In My Dreams

By kokimonstr25

157K 5K 1.5K

Kara Danvers was trying to maintain her normal life. Although strange dreams start to haunt her every night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 38

1.7K 77 43
By kokimonstr25

Lena's POV

I awoke on our couch to an eerily silent house. Allie was peacefully sleeping on my chest still and I slowly stood up with her in my arms. I set her down in her crib and looked around for Kara. I checked our bedroom but she wasnt there.

I checked the time and saw it was very early in the morning.

"Kara?" I called out. There was no answer. I began to worry and called her phone.

It had gone to a message and I hung up. I began to panic and decided to stuff my feelings into my little boxes so that I could focus on finding my wife. Calling her hadn't worked so I looked around for clues. Kara's phone was missing but her glasses sat on the kitchen counter. I went back to our bedroom and found that her super suit was missing.

I called Alex to see if Kara was at the DEO for some reason.


"Alex? Is Kara at the DEO? I woke up this morning and couldnt find her. She left her glasses and her super suit is missing" I tell her. I continue to look around with my phone to my ear.

"She isnt here. She didnt tell you anything? It's not like her to just disappear. I'll see if I can call her and see where shes at" Alex says.

"Thank you. I have no idea why she might do something like this. Everything seemed fine earlier yesterday at lunch. I'm just worried th-" I stopped mid sentence realizing that the living room window was open.

I hurriedly searched the closet and my fears were confirmed. Her large jacket was also missing which meant that she had gone to the fortress. With this preganancy Kara hasn't been the walking heater that she was.

"Alex shes at the fortress!" I exclaim.

"What? Why the hell would she go there?"

"I dont know. Kara told me that the only time she went to the fortress anymore was in bad times. She hasn't been there since before we got married. I'm coming down to the DEO and we can go figure out what she is doing there. I'll be there in fifteen" I say. I hang up the phone and begin to get ready for our journey to the fortress.

After changing into some warm clothes I gather everything for Allie. The poor baby was awoken by my ruffling and was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Dont worry sweetheart. We're going to find mommy and she'll be back home soon. Let's go see Auntie Alex now" I say to her.

I grab the diaper bag and Allie and head to the DEO. Once we're in the building Alex is barking orders at people, waving her cast around.

"Lena! When was the last time you saw Kara? How do you know she's at the fortress?" She asks.

"I heard her come home from work but I dont remember anything after that. Her super suit and coat are gone. With her being pregnant she said shes been colder than normal. I assume she took her coat because of that" I explain.

Alex nods her head and tells an agent to ready a helicopter.

"Alex I cant go. I have to watch Allie" I fret.

"I'll watch her." I turn to see Sam walking towards the large round table at the center of the DEO. "Alex called to tell me what happened. I want to help too."

She picks Allie from her carseat and rests her on her hip. I nod and tell her my thanks.

"Ok. Let's start heading out. We need to find out what the hell is going on with my sister" Alex says.

I walk over to Sam and kiss Allies forehead.

"I'll be back soon, love." Allie places a chubby hand on my cheek and smiles.

I walk away and Alex says goodbye. I could just catch Sam telling her to be careful and see their loving exchange. It makes me want to find my soulmate even more.

The next thing I know I'm sitting in a helicopter on my way to the Fortress of Solitude. Sitting in this machine reminds me of when Kara had saved me. My heart aches and I look out at the view of the ocean in sorrow. Where are you sunshine?

Kara's POV

I looked up at the screen in the fortress and tears began to accumulate in my eyes. After all these years I had found my mother. I felt guilty that I hadn't thought to look for them sooner. I had thought that everyone had died on Krypton and yet here is a signature of Kryptonian life.

I readied a pod and flashes of my journey to Earth came to my mind. I put a hand over my belly and closed my eyes. I needed to find my mother. I needed to show her that everything is fine. Tell her all of my wonderful accomplishments. Tell her that shes a grandmother. I was worried about what she will say about her daughter-in-law but I knew she would respect the soulmates bond.

I sat down in the pod and used my eyes as it took off out of the fortress. I didnt dare open them as too many horrible memories took place out in this deep void of space. I put my hands protectively over my stomach once more and tried to calm myself. Who knew how long it would take to get to this Argo City.


After what felt like forever the pod finally notified me that we had arrived to our destination. I peeked out of the pod and saw green trees surrounding me and buildings seen just above them. The sunlight shone bright and small rays were permitted through the thick cover of the canopy.

I stepped outside and could feel a breeze and heard it rustle the branches above me. I began to walk towards the buildings and my heart hammered in my chest. Once the tress began to thin out I could see a street. I looked around in awe and tears stung my eyes. It was exactly as I remembered it. Nostalgia took over me and I smiled that a piece of my home had survived.

Before I could set another foot I was suddenly surrounded. Men in armor aimed their weapons at me and I instinctively got into a fighting stance.

"Dont move! Who are you and how did you get here!?" One shouted.

I opened my mouth to reply before a voice caused me to snap my attention in their direction.

"Kara?" It said shakily. My mother stood just behind the men and they stepped aside to let her through.

"Mother" I said tearfully. I saw her glance down at my belly before she hurried forward to pull me into a bone-crushing hug.

"My dear Kara. I thought I would never see you again" she cried.

"I've missed you so much mother" I whispered. We apart slightly and she grasped my hands.

"How did you find us? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I had a dream. You wanted me to find you. I went to the Fortress of Solitude that Kal-El created and used it to find you" I explained.

"You're pregnant? Where is the father?" She asked. I cringed and felt my heart beat even faster than before.

"There is no father. My soulmate is not a male" I said.

"No father? What do you mean he's not a man? You found your soulmate?" She questions. I struggled with which one to answer first.

"Is the Searching Room still here? I think it's best if I show you before I explain." My mother gives me a confused look before nodding her head.

She leads me into the city and we arrive at a large building where the Searching Room now lies. She tells the armored men to stay outside and we enter the room. My shaking hand goes to the panel in front of me and the bright blue light scans my palm.

"Kara Zor-El. Daughter of Alura Zor-El. Resident of Earth and known as Supergirl. Reporter for Catco. Earth daughter of Eliza Danvers, sister to Alexandra Danvers, and cousin of Kal-El. Soulmate to Lena Zor-El. Mother to Alexandra Zor-El and currently holds child of Lena Zor-El" the computer says.

"Who is Lena Zor-El? You married her?" My mother asks.

"Yes. I-I married Lena Luthor" I stutter.

"Luthor? Who is Lena Luthor?" The computer takes this as a question and begins to load its answer.

"Lena Luthor, now known as Lena Zor-El. Adopted daughter to Lionel and Lillian Luthor. Sister to Lex Luthor whom is enemy of Superman."

"If your cousin is Superman and Lex is his enemy. You married your cousins rival!?" She yells.

"Lena is not the enemy! She isnt like her family. Lex was the one who tried to kill Kal-El not her!" I defend.

"He tried to kill your cousin!? Kara how could you do that!?" She yells.

"She is my soulmate! I told you that she isnt like her family. She was only connected to them by name. I love Lena mother" I say.

"Soulmate! She isnt even Kryptonian Kara. This is ridiculous" she growls. "She isnt your soulmate. Just hearing where she comes from she must have done something to make you think this way."

I feel myself begin to get very angry and I knew my mom was pushing the limit. My instincts to protect my soulmate were threatening to come out and I tried to keep it at bay.

"She is my soulmate! It just told you that she was! Please mother she isnt like the rest of them. She is good and kind. She is the mother to my children and I want you to know her" I plead.

"She is human. Whatever it is that you think is real is not Kara. Despite what the Searching Room says she is not your soulmate."

At that moment all control I had left was gone and I could only feel rage. Why must everyone judge her on where she is from? Why cant they see what I see? Why cant they give her a chance. My hand jets out and grabs ahold of my mother. I pin her to a nearby wall and feel my eyes turn red with heat. I could see the red glow run through my veins and my mothers eyes go wide.

"Apologize for your statement or you will be punished" I said. It somehow didnt sound like my voice and I tried to fight my instincts. "The disrespect for a soulmate is punishable by death. The threat to the bond will be eliminated."

"She really is your soulmate" my mother whispered. "I, Alura Zor-El, apologize for disrespecting the soulmates bond."

I set her down and the glowing began to lessen.

"How can this be? Shes human! I still am skeptical of her, but your right. I will have to meet her before I can pass any judgement" she says.

"I know you will like her mother. She has been good to me. To our children. I came here and found you so that you would come back to Earth with me. Only for a little while. I just want you to meet all of the people who have cared for me on Earth. Please?" I wait for her to answer and she sighs.

"I will go to Earth with you, butI want you to rest first. You shouldnt be doing such exciting things while pregnant" she says.

"Thank you mother" I smile. I pull her into a hug and she hugs me back.

"You are very scary in protection status you know" she jokes.

"I warned you before" I laugh.

"I will try to trust you from here on. Now let's get some rest before I meet your wife" she says.

I follow my mother out of the Searching Room and allow the door behind me shut quietly.

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