My Everything (Rosé x Reader)

By midnightclub34

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[HIATUS] Book #2 of the "My Sunshine" series (read that first) Back from a near death experience, you and Ros... More

01 - Back To Life
02 - Meet The Parks
03 - Flight Of The Bluewing
04 - Home Sweet Home
06 - Amusement Park
07 - The Price of Fame
08 - Blindsided
09 - Return of the Kook
10 - Flashing Lights
11 - Blinding Lights
12 - Nike Party
13 - Power Trip
14 - The Warning
15 - Too Far
16 - Without You
17 - Fireworks
18 - Escape
19 - Through The Curtain
20 - Remember This Moment
21 - The Storm
22 - Rooftop Mystery
23 - Beckham & Posh
24 - Trust Me
25 - Partners in Crime
26 - Operation Midnight Swim
27 - Wolves Come Out At Night
28 - Full Disclosure
29 - Surprise
30 - Bangkok
31 - Scandalous
32 - Garden of Eden (Smut)
33 - Water For Elephants
34 - Back to Seoul
35 - One Year

05 - Anniversary

3.7K 127 101
By midnightclub34

It was one week until Blackpink's comeback. It had been over a year, so the pressure on the girls and YG was huge. You didn't get to call, text or hang out with Rosie at all since YG took their phones and kept a manager with them at all times, even in the dorm.

The only time you got to see her at all was when her dance instructor was nice enough to let you watch. After practice Rosie would collapse into your arms and hold on as long as she could before going back to work.

You had to make every second with each other count. You were worried about her, so you always brought her food and encouraging handwritten letters to keep her spirits up. It was a time when she needed you to be there for her.

In the meantime, you began training with the new professional coaches of the Bluewings. The league would be starting in 4 months so there was no time to waste. The new training program had to get you up to professional fitness levels, so it was intense and grueling.

Some of the workouts even made you throw up, but you were in the best shape of your life. Several players on the old team were cut, and new players - all exceptionally skilled - were signed to replace them. Fortunately you, Jun, Miyeon, and of course Heechan had all made the the final lineup. You officially signed a 2 year professional contract. The bar had been raised.

One late night you got a call from an unknown number. You were going to ignore it but decided to answer. You were surprised to hear a familiar lovely voice, although it sounded a little distressed.

"(Y/n), thank you so much for picking up, I was scared I wouldn't be able to reach you."

"Yeah no problem. Didn't YG take your phone though?"

"I'm using my mom's phone. She came to the dorm because she was worried about me."

"I see, so how are you doing Chae? I'm worried about you too."

She hesitated a little. "I'm really... it's not... it's not going so good right now (y/n). I'm sorry to bother you, I just... "

"You're not bothering me at all, I'm always here for you. Have you ate dinner?"

"Yeah. I almost forgot but my mom brought me some."

"That's good at least, your mom's the best. That must help having her with you right?"

"Yeah, oh I'm sorry to bother you
(y/n). I know my mom's here but I just wanted to talk to you, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. So tell me what's going on Rosie, I want to help."

"(Y/n), I'm not doing too good to be honest. I can't sleep, I don't have much of an appetite and I feel dizzy during the day. Today at dance practice I fell over a few times."

"That's not good, Rosie please take care of yourself. I know this comeback is important to you, but it's not more important than your health."

"I know, I'm just so worried that I won't be good enough and I'll let my members down. Compared to them I feel really lacking, I'm scared I'll mess it up for everyone."

"I admire how much you care about your members. But I know for a fact that your well-being is more important to them than the comeback. You don't have to sacrifice yourself."

"I wish YG could view it that way. He's really stressed and he's been verbally abusive to us, saying we're not good enough and we're a disgrace to his company. Especially me, because I'm his least favorite." You could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I don't know why that prick seems to have it in for you, it's not fair considering how hard you work. I really admire how you always give 100% Rosie, just don't let it get in the way of looking after yourself ok?"


"Promise me?"

"I promise (y/n)."

"That's my girl. Is anything else bothering you?"

"No it's ok, that's it. I shouldn't bother you anymore, I just wanted to hear your voice again because I love you so much. You always make me feel better."

"I love you too Rosie, and I care about you more than you believe. Just please make sure you're eating and try to get some sleep if you can. Your hard work will be rewarded by your comeback. Hang in there baby, you're almost at the finish line."


Since you couldn't hang out with Blackpink you spent more time with your other friends. You went out for ramen one night and introduced Jun & Heechan to Alice, Hyeri & Ashley.

Jun was being a goof as always and trying to balance the soy sauce bottle on his head. Him and Jisoo really were meant for each other. Heechan and Alice seemed to be getting along well; it made sense since they were both mature and hard-working. Alice, who had graduated law school with honors, was quite impressed that Heechan was in med school.

You sat by Hyeri and Ashley who were really nice and down to earth; no surprise since they were Rosie's friends. Although, they made you wait until they Instagram'd the food before eating, which was like torture since your miso ramen smelled delicious. Besides that you got along well and laughed lots.

You shared cute and funny stories about Rosie. You all agreed that she was too pure for this world and needed to be protected at all costs. You missed her so much. You just hoped she was doing ok.

Rosé POV

We were almost ready to comeback, which was good because I was exhausted and it made me sad to be away from (y/n). Our 6 month anniversary was coming up, and I wanted to make it special but I barely had any time.

I got usually got home after midnight so I only had a few hours before I had to be up again. I would spend some of that time working on a song I was writing for (y/n). I wanted to make a special love song but I was worried it would turn out terribly since I could barely think. At least the acorn soft toy they gave me helped me fall asleep.

At last we finished filming the music video and the photoshoots for the promo material. We got our phones back, but we still had to stay as a group with our manager. I called (y/n) right away and we talked for over 2 hours which made me feel so much better. I was really worried about not being good enough, but (y/n) always calmed me down and made me feel more confident. I felt really proud when they said they admired my work ethic.

Thankfully most of the work was done so I was able to finish writing the song and get us some matching couple rings. I couldn't wait to celebrate and move into our new home, but I had to wait until after our comeback was released tonight.

I was scrolling through Instagram and saw Hyeri had posted a picture of some ramen (which looked delicious).

But then I noticed something funny about the picture - that hand and the purple sleeve across the table looked familiar. My stomach lurched - I could recognize (y/n) anywhere. They were with Hyeri again.

I was back to being upset and confused. I had trusted (y/n) and brushed off the earlier incident with Hyeri, but I couldn't ignore it anymore. Why were they going out in secret?

Without even realizing I started sobbing. That was my boyfriend/girlfriend and one of my best friends. I didn't want to believe anything was happening between them, but I couldn't think of another explanation. I sometimes felt like I wasn't good enough for (y/n), but why did it have to be Hyeri? I just couldn't believe that the two of them would do something that would hurt me like that. And right before our anniversary too.

My members and I did a live stream leading up to the comeback. We were supposed to be cheerful but I was feeling down again. I kept zoning out and my members had to keep getting my attention.

Finally our comeback was released. It was over. We were done, at least for now. (Y/n) called right away to congratulate me which was really thoughtful, but I my emotions were confused with each other. I still had that awful feeling that something was going on with them and Hyeri. It hurt to think of celebrating our anniversary and giving (y/n) my presents when they might be cheating on me.


Today was the day. At last, Blackpink had made their comeback and it was your anniversary. The comeback had shattered all expectations and was already breaking records. You picked Chseyoung up from her dorm after work, excited at the special day you had planned.

"Happy 6 months Rosie!" you said with a huge smile, handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"Yeah, happy 6 months" she replied, trying her best to smile. "Thank you for the flowers."

You were a little disappointed; you had expected her to be way more excited than this.

"Everything ok Rosie? You don't seem so happy."

"Yeah it's... it's ok. Let's enjoy our special evening together."

Something was definitely off, but whatever it was she didn't want to talk about it. You hoped the surprise you had prepared at the new apartment would cheer her up.

When you opened the door she was shocked. You had turned down the lights and decorated the everything romantically with candles and rose petals on the floor.

"Happy anniversary Rosie! I love you!"

"You... did all this? For me?"

"Yeah! Well, I had some help. I couldn't have done it without Alice, Ashley and Hyeri."

Her eyes opened wide when you mentioned Hyeri. Slowly the pieces in her mind came together. She was still stunned, but now in a good way. Tears of joy began forming in her eyes.

"So that's why you were spending all that time with Hyeri?"

You nodded.

"Awwwww (y/n)" Rosie said, full of emotion. She hugged you tightly, burying her face in your chest to try to hide the fact she was crying. "I'm so sorry, I was worried you might be seeing each other in secret. But it was stupid of me to think either of you would do that. This is so sweet and thoughtful of you (y/n). I love you more than you could ever imagine, you're my everything."

She kissed you sweetly. Chaeyoung was so lovely to kiss. She was a great kisser, soft & gentle and had the cutest plump lips. Her face was so adorable too, so kissable and you just wanted to kiss her 24/7.

Rosie finally got a chance to properly explore the new apartment and move her stuff in. You helped her move her stuff, especially her Joohwang's fish tank which was really heavy.

Once she was all moved in you celebrated with chocolate fondue and champagne.

You gave each other flirty looks as you took turns feeding each other pieces of fruit dipped in chocolate.

"Lisa's Dad told us that if you drop something in the fondue you have to kiss the person next to you" Rosie explained innocently.

"Oops" she giggled as she 'accidentally' dropped her strawberry.

As you enjoyed the fondue you gave each other chocolatey kisses. You must have already kissed more than 10 times that evening.

"It's so nice that finally, after weeks of waiting, we can enjoy being together without worrying about anything else" you said.

She smiled. "It's even better that we get to be together in our new little home. It makes me so happy to think we're starting a new chapter together here."

You caressed her soft cheeks. "Me too. This will become the place of many great memories in the future."

Rosie was glowing. "To our future together" she said, raising her champagne glass.

"To our future together" you said clinking glasses with her. "Maybe if we're lucky we'll last another 6 months."

She snickered and pushed you playfully. "Babe, I have something for you." She pulled out a small box with two matching rings in it. "One for you and one for me."

The rings were beautiful. They were from Tiffany's and you had a suspicion they were real gold, but you didn't need to ask; you were just grateful that she cared. They were engraved with "I love you" and a heart with R & (y/n), just small enough to go under the camera's radar. Around the inside was "No matter that happens, together or apart, I'll always love you."

You let Rosie put the ring on your finger. "I have one more thing for you" she said.

She got out her keyboard and sat down close beside you. You wrapped your arms around her waist and leaned against her as she started to play. As she began to sing in her angelic voice, you realized you hadn't heard the song before.

(Imagine Rosé singing this)

"...I hope you don't mind that I put down in words,
How wonderful life is while you're in the world."

"That was beautiful Rosie, what song was that?"

"Your Song."

"Your song? What do you mean?"

"That's what I decided to call it. Because it's for you."

"As in, you wrote it... for me?"

"Yeah. Just for you."

It was the most beautiful gift ever. Since you were kids your favorite thing in the world had been when Rosie sang to you, and now she had even written you your own song. It meant so much.

"When did you have time to write this?" you asked incredulously.

"Um... At night sometimes." You couldn't believe it. You really didn't deserve her.

"Aw Rosie... you're so precious to me. Come here baby, I love you."

You pulled each other in for a tight, loving embrace that seemed to last forever - you wouldn't have minded if it did. Her body shared its warmth with you just like her heart shared its love.

(Pretend you're Lisa)

There was one last thing you had prepared for her. "Rosie come upstairs, I have one more thing I want to show you."

You took her hand and led her up the stairs to show her your last surprise.
You had talked with Alice for a long time about what to get her. Alice told you that ever since Rosie was little she wanted a puppy, but their mom was allergic so she couldn't have one. Once she joined YG she didn't really have time to take care of one by herself, but now she wouldn't have to. She had you.

You opened the door to your bedroom and pointed to the bed.

Rosie covered her mouth with her hands, frozen. She turned to look at you with wide eyes. When she finally uncovered her mouth she had the biggest smile you'd ever seen. She jumped into your arms, almost knocking you over.

"You got us a puppy?! Omg (y/n), we're going to be a mommy and daddy now! I love you."

"I love you too Rosie. Happy anniversary."

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