Endure and Survive (Sequel to...

By MoonPrismPower_92

866 31 0

After the events in 'How We Live Now', a noticeable change has come of Kari. She no longer cares what happens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

30 1 0
By MoonPrismPower_92

Maggie smiled softly then turned to look at the others.

"Well?" she asked.

There was a proud smile on Hershel and Rick's faces.

"I should be asking you that," Rick said.

"Or maybe we should be asking Kari. What do you want to do?" she turned to ask me.

All eyes were on me.

"I want him dead. But how to do that is something that I can't answer. Just as long as I'm the one to do so, you guys can come up with a plan. Merle? You know how he thinks. What do you say?" I asked.

Merle was still in his cell. He rested his arms on the bars and smiled.

"We really gonna listen to what he has to say?" Glenn asked, sounding annoyed.

"He was like his second in command. We have to," I said.

"That whole thing with the walkers, that was just him ringing the doorbell. Right now he's probably convincing his followers that he and his other minions were attacked. They'll believe him easily cause those people want nothing more than to be safe. They'll agree to anything. He'll build up an army and then he'll come back. From what I've seen, y'all don't have half the firepower he will," he said.

"Wow. Thanks for your optimism, Merle," I retorted.

"You asked for it, sweetheart, there you go," he said.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Glenn asked.

"We could always leave," Hershel said.

Everyone turned around and stared.

"Why would that even be an option?" Andrea asked.

"Why risk losing each other when we could just flee?" he continued.

"Hershel, that won't do any good. Your leg...I don't want you straining yourself if you don't need to. Not to mention Judith's crying would draw walkers no matter where we go. In here, she's safe. We all are," I said.

"Daddy, after what we went through to get here, are you seriously considering just giving all that up?" Beth asked.

"I want you all safe. Is that too much to ask?" he said.

"We ain't leaving," Daryl said flatly.

Everyone then turned to him.

"We ain't leaving. Not after what he did to her and not after what he did here. We ain't giving this place up. Not to an asshole like him," he continued.

I couldn't help but be even more grateful to have him back with us.

"We're low on ammo, Daryl. We wouldn't even be able to make a dent if this guy's preparing what Merle says he is," Hershel said.

"Can't we go out and scavenge some more?" Maggie asked.

"It's not safe. We don't know where he's lurking around," Hershel said.

"Goddammit! That asshole knew what he was doing when he came here. I can't fucking believe him!" I shouted getting up and beginning to pace.

Michonne then came up and stopped me.

"What if you and I went and took care of him?" she said.

I stopped and looked at her.

"We could sneak in. We both know how," I said.

Why hadn't I thought of it before? Michonne and I shared a hatred for him. Together we'd be able to take him out once and for all.

"No. I won't let you go," Hershel came over and said.

"I'm in too. The three of us came out of there. It would only make sense for the three of us to head back," Andrea said.

"We just got you all back," Rick said.

"And we will return, Rick," I said looking over at him.

"Well, then let us go with you, guys," Carl said.

I went over to him.

"You can't, kid. This is something that the three of us have to take care of ourselves. Besides, you're gonna need to stay here. You gotta keep this place and your sister safe, right?" I said.

He thought about it for a few seconds.

"And that's exactly what you guys need to do. Guard this place," I said.

"And how are we supposed to do that? We need more ammo," Glenn said.

I thought about that for a bit. It didn't feel right leaving them behind with very little ammunition. The asshole wouldn't hold anything back so why should we?

"Change of plans. I'll go out on a run and bring back what I can," I said.

"I'll help you," Daryl stepped up and said.

I looked at him.

"If we're gonna fight, we should at least have a chance," he said.

"I don't like it," Hershel said.

I sighed and went up to him.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do, Hershel. Have faith in me, huh?" I said.

"It's not that I don't have faith in you, dear. If I let you go...I'm just scared that I'll never see you again," he said.

"That's not gonna happen. Come on, Hershel. There's a million ways I could have died before today. There's a million more ways we could die by tomorrow. But we are not going down without a fight. Cause that's what life is now. You fight to stay alive. I'm not ready to give that up. And I hope you're not too," I said.

He sighed and placed his hand on my cheek.

"I'll stay behind you with whatever you decide, then," he said.

I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, old man," I said.

I then turned to everyone else.

"What's near? A store or gas station?" I asked.

"I got something better than that. Pack up what you need and we'll take off right now," Rick said.

I headed to my cell to accommodate my backpack. There was a few things that we could use as weapons but it wasn't nearly enough. I took all those out and left them on my bed. Putting my backpack on, I headed back out.

"Where are you gonna go?" Carl asked once Rick, Daryl and I were ready to go.

"King's county," Rick said.

"Can I come?" he asked.

"Carl..." he started.

"Dad, come on. I've been getting better at shooting. I'll help have your backs," he pleaded.

Rick looked over to me and Daryl.

"He's your kid, Rick," I said.

Rick looked back to Carl and knelt down.

"Alright. But you stay close to us at all times. You understand?" he said.

Carl nodded.

"Bring your backpack," Rick said.

Carl took off quickly.

"The rest of you, keep your eyes peeled for anything. We'll try to be back as soon as possible," Rick said.

"I left a few things up in my cell that can be used as weapons. A few knifes and a couple of bottles that could be used for molotovs," I said.

"We'll get on that," Andrea said.

Michonne came over and gave me a hug.

"Is going off to finish him still an option?" she whispered.

"We'll talk about it when I get back," I whispered back.

We parted and I looked at her.

"Please take care of them. Don't be such a hard ass. They're good people," I said.

"I'm sure they are. But what about him?" she asked pointing at Merle.

"He won't be a problem. Will you, Merle?" Daryl asked, turning to look at his brother in his cell.

"Cross my heart," he said with a chuckle.

"Man, I'm serious," Daryl said.

"Little brother, watch your tone. I'm still older than you," Merle retorted.

Daryl rolled his eyes.

"I ain't gonna be here if they beat the shit out of you. Not that you wouldn't deserve it. Just don't do anything stupid until I get back, alright?" he said, sounding irritated.

"Fine. Hurry back then," Merle said moving away from the bars to sit on the bed.

"We'll see you guys when we get back," I said.

Rick, Daryl, Carl and I then headed outside and toward one of the cars.

"We gotta keep our eyes peeled too. Never know who's watching," I said once we got to the car.

"Ain't gotta worry about that. Y'all go on in. I'll get the gate," Daryl said.

He placed his stuff in the back seat and took off toward the gate.

"Let's get going. I don't want to leave him exposed for long," I said, sounding worried.

"Alright. Carl, come on," Rick said.

Carl took the front seat next to his dad while I slid into the back seat, moving Daryl's crossbow to make more room. Rick turned on the ignition and we headed toward the gate. Once we passed it, Daryl went and locked it again then came into the car. He seemed surprised to see me in the back seat with him once he opened the door.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Let's do this," he said, climbing in.

Once the door closed, we were off to King's county.

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