My So Called In Laws

By kyushu11

178K 16.2K 2.6K

Hello Everyone My another creation on Manan. To know further peek in story. #39 in Manan on 07/03/2020 #19... More

Characters of Story
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10 (I)
Part 10 (II)
Part 11
Part 12

Part 8

9.7K 1K 170
By kyushu11

Hello Everyone,
Here is next part of the my story.
Sorry for late update.
Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.
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Malhotra's Mansion,


After completing dinner, Nandini call the waiter.

Nan: Waiter.

Waiter: (both the waiters come there and speak) Yes Ma'am.

Nan: Any one of please place one chair at center of garden there (she speak point one particular place)

Waiter: Sure ma'am.

Saying that waiter goes center of garden and place one chair. After that he come back and speak,

Waiter: Your work is done ma'am.

Nan: Now you both go that side (again point left side of garden for which both waiter nodes their head in yes) There is servants quarter. You will be see seven to eight people there. I made sitting arrangements for them. You both make sure that all those people should have dinner and you both will serve them. If anyone try to deny then say them that it's their Manik baba's order that they should have dinner.

Waiter 1: Sure ma'am.

Nan: You may go now. Your service charge and dinner amount is transferred to your hotel account and your both tip is also given to your hotel's manager. Before going your home don't forget to collect from manager.

Waiter 2: (with smile he speak) Sure ma'am. Happy married life you both ma'am and sir.

Manan: Thank you.

After that waiters moves towards servant quarter to serve dinner to servants of Mansion. After this Nandini turn towards Manik who still sitting on table and admiring Nandini. Seeing this Nandini speak,

Nan: Shona come now it's time for Damaka.

Man: (with confused face he ask) Damaka?

Nan: Yes shona. I am going to explode two big blast on these Malhotra's. So come. And you just sit and watch show don't get tension and panic.

Man: Ok

So listening this Nandini forward her hand which Manik held immediately. Both come to center of garden. There Nandini make Manik sit on the chair which she asked to place their before by waiter and assure him with her eyes. After that she stand besides Manik and speak,

Nan: (clapping her hand she speak) Hello Everyone, attention please.

Listening Nandini all immediately come towards her. The media who are waiting for this immediately come and sit on the ground where Nandini is standing and started recording what Nandini going to say and at the same time they telecasting it live. Even Malhotra's see towards Nandini with the expression that now what she is going to do? When Nandini see that all giving her attention so she started speaking,

Nan: So you all have questions in your mind that how younger Malhotra's come out of jail in one day? Is I am behind their come out? Right?

Reporters: Yes ma'am.

Nan: First I will clear that I didn't bring these Younger Malhotra's and their fiance's from out of jail. Myself send them jail with all proof then how can I bring them out? You all know that NM never stand with lies. She always stand with truth. So bringing these drug addict people out from jail which I will never do in my dreams also. So it's clear that I didn't bring them out of jail.

Coming to your question then how they come out from the jail when the case and complain both done by NM herself? Then listen carefully that they are come out of jail by bribing every person from the constable to commissioner of police department. Due to bribe the commissioner taken, he himself take the case in his hand from CID and started to prepare bail papers of these drug addict younger Malhotra's with the help of his know lawyer and judge promising to giving their share of money as bribe which he taken.

Reporter 1: How are you sure about this ma'am?

Nan: You all know that NM never speak without proof. So Miss. Neha right?

Neha: Yes Ma'am.

Nan: Do you have LED screen in your news channel vanity?

Neha: Yes Ma'am.

Nan: So do one thing ask your vanity driver come inside and rise LED uper. Also ask him to on the bluetooth of your LED.

Neha: Sure ma'am.

After that Neha did whatever Nandini asked within 5 minutes and speak,

Neha: Ma'am your work done. See their vanity van standing with LED. You can connect it with bluetooth.

Nan: Thank you.

Saying this Nandini connect her mobile with bluetooth to LED of Vanity van.

(Image LED also there)

After that she speak,

Nan: Now you can see there.

Saying she started video. Media people, guest including Malhotra's looks towards LED. There video start playing where Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra and family planning to take out their children out of jail by hook and crook. After that video shows that Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra giving money to some people in the exchange of his grandchildrens bail within 3 hours. The people who taking money nodes their head in yes and moves from there. The video end on Durgaprasad Malhotra's smiling face and sharing good news with family.

All who are present in garden in shock except our Nandini and Manik who just watching everything as per Nandini's instructions without any worry. Malhotra's are sweating seeing video. After some second one reporter speak,

Reporter: Ma'am you said that Malhotra's bribe commissioner, then where is commissioner? The person who present in this video is not commissioner.

Nan: I know Mr. Ronit. The person who is this video is a person from Anti Corruption Department.

Reporter 3: What?

Nan: Yes. You first see video in which these Malhotra's planning. This is recorded by the hidden camera which I kept in their living room. I know that they will definitely do like this seeing their last history of closing case with bribe. That's why I keep that hidden camera in their living room to unkown to them to know what will they do?

Once I confirm what they are trying to do, with my source I collect information about the officer who is going to help him. They with the high post officers help I first arrested those officers and to collect proof the Anti Corruption Department people acted their that they are send by those officer and take money from Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra.

Reporter: If you arrested the corrupt officer then how these Malhotra's come out?

Nan: That was my next plan. I just requested higher authority to release these Younger Malhotra's for two days. But not before taking their sign on papers which state that they with their presence of mind accepted their crime that they had drugs and did rave party with all their siblings and friends. After that they are released after giving bribe to officer to shut the case with the help of their parents. Even through they are out of jail but not away from eyes of CID officers. They are constantly on the watch of CID officers. Even this engagement party CID officers present in formal dress.

Reporter: Why this much big plan ma'am?

Nan: You all till now come know that how much Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra is cunning. He may in future will try to destroy evidence which I given. So if self confirmation of these younger Malhotra's is there then it will be easy to punish them. So I did this because I don't want to gives any lope hole of case to Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra who by taking chance of it, will do something to take his grandchildrens out of jail. About the money which Mr Durgaprasad Malhotra given is went to Government CSR fund. It will be used for welfare of poor people.

Reporter 1: Ma'am why you saying this infront of media I mean you directly shows in court all this.

Nan: I did this for two reason. First reason is that I know media people's power. If they got proof against any crime then they will not keep quiet till they make sure that the culprit given punishment. This is one reason I take your help and other reason is with you people I want to reach public and give message that if they do any type of crime then they can't cover it with any source. It will open one day and also I want warn youngster that if they do this type of rave party, take drugs then they will punish by court no matter they belongs to rich family or not.

Reporter : Ma'am your are daughter in law of Malhotra's, still you are doing this I mean you are sending your people to jail.

Nan: Before daughter in law of these Malhotra's, I am lawyer. It's my duty to give justice to innocent people and send criminal inside the jail. I received one anonymous letter regarding this case and requested to give justice to person who is inside the jail due to these Malhotra's.

Reporter: We didn't get you ma'am?

Nan: These Malhotra's to save their childrens put a blam on innocent boy who studied with these younger Malhotra's in same college. That day even didn't present in that party but they morphs picture like that the party is organized by him only. The inspector who handling this case only give this idea. The boy is staying in jail from last 15 days and he just come out last night when my PA submit all proof. So I just give justice to that boy who is innocent and bearing torture due to these Malhotra's.

Coming to daughter in law of these Malhotra's, then I will announce that I am not daughter in law of Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra. Do you all feel that the elder grandson of this house is innocent, simple and others grandchildrens are rich spoil brat. How can this possible?

Reporter: Yes ma'am. From last 25 years I am in this profession of reporting and I attend almost all these Malhotra's parties. Every time I feel that Manik sir is different from the other Malhotra's childrens.

Reporter: Ma'am are you trying to say Manik Malhotra and other younger Malhotra's not blood related.

Nan: Answer of your question is yes. But before you start asking more questions regarding this I will like to say that please wait for another 1 month I will share everything with you people with all proof.

Reporter 2: (looking towards Manik he speak) Sir are you aware about this?

Listening this Manik first looks towards Nandini. Seeing this Nandini assured him with her eyes and nodes her head in yes saying to speak,

Man: (with confidence he speak) Yes I know.

Reporter 4: Still you are living here?

Man: Didn't Nandini said to wait for one month. She will share everything. So wait for it.

Reporter 3: (looking towards Nandini he ask) Ma'am after this announcement your with your husband life come into danger. These Malhotra's can harm you knowing that their secret come out today.

Nan: Don't worry about our life. We are secure with our body guards and also some police also there around us in civil dress.

Reporter 4: Ma'am Younger Malhotra's are going to arrest again.

Nan: (with smile she speak) Off course within 30 minutes. Because before their arrest I want to give gift to them and their parents.

So now I cleared how these Malhotra's come out from jail. I hope I cleared your all questions also. So it's humble request from me please wait for outside. I have to talk privately something to these Malhotra's. Can you give these privacy for us. Same apply to guest also. If you feel I am rude then sorry before only. Thank you.

Reporters: Ok thank you too ma'am. All the best for your career and happy married life.

Manan: Thank You.

Guests: God bless you both.

Manan: Thank You.

After this Guests and Reporters moves from there. After they are out of sight, Nandini turn towards Malhotra's who are standing their with sweating and shock expression. Seeing them Nandini speak,

Nan: What happened Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra? Got shocked how I played on your own plan? Now your little secret also out regarding Manik. What will you do now?

All Malhotra's family come into sence listening Nandini's voice. The anger reach at his peak of Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra's so he speak,

Durgaprasad: (in high voice he speak) You little.............

Nan: Hold on your anger Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra second surprise is on the way. I hope after listening this surprise the ground beneath your feet will move and your life will be turn in 360 degrees.

To be continued...........

Next Part:
Second Surprise of Nandini to Malhotra's.
Nandini giving Manik surprise gift.
Some mystery characters entry.
Manik meeting those mystery characters throw Nandini.

How you all feel about over all update?

How you all feel about Nandini's gesture towards servants of Malhotra's Mansion?

How you all feel about Nandini's surprise for Malhotra's?

How you all feel about Nandini's plan on Malhotra's plan?

How you all feel about Nandini's plan to keep watch on Malhotra's through camera?

How you all feel about Nandini's one step ahead of Malhotra's plan?

How you all feel about Nandini's plan to trap Malhotra's in their plan only?

How you all feel about Nandini's plan to relise younger Malhotra's for two days after taking sign of them on self acceptance crime on paper?

How you all feel about Nandini's answer to reporter when they ask being daughter in law of Malhotra's how can she send their family in jail?

How you all feel about Nandini's revolving that she is not Malhotra's daughter in law?

How you all feel about Nandini reveling Manik not blood related to Malhotra's? She explain everything after one?

How you all feel about Manik's answer that he not belong to blood related to Malhotra's?

How you all feel about Nandini's done about her and Manik's safety?

How you all feel about Nandini's stand for the unknown boy and giving justice to him?

How you all feel about Nandini going to give Second surprise to Malhotra's and asking them to wait for it?

Thank You,


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