Mad Ember

By Ayee_Lovelies

108K 4.5K 584

**COMPLETED** The year is 2260. Radiation levels are reaching impossible highs, and humans are dying at a rap... More

1: Clunk
2: Favors
3: Alien
4: Strangers
5: Symptoms
6: Hopeless
7: Relief
8: Witches
9: Flashbacks
10: Dog
11: Attack
12: Together
13: Connection
14: Saved?
15: Friends
16: Kisses
17: Tensions
18: Falling
19: Acceptance
20: Revalations
21: Blood
22: Scared
23: Demons
24: Family
25: Gone
26: Reunion
27: Awake
28: Bonded
30: Betrayal
31: Challenge
32: losses
33: Treehouse
34: Giggles
35: Annoyed
36: Disagreements
37: Alone
38: Searching
39: Found
40: Restraints
41: Spells
42: Rouges
43: Bats
44: Broken
45: Ancestor
46: Reunited
Running Mad Update & Explanation

29: Cheated

1.2K 71 5
By Ayee_Lovelies

The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Kiss Me"
B Y : Ed Sheeran
(^^^My baby)

The room is warm. A soft breeze dances in through the open window that wraps around my sleeping form. Everything is so serene. A lazy smile graces my lips. This was easily the best sleep of my life. Everything just felt right.

Corban's husky chuckle filters through my brain that makes me stretch out my stiff limbs. I was reluctant to fully wake up. A kiss on my head makes me shift.

"Come on, Em... Wake up." He whispers softly and kisses my head once more. I open my eyes slightly and meet Corban's wide smile.

"Mmhh." I groan. He chuckles.

"Morning, Ember." I look up at him and he places a loving kiss on my lips.

"You marked me." I whisper. My voice is hoarse from sleeping. Corban chuckles and nods. He leans down into the crook and places a kiss on my mark.

"I did. How do you feel?" He questions.

"Different." I state. It was the truth. Everything was the same, but seemed out of place. It was all alarmingly different, but good. I could feel the bond so easily. It was like a golden glowing rope. It expelled warmth and comfort. I reached my hand up to corbans cheek and tingles mixed with warmth surrounded my hand. I was entranced.

"Crazy isn't it?" Corban whispers. I nod.

"How does that work again?" I whisper.

"It's our signature. It's Designed just for our bond. I'm assuming when we touched before I marked you, you felt warmth?" He states, but it was a question. I nod for a response. "I felt tingles. You were this breath of fresh air that sent my body into a fit of chills. Now the two feelings combine because our soul is one." Corban explains. A large smile comes to my face.

"We have a pretty soul." I sigh. Corban chuckles and leans over my face.

"It's beautiful." He states. He leans down and places a kiss on my lips. I angle my head up to help keep our lips connected. My body moves underneath him and I hear him groan. His hands quickly move to my hips and hold them down to stop me from moving any more.

"You don't know what you're doing Em." He whispers huskily. A smirk comes to my lips and I look at him deviously. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull our bodies closer together. I slowly start to grind on him and he lets out a hiss mixed with a pleasure filled groan.

"No. I'm wrong. You definitely know what you're doing." He groans. I let out a breathy chuckle.

"You're so hopeless." I breathe. He groans and starts sucking on my mark. I chuckle at the effect that I have on him. His hand moves up and cups the other side of my neck. His palm pushes against my neck and I lean into his touch so that his hand wrapped around my neck. God it was so erotic. He breaks the kiss and looks at me with a cocky grin.

"You like that Em?" He murmurs. His hand around my neck squeezes tighter and my eyes invouluntarily roll back. I loved it. He chuckles and shakes his head. He releases my neck and quickly pulls off my shirt and I pull off his. His chest is warm and rock hard against me. He leans back and looks at me. He grabs both of my wrists in his hand and pins them above my head.

"No moving he smirks." I nod and let out a hot breath. He keeps my arms pinned tightly and his head comes down into the crook of my neck sucking and kissing. I arch my back and he quickly pushes my back down with one hand and his other hand grabs my neck causing me to let out a quick gasp. He smirks and squeezes a little as he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I said no moving." he whispers I nod and he releases my neck.

"All mine." he whispers gazing down upon me.

I smile and reach my hand up to his neck and pull him down quickly. I feel his hand play at the hem of my shorts. I go and pull them down and they are quickly discarded. His came off next. Our heavy pants were the only sounds that filled the room. I started to grind once more and he let out a growl and I quickly stopped.

"No moving." I whisper and look at him from under my lashes. He chuckled and leaned down so that his mouth was right at my ear.

"Good girl."

♛ ♛ ♛

I was addicted to him. I couldn't get enough, and he couldn't get enough of me. It was the bond apparently. Being horny all the time was so goddamn annoying. Corban definitely didn't mind that bit.

"We should go again. I feel cheated." I roll my eyes and pull on my pants.

"You're hopeless. If any one is the cheated one it's me." I say. He laughs and looks back at me. He was only in his underwear. He jumps on me and a loud squeal escapes my lips. He kisses behind my ear and loud laughs pour out of me. I was so ticklish there. He looks up at me, smiling like a cashmere cat. He pokes at my cheek.

"Dimple." He states. I nod.

"She makes her appearance when I'm really happy." I state with a blush. He smiles and kisses it.

"I'm glad you're happy Ember." He states. I smile and nod. But then my face scrunches and I quickly sit up.

"What wrong?" He asks concern leaking into his voice. I shake my head and hold my hand against my temple.

"Nothing, I just have headache all of the sudden." I whisper. Corban kisses my forehead lovingly as he he gazes at me, pools of concern in his eyes.

"Do you want me to go get some medicine?" I shake my head and look up at him with a smile.

"No. I'm okay." I whisper and attempt to forget about the pounding against my skull. Corban looks at me for an extra second. I stand up and pull on my top. I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Corban, I'm fine." I state. He nods.

"Do you think sex might help?" I laugh and shake my head.

"You are so hopeless." I groan, shaking my head. He laughs and jumps up wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Hopelessly in love babe." I laugh and smack my hand against his butt.

"You got that right." I say and ruffle his hair. "Come on we have work to do." I state and start to walk out of his room. He follows after me. "Do you know where Easton and Reagan might be?" I question. He nods and jogs to catch up to me.

"Probably the hospital wing. Come with me." I nod, and we make our way there. We find Reagan in a small hospital room attending to Daniel. I'm surprised to see Mae in the room as well. She stands by the sink with a bloodied towel in her hands. I looked back at Reagan, it looked like she had just been crying. Easton rests in the corner with clenched bloody knuckles and a black and blue face. I walk in with my brows furrowed. Corban speaks up before I can.

"What happened?" He questions, looking at them. Reagan simply shakes her head with a sigh and keeps on stichting a large gash in Daniels's arm. Mae goes to speak, but Daniel beats her to it.

"Easton attacked me." Daniel sneers. Easton jumps up from his previous position barreling towards Daniel. Reagan jumps. I go to stand between the two.

"Hey!" I scream. Easton attempts to push around me but I shove him back hard with a glare. Corban comes to my aid quickly and holds back Daniel.

"Easton!" Reagan screeches. Mae rushes towards Reagan, and Reagan buries her face into Mae's embrace.

"Calm the hell down!" Corban orders. Daniel shakes his head with a scoff, and Easton spits in his direction. Corban grabs Easton's arm and drags him out of the small room. I follow after him after I quickly glance at Reagan to make sure that she is okay.

"What the hell, man," Corban whispers harshly. He simply shakes his head. I can tell that Easton and Corban are both on edge. I wince when the pain in my own head grows but I push it down

"Go run it off," Corban mutters, and he's gone in a second. I walk back to where I left Reagan, and Daniel. Reagan just finished the stitches, and Daniel huffs, standing up quickly and hurries his way out of the room. Reagan's head falls in her hands and what I'm assuming is another set of tears fall. I sit down next to her and attempt to comfort her. Corban sits down on her other side, and she huffs, looking up from her hands.

"Reagan... what happened? Mae?" I question the two softly, she sighs, wiping her eyes. Mae pulls Reagan out of her embrace.

"Would you like to explain or shall I." She asks Reagan softly. Reagan sniffles and sighs.

"I will," she whispers though it's barely audible.

"Easton kissed me." She whispers. I'm taken aback. This was serious. "Daniel saw and said something about waiting for mates and how doing this would label me a slut," she says the last word quietly. An eerily sense of brokenness leaks into her features.

"He said that doing that would only bring me trouble and that if Easton truly cared for me, he should push his feelings far away. And Easton... he snapped and attacked him." I scoff, typical. It sounds like something Daniel would say. Such a sexist ass.

"Then... then..." This is when she truly breaks. A harsh sob leaves her mouth, catching both Corban and I off guard.

"Who do we have to beat?" I question. She simply shakes her head.

"What happened next, Reagan?" Corban questions softly.

"Alpha Matthews noticed we were low on some medical supplies. He requested some from North Shore. Well, a group of wolves arrived today. And one of them... one of them is my mate." His words escape her as she falls into a new fit of tears.

"He saw. He saw Easton kiss me. Daniel was right... he didn't even speak to me. He just looked at me with such a... brokenness and ran off. He left." She cried. "I don't even know his name." She whispers, and her head falls on my shoulder. I pull her closer and sigh.

"Oh Reagan." I whisper and kiss the top of her head. She quickly looks up and starts breathing heavily. I quickly take her face in my hands.

"Reagan, Rea take a deep breath. Breathe with me. Now count backwards from one hundred in sevens." I take a deep breath and she watches with wide eyes.

"Come on Reagan. Count with me" I whisper. She nods and follows my instructions slowly breathing with me as we both focus on counting backwards. I look behind me at Corban. He is watching the exchange between Reagan and I.

If I was thinking it, he was too, this is how he talked me down from my panic attack. Looking back I realize truly how far I have come. I can't even remember the last time I clenched my fists. The scars will always be there, but the angry red scabs have finally healed over.

"Corban go check on Easton, I'm going to stay here." He nods and Mae follows him out as well. Her head falls on my shoulder and I try to be supportive for her.

"What do you need Reagan?" I question. I find that when I am in situations like this one, when panic and dread are overcoming me, people throwing ideas on what to do stresses me out more. Really I just need to be asked what I want. It puts me in control and when things feel out of control it's like a weight lifted off of my shoulders.

"I want to go for a run." She states I nod and stand up.

"Alright, but I'm not getting on your back." She chuckles and wipes her nose. I reach out my hand for her to take and she gratefully does so. We make our way out of the pack house and to the forest. She looks at me from the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you for doing this Ember." She says. I nod.

"You were there for me." I meet her smile and she sighs looking out into the forest line. Everything looked so beautiful today. It was finally starting to get consitantly warm. Still, April couldn't come soon enough. Everything was starting to wake up. Birds were everywhere as well as squirrels and other little critters. Flowers were beginning to bloom and the air smelt fresh. It was a beautiful day for a run.

"You go run till your heart bursts, I'll trail behind you." I laugh. She laughs and quickly shifts behind a tree. She bolts off into the forest and I follow in her direction. There would be no way for me to keep up with her. Luckily I don't think she was necessarily looking for company. I think she needed someone close just in case she broke, but she was doing damn good at picking her own self up.

I jogged in between the trees, but my game was off. The banging in my head was driving me crazy. I tried my best to ignore it. But it was getting to the point where I might have to take Corbans offer on the medicine.

I see Reagan far ahead of me and continue in her direction. This feels nice for me too. I feel like I haven't hand the chance to just run in the forest for so long. And I am always around someone. The attention sometimes felt suffocating. I was slowly starting to get used to it, but I still wasn't fully there.

At this point in our run, Reagan was completely out of sight from me. I had tried my best to keep up with her but I was a human and she was a wolf. There isn't much of a competition. I sigh and stop to take a breather. My lungs were burning, but I welcomed the feeling. It was better than the headache.

I suddenly hear a loud pain filled groan and all of my senses perk up. It sounded like a man. I stay deadly silent urging for the sound to repeat itself. It sounded close. I heard it again to my right and slowly moved towards the sound.

"H-Help..." I quicken my pace but stop abruptly when I see a mangled figure lying against a log. He looks at me and a gasp leaves my lips.

I knew him. I stand my ground. I wasn't sure what to do in this situation. He looked like he was on the brink of death. I take a step back. I promised Corban that I would be more careful. His hand reaches out to me.

"P-Ple-ase. You ha-ve to h-help me." He whispers. This was the man that Collet had tied up behind her hut.


"I'll be back. I'll get help." I say but he calls out.

"They'll f-find me. Pl-ease." I internally cringe. Corban and I are finally in a good place. I don't want him to get mad at me for this.

'Ember?' I gasp. Speak of the devil. Corbans voice in my mind hadn't happened since I came back to the pack.

'Ember, where are you? Your heart is racing.' How the fuck do I respond to him? I look around at my surroundings and see the creek.

"Follow the creek from the pack house." I say out loud internally cringing. It felt weird. Merek was staring at me, a confused expression on his face.

"Great you're cr-azy" He groans with a hiss at the end. I send him a glare.

"I'm trying to help you!" I yell.

'Ember who was that? Ember what the hell is happening?!' So he can hear Merek too. I take another step away from Merek.

"I'm okay. But Corban you have to hurry. Mind link Reagan, she's off on a run." I say awkwardly.

'Ember please don't do anything stupid.' I can hear the fear in his voice. I don't go to help Merek. But I'm not leaving him either. I sit down and Merek let's out a groan of pain.

"Help is coming." I whisper in his direction. He lets out a pained hiss and I do at the same time. My head still somehow seemed to be getting worse. He looks over at me.

"I'm su-suppose t-to be the h-hurt one." He gasps and I roll my eyes.

"You are." I hear pounding footsteps coming in my direction and I quickly stand up, It was Corban and Easton. They quickly run over to me in their human forms. This is when I finally declare it safe and rush over to Merek. I look over his injuries and let out a shaky breath.

"We have to help him." I state. Corban looks stressed.

"Is that... he's a criminal, basically a bat! We can't help him. Why were you over here with him? You have to be caref-" I cut him off.

"I stayed away." I state and Corban cocks his head at me. "I stayed away until you came. I was careful. I waited." I say. Corbans features relax and he walks over to where I sit by him. He places a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you." He whispers. I look up at him.

"I- know about y-your litt-le r-rouge problem. I- can help, if y-you help m-me." Merek stutters from pain. "I k-know abo-ut Lil-ith." I look up at Corban.

"Corban." I silently beg. I don't know why I wanted to help Merek so bad. It was like a compulsion. Corban looks at Merek and sighs. Just then Reagan runs up to the four of us and shifts quickly pulling on a shirt. She runs up to me with wide eyes and looks over Merek whose eyes are squeezed tightly shut.

She sets her palm on his chest and Merek let's out a wince and then a content sigh. She quickly sits down and closes her eyes. Easton walks over hesitantly. The two have a silent conversation and Reagan nods to something Easton said and he scoops her up.

Merek sits up and looks himself over. "That's helpful." He stares at Reagan with wide eyes. Easton shields her away and stands up.

"I'm going to take her back to the pack house." Corban and I nod. I walk over and help Merek stand.

"We're helping him." I state. Corban sighs and runs his hand down his face.

"Fine. We'll help him in the cells." I roll my eyes. Merek sucks in a breath.

"Lovely." He sighs with clenched teeth.


ooooo so drama in this chapter. and can I just process something real fast... 200 votes? You guys are honestly incredible. and Mad Ember has been featured multiple times on and off on the undiscovered story list still! I can't thank you all enough because I couldn't do any of this without you.

Please continue to vote and comment

Thanks lovelies

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