Chapter 2: Diet royalty

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I could have sworn we trashed a world record because when we pulled up at the breakfast hub on campus, Leo Sayer had not quite finished yelling his love declarations through the car speakers. I grabbed my backpack and got out of the car while Christen lingered fixing her lip gloss, rolling my eyes I made my way to Ben's breakfast hub glad that from that point on I didn't have to hurry Christen on anymore. My first class of the day was a three minute walk from the hub and hers was just across the street. I had exactly twenty five minutes which was enough time to gobble down enough food.
    Students were littered everywhere inside the hub though it was only morning, but I noticed that the table by the window that Chrissy and I usually shared was unoccupied. As I made my way over, I spotted JJ who was in some of my classes and worked at the hub, he'd been the one serving me ever since my first visit.
     "Yo JJ", I hollered to get his attention. He looked up from handing a styrofoam cup to a customer at the counter and smiled at me.
  "The usual", I informed him grinning at the thought of breakfast.
JJ chuckled at my excitement and winked, "Coming up". I gestured for him to hurry with my hands and went to take a seat by the window.
     Not a minute later JJ layed my breakfast of two pancakes, two waffles, one egg and a thin slice of bacon with my usual hot chocolate in a styrofoam cup.
   I glanced up at JJ in surprise.
"That was record breaking fast", I said tearing a strip of bacon and stuffing it in my mouth.
"I had Lola make your breakfast bout three minutes ago, I knew you'd be here anytime soon".
    JJ smirked at me.
"I'm getting the hang of you, Sternhart", he said.
       I huffed with a mouth full of eggs sending a few particles airborne.
"Predictable am I?", I pretended to think over it for a second, "I could get all mysterious".
"Nah, you stay the way you are, Sternhart". He gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked away as Christen strutted into the hub, Liam Bryson by her side.
     Liam was Christen's jock boyfriend.
I'd heard around campus that he could be a complete asshole but Liam was pretty chill with me, he was one of the few people I could easily flow with and we bantered just fine plus  he treated Christen well so I didn't really care what people said about the football teams quarter back, he had found a spot in my good books.
      "Yo Sternhart", Liam offered me a fist bump as he sat in a chair beside me. I number his fist and flashed him a smile.
     "You ever gonna call me by first name, Bryson?", I asked.
"It's either Sternhart or little girl, your pick".
I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled. "Hey", Christen called staring at my plate that was now missing it's bacon and eggs, " how come you got your food already?", She asked.
"Oh JJ had  it ready before we arrived", I replied.
      Christen wiggled her brows, "getting little favours from JJ huh?", She cooed suggestively.
I threw her a bored look, "Don't even start with me", I warned grabbing my backpack and unzipping it.
  Liam chuckled, "dude must have figured out food is the only true path to your heart". I looked up from rummaging in my backpack to shoot Liam a look that had both him and Christen chuckling, Looney couple.
      Finally finding the new jar of nutella I had taken from our mini fridge that earlier in the morning, I set it on the table with a metal spoon.
    "Guys", I called sliding the jar across the table to them, "allow me to introduce to you, Danica".
     They both shot me a similar look like I was retarded. Though I knew Christen always looked forward to hearing the Dani induced names I came up with. Liam on the other hand looked like he was really worrying for my sanity.
   "You're running  out of creative ideas, Chels", Christen spoke up, "the names Dania and Danica sound too alike"
  I scoffed at her, scooping nutella and spreading it on a piece of waffle making sure it got in all the little boxes, "of course not", I replied in a duh tone," They are obviously twins".
   Chrissy rolled her eyes a small smile on her lips and Liam ran a hand through his hair.
   "You know even though it's not the first time you're doing something like this I'm still so lost".
I shrugged and took a bite of my chocolate covered waffle a drop of chocolate running down my chin. I scooped it up on my pinkie finger and lapped it up then proceeded to run my tongue as far as it could go down  that corner of my mouth for good measure. Christen wrinkled her nose and slowly shook her head but it wasn't in disgust more like familiarity.
"OK guys ", Liam said "I've gotta go, see you later", he leaned towards Chrissy and they shared a chaste kiss on the lips before he pressed another to her temple and mumbled something in her ear making her smile.
               I rolled my eyes.
"Later Sternhart", Liam hollered as he walked backwards away from us "Don't get jealous" he added and turned on heels out the door.
    "I should castrate him", I mumbled to Christen and she threw me an horrified look.
   "Shouldn't you be on your way right about now?", I asked looking at the time on my phone screen.
Chrissy shrugged as a waiter put down a plate of a single vegetable sandwich in front of her.
"Professor Hernandez is a certified late comer, I'm good".
I shrugged my shoulders at her, just as someone walked up to our table from behind me.
   "Hey Chris, Chels", It was Brittney Stakes.
Brittney took classes with Christen and we got to know each other when she came over to our dorm last semester for homework. She and Christen were pretty chill but Brittney didn't always flow with my vibe needless to say we just got along enough for the amount of time we saw each other. I didn't like her attitude much because she seemed to worship Christen's figure . Brittney was a little on the plump side last semester now she looked skinny thin and rather than hot she looked unhealthy to me. She had been dieting like Christen except Christen didn't look like a starving child in one of those war countries.
" Hey Danison", She greeted my nutella jar.There was a slight mockery to her tone and smile.
"That was so two jars ago", I said with pride "this is Danica".
Brittney wrinkled her nose down at my breakfast and this time I could sense the disgust in her look as she dramatically whispered under her breath, "calories" and even going as far as trying to subtlety share a look of disgust with Christen who pretended not to know anything. I went to give a retort when Christen quickly butted in.
   "You look great Brie", Christen complimented.
"Yeah", I agreed sacarstically, smirking and completely ignoring Christens warning glare, "you sure put the die in diet".
    The small smile that had started to grow on Brittney's face at Christens compliment immediately died. Christen shot me a diedlier glare and proceeded to do damage control or more like conflict prevention with her quick change of subject.  I shrugged returning to my chocolate covered pancakes. She shouldn't have attacked my calories, though she hadn't said anything that Christen would not have said it was the way she said it like I was commuting a sin and deserved to go to hell for it and I happen to not like hell. Christen had once mentioned that Brittney was jealous of my ability to and I quote "eat my cake and have it, literally".
    Christen and Brittney spoke for a while ignoring me and then got up informing me that there were living. I bid them both goodbye not missing the pretty look Brittney was shooting me. I smiled widely and slyly back at her as they exited through the door.

  Soo guys I'll be honest I didn't think I would have the strength to update this early. I'm really really lazy and I am updating from my phone.

Also to those that skipped the introduction I want to remind u that my characters opinion are not necessarily mine. If anybody got offended by the mention of the war countries don't be I myself come from a somewhat war country. Somewhat. Hope u enjoyed the chapter, till next time😊

The opposite characterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin