Demons Hosting

By Snek44

15.3K 517 353

Ciel became a Demon, and centuries passed, slowly but surely. But even after all these years, some things hav... More

/// Please read \\\
Day 1: A bunch of morons
Day 3: Kyoya, eat some cake
Day 4: Plan insanity.
Day 5; I'm out! You can't do that!
The weekend; Hold up. Why is a kid handling corpses? (Day 6 & 7)
Time skip--> A week; Day 15.
Day 16; Finally progress, Oh come on!
Day 17; Another one bites the dust
Day 18; Angels?! We?!
Day 19; This is it, huh...

Day 2: Kidnaping with benefits

1.6K 58 62
By Snek44

The text written in bold is them talking in English. Now have fun! (Words: 2637)

It's the next day for Ciel and Sebastian, and it wasn't very delightful.

They managed to survive the lessons and avoid the fangirls, but then lunch came around.

"Sebastian, get me some tea," Ciel ordered.

"As you wish my lord" Sebastian bowed and left.

"This is our chance!" Hikaru whispered to Kaoru.

"3" They turned around.

"2" They slowly started to sneak up to Ciel.

'What are these morons doing? Do they seriously think I can't see them? Bloody morons. Sebastian, hurry up.'

"1" They were almost behind Ciel, getting to ready to grab him.

"Here is your tea, young lord. Do you need anything else?"

"Damit!" Kaoru and Hikaru thought.

"No, I don't," Ciel answered, sipping his tea.

"Now if you excuse me, I need to prepare dinner, my lord."

"You're excused."

Sebastian bowed and then left.

"Yes! Go, go, go!"

The twins each grabbed Ciel by one arm and lifted him into the air. Ciel, who forgot about them was startled and almost used his inhuman strength to free himself, but managed to calm down.

"What are you..." He started to complain, but before he could continue, the twins were running down the hallway to a room Ciel never wanted to see again.

The room doors opened and the twins threw Ciel onto the ground in front of a big chair surrounded by people.

"Welcome to the host club. We would like to welcome you as a new member!" The obnoxious blond exclaimed, throwing his hand into the air, in the most dramatic way possible.

"Wait for a bloody..."

The blond didn't listen to Ciel.

"Now let me introduce you to your fellow hosts!"

"Sebastian I order you to immediately come and get me out of here!"

"That won't be possible Ciel Phantomhive, because, first of all, he isn't here, and secondly the door can only be opened by a few specific people who have a special key for it, and it weighs 300kg (~661 pounds, I think). Also, the windows are made out of bulletproof glass, so no human being could enter," a tall guy with glasses said, pushing them so you can't see his eyes and giving Ciel a smug look.

Suddenly the doors opened, reviling a tall man in a suit, giving the group a small and cold smile.

"How is that possible! No human could just open that door!" The grin left the young man, who was staring at Ciels Buttler as if he was some kind of monster.

"You are late Sebastian!"

"I am deeply sorry my lord."

"How amazing! Now both of you can join..."

"No," Ciel replied coldly.

"What do you mean with no," a small boy with a bunny plushy asked, "Do you hate us?"

"No. I do not hate you, because I don't even know you. And how would you react if you suddenly got kidnapped?" Ciel asked, glaring at the twins.

"But!" the obnoxious one didn't know what to say.

"Just leave him be Tamaki," Haruhi said, placing a hand on his shoulder," And besides, he is a child. I don't think he is a good addition to the club."

"But, but!"

"Just drop it. Please?"

"I can't! They are perfect! You can practically see the love between them!" Tamaki whined, like a little girl, "Why won't you join! If you give me one valid reason for it, I will let you leave."

"I don't see the benefits behind joining."


"I think what my young lord wants to say is, that the can't gain anything from sitting here all day and entertaining the girls."

"Now excuse us. I have a company to run." Ciel turned around, and just as he was to take a step outside the room, the guy in glasses started to talk.

"I think you can gain something from joining us."

"And that would be?" Ciel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You see in this school only the rich and powerful are present, except Haruhi. I informed myself a bit and found out that your company isn't doing well in Japan." He paused and looked at Ciel.


"Since we, the host club, are so well known in Japan, it would be easier for you to expand your business."

"You gained my interest. So I'm guessing that I could give out samples since one of the things my company produces is sweets? Because I don't think anybody here would be interested in toys."

"Almost. But I yes. Something like that."

"What do you think Sebastian? Should I take the offer?" Ciel turned to Sebastian, looking him into the eyes.

"It would benefit you, but you should add some rules because you can't be here all day."

"Don't worry about that."

"So you can speak English?" Ciel asked, slightly shocked.

"Yes, I can. But I get it why you're so surprised since nobody understood you since you arrived. And my name is Kyoya Ootori."

"Well nice to meet you Kyoya Ootori." Ciel held out his hand and Kyoya took and shook it.

"So I'm guessing you're joining?"

"Yes I am, but we need to make some rules because I can't be sitting here 24/7."

"What is happening?!"

"Tamaki! Calm down!" Haruki said.

"How can I calm down? I don't know what is happening!" Tamaki exclaimed loudly, grabbing Haruhi's shoulders and shaking her.

"They are joining," Kyoya said," And please leave Haruhi alone."

"Young lord, why am I being dragged into this?" Sebastian asked Ciel quietly, so nobody could hear them.

"There is no way I'm doing this alone, so you're helping me," Ciel replied.

"As you wish, my lord," Sebastian answered, slightly annoyed.

Tamaki stopped shaking Haruki and turned to the new members of the club. Haruki stumbled back, but luckily the twins caught her.

"This is great!" Tamaki exclaimed, clapping his hands together," Now we just need to figure out your type and we are all set!"

"Our type?" Ciel asked.

"Yes! Your types. Everybody here has one, and since you two will be hosting, you are going to need one."

"Excuse me for interrupting, but before you plan anything, I officially can't join any club, since I am not a student, so I'm always going to be at my young lord's side," Sebastian explained.

"That's not a problem. We have Hikaru and Kaoru over there, they are a duo. The forbidden love type. Sometimes they are called the mischievous type."

"Nice to meet you! We are Hikaru and Kaoru. Nice to meet you!"

"So that are the names of my kidnappers. Who else is a part of the club?"

"We have Honey-Senpai. He is the boy stuffing his face with cake. The lolita. And the tall guy beside him is Takashi, but just call him Mori. Strong and silent type."

"Hi!" Honey said, waving at them with a fork. Mori just nodded.

"And this is Haruhi. He is the normal type."

"Welcome to the group Ciel. If there are any problems, just tell me," Haruhi said, smiling sadly at Ciel.

'Sorry that you got dragged into this mess Ciel. I hope you survive.'

"He? Isn't Haruhi female?" Ciel asked, "I don't mind if you want to be male, but if that's the case you should start hiding your chest better."

The whole group just froze.

"How did you find out!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"As I just stated, she isn't very good at hiding her breasts," Ciel stated.

"Ah, um. Well, you see," Haruhi started to stutter while blushing.

"What's wrong?" Ciel asked, innocently, not knowing why she is becoming a tomato.

Sebastian chuckled. "I think because you said the word breast."

"I still don't see the problem? It's just a natural part of her body?"

"How about we just drop it. You still need to be introduced to the other member of the club," Tamaki said, slightly blushing, " This is Kyoya, the cool type."

"I hope we get along."

"And I am the prince of this club. My name Tamaki!" he said, throwing his hair back, creating some glitter and stars.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Ciel Phantomhive and this is my butler Sebastian Michaelis."

"Now that this is over. Let us get to your type. You will be a duo like the twins, but now we just need to figure out what your role will be."

"Maybe you could tell us a little more about these 'types'. Maybe we can help," Ciel offered, but Tamaki didn't here him.

"They are a little bit like a second personality. I guess," Haruhi tried to explain," Let's take Hikaru and Kaoru as an example. As you know, they have 'two types'. Since they like to mess with people, they are the mischievous type. But for the guests, they are in acting to be in love. Well, I think it's an act."

"Why incest?" Sebastian asked.

"The girls in this school seem to like it. But don't ask me. In my opinion, they are just needy."

"The word doesn't seem to fit. What did you want to say?" Ciel asked.

"That's nothing for you, Ciel. Nope. Not getting the answer. You're too innocent."

'Sebastian,' Ciel asked telepathically.

'She means horny or desperate.'


"So if I got it right, it's based on our personality?" Sebastian asked, trying to get back to the subject.

"That is correct," the twins said, grinning.

"Tamaki stop thinking that much. We all know that your brain can't handle it," Kyoya said. This caused Tamaki to teleport into his emo-corner. "How about we ask you a few questions. This will make it easier."

'And I can find out more about you two.'

'He is planning to get more information on us. He probably did some research and couldn't find anything. Be careful.'

'I will. Don't worry Sebastian.'

"Fine with me."

"How about you first tell us a little bit about yourself, like birthday, hobbies and so on."

"Sure thing, but I think we should sit down before we start. Sebastian, get us some tea and something sweet!"

"Of course, young lord." Sebastian bowed and then disappeared.

"How did he do that?" the twins asked.

"Do what?" Ciel asked who was taking a seat at one of the chairs.

"Disappear," Hikaru said.

"Like, puff!" Kaoru ended, throwing his hands into the air.

"Stop this nonsense and sit down," Kyoya demanded.

"Sorry, mom!"

-After they all sat down-

"For the tea, we have some earl grey, and as a dessert, we have a Victoria Sponge Cake with strawberries and blueberries. I hope it's to your liking."

"Thank you!" Haruhi said.

"Now back to my questions."

"Of course. My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I was born on the 14 of December and I'm currently 12 years old. If I'm not doing paperwork, I am reading or playing the violin."

"Aren't you a little young to be the owner of a company? What about your parents, if you don't mind me asking," Haruhi asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"I don't mind. Don't worry about it, and the answer is pretty simple. They are deceased," Ciel stated, sipping his tea.

The mood suddenly dropped and they became gloomy. Honey went up to Ciel and hugged him.

"What are you doing?" Ciel questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You must be sad, just telling us something like this, so I'm hugging you to lighten your mood," Honey replied sadly. He let go of Ciel and lifted his bunny. "Do you want to hug Usa-chan?"

"Thank you, but I'm going to decline." Ciel gave Honey a small smile.

"What about you Sebastian? What are your hobbies?" Tamaki asked.

"I don't have any hobbies."

"But there must be something you like!" Tamaki exclaimed, gasping dramatically.

"He is obsessed with cats if that counts," Ciel stated bluntly.

"Cats?" Hikaru asked.

"Never would have guessed," Kaoru said.

Sebastian chuckled. "They are lovely creatures."

"So, do you have a cat army or something?" the twins asked.

"No. Sadly, there aren't any cats in the manor. Only that dog." Sebastian's voice was filled with disgust at the last words.

"That's the reason I got a guard dog."

"You're cruel Ciel. Let the man get himself a cat army," Hikaru said. Kaoru only snickered at the image of Sebastian sitting in a mountain of cats.

"I can't get distracted as the butler of the Phantomhive household."

"How about we change the subject? Where did you get this cake? It's delicious," Tamaki said, taking another bite.

"It's the best cake I have ever tasted! This pastry shop is getting the Honey approval sticker," Honey said, inhaling the cake.

"Well thank you," Sebastian said.


"Sebastian made it. I don't buy cakes from the pastry shop."

"Sebastian do you want to work for me?" Honey asked.

"Sorry Mister Haninozuka, but I have a contract with the Phantomhives I can't just break. Please understand."


"The mysterious duo? That would work," Tamaki muttered.

"What did you say, Tamaki. We couldn't hear you," Kyoya said.

"I said the mysterious duo. Wouldn't that fit?"

"I guess, but Ciel is more of the innocent type. Wouldn't you agree with me Kaoru."

"That's true Hikaru."

"For once I need to agree with the twins. Sebastian could pass as mysterious, but Ciel is the innocent type," Tamaki pushed his glasses up," What is mysterious about Ciel?"

"The eyepatch, the fact that you can't find any information on him. Do you want me to continue?"

"I guess, but what would their act be like, because they can't just be mysterious. From the experience I have, they would flop in a week or two," Haruhi pointed out.

"Secret love relationship between..."

Haruhi slapped her hand onto Tamaki's mouth. "Don't you even dare to finish that sentence. He is a child! Get that into your nonexisting brain!"

Tamaki tried to say something, but you could only hear a muffled response.

"Haruhi, please remove your hand," Kyoya said. He sighed. "But I need to agree with Haruhi, Tamaki. He is still a child. We can't make him act something like that."

"It's not what you think it is! Let me finish my sentences!" Tamaki exclaimed, "And I'm offended that you think this lowly of me!" He placed a hand on his chest and dramatically threw his head back.

"What is going on?" Ciel asked, but he was only ignored.

"Then what did you mean?" Haruhi asked.

"What else than.."


"Not another word Hikaru," Haruhi thretend.

"But mom! It can only be..."


"Same goes to you Kaoru."

She only got muffled responses.

"Can somebody please tell me what's going on?" Ciel shouted in frustration.

"Don't you worry child," Tamaki said, as he patted Ciel's head," Now back to my explanation."

'Oh, he didn't just pat my head!'

"I meant it more in a caring way. As an example. Ciel is eating some cake and some crumbs get stuck on his cheek. Now instead of him wiping the crumbs of himself, Sebastian does it! And says something like, please be more careful, my young lord!" As Tamaki was finishing his speech, the light was shining onto him.

"A little bit dramatic isn't he, young lord?" Sebastian asked.


"What do you think Kyoya? Would it work?" Tamaki turned to him.

"It would, but the question is if they could keep this act up." Kyoya turned to them, raising an eyebrow, to signal them that Tamaki won't let this idea just go with the wind.

"Fine, but do we need to keep this act up outside the club?"


Ciel sighed, "I guess there is nothing I can do about it."

"Yes! Then I, the host club prince, welcome you as our newest members of the host club!"

'Why do I always get involved with freaks like that?!'

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