For Glory or Gold

By lttl_bear

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The loss of her home and family in the struggle to find her identity weighs heavy on young Torin. Her destiny... More

Rising Waters
Mountain High
Valleys and Chasms
Call of The Forest
Facing Opposition
Destiny Calls
Prophecy Unravels
The Rough Sapphire

Precious Torrent

0 0 0
By lttl_bear

Morning came slowly, and the peace that was with Torin at midnight still clung to her heart. She knew what she had to do, and it was time she set about things. She rose from her bed, realizing the Estien had already left for the morning. She felt an unfamiliar rumble from her stomach, and hunger rushed over her. She quickly began to dress, the desire to find food urging her on.

As she stepped into the sitting area, reminders of the night before flashed before her. She smiled as she heard the wind whispering her name, as the door to her accommodations opened. Estien was coming in, his hands holding a tray filled with an array of food and drink.

"Ah, good." He said as his eyes looked to Torin, "You're awake." He came the rest of the way in and set the tray of food on the table.

Torin sat down on the chair closest to the tray and promptly grabbed something to eat.

"And you're appetite is back." He looked at her with a side eye, as he slowly reached for a slice of fruit.

Torin bumbled a nod as she continued to eat. "Yup," She took another bite of the bread in her hand. "Is my dad about?"

"He is." Estien peered at her with curious eyes. "Why?" The edges about his eyes squinting lightly.

"I have to speak with him." Torin finished her bread and moved to acquire a large fruit from the tray, Estien promptly grabbed her wrist,

"Torin." He was trying to process what was going on.

"Names not Torin anymore." She said from her half bent position, her wrist firmly in his strong grasp. She examined him, his brow raised in curiosity. "It's La'Torin." The soft breeze in the room responded to her name and the soft whisper of excitement could be heard from the element.

"Fitting," he smirked, "however, now is not the time for you to go see him."

"Why?" Torin released the fruit in her hand, in turn causing Estien to release her wrist.

"Because, he is with your grandmother."

"Fantastic! I can talk to them both at once!" Torin rushed out the door, leaving Estien behind. The exasperated sigh from Estien could be heard clearly as she walked out on to the adjoining porch. Torin looked about, listening to the surrounding area, she was quick to recognize the sounds of her father and grandmother. Their voices telling her that they were not far off. Torin quickly moved further up the cascade of of tree houses, ending at the porch to her grandmother's estate. There her family sat, eating breakfast and in discussion.

"It appears someone has found her strength." Fenrick said, as he grabbed a tea cup.

"I have." Torin's voice gave the slightest hint of annoyance.

"I need to find your source." Fenrick took a sip from his cup.

"It's wind, it's great." She rambled quickly, Estien's footsteps approaching not far behind her. "You should know that I'm going to the Qorum." Her tone gave no room for question, as she watched her father spit out his tea and her grandmother look to her.

"Child, there is time for that later."

"I know, Grandmother." She smiled to Estien and then turned back to her family. "But I need to leave in the morning. The elements have sent word to Hesashin already. He's meeting me on the East docks in the morning. He'll be returning from Etilan."

"I feel like I missed a lot." Estien coming alongside the brunette.

"You and I both." Her father spoke blandly.

"Child, your prophecy..."

"Will guide me on my path, and right now I need that." She crossed her about her chest.

"Why the new found passion for your prophecy?" Fenrick asked, with hesitation.

"The ones that killed Ma, and Lars, came from the Rift. Evil green creatures that snort and growl at each other and have no regard for others."

Her father jumped to his feet, "Who told you this?" His hands about my shoulders. Estien quickly moved to intercept the man accosting his love.

Torin stood as tall as her short frame would allow, mustering all her strength. "I am La"Torin, of The Whirling Tempest, I have communed with the elements and they have shown me what happened. They have shown me the world about and how not knowing my prophecy is a detriment to Edalon." The wind about the forest had picked up, and the gentle breeze that was barely noticeable quickly moved to a calamity. The wind rushed about them, and the distinct sound of objects being knocked over on the lawn could be heard.

"Torin, please stop!" Sariphyn had landed nearby and pleaded with her.

Torin's eyes moved from Sariphyn to her father, acknowledging the hands about her shoulders. He reluctantly released his grasp, the wind slowing in response to his actions.

"So, the elements have spoken." La'Octa had not moved from her seat, sipping slowly at her tea. "May La'Kata bless you then, you will need it." Her eyes were sad, as she looked to her granddaughter and her beau, his arm about her protectively.

"Oh child," Fenrick said sadly, "what have you done?" The sadness in his eyes shown through.

"What I must." She said, with a firm stance. It was apparent that her father did not agree with her actions, as she turned from the audience and allowed Estien to escort her back to her chambers.

It wasn't long after they returned, Estien stepped out. He had come to terms quickly about the ordeal that morning, listening as the elements confirmed all she had said. There was no doubt in his mind they would need help on their way to the Qorum, as the elements warned him of the impending dangers of the travel.

Torin had been in the midst of trying to pack her things, when a knock came to the door. Looking at the door, she dreaded it was her father coming to argue. While she loved him dearly, they did have trouble when they didn't agree. She set down her torn cloak and opened the door. There on the porch stood the familiar white haired woman, her gentle smile washing away all worries the young adult had.

"Well," her grandmother began as she entered the room. "You've managed to send your father out to commune with the elements." She rested her walking stick inside the door and took a seat on one of the chairs in the sitting room.

"Ok?" Confusion was clearly in Torin's voice as she reached to close the heavy door.

"I've been trying to get him to commune with them since he was 15." She smiled, "If I had known it would be as easy that, I would have had you commune with the elements years ago." She reached out and took up a cup for tea, which Torin quickly made use of herself and began to pour.

"You're happy?" She asked setting the teapot down.

"I am." She sipped at her tea, "I've gotten reports of you since you were a child. I have to say, I have never been more proud then now, when you stepped out just like your father did with me." Again she smiled calmly to her descendant.

Torin released a hearty chuckle as she took a seat beside her grandmoth. "Did you react the same as father?"

"Oh my," she gasped, "I was much worse." They laughed together. La'Octa began to regale her of her argument on the peaks. Not so much communing but yelling at the elements. Their enjoyable conversation carried on into the evening. She told of her attempts to stop Fenrick in leaving. How she refused to bless him and then tried to close the docks. Ultimately, she said he had to come back to let her know what was happening, and he agreed.

"It's funny." Torin spoke up, as they were finishing their conversation, "Father tells it like you sent him out."

"Of course he would." She smiled, "A parent can't act out like their children." They stood staring at each other for a moment before laughter broke out.

In mid laughter is when the door opened once again. Estien stepped in, carrying an old pack.

"I feel like I have missed something hilarious." His deeper voice carried through the room over the feminine laughter. He looked between his love and her grandmother.

"I'll fill you in." She smiled to him.

"Before I forget." The Elder reached in her robes and pulled out a small scroll. "Can you deliver this to Svenla for me? A man by the name of Hektra is expecting it, and I can't think of a more trusting team to deliver this then yourselves." She gave a smile to the pair, as Torin took the missive.

Torin carefully caressed the edges of the papers.

"It's a joint work." Her grandmother spoke out, almost reading her mind, "Hektra will fill you in, after you deliver it."

Torin handed Estien the leather wrapped papers, which he placed in the pack."Good night Grandmother." Torin said, kissing her cheek as she left.

"Good night, you two." She winked to Estien and then smirked to her granddaughter.

Torin turned to Estien with a confused look and he gave her a sly grin. Ignoring his smirk, Torin set about her previous task of preparing her pack. Estien took up the tray and it's contents, stepping outside to take care of them. When he returned, Torin was moving with purpose about the small sleeping quarters. Grabbing items and giving them close inspection. Several times he would hear her give an aggravated sigh, then toss an article back in the cabinet.

Torin noticed the smirk on the handsome young man, as she was moving about the other room.

"You'll need your travel clothes." She turned to Estien, who held up a pack with a smug look. "And your sword?" He pointed to the door, where his sword sat sheathed. "well then." Focusing on the few things she was trying to pack, Torin absently spoke out "We should see if Sestina and Kestrin are up for an adventure."

"Already taken care of, they are meeting us in the morning." His lips still turned upward, as if eagerly waiting for something.

"What?" Torin said with exasperation, her voice going up an half an octave, rudely tossing the brush in her hand into her pack.


"Not nothing, you have a horrid grin on your face like you are up to something."

"That's because I am." Estien chuckled as her walked over positioning himself directly in front of the frustrated girl, he brought his left hand up in front of him, so that it was between them. His hand was in a fist, with the back of it facing upward. Torin pursed her lips, reaching up she tapped the back of his hand, in which he responded by turning his hand over, revealing what was hidden. There, in his palm, sat two rings. They were golden and silver spun together in a delicate spiral dance, the joint where the ends came together was seamless. There was a smaller, thinner ring and a larger identical one.

"I have a friend that is on good terms with the earthen elements." Estien explained, "I asked them for a favor, for my union."

Torin looked up to meet Estien's gaze with astonishment. "Tonight?"

"We can always put them away and wait until we return." He began to put the delicate jewelry away, "Can you wait until then to kiss me again?"

"What?" She tilted her head, brows furrowing at his implication.

"I'm just saying, I don't know if I can kiss you again and know I have to wait until..."

Torin took the chance she had and interrupted him abruptly the best way she knew, she kissed him. "You're playing a deadly game." She whispered quietly, her lips not moving far from their original target. Estien smiled as he took the smaller ring in his hand and lowered the larger one to her palm. "When do I?" She held up the ring and looked nervously to her love.

"You'll know." His eyes softened, and he felt her body tremble as he brought his hand to her neck. Torin tried to relax and allow the elements to connect with her, as the wind stirred about them.

"It's you, isn't it?" She whispered, feeling for the bed with the back of my left leg.

"For what?" He whispered back, I could feel his warm breath on my chin as our heads rested against each other.

"The one that's on good terms with the earthen." The smile on his face said it all.

Torin pulled her hands up about his neck, using him to balance as she stepped back to kneel on the bed. She sat there on her knees before him, a hand about his neck and the other holding nervously to a ring she dared not lose. They both knew what was coming, but there was a hint of the unknown as they brought their heads close and waited for the dance to begin.

They took joy in the closeness of each other, as their lips met gently. Estien holding tightly to the one he adored, the feeling of the earth trembling beneath the foundation of the Great Tree. They couldn't recall when they reached for the others hand, or when the ring was placed. They could tell you there was a time in amongst the elemental chaos, that they could hear their names spoken together. As though there was a unison to their existence. The dance of love between the two, carried well into the midnight hours. The song of love the elements sang out over them, heard by any who were listening for it.

When morning came, Torin laid on her side wrapped in the arms of the man she would now call husband. His comforting embrace calling her back to sleep. Estien felt her arm drape over his, and he pulled her tight against him. Both wearing a sleepy smile. Estien chuckled deeply as he thought back to the feeling of the earth trembling and the wind that could be heard beating against the house. Neither was prepared to face the morning ahead of them.

"What are the odds of us leaving before everyone wakes up?" Torin asked groggily, as she rolled over to see Estien fully. His runes shimmered as her hand moved over his flesh.

He began to trace one particular rune on her shoulder as they laid there. "Pretty slim, I think."They giggled softly as they heard people outside moving on the bridges.

"Maybe if we get dressed now, we could sneak out." She said, kissing his shoulder.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" He kissed back gently.

"Only if you are going with me, my love." She returned the affection.

"Sadly," Estien spoke up as he kissed her shoulder softly, "we do need to get up."

Torin groaned and rolled away from him. "Traitor." Using her pillow as a weapon against him.

Laughter ensued for some time as they fought each other with pillows and blankets, until Torin seceded.

"Fine!" She jumped from the bed, "I'm up."Estien laid there on the bed, still laughing. Torin retaliated by sticking her tongue out the raven haired man.

Estien took that as a challenge and launched himself from his position on the bed. Grabbing his love about her waist, he quickly threw her back to bed with a shrill giggle.

"I thought you said we had to get up!" She pushed him away from with urgency.

"We do." He smiled to her as innocently as he could, then rose from the bed and began to dress.

Torin threw her head back on the, grabbed the nearest pillow and covered her face as she screamed into it. The bellowing laugh of Estien could be heard as she finished her tantrum.

"Come on." He said as he nudged her foot. Again a loud groan escaped her lips and she rolled from bed one last time. It would be some time before they made it back to this room, to this village and to the place that held their family.

Torin exhaled slowly as she pulled her shirt over her head. The soft fabric smelling of lilacs and evergreens. Turning, she watched her husband for a moment. He stood adjusting his leather belt about his waist, the familiar longsword hanging from his left hip. How simple was lift was, before he came to her on the mountainside. Estien, as if feeling her gaze, lifted his head. Half a smile gracing his lips, as a soft dimple appeared on his strong features. Torin returned the gesture. Going back to pulling her boots on, she reached for the simple dagger that laid beside her. Smiling she fondly ran her fingers down the leather hilt.

"You need to be able to protect yourself." Estien's rough voice spoke out as they rolled their packs from the night.

"I'll be fine." Torin glanced to him briefly, then continued her task.

"Here." He held a dagger out, ,the black leather of the handle matching the hilt of his sword.

Torin looked from the dagger to him, "I'm fine."

"Please." He urged it forward once more. "To make me feel better."

"Fine." She begrudgingly took the dagger. "You'll get it back," she paused and looked to his sword, "don't want to break up a set." Giving a half hearted smile as she situated it in her boot. She looked up to him returning a similar smile.

"Can't break up a set," she whispered, as her fingers wrapped about the handle of the dagger.

"It'll never happen." Estien stood firmly in the entryway to the sleeping quarters. His left hand resting on the hilt of his sword and a smile on his face.

Nodding back she stood from her position on the bed and stomped her feet, setting her boots.Turning slowly she reached for her cloak, the dark fabric was newer. It'd been sometime since she wore it, not having visited Shazer Peak in nearly a month. She pulled the edges about her, the hood falling lightly over her brown braid. She reached to her neck for the familiar clasp, but her fingers felt only wool. Her brow furrowed and she looked to her husband. He walked over, a broach in his hand.

"It wouldn't be right," he spoke as he lifted his hands, "starting a journey without me doing up your cloak." He chuckled as he remembered when they first met, as he clipped the broach in place. The medal was shaped different then the other, the pin was spun to match the bands on their hands, with a delicate leaf at the end of the horseshoe shape that held the pin. Torin gave an endearing smile before she kissed him warmly.

"Thank you." Shelooked into his deep brown eyes and felt a readiness come over the moment. They nodded briefly to each other, before Estien pulled his cloak over his head and took her hand in his.

They steeled themselves, taking slow deep breaths. Estien led his wife out of their quarters, into a waiting audience. The celebration was off in full force as they rejoiced over the newly weds. Half the town stood on the lawn as they exited, and La'Octa stood not far off on her porch. Everyone made their way down to the lawn and the couple slowed to take time with everyone that wanted to congratulate them. The special moment when the elements agree to a union of such magnitude was rare. The earth had truly shaken with excitement at their union.

Torin did everything should could to not cry when it was time for goodbye. Her grandmother taking the couples hands in her own, and blessing them on their journey and in their union. Estien's ears turned red as she prayed for them to have many children, and Torin giggled quietly as he stirred nervously. They both knew they would come back here and settle down, someday... one day.

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