once again. I knew I had to stay obedient to him, the consequences would surely be fatal if I didn't stay in line.

There was no place to bite back

We sat in chilling silence for a moment, the only sounds to be heard were my heaving breaths of pain.

"Are you still dancing?" He cleared his throat, straightening his patterned red tie.

"Yes, sir." I nodded solemnly.

He turned his head to the window, watching the colorful sunset spilling over the surface of the Atlantic ocean like a blanket. "You did not dance yesterday."

"I wasn't feeling so well." I whimpered, wiping the blood from my chin only for it to be replaced by another thick stream. "Candy and I switched shifts."

"Hmm." He huffed, flicking a match to relight his cigar. "So this is reason to fail to complete your duties?"

Hopeless and afraid, I shook my head. We were heading to the keys, most likely to his hotel overlooking the beach. Another one of his successful business fronts. Who knows what horrors occur there, hidden deep inside the walls.

I wasn't willing to find out.

"I don't want to hear another word from you." He said smoothly, resting back against his seat with a sigh.

I respected his command and sat perfectly still and silent, patient as we drove on down the highway. Minute's drug on for what felt like hours, the weight of the tension digging holes in my abdomen. Sitting beside me, Daddys right-hand man eyed me with a sick grin of intent. He adjusted in his seat eagerly until the limo came to a stop, parked in the back of the hotel parking lot.

One by one, Daddy's men exited the limousine and stood guard outside, leaving me alone with Daddy, and the creep sitting next to me.

"Do you know why we're here, Peaches?" He asked smugly as he stood from his seat, and stepped out. A calm expression written across his cold face, waiting for us to follow beside him.

"No, Sir." My heels wobbled on the rocky pavement, body swaying with the harsh winds from the sea.

"Come." He turned towards the hotel, taking long strides across the lot to enter through the back door.

"We put on the blindfold now, sir?" One of his men asked, walking rather close beside me.


A set of hands sheathed in leather gloves gripped my arms, holding me firmly in place before a dark piece of fabric was tied around my wet eyes. I whimpered as they shoved me forwards, guiding me into the building. We walked for what seemed to be miles, moving down countless sets of stairs and hallways. Definitely a grim sign for me. The farther we go down, the lesser the chances of me leaving alive.

Finally, to my relief, we stopped and I heard the jingling of keys as they opened a heavy sounding metal door. "Step inside." Daddy's right-hand man commanded, giving me a shove on my lower back. Stumbling forward, I fell down to my knees, crying out as I felt the skin tear open against the cold cement. "Oh, shut up, you weak whore."

"Take her blindfold off. Let her look." I heard Daddy's voice farther away now, most likely watching me tremble before him.

The blindfold was crudely ripped from my eyes and I frantically skimmed over the room, panic taking over my entire being. Chain link fences acted as dividers in the hauntingly quiet basement, separating areas of beds with shackles attached to the posts. Ropes and chains hung from sharp hooks on the fences, five-gallon buckets set in almost every corner with traces of dark bloodstains surrounding them. I was going to die here.

"Marcello," Daddy spoke, getting the attention of the man I had encountered at Honeys. His right-hand man has a name, and it would forever haunt me. "Stand her up and show her around."

Marcello's arms slid under mine and hoisted me up onto my stilettos, ignoring my terrified cries. "Move." He commanded, kicking at my feet as I resisted against him, desperately trying to free my arms from his painful grip. He drug me over to a metal bed, one that looked like it belonged in a jail cell. "This could be your bed." He growled against my ear, squeezing my flailing body tighter.

"Please," I sobbed, knees going weak. My cries of terror reverberating over the room.

"If you say please again, I'll cut that annoying little tongue out of your mouth." Marcello yanked me over to one of the buckets laying on the floor beside the bed. "I'll put it right in here for you to look at when you eat."

I closed my mouth tightly, biting down on my lips to stifle another sob threatening to escape. He shoved me down to my knees again, pushing my head down into the bucket. I closed my eyes shut to avoid seeing the splattered bloodstains against the white plastic. The stench was unbearable, bringing a lump of bile up my throat. Without warning, I vomited into the bucket, my body heaving with disgusted gagging.

"You're disgusting. Desagradable puta." He yanked me back up to my feet and threw me down onto the cold steel of the bed, smiling down at me as I landed hard on my shoulder. "You know what happens here? With these chains? What happens, Peaches?"

My body shook with tremors, keeping my eyes shut tightly as he pressed the side of my head down onto the bed. No matter how hard I tried, I could not seem to formulate a response for him, wailing in agony.

"Answer me!" He boomed, gripping my hair to lift my head, only to slam it back down with force.

"Rape!" I cried, ears ringing from the vibration of the blow to my head. "You'll rape me."

"Mmm." He groaned, lifting my head and dropping it down on my ear once more. "Exactly what I did to your sweet little friend."

"Marcello." Daddy said calmly, halting Marcello from another forceful slam. "Enough, bring her over to me."

My head spun and my legs were limp, letting Marcello drag my back over to Daddy. With a push, he shoved me to the ground by Daddy's expensive leather shoes. I ignored the wave of mocking laughter coming from Marcello and his men as I attempted to push myself upright.

"You fuck with my business, Peaches. You think it's a game? Do you take me for a fool?" Daddy sneered down at me, puffing on his cigar as he smoothed down his tie.

"No, Daddy, I don't. I promise." I began to hyperventilate, feeling a wave of full-body numbness consume me.

"You will be a good girl now?"

I frantically nodded my head, blubbering out "yes" over and over until my throat was raw and dry.

"Your actions dictate the consequences, darling." Daddy turned away from me, all of his men following him to the door. All except for Marcello. "I'll leave Marcello to carry out your punishment."

"No!" I shrieked, pushing myself up before Marcello's foot shoved me back down.

Daddy chuckled to himself before opening the door and looking back at me. "How naive you are to think you wouldn't be punished."

The door slammed shut and I was lifted to my feet again. Marcello shoved me into the chain-link fence, my face digging into the cold unforgiving metal. Bracing myself against the fencing, locking my grip around the holes as he yanked down my red lace panties.

"If your legs touch the floor, I will pull you back up and we will start over." He panted behind me, holding my head securely against the fence.

"What are-" just as I opened my mouth, his hand swiftly smacked against my ass.

"Don't speak a word!" He shouted, smacking me again, harder this time. Then again, and again, each painful whack leaving a new type of pain. Smack after excruciating smack, I felt myself weakening more and more until my knees threatened to give way. Clinging desperately to the fence, my screams began to fade away as the shock sunk in.

Don't let go.

He pulled away for just a moment and grabbed his pistol from his holster, placing it against my bare vagina. "You know, this is my favorite place to shoot a woman." The barrel of the pistol pushed against my entrance, threatening me with a newfound agony.

"Please don't-"

He pulled the pistol away from my vagina and landed one final smack against my ass, whipping it with the pistol. I crumpled to my knees in a fit of sobs, letting go of all resistance.

"Get up. I'm done playing with you." He panted through gritted teeth, forcing the blindfold back over my eyes and bringing me to my feet. I let him drag me over to the door, my heels finally falling off my feet, breaking under the force.

"You need to stand up." He shook me roughly, as I remained still, sucking in shallow breaths. "Ah, you dumb whore." He growled, lifting me into his arms and began carrying me up out of the room. We climbed flight after flight until we reached the top and I could smell the fresh salty ocean air.

Before I lost consciousness, I recall him tossing me into the back of an SUV and slamming the door behind me.

It was 2:45 am when I woke up in the driver's seat of my car, parked in the Honeys lot. Marcello was gone, Daddy was gone, and all of his men. It was just me, left alone with my pitiful anguish.

I have to get home.

With a shaky hand, I turned my keys in the ignition. Every movement I made felt like I was traveling at warp speed, colors spotting in my vision. I was completely blank, a hollow shell devoid of all emotion. The pain in my backside was crippling, nearly preventing me from being able to drive.

I have to get home.

I pulled into the driveway, sobbing as I forced myself out of the driver's seat. The pain was too great, too powerful. Deep bruises from Marcello's relentless beating would forever be imprinted in me. A memory I can never remove.

I have to get home.

The front door was unlocked when I pushed it open, holding my breath to suppress any cries of agony. I breathed a silent prayer of thanks stepping into the dark living room.

If Chris saw me like this

Every bone in my body ached with the rising pain, muscles screaming with every step. There was no controlling my soft whimpers of pain as I moved through the room, knees threatening to collapse underneath me.

Moving down the hallway, I noticed the laundry room door was open. With a closer inspection, I saw Chris was leaning against the washer, head buried in the crook of his arm. Blood was everywhere, splattered over his skin and clothes, bloody fingerprints smeared on the washer. His hands shook violently, also covered in dried blood.

I suppose the sight should have horrified me, but I had my share of my own personal hell tonight.

Slowly, I backed away from the room and slipped into the bathroom. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror, and I choked out a cry. The once perfect waves in my hair were now tangled balls, wadded up from being so carelessly tossed around. Smears of black mascara and eyeliner lined my bright red cheeks, accentuating the scrapes and gashes left from Marcello's handiwork.

I tugged off my coat to find that I was still without any underwear. My knees were scraped and bloody, pieces of my skin torn off and pushed to the side. I stared down at the mess in horror, knowing that my backside was going to be far worse.

It was.

Turning to the full-length mirror hanging on the back of the door, I gasped out as I gazed down at the bruised and battered skin. My entire backside was splotchy with bruises and dried blood. A deep gash in the side of my left hip from where his gun made contact was actively bleeding, pooling down my leg.

"Oh my god." I wailed, covering my mouth with both hands as I succumbed to another wave of unfiltered cries of agony.

How am I going to lie about this?


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