The opposite character

By wackydisastersfollow

231 17 0

Chelsea Sternhart is plain Jane, old faded jeans pinafores and t-shirts, out of place pigtails and ratty conv... More

Chapter 1: Maniac driver
Chapter 2: Diet royalty
Chapter 3: Betty the ugly
Chapter 4: "You guys are assholes".
Chapter 5; Jada Callan.
Chapter 7; The makeover.
Chapter 8; Jada goes to a rave.
Chapter 9; The Second son of God.
Chapter 10; Logan Rory Larry?
Chapter11; The loony bodyguard.
Chapter 12; First base?

6; Jada Christina Winterdawn and the bone chilling, soul shuddering nightmare.

8 1 0
By wackydisastersfollow

Shopping with Christen was exactly what I assumed it would be, a nightmare. Although I followed Christen into malls all the time we never actually hung out together when we got inside. I'd head to the food court or the games arcade or sometimes to the 3D cinema to go watch something that will keep me awake three nights in a row. And Christen was always on a shopping spree with Liam, it was why they were the perfect couple. Liam might be a jock but put that boy a credit card and a mall together and you get a recipe for disaster.  The boy thoroughly unashamedly loved fashion, he was into something he like to call subtle classy and according to him after a career in the NFL he wanted to dress other celebrities like himself for their red carpet shows. Christen and Liam  played this game in malls all the time where they exchanged credit cards, gave each other a time limit and budget and then ran free around the mall shopping for the other person. I was always the referee.
         Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the girl going through those cloth racks just a few steps away from me was not the Christen Summerdawn I knew. This girl was ruthless, she snapped at the sales girls and sent them fleeing in terror to do her bidding, she snapped at other girls who had their eyes on clothes she intended to pick, she snapped at me turning down every suggestion I made with brutal savagery.
"What, is Jada a handyman now?", she'd say or " do you plan to give her a career in construction?" or "the classlessness of that rag,Chels are you trying to make Jada like you?". That last one stung so I just tried to keep my distance from Christen and passed my time imagining how Christen's wedding preparation would be if she ever got married to Liam. We'd have a horrible bridezilla and an equally bad or maybe worse groomzilla on our hands. I fake shuddered just as i noticed Christen speaking to me as she closed the three feet space I had been mindful to keep between us during her craze rave.
"Come start trying these on", she was saying, "every other thing in this stupid store is worthless, looks like fucking Cinderella before the godmother".
She matched past me as I just stared after her looking for my best friend in that familiar body and face I knew so well, the body stopped and turned to look at me, "get over here", it's mouth snapped and I hopped over with a murmured, "yes ma'am" swearing silently to myself that I would never ever again subject myself to such misery. I'd kill Callahan first.


   The nightmare got worse, who knew changing clothes was such a task. On top of that my preferences were utterly disregarded, each time I made a complaint Christen always made it clear that I didn't matter.
   "I'd never wear that Chrissy, you know", I'd told her calmly regarding a cute floral off shoulder top that would never let me raise my arms in comfort or even stretch my sore bones properly.
"Exactly Chels we are shopping for things that are the opposite of what you like, this is clearly for Jada, stop being so selfish". It was the aftermath of that crazed statement that found me at the counter of Burger King after sneaking out of the changing room. I ordered a large burger, fries and a diet coke, then practically hightailed it out of there knowing that if Christen already discovered me missing that would be the first place she'd check. When I got into the streets I hailed a cab and once safely in it I texted Christen giving her my apologies, my sizes in all aspect of clothing and my permission to run wild with my credit card. By the time I got back to the dorms, I had finished my food and my phone was blowing up with dozens of angry messages by the minute. But I wasn't slightly fazed because i finally had an idea of who Jada Christina Winterdawn was, a nightmare. A whole different kind.

Writing a ten page biography about somebody you know from the inside out isn't that hard. I finished my paper in record time and I was pretty confident about it's content this time as the majority of it wasn't whether she preferred peanut butter over nutella. Suddenly I knew how Jada liked to dress, how she felt naked with out the perfect outfit. I understood that we were both looking for comfort in the things we wore and did but just in our own diverse ways. Jada was me, the same girl, same morals completely different prejudices and values most of all Jada was a lot like Christen the me that was at the same time opposite of me. What I am saying is Jada is another American girl, slightly different upbringing who is looking for the same things in life as I am but taking a different route, i ended my essay with a small insight on how Jada would feel if she had to be me for a few days. And just about when I added a full stop to my amazing conclusion I heard the key turn in the lock of the front door which was especially bad as I had planned to be asleep when Christen came home. I flew off my desk and beneath the covers of my bed shutting my eyes and wondering if a slight snore will be convincing enough of my unconscious state.
I heard shuffling about the apartment and voices as Christen and Liam brought in all the bags of new clothes. I shuddered at how many times they made the journey in and out of the house and wondered at the state of my credit card. Finally there was a lull and then feet shuffling towards my door, I put on my best performance as my door was rapped against and after a few passing seconds opened. There was a low chuckle and then
   " ooohhh babe she's asleep best time to attempt that murder by suffocation, I'll even hold her legs"
Christen replied her voice a bit faint by the distance but I heard her loud and clear.
   " I changed my mind about that, I want her wide awake when I strike and I want knives involved"
        Another chuckle
"Best pretend sleep forever then, Sternberg" and then my door clicked shut. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair Christen was going to ruin me. Finally gaining the courage to step out of my room, I walked into the living room starting my apology with a bright smile in Christen's direction where she sat on the floor in the middle of clothes and tags chaos.
         "Death to the monarchy", she screamed upon seeing me.
     "That..uh that doesn't eve-"
   "Shut up", she snapped at me, " this government finds you guilty of treason".
"Christen that doesn't make sense either", I said carefully as Liam watched on from the breakfast bar in amusement sipping a smoothie.
"Actually Chels the only thing that doesn't make sense is shopping for an ingrate"
"Ouch, I am so sorry Chrissy. I didn't actually plan to ditch you it sort of happened, I got an inspiration and I had to put it down before I forgot also you were an absolute monster".

"Actually babe I can vouch for her on that last part you can get pretty unbearable when it comes to shopping", Liam chimed in, a mischievous smirk on his face only hoping to fuel the burning fire.
   Christen shot him a rotten glare, " you're one to talk, diva".
He gasped loudly in mock horror as Christen turned to face me, " I guess I should forgive you, afterall I can become a shopping monster and I did buy a whole new collection of skirts for myself with your money"
I tsked, "wow Christen take liberties with my credit card why don't you"
" wow, Chels take liberties with my kindness and generosity why don't you".
             "Fair's fair", we both grinned.
"Wait that's it?", Liam exclaimed, " what happened to all that tough talk of blood  and maiming, babe?"
                     "Sicko", I muttered
                     " Diva", Christen chimed in.

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