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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


3.8K 172 26


My nights grew long and sleepless. I hated London not because of the people or it's small towns no I hate the house I grew up in , the way it still smelt, even the maids that still worked here since I was a child. I disliked every color in this fucking so called "home."

My parents had this house built after I turned five. Saying 'we need a place to call home' but it was nothing of the sort. My father ignored my mother for as long as he lived. I had only one friend my entire life which was Mike. Adrian was someone I worked with a lot I'd call him an close acquaintance.

After leaving one of my mothers warehouse I head back to the house where I found lots of men standing outside. Men who faces I didn't recognize meaning they weren't part of her group. They moved to the side as I walked pass them.

Instantly I thought my brain were playing tricks on me. A 5'9 blonde I thought would never show her face again was now standing in my childhood home.

I didn't know what I was doing until I realized I was holding my hand gun loaded directly in her face. God she looked breathtaking.

She smirked but I was far from laughing.
"Dom." She said my name with such venom and I hated her ass.


Her eyes chimed and it annoyed me that she was here. Why was she even here again?

"Both of you cut it out right now." Elena says and places her hand on my shoulder.

"I swore to myself I would plant as many bullets I can in her fucking skull the next time I see her."

"Now's not the time for that, kill her later we have business to discuss."

April looked at her shocked by what my mother said but I wanted her ass dead now.

"Let me guess your here on the behalf of Javier?" I placed my gun back in its original spot behind my back.

"Correct, I'm sure you know it was me in Florida. Adrian has a good way of finding people."

She kept talking and I was only staring at her full red lips. She had a nice all black dress on that showed her natural curves.
Sure her dress costed thousands as she topped it with a bright pink fur coat. Her ass looked good in it.

Not as big as Ren. God would I kill to just fuck Ren right now.

"Anywho, Javier accepts the amount which is fourty million dollars in assurance him nor will his men lay a hand on the wright family and the people who associates with them."
Elena says.


Javier has lots of money true enough but it's not like him to give up. He wanted us dead now you you okay with this amount why?
I'm not surprised Elena isn't tryna go to war with him. I mean he is the man that helped kill my father.

The thought of him dying sounds so much better.

"I'm heading over there now." He's in London?
She began walking but I grabbed my mother forearm and slowly pulled her ass closer to the kitchen.

"You must be getting old, you know damn well it's a trick once you give him that money your dead."

She looked at me and smiled

"I love you, even though you may not. My first and only born." She kissed my cheek and began walking.

"Like hell im letting you go alone." Knowing how much hatred I have for her doesn't mean I was going to let her walk into her fucking death and give Javier the pleasure of ending her.
"I'm not alone , my men are outside."
she been in the game longer than anyone I know. She was born into this life.

"I'm going with you."


I walked out taking her hands in mine and she knew I wasn't going anywhere.

"Well then , let's go." April gestured us towards the door.

Elena got in her car as I was about to take mine alone until  April decides to sit in my passenger seat.

"Get the fuck out of my car." I started up the car waiting for her to leave but she never did.

"Just drive, your the lead car I'm giving directions and your mother will follow behind us."

We began driving not because the bitch told me to. She states it'll take a good hour before

"So Dominic , how have these past years been to ya?" Without looking at her I knew she held a tight smirk. But I only ignored her and the rest of her questions.

Thirty minutes into the drive and she just kept fucking talking. I forgot how much she talked so much man.

"Dom you can at least respond to me once."

The fuck would I do that?

"Let me guess your acting like this because of Serenity?"

She said her name like she hated the woman that she don't know shit about.

"Don't ever say her name, it doesn't sound right in a mouth of a hoe."

She rolled her eyes.
"And he speak , is that all you have to say to me?"
We came to a red light and everyone stopped behind us.

"What exactly do you want me to say April?"

"I missed you honestly, we hav-

"What you expect me to say I miss you too ? The woman I loved laid a bullet in my chest missing my heart by a few damn inches. Oh no better yet a woman I've known since I was fucking five betrayed me and turned her back on me.?"

"I didn't have a choice Dominic-"

I slammed my hand down on the steering wheel
"YOU ALWAYS HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE! Don't feed me that bullshit. I loved you with every goddamn bone in my body and you fucking left me April."

"You don't know how it felt waking up with a hole in your chest put there by the one person you would have never thought would do some shit like that.....I craved you, everyday and night.I didn't eat ,sleep hell I was so numb I wanted to pull the trigger and end it all. But then I remembered who the fuck I was and that you were just some bitch I shared a bed with." Her eyes began to water and I don't really care.

"Some bitch!"
"I said what I said."
"We were engaged, I was your FIANCÉ."
"An arranged marriage." I stated
She was getting emotional I can tell. She didn't love me. I know this and still played myself for years. I thought ya being engaged would hopefully change her view of me. But it all made sense when she made a decision to kill me.

The red light soon turned green allowing us to go.

"Oh boo fucking boo."

"Not once did you treat me as such you ignored me."

"I fucking loved you and I know you didn't all you cared about was joining the mafia."

"I did love you." She said lowly only for me to hear.

"Just shut up."

We were getting close as she told me. Some roads were blocked off from the public street and I knew why.

Before making a full turn on the last street that led to a tall building April grabbed my hand and put the car in parked causing my people to hit the rear end of the car.

"Fuck April why-"

She held her finger to her lip gesturing I'd be quite and watch what I say next. She grabbed her skull necklace more like yanking it off and throwing it out the window.

"It's a trap dom." Her eyes were low and something told me she was telling the truth.

"Why are you telling me this?" I clenched my jaw tight.

"Because I don't want to see him betray you ,  he only want the girl and her alone no amount of money can settle for that."

Soon vans came flying down the street surrounding us.


My phone soon vibrated in my pocket , grabbing it I put it close to my ear knowing it was Elena.

"It's a trap, I feel it in my wits."
But I mean I did tell her ass this back at the house. Now we drove all the way over here. We're in his territory now.

"I'm way ahead of you Elena."

"How you wanna play this out?"  She asked me.

"According to what I've been fed he only want her and that's it." For some strange reason I could feel her ass smiling. Lowkey creeped me out knowing she enjoy killing people I mean  I'm the same way. I am her son after all.


                   "Surrender it is then."

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