Moon Chasing The Star: Book 1

By SinsNChaos

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Freshmen Taehyung fortunately got a scholarship in Seoul University where Senior Jungkook & his friends are t... More



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By SinsNChaos

The next morning, Jeon Jungkook wakes up with a smile on his face. Even Sejin, together with the house maids are all surprise to see him get up on his bed on his own thinking that it's Saturday and weekend.

"Good morning young master, where do you want to eat your breakfast today?" Sejin asks & Jk smiled at him.

"How about let's take a dip today Sejin hyung, you know the sky is so bright and the birds are singing on the trees." he said not knowing that it's actually cloudy outside.

Sejin gulps thinking that his young master is up to no good again. Jungkook knows that all human beings in his mansion are now talking behind his back. Of course, in their long years of service with the Jeons this the first day they all saw him this happy. He was even humming when he passed by the maids who are cleaning a while ago. He smiled to himself thinking of his date with Kim Taehyung later.

He even told the other members of BTS that he won't be able to join them at their night out tonight because he has a date with Taehyung. They all teased him, except of course Yoongi! But it's okay, that's normal!

He arrived at the pool. They have 4 swimming pools but this one right beside his gym is his favorite. He immediately removes his shirt & skillfully dives into the water. He swam for few more laps before he lifted himself at the edge of the pool and asks Sejin for his banana milk.

Meanwhile at Chim and Tae's dorm, the best friends are also eating their breakfast. Since its weekend, and Tae still feels bad about his conversation with his Chim last night, he decided to cook Dakjuk, one of Jimin's favorite breakfast. The two enjoyed their food together.

Tae's foot feels a lot better now, and since he has no more pending assignments he looks at Jimin with a wide smile.

"Chim! Jiminie" he singsongs while waving his phone at his best friend showing him the latest updates of the mangga they're both reading.

"You downloaded it?"

"Yes! Since your body is still sore and its weekend, we can binge read together! Then I promise to cook you a nice dinner tonight!" he smiled at him before they both dive back in their bed.

This is their life as brothers, simple but they're happy & contented about it!

Tae & Chim spent their days reading manggas and watching funny clips of cats and dogs in YouTube. They will only get up from their bed to grab food and then they'll continue watching & teasing each other again. It's almost 3:30 in the afternoon when Tae's phone finally died.

"Woah, Honeybear even your phone gave up on us already, I'm sleepy now." Chim mumbles before burying his face on the crook of Taehyung's neck.

They both laugh and tease each other until they have finally fall asleep! Taehyung, totally forgetting about his supposed to be date!

It's half past 4 in his phone, Jungkook tried to dial the number again but he heard the same voice again.

"The number you have dialed is unattended." He tried once more.

"The number you have dialed is out of coverage area." Then his phone died on him already because it's been hours since he's contacting Taehyung.

Jeon Jungkook has never been a fan of the virtue called patience. He hates it, because for him TIME is precious, it's more than gold and you only give it to someone you really cares about. So yeah, he might have a little idea why Taehyung is still not showing up, the boy with a boxy grin simply doesn't care about him. It hurts, he feels a different pinch in his heart. He looks around the area he's waiting for Taehyung, he saw people hurriedly walking because he just heard that a storm is coming. Great!

Jungkook looks at his watch this time, 7 o'clock. He's been here waiting for someone for more than 3 hours because he arrived at 3PM even when he knows that they're supposed to meet at 4 o'clock.

He swallowed again. He knows he can just go up the tower and pretend that he wasn't stood up by his date but there's something at the back of his mind that's telling him to stay where he is because Taehyung is coming. 7:30 PM, there are only few people left on the streets, the sky is starting to tear up as if it's mocking him. But Jungkook keeps still.

On Chim & Tae's Dorm, a loud music is blasting. Tae just finished cooking Jimin's japchae. He promised him to cook dinner while Chim promised him that he'll show the dance he showed at the try out.

"Woah! Honeybear thank you so much! This is so yummy!" Chim claps his tiny hands!

"I told you I'm going to make you a delicious dinner!" Tae proudly replied waving his chopsticks.

Jimin hugged him one more time before playing the music one more time! His best friend cleared out their tiny living room before he starts to dance. Tae watches him closely, his best friend is really an amazing dancer! Chim finished the dance with his cute bow, and of course Taehyung claps for him too. They're both laughing at each other when Taehyung suddenly halted.

"Chim, my phone I forgot to charge" He said but Chim just pulled him to the kitchen!

Taehyung and Jimin are already sitting at their tiny dining table when something clicks in Taehyung's head. Chim senses that his best friend is suddenly uncomfortable.

"Tae? Honeybear what's wrong?" he asks with a worry in his eyes. Tae gulps.

'No, it's impossible!' he thought.

"Tae, are you okay?" Chim asks again when he noticed that Tae's face becomes paler.

"Chim, if someone tells you that they won't meet you, then it's been 4 hours past the time you said you're going to meet, plus the weather is not nice, are you---"

"If it's Jeon Jungkook? YES!" Tae drops his chopsticks upon hearing his best friend's words.

"Chim, b-but it's been 4 hours and its already raining outside. I, I don't think he's still there." he stammers but Jimin just stared back at him.

"Well if you feel that he's not there anymore, then let's eat now." Jimin knows his best friend needs no pushing.

He will do what he wants to do and no one can stop him if he really wants to do something. The boy with a pink hair pretends to enjoy the food but the truth is, he's also a bit worried for Jungkook. What is he really waiting?!

"Fxck it! Chim just enjoy your food. I promise I will come back soon." he said before he hurriedly went inside his room to wear his thickest coat.

He didn't even waste time to grab his phone anymore. He will just go and check the grounds in Namsan tower and if Jk is not there which most probably that's the case, then he will immediately go home.

"Goddamn it Jeon Jungkook!" he mumbles before getting inside the first taxi that stopped in front of him.

Taehyung doesn't know why and what pushed him to get out of the comfort of his dorm! It is raining ffs, and there are lightning & thunders too but here he is praying inside the taxi, praying for what? He honestly don't know! It only took him 10 minutes before they arrived at the place. Almost all stores are already closed because of the bad weather.

He opened his umbrella when he got off the taxi and starts to walk. He doesn't even know where to find who because to be honest, he is not even sure if Jungkook is stupid enough to wait for him for more than 4 hours in this kind of weather.

Tae looks around for few more minutes.

"I knew he's not going to wait! Now it's time to go home Taehyungie." he smiled to himself and about to cross the street to call for another taxi when he saw a silhouette under one of the street lights! He almost teared up when he made sure that he's looking at Jungkook!


You see, Jeon Jungkook was born not to wait. He was raised as a real prince. People with different ranks in the higher society are the ones waiting for him. But tonight, he has learned that patience is something you can freely give to someone without asking anything in return.

Taehyung on the other hand was used to wait. He was never a priority. He always has to wait even that time that he was in the orphanage! So tonight, the boy with a golden skin who's afraid of thunders because it brings back bad memories to him bravely takes one step closer towards the first boy who actually waited for him for hours under the pouring rain.

The first few steps were slow, as if Taehyung is afraid that Jungkook will suddenly vanish into a thin air because did he really wait for him?! But when he noticed the heir of Jeon is already shivering because of the cold, he started to run towards him!

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, you really are stu---" Tae wasn't able to finish his sentence when Jk suddenly grabs him and traps him into a very tight hug.

"Kim Taehyung, y-you came!" Jungkook whispers into his ear!

Taehyung feels like he lost his tongue when he heard the sincerity laced on Jungkook's words. It was only a fxcking one lone but why does it sound like Jk's life depended on it?! They stayed like that for few minutes.

Jk enjoying the warmth from the other boy's body. Then the heir of Jeon looks at the dark sky, he grins into it showing his bunny smile!

'He came! Look at me holding him in my arms! Do you really think I would ever let go of this now? No. I will wait more than 4 hours or no matter how long will he takes to like me too!'

Jk is screaming in his head while Taehyung is just silent the whole time they're pressed next to each other. Then a thunder came as if challenging Jungkook. The heir of Jeon just smirks at the heaven.

'NO! I'm not letting him go!' he yells back at his mind.

The two hold each other closely under the rain and it only when Tae realized Jk is all wet when he finally pulled away from him.

"Yah, Jungkook why are you still here?" he asks while fixing his scarf around his neck. Jk smiled at him.

"Because I want to be here when you come." Tae is taken a back with the order's reply and how he said it. It feels like those words are familiar to him.

"It's already late, what if I didn't come?!" He chose to reply, pushing the other thoughts behind his mind.

"But you're here now and I'm so happy that you're here." Taehyung furrows his brows when he finally realized what is wrong with Jungkook's voice! The senior in front of him is shivering because of the cold.

"Y-you are drench. Where even are your bodyguards? I read it before that the heir of Jeon doesn't go out without them?" Jk smiled to himself when he noticed that Taehyung is blabbering again.

He finds it really cute to know that the freshman has the habit of blabbering & blurting out things he doesn't mean to say out loud when he's worried. And that fact warms Jk's heart again. Taehyung is worried about him.

He was about to tease him more when Taehyung suddenly grabs his hand & drags him towards the line of stores just under the tower.

"We have to buy you new clothes or else you're going to get sick!" Tae mumbles while pulling his hand, and maybe Jk is enjoying it.

The problem is, Taehyung brought a little amount of money and he knows Jk will never wear cheap clothes, but one look at the trembling bunny boy and he knows that he'd rather force him to wear cheap clothes than to make him sick! It's not that he really cares, but that will surely make him a little guilty knowing that Jungkook got sick because of him.

On the other hand, the heir of Jeon is already frowning. He heard Taehyung saying they're going to buy him new clothes but as far as he knows, there's no Dior store in this area. He looks around but the younger didn't give him chance to voice out his question when they're already entering a shop.

"T-taehyung, what is this?" he asks when he saw the different kind of clothes inside the shop.

"I said we are going to buy you a new clothes right?! We're here, so choose the shirt on that side and I'll find you a sweatpants on this side!" Tae replied to him.

Jungkook grabs the younger's hand when he let go.

"What?" Tae asks, he's getting irritated now because the saleslady is glaring at them since Jungkook is so wet.

"I don't wear this kind of clothes." Taehyung wants to roll his eyes at the heir of Jeons.

Of course he knows that, but they are running out of time since the store is already closing because of the bad weather.

"Mr. Jeon Jungkook, just so you know we are not in your luxury mall, we are not in your mansion where you can ask your maids what you want! You are here now with me inside a cheap store so you are going to buy your shirt now so you could change or else I'm going to leave you here alone to freeze to death!" Taehyung is already glaring & pouting but Jk just smiled at him.

Without saying a word, Jungkook went to the shirts side of the shop. He's still smiling to himself thinking how cute Taehyung is when mad.

"He really thinks he's a tiger when he's threatening me but he just looks like a puppy to me." he mumbles to himself before taking a look at the shirts.

The heir of Jeons noticed the different kind of clothes inside that shop. He even saw some clothes for babies & children.

"Ah, so they're selling all kind of clothes in places like this." he mumbles again while remembering something.

Then he saw a plain black shirt on the side. He grabs it and tried to look for Taehyung. He found the boy talking to the owner of the shop.

"You can change at our storage room at the back but you have to hurry up because my staff are already closing. I'm also leaving now." said the old lady while pointing at the narrow space leading to their storage room.

Since it's only a small shop, they don't have a fitting room. Tae thanked the old woman and grabs Jk's hand again leading him to the back side of the store.

"Here, you can change here." Tae gives him the sweatpants.

Jungkook's eyes wander around the dark cramped space they are in, then his eyes ended at Taehyung's beautiful face.

"What now?! Istg, if you won't change right now I'm going to---"

"Leave me here, I know. I'm going to change now but I'm telling you Kim Taehyung if one of my friends saw me with these rugs, you will regret this!" Jk said before grabbing the clothes from Taehyung's hands.

Tae moved a little far from the older so he could change, but not as far because he could still hear the thunders outside. Jk starts to strip his wet clothes, he knows he's already not feeling well. He can even feel his warmer breathe now. He's not dumb for him not to know that he's already running a fever, but he doesn't want the other to get worried again.

Jungkook closed his eyes trying to hold on to his consciousness coz he suddenly feels like the floor is not even and the whole room is moving. Tae noticed the older sudden change of behavior. He already stopped whining.

"Yah, Jungkook a-are you done?" he asks, but still not looking just in case the other is still naked, he doesn't want to be called perv.

He heard the older whimper so he slowly turn around only to find the mighty Jeon Jungkook already sitting on the ground, his back leaning on the boxes behind. Jk managed to change his sweatpants but he's still half naked because his new shirt is still in his hands.


"Ya, Kim Taehyung why is this tiny room moving?!" Jk asks while trying his best to open his eyes to see Taehyung's worried face.

Taehyung panics, he grabs Jungkook's newly bought shirt & helps the older to put it on. He almost flinches when his hand touches Jk's warm skin. The thing is, Taehyung is expert at tending to someone with fever because it was one of his job back at the orphanage. He moved Jk's wet clothes away from him before he removes his own coat and drapes it over the older who's now totally unconscious on the ground.

"Jungkook, G-guk don't pass out now. I can't carry you out, you're heavier than me because your body is made of stones!" he starts to blabber again and JK in his weakest state smiles a little.

Tae found an empty plastic bag on the corner so he took it & put Jk's wet clothes on it. When Tae made sure that he has all Jungkook's things, he went to the older.

"Right bunny boy, y-you have to help me get you out from here, ok?" he said while taking the older boy's other arm and put it around his neck. Heaven knows how Jungkook wanted to lift himself without asking Tae for help, but at this moment, he really feels like his own legs turned to jellies. He's even having difficulty keeping his eyes open already.

"Okay, on the count of 3, we're standing up, okay?" Tae said again. JK tried to nod but he feels like he can't even do that.

"1....2...let's go!" Tae grunts because damn, JK indeed is so heavy.

With a lot of grunts and groans, Taehyung managed to drag Jungkook inside the store from the storage area. The problem is, he can't find someone who can help him call a taxi anymore. The freshman's eyes widens when he realized that the steel door is already closed. He carefully put Jungkook down on the small chair he found before he went to check if they're really locked up inside the store.

He began to panic when he saw the big chains and padlock on the door. He tried to scream and ask for help but he can't even hear anything from the outside anymore.

Taehyung feels like he's about to cry, he doesn't have his phone so he couldn't call Jimin for help. Then he remembers Jungkook's phone so he went back to the older and check his things.

"Damn it!"

He found the order's phone but it's already dead too. He look around the store trying to find a telephone but who is he kidding, tiny stalls like this doesn't have that and he knows it. When he finally got tired trying to get some help, he remembers that the boy with him is sick.

He went back to check on Jk and maybe there's a little part inside him that feels sorry for the heir of Jeon. Now that Jk is sleeping peacefully, Tae has the chance to stare at him.

He is not blind, he knows Jungkook's features are superior. His face is devilishly handsome, his body will put the gods in Mt. Olympus to shame, and he is indeed talented and very rich. Taehyung sighs, those qualities of the other boy in front of him are the same main reasons why he doesn't like to do anything with him.

They are not the same. Jungkook is a real royalty seated in the sky while he is just a poor human being, rooted on the ground. Taehyung let go of a little smile on his face when he saw the older scrunches his nose.

"You really look like a bunny." he mumbles before a loud thunder startles him again. He shrieked!

Taehyung knows they have no choice now than to wait. He look around the store again, and since there's only one light left that is on, it's quite dark on the other side of the store. Then he saw an old couch at the back side. He knows it would be hard to drag Jk there but it would be more comfortable for him too. With all his strength, he managed to lay Jk on the couch.

He moved his feet on the side so he could also sit beside him. He tries to entertain himself by memorizing each lines & moles of the order's sleeping face until he fell asleep too.

It's almost 3 in the morning when Jungkook feels like his head is about to crack in half. The heavy weight hovering on top of him isn't making it better. He slowly opens his eyes and he almost scream in surprise because where the hell he is?! All he can see are different colors of maternity dress hanging on the wall, and to his side is a cheap mannequin wearing a child's terno. Then it's only when he finally remembers what happened the previous night that he realized that the weight that is pinning him on the couch is no other than Taehyung.

Jungkook knows that if this happens or if he feels this shitty in a different circumstances, he could've flip everything around him already. But the view of a sleeping Taehyung is enough for him to calm his nerves. He watches how the younger sleeps peacefully on top of him.

He lifts his hand to push away the fringes that is covering Tae's eyes. He smiles to himself when he saw the younger pouts on his sleep. He wants to shift to a more comfortable position but he knows that if he'll do that, Tae might wake up and he doesn't want that.

Meanwhile, in Taehyung's dream he is sitting at the back seat of a luxury car. He is clutching a stuffed puppy in his right hand while he's holding a strawberry milk on the other. He is singing with his mom while his dad is laughing at them. Tae smiles, he is with his parents.

It is very rare for their family to be complete. For a reason that he couldn't understand, he can't call his mother his mom when they are outside their house. Their house is huge but he would exchange everything they have if it would mean that he could spend more time with them.

Mrs. Kim is not a typical mother, she is very young and super pretty! Taehyung is so proud of his mom because he even once saw her in their huge TV at home, his dad is very handsome too but he's always away for work. In Taehyung's young mind, life is simple. He goes to school at weekdays with his nanny and he goes to meet his parents on weekends like today.

He is very excited because it's his first time to ride a plane, his mom said he's going to another country called Korea! He is very excited because he will finally meet his grandparents.

They landed safely at the airport, he saw a lot of people, but the moment they have to go out of the place, his parents passed him to someone he doesn't know, telling him that they will meet him at their car.

Taehyung is a smart kid, so he thought that his parents are playing with him, he is not worried at all. So when they meet them inside their car, he hugged them tight again. He is very happy, they started to sing again.

His mom said they are going to a place called Daegu because there is where his grandparents live. They asked him to sleep for a while because they have a long way to go.

Taehyung fell asleep but he also immediately wakes up when he heard his mom & dad fighting. It was the first he saw them fight and it scared him. It also started to rain, he can hear thunders but he couldn't open his eyes because his parents are still fighting. He heard some new words from them, he heard his mom saying that his dad couldn't force him to leave her career because he's an heir. She sounded like she wants to continue living like this but his dad is telling him that should all live together now.

Tae is confused, he doesn't know that families should live together because never in his 4 years that they lived together. He as always with the maids, alone in Japan. His parents continue to argue, the thunders continue to startle him until everything falls into darkness!

Jungkook witnessed how Taehyung's smile on his sleep turns into a frown, then the younger starts to moan, but that kind of moan that feels like something is muffling his screams. Then Taehyung breaks in a loud scream in the middle of the dark store.

"Hey, Tae, I'm here." Taehyung opens his eyes and the first person he saw is Jungkook.

He knows he will regret this later but he threw himself on the older boy in front of him, his arms around Jk's neck as he buries his face on his chest. Tae starts to cry, he can't believe that all those years he is still having that nightmare! He knows they're just nightmares but it feels so real. The only thing that's reminding him that it's not real is the fact that he couldn't remember the faces of his mom and dad in that nightmare.

Jungkook is shocked, but the moment he heard the younger is crying in his arms, he immediately laced his arms around his tiny waist and pull him closer.

"Ssshh, I'm here Tae. Don't be scared, those are just thunders." he said finally acknowledging the fact that Tae is afraid of it. He noticed that since the previous night.

Taehyung pushed himself closer to the other, Jk's warm body is helping him relax plus he just wants to forget his nightmare again. He hates it, but he hates himself more because he couldn't just forget it!

The two of them remains in that position, Tae is shivering this time. Jk sighs, he has been waiting for this moment, to have Taehyung in his arms but not this way. He wants Tae to embrace him because he wants it and not because he's afraid of a f*cking thunder! Then Jk thought of something that might help the other to relax, he clears his throat.

"I know you—" Tae stops at his own word when he suddenly heard Jungkook's singing voice for the first time.





Tae feels like something is blocking his airway so he pulled away from the older, Jk stops singing and just stares at him.

"Come to think of it, I guess I'm going to sue the one who wrote that song." Jk suddenly blurted out when he saw the awkward face of the younger beside him.

Well, he can't blame Tae because they really are in a compromising position since the younger is sitting between his legs. Taehyung's eyes widens upon hearing his words, he knows Jk is capable of doing the stupidest things on earth.

"And why will you sue him? You just sang his song, you even memorized it, it only means you like the song!" he said and Jk just smiled at him.

"Well, I like it before, I used to sing it to my cousins who are being foolish because of other people. But now, I feel like the song is mocking me!" he voice out while staring straight at Tae's dark eyes.

Tae can't help but feels embarrassed the moment he realized what Jk meant.

"Yeah, you're a fool."

The two of them look at each other in the eye. Tae doesn't know what but there's something in the air that he couldn't quite understand, it's something that pushes him to listen to the older boy in front of him. So when Jk lifted his hand to cups his face, he didn't flinch at all.

Jk flashes another lopsided smile when Taehyung didn't pull away from his touch. He looks at the younger's now red lips because he keeps on biting it a while ago. He uses his thumb to caress the tiny scar on Tae's face before caressing the tiny mole just under his lower lip.

They are both quiet even the thunder surrendered already, it's gone. It is only them in this cold dark store full of different clothes so Jk can clearly hear his own heartbeats, he looks at the younger's eyes and see that Taehyung is already staring at him too. He leans closer.

"Maybe you're right, I'm a fool. But only fool for falling for a fool like you." Jungkook said just above the whisper.

Taehyung knows they're getting dangerously close, but the warmth coming from Jungkook's body is comforting him and the palm of the older on his face is telling him that maybe, sometimes it's alright to be a fool.

He doesn't know if it's Jungkook's words or the warm breathe that's coming from the older that makes him close his eyes when he saw Jk leaning closer again. Jungkook gulps, he always imagined his first kiss to be on top of Namsan tower or maybe in Paris, or in Maldives, not here in a cheap store! But when he saw Taehyung already closed his eyes, he smiled to himself. Tae is all that matters to him now, and they could always recreate their first kiss somewhere more romantic.

He leans closer but a sudden flood of light has blinded him followed by a noisy screaming of an old lady asking her staffs to hurriedly open their store! And just like that, Kim Taehyung opened his eyes pushing Jeon Jungkook away.

"OMG! You were locked up here all night?!" yelled the old lady!

Jk has to remind himself that Kim Taehyung is watching him or else he would turn this place into a serial murder venue! He glared at the old woman and quickly followed Taehyung who already bolted out of the place. Tae on the other hand is cursing himself for being a fool!

"Yah, Kim Taehyung you are a disgrace of the Golden Haven Orphanage! How could you close your eyes there? You even tilted your head as if waiting for someone to-NOOOO!!! No, that didn't happen!" Tae is mumbling while walking away from the shop.

He's too annoyed of himself so he didn't even realize that Jungkook has been yelling out his name. It is only when the older grabs his hand and turned him around when he realized that the other is still sick because of his pale lips that he was going to kiss and---OMG!! Taehyung closes his eyes again, his cheeks are so red now because what was he thinking?!

JK furrows his brows when he saw the red face of the younger, he immediately got worried and uses the back of his palm to check if he got a fever too.

"Did you catch a fever too?" he asks when Tae's skin feels normal.

Taehyung swats the order's hand, he's already too embarrassed to think of their interrupted kiss now Jungkook is getting worried of him for nothing.

"No, I'm fine. Here, take your clothes, I'm going home now." He said while pushing the plastic bag on Jungkook's chest.

Jk caught his hand and instead of getting his things just like what Tae asked him to do, he pulled the younger towards his car that he parked near the Namsan tower the previous night. He opens the door for the younger before he walks to the driver's seat.

"Let's eat breakfast on my house first, and then I'll bring you home." Jk said but Taehyung refuses it.

"No, just please drop me at the dorm. Jimin must be worried by now." He said in a louder voice because no, he can't take being with Jungkook longer. He doesn't want to be confused anymore.

Surprisingly, Jungkook agreed to him. The older put on his seat belt again before he starts to drive. Little did the two of them know, there are pairs of eyes watching them, one of them even took photos of them coming out of the store! The drive to the dorm is peaceful.

Taehyung is thankful that Jungkook didn't say anything anymore until they arrived in front of their dorm. He thanked the older for driving him home before he run inside. Jk on the other hand wince again, he saw his reflection in the mirror and he really doesn't look good.

He closed his eyes only to open it again when he realized that he can't drive further. He took his emergency phone inside one of his secret compartment inside his car & called his Sejin hyung to inform him where he is right now. He ended the call right after & he waits, AGAIN.

Taehyung knows Jungkook is still outside but he doesn't have the courage to go back and ask him what's wrong because he's confused. He doesn't want to give the older boy a false hope so he just stayed there, leaning by the door waiting for him to leave. Chim saw his best friend.


The taller boy almost jumps out when his still sleepy best friend comes out of the room. Of course, Jimin would ask him what is he doing leaning on the door when he could sit on their couch.

"When did you arrive? Are you okay? What happened to you and Jungkook?"

Tae put his index finger on his lips signaling the other to be quiet though he knows perfectly that JK won't hear them because he's on the other side of the road. It's just that he really doesn't have any strength to answer those questions yet. Jimin walks towards their window.

Taehyung followed his best friend's eyes so he knows he already know that Jungkook is outside. Chim just look at him one more time before he went to the kitchen and start to boil water for their breakfast. He didn't ask or say anything anymore. He just stays there quietly.

It is only when Tae heard the familiar engine of Jk's car when he peek at the window again just to make sure the older is leaving already. He squinted his eyes when he saw Sejin and other men walking back to another black car. Then as if there's something that clicks to his mind.

"Idiot!" He mumbles to himself when he realized that Jk probably couldn't able to drive anymore so he called his bodyguards.

Taehyung drags his feet towards their kitchen; Jimin automatically opens his arms for his best friend. They hug in silence. The shorter boy knows Tae will tell him everything once he's ready and he won't be forcing him to speak when he looks like someone who is lost.

"Jiminie, he really waited for me. Jeon Jungkook waited for me under the pouring rain for 4 f*cking hours!" he whispered. Chim holds him tighter.

The truth is, he's not surprise anymore at all. Ever since that day he saw the purple card of Jk protecting his best friend, he already knew back then that the boy has smitten with his best friend.

"What do I do Chim? I like Yoongi hyung." Tae said while still hugging him.

"You told me last time that you can't force yourself to like someone you don't. Why are you suddenly being confused now? No matter what he does, if you really don't like Jungkook, then you can just tell him that. Why are you suddenly confuse? Did something happened last night?"

Tae's face turns to crimson red when he remembers what happened, it's not only that he slept hugging Jungkook but they almost kiss too. And since he's too embarrassed to admit that he was willing to be kissed by the older, he denied it to Jimin. He just shakes his head off.

"Nope, nothing happened Chim. Maybe this is just the cold that's making me feel bad. I'll go to sleep first." he said while walking to their room without looking back at his best friend. Jiminie smiled to himself.

"I can't believe my best friend is falling in love now."


Taehyung & Chim went to school together since they have both morning classes. They're still at the gate when the two noticed people are looking at them again.

"Jiminie, please tell me that they are not looking at us." Tae whispered to his best friend but Chim just gave him an awkward smile because the students are obviously looking at them.

"T-tae, I think they're really staring. Why don't we go separate ways, I'll meet you in front of the music room and let's see how it goes?" Chim suggested.

"Okay, let's do that. I'll go this way."

The moment the two part ways, the staring has become more obvious. Tae starts to hear whispers too.






Taehyung wants to scream at their faces, tell them that he wants nothing from their Jungkook but he knows it's useless so he just pretends not to hear any of them. He went straight in front of the music room and he almost runs back because there is his best friend Jiminie, waiting for him together with BTS.

"There's your boyfriend now JK." Hobi teased Jungkook and the boy with the coconut hair immediately smirks at him. Tae blushes, but his eyes focus on Yoongi who looks uninterested again.

"Hoseok hyung, he's not my boyfriend!" he denied.

It seems like BTS knows that they're not official yet so they all laugh while watching him blush under Jungkook intense stare.

"Taehyungie, you might not be official yet but you slept together already, besides Jk here won't stop until you said yes already." Namjoon said.

Taehyung wants to pull his hair out because who the hell told them about it?! He glared at Jk but the senior just smiles at him again.

"I didn't tell them, apparently someone from school saw us going out of that store yesterday." Jk explains but Tae's not even listening anymore.

He's not worried about someone seeing them together, he's worried that Yoongi might think that he likes Jk so he tried his best to explain himself. He even told them that it was an accident that they got locked up together. Yoongi is still not talking so Tae just decided to leave.

Taehyung attended all his classes with a bad mood. He didn't even talk to his friends during lunch break because he's still pissed that everyone in SNU are talking about him and Jungkook being together. He wants to tell everyone that he's not dating him because he likes Yoongi, but he knows that will only put him in a bigger trouble. He also doesn't want to cause a problem for the two, knowing Jk has once threatened Yoongi about their friendship because of him.

Fortunately, BTS has nowhere to be seen that day. Yoongi didn't even go at the rooftop. It's almost the end of the day when he learned the answer why are BTS not in the school that day. Taehyung is already on his way back to their dorm when he overheard some students talking about the Queen coming back to SNU, according to them the Ice Prince is very excited!

He purposely takes his time to walk hoping to hear more but nothing comes from the students anymore. He continues to walk until his feet brought him in front of the huge billboard right beside the gate of SNU. He gasps when he saw that it's a welcome back poster for the queen.

Taehyung was about to walk closer to it when a car suddenly stops in front of the huge poster. There goes Min Yoongi with a smile on his face while staring at the picture of the girl he's been waiting for since last year.

"Suran, you're finally coming back." He whispered.

Yoongi steps closer so he could touch the poster. He couldn't believe that a year has finally passed! Suran's internship in Paris is finally over and now she's coming back home. He misses her so much, to the whole SNU she's a queen but for him, she will always be his princess.

He knows they didn't talk about their real status, heck he didn't even manage to confess his feelings to her, but he knows that Suran knows it. He likes her; he likes her like no other. Yoongi is still smiling to himself when he felt the presence of another boy behind him.

Taehyung didn't plan to reveal himself. He doesn't want Yoongi see him like his heart has just been ripped out of his chest, but the older is already staring back at him so he has no choice but to greet him.

"H-hello Yoongi hyung." he said, forcing himself to smile.

Yoongi noticed the younger's face, he saw the shiny liquid on Tae's eyes but he chose to ignore it. He learned the art of minding his own business for years and Suran is coming back now. He shouldn't be letting himself get confused just because Tae looks like a lost puppy now.

"Oh, hi Taehyung" he greets the younger back before turning to look at the picture again.

Tae knows that he should just leave the older alone. He should have just continued walking going back to his dorm, but he's a masochist so he stays there beside Yoongi.

"She's so pretty."

Tae wants to strangle himself because his voice betrays him. He swallowed and tries it again hoping that Yoongi won't detect the pain laced in his voice.

"I-I didn't know you know her. I heard the other students talking about her." he still stammered. Yoongi turns to look at him.

"We grew up together." he chose to reply when he noticed that Taehyung looks like he's about to cry.

Yoongi is not dumb but he wouldn't do something stupid too. He doesn't want to give the boy a false hope but he doesn't want to hurt him too. Taehyung just nods this time.

The two of them just stayed there for a while. It's like a blurred picture because both of them is just standing there not talking at all. Taehyung didn't even know how they part ways. All he know now is he's on his dorm, hugging his pillow while tears are flowing in his cheeks.

It's only a few minutes when Jimin enters their dorm too. The boy with a pink hair immediately heard his best friend trying to muffle the sound of his own cry. Chim knows Taehyung rarely cries. His best friend is a strong soul so seeing him broken right now really hurts him too.

He slowly took off his shoes and went to their kitchen to cook some ramen. He wants to give him time for himself because he knows Taehyung needs that. He's almost done preparing the ramen when a teary eyed Tae hugs him from his back.

"Jiminie, Taetae wants ramen too." he said.

The moment Jimin heard his broken voice, he turned around to hug him tight.

"I cook them for you" he whispers to his ear before guiding the other to one of the stools in their kitchen. Jiminie gives him the bowl and a pair of chopsticks. Tae starts to eat without talking.

The two of them sit there in silence. Jimin doesn't want to pressure the other to tell him what happened since Tae has always been like that. When Tae finished his ramen, he looks at his best friend.

"Chim, now I know why old people say that it's better to have a broken knee than to have a broken heart. I haven't even confessed my feelings to him yet." he starts to cry again.

Jimin stands up from his seat so he could hug him again.

"You haven't confessed yet, so why are you crying?" he asks because he honestly have no idea what's going on with him.

Taehyung lifts his eyes to see his best friend. He knows he will sound stupid to what he's about to say but he just want this out of his chest.

"Did you see the huge poster in front of the school? The one that says "Welcome Back Queen S"? He asks.

Chim paused for a while as if trying to remember it, then his face brightens up when he remembers.

"Oh yes! That's Suran, she's consider as the Queen S in SNU because not only that she's friend with BTS but because she's really amazing Tae. She's very talented, intelligent and very down to Earth too. She is a psychologist and everyone knows that she chose to go to Paris for her internship because she doesn't want to have a special treatment. She loves volunteering too. I also heard that she's Jeon Seokjin's best friend and there are rumors that she's going to join Jin in Africa once she graduates. And believe it or not, but she also sings. I think it's in her profile at SNU website too." Chim informs him and Taehyung just cried harder after hearing how amazing his rival is.

"On top of it all, Yoongi, the Ice Prince made a song for her too!"

It's only when Taehyung starts to wail like a baby when Jimin realized that he's talking about his best friend's first love! He quickly cover his own mouth with his own hand before hugging Tae tighter.

"OMG! Tae, I'm so sorry Honeybear! I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Tae looks at him, of course why would Jimin say that if he knows? He just continues to cry thinking that he would never really have a chance to Min Yoongi, not when a whole pretty Suran exists. The two remains in that position until someone knocks on their door. Tae wipes his face and turns to Jimin.

"Do you have plans with Sungwoon tonight?" he asks thinking that it might be their friend but Jimin just shakes his head off.

"Nope, besides he just sent me a message that he's busy with his research. Are you expecting someone?" They both furrowed their brows towards each other before Chim finally volunteers to open the door.

Knock Knock!

"Coming!" Chim opened the door, and to his surprise he squeaks! Standing in their door step is no other than the mighty Jungkook.

"Chim who--" Tae is beyond shock!

"Hi pinky, where's Tae--" now it's Jungkook's turn to be surprise when he saw Tae's face.

His eyes are still swollen, his lips and nose are both puffy and his cheeks are still a little bit wet. Jk didn't even wait for the two to invite him in, he close the gap between them. Without thinking, he cups Taehyung's face with his two hands.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" he asks with his scary voice again.

The older boy didn't even wait for Tae to answer; he just pulled him closer and hugs him tight as if he wants to protect him. Taehyung for unknown reason buries his face on the crook of Jk's neck. He cried again because how could this person just show up like this when he's in his ugliest form?! Jk feels like he's about to explode. He hates to see someone crying & now Tae is in his hand crying again.

When Taehyung finally calm down, he pushes Jk away. He noticed Chim just standing there watching them.

"Y-yah, why are you here?" he asks when he remembers that they're inside his dorm.

Jk scratches the back of his neck not knowing what to reply because to be honest, he just wanted to see him. He wasn't able to see him at school the whole day because they were busy preparing for Suran's welcome party. He's actually already in his bedroom waiting for Sejin to prepare his dinner when he decided to come here just to see him. But of course, Jk can't admit that to the younger boy because he'll probably kick him out immediately.

Tae looks at the older who's still not answering.

"Oh geez, don't tell me you came all the way here and you forgot the reason why?!" he mocks him. Jk looks at Chim, hoping the other could help him but Chim remains quiet.

"Yah Jungkook!" Tae warns already because he really doesn't understand why on earth Jk is here. Then Jk saw the pot of ramen in their table. He smiled to himself before he grins at Taehyung.

"I-I haven't had dinner yet, can I eat that?" he points at the ramen.

Both Jimin & Taehyung are dumbfounded! They haven't even replied yet when Jk picks up the used bowl & chopsticks on the table and started to eat without looking at them. It's Chim who broke the silence first.

"J-jungkook we also have kimchi here, do you want some?" he offers and of course the heir of Jeon gladly accepts it.

Taehyung went back on the dining table to yell at the older but he fell into silence again when he realized that Jk is eating from the bowl he ate from just a while ago. Jimin is giggling while watching the two. Taehyung watches the heir of Jeon eat heartily at their table.

"Is it delicious?" he asks, his voice full of sarcasm but Jk is too happy to notice it.

"Yes, it's tasty. Where did you order it? I can order again. Pinky which restaurant did you buy this?" he asks Jimin since he knows Tae will not tell him.

Chim this time can't stop himself from laughing anymore because he saw how mad his best friend is already. Tae went to their sink to get the plastic of instant ramen and slam it on the table for Jk to see.

"Here! We didn't order it! Chim cooked it!" Jungkook almost chokes on his ramen while Jimin just keeps laughing but Taehyung is really so annoyed now.

"Chim! Why are you even laughing?!" he asks pouting.

Jk on the other hand froze again the moment he saw the other pouts. He put down his chopsticks & picks up the plastic and examines it. He usually see their house maids eating this food but he never even dared to try it because it's cheap & he is the heir of Jeon so he is expected not to eat unhealthy food! But now that he had a taste of it, he wants to fire all his house maids for keeping it from him.

He looks up at Taehyung and notice the sadness in his eyes again. He hates to admit it but now that he realized the possible reason why he cried, he just wants to see him smile again.

"You really like this kind of food?" he suddenly asks the boy who's still pouting.

Taehyung grabs the plastic from him again.

"Don't you know that every human being in Seoul lives because of this?! And yes, this is my comfort food! What about it?!" Tae barks at him. Jk smiled seeing Tae's angry face again.

He prefers this Tae than the one he saw a while ago. He looks at Jimin who's still giggling at the corner. He's decided that he like this Taehyung's friend. He's a good cook and he lets him in their dorm too. He winks at him before he stands up from his chair. Tae raised his brows when he saw the older finally standing up, only to let out a tiny squeak when Jk suddenly grabs his hand and drags him towards the door.

"Hey, what do you think are you doing? Where are we going?"

Tae tried to pull away from him but Jk is far stronger than him so his protest is useless, plus Chim is just watching them!

Jungkook just ignored his questions and lead him towards his car. As usual, he opened the door for Taehyung, but this time Tae put on his own seatbelt already. Jk smiled when he saw him do that.

"So, where do you buy that?" Jk asks upon starting the car.

Taehyung doesn't know whether to laugh or to face palm again because he can't believe that there's really 23 years old who lives in Seoul who doesn't know where to buy instant ramen! He ends up laughing when he realized how ignorant Jeon Jungkook is about the real world! Jk steps on the brake!

His eyes widens when he heard the sound of Tae's laughter. He even turns to his side just to check if he heard it right. But thank the heavens, because there right by his side, Taehyung is really laughing. He clears his throat when he saw the green light.

"So where?" he asks.

Taehyung wipes the tears in his eyes before he looks at the boy on the driver's seat. He smiled fondly at him for the first time.

"I'm not letting you buy those ramen, but since you ate Jiminie's dinner tonight you have to replace it. There's a convenient store right after this crossing. There, you can park there!" Tae said when he saw a vacant parking space right in front of the store.

Jk pulled over immediately before they both went inside the shop. Taehyung guides the older towards the aisle of different noodles since he knows that Jungkook knows nothing about it. He saw their favorite flavor and grab 4 packets of it before going back to the counter to pay for them. Jungkook insists to pay but Taehyung refused it because he's paying using his black card and Tae feels so small just looking at it. They both exit the shop.

Taehyung gets inside the car by himself for the first time. Jk smiled to the idea that Tae is finally getting used to riding in his car, then an idea pops in his head again.

"Tae, just wait a minute okay. I forgot something." he said before going back inside the store.

"What could he possibly forget inside?!" Tae mumbles to himself.

At first he wanted to follow the older but since he doesn't want Jk to think that he's clinging to him, he chose to wait inside the car. Tae's eyes widens when Jk appears with a lot of plastic bags in his hand.

"OMG! Are you planning to start a ramen business now?!" he asks when he saw what's inside the plastic bags.

They're different flavors of noodles! JK just ignores him as he drops all the bags at the backseat of his car.

"I didn't know Pinky haven't eaten his dinner yet, I might as well buy him some." JK explains when he finally got in the car.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, waving the first few ramens they bought to show the older that they already have a replacement for it but Jk just ignores him until they're back at his dorm. They both get inside again.

Jimin opens the door for them so he immediately notices the pout on his best friend's lips.

"You came back, I thought you're going somewhere?" he asks when the two remains quiet.

Jk gives him the bags he's holding and he already understands where the two of them went. Jk knows Tae isn't feeling well, besides he didn't even learn the truth behind his tears a while ago. He might have an idea about it but he's too coward to hear it from him that's why he didn't ask again. He just promised himself to make him feel better.

"Tae," he calls out.

It's getting late already so as much as he wants to stay and watch the younger boy all night, he knows he needs to go. Taehyung looks at him with a puppy face again. He steps closer to the boy and cups his face once more.

"I don't know what made you cry, but I just want you to know that you're already ugly so if you cry again, you'll just become uglier." he said and that earned him a kick on his shin.

"Ouch!!" Jk screams.

"ISTG, you're the most annoying human I've ever met! Go home and don't ever come back here." Tae yells at him while pushing him.

Jungkook laughs when he saw the familiar annoyed face of Taehyung. He likes him more when he's like this, so he let the younger pushed him out their dorm but when they're already outside he grabs Tae's hands and hold it with his own. Taehyung froze in front of him.

"I know you're annoyed by me, you might not like me now but I promise Taehyung, I will do my best to make you like me too." Jk paused just to push away his stubborn fringes that's covering his eyes.

"That person who made you cry doesn't deserve you. Stop thinking of him now so you could have time to think of me too. Have a good night Taetae." he whispers before leaving a light peck on his forehead.

Tae didn't even manage to say something because the moment he pulled himself back together, Jk is already gone! He lifts his hand to touch his forehead.

Jimin on the other hand is trying to muffle his screams because he witnessed everything. Well, I'm sure everyone reading this is feeling the same because the blush on Tae's face tells him that it's not impossible for him to give Jungkook a chance. So when Tae gets back inside Chim tries his best to act normal as if he didn't see his best friend getting kissed by the most sought after bachelor in South Korea.

Meanwhile inside the black luxury car, Jeon Jungkook feels like he's going to die because his heartbeat is so fast. He didn't plan to kiss Tae but something inside him told him to do it so he did.

"Goddamn it Jungkook, it was just a light peck on the forehead!" he told himself before he breaks into a fond smile imagining the blush on Taehyung's face when he kissed him.

It's only then when he manages to start his car.

The next day, Taehyung feels like he doesn't want to go to school. He even lied to Chim about having a headache, stomachache, toothache and whatever ache there is, but his best friend just stood there watching him hide under his blanket.

"Maybe if you admit that it's a heartache then I'll leave you alone! But Honeybear, you mentioned everything aside from that, so obviously you are suffering from a heartache! Come on, it's the last day before the 3 days holiday for our National Foundation Day. Get up!" Chim pulls the blanket for the nth time now.

"Jiminie, I don't want to go to school" he whines but Chim just ignores him & grabs his feet.

"I will let you sulk later but we promised each other that no matter what happens we won't let anything affect our studying! Now get your lazy ass up before I carry you myself & throw you at the bathroom. Tae, come on." Chim is trying his best to convince him since he knows that he also has to turn in few assignments before the holiday.

Taehyung sighs, he knows his best friend is right so he forces himself to get up.

"Fine, I'm going but we're not eating at the cafeteria today. I don't want to see them." he said while pouting.

At first Chim frowns because he didn't understand his statement but then something clicks in his mind and remembers that he's referring to BTS.

"Alright, I promise I'll tell Sungwoon to join us later."

Taehyung drags his feet towards the bathroom & took a wick shower. He didn't even eat breakfast anymore because he isn't hungry at all. Chim patiently waited for him until he's ready & they went to school together again. The two are quiet; both thinking of different things when suddenly students began to run excitedly towards one direction.

"Istg Chim, I didn't come to school to witness this again." he mumbles but Chim just drags him towards the cheering of other students.

It turns out Taehyung is right, it's the BTS again! But this time the boys are not alone. They're actually welcoming the prettiest girl Tae have ever seen. Her skin looks so flawless that you can hardly see her pores. Her hair looks soft, she also dresses like a real princess and damn, the way she smiles will put Aphrodite into shame. She's beautiful.

Tae & Chim just stand there just like the other students of SNU to witness a reunion of friends. They even heard some are saying that they are lucky to witness a reunion of their school's royalty.

Some are even bragging about them being invited at the welcome party for Suran. Everyone suddenly keeps quiet when Jungkook, the loudest of them welcomes the queen!

"Suran!!! Welcome back to SNU, I can't believe it's been a year!" he said before hugging the girl before Hobi & RM did the same thing too.

It's quite endearing to see, to be honest until it's Yoongi's turn to welcome her. Taehyung might not want to see the scene but he's also curious too that's why he stayed & see how Yoongi didn't take a step like the other BTS members. It was Suran who took a step closer to hug him.

"I'm happy to be back. I miss you, Yoonie."

Chim turns to look at his best friend and he almost regret forcing him to come to school when he saw how sad his eyes are while watching the exchange. Yoongi hugs her back with a smile. Everyone even gasps when the Ice Prince pulled Suran's coat together because she's revealing too much skin.

"I miss you too Ranran, I'm glad you're back." he said after the tight hug.

Suran subtly fixes her coat because she knows Yoongi doesn't like her wearing clothes that are too revealing. Then she looks around & wave at everyone who greets her. The BTS follows her gaze until Hoseok meets Taehyung's eyes in the crowd.

"Jk, your baby tiger is there" he points him out and even before Taehyung manage to run away, Jk is already on his way to grab him.

"Taetae!" Jk calls out & the students make a way for him so he could see Tae clearly.

Taehyung curses under his breathe when he saw the boy with a coconut hair walking towards him. He was about to run away because goddamn it, he's not strong enough for this kind of drama & yet Jk already caught his hand even before he takes a step.

"W-what do you want?!" he asks.

Jk smiled at him as if he has seen something beautiful again when Taehyung knows he's not at his best self this morning. Instead of answering him, Jk drags him back towards the BTS & the queen.

"Suran, this is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." Jk introduces him & to his surprise the girl politely bows at him.

With a sweet smile on her lips, Suran even leans closer to quickly hug him as if they're best of friends who haven't see each other for a while now except that, they don't even know each other. Tae forces himself to smile too because the girl is too nice!

"I'm glad to have finally meet you Taehyungie. I have heard a lot about you from them." she said as if they're already close.

And that is why Taehyung knows his love is really hopeless because how could he beat an angel like her? He smiles back when he notices that she's waiting for a reaction.

"Oh, I-im happy to meet you too Suranshi. I, I have heard a lot about you too. Everyone talks about you since the announcement of your return." he found himself talking with genuine glee because she just radiates positive energy and Tae is weak for kind humans.

Suran takes a look around them & saw everyone watchkng their every move. Some of them are whispering with each other & some are even filming them. She is used to this kind of people and it's the main reason why she chose to continue her internship abroad. She leans closer to Taehyung's ears after a while.

"I'm sure you heard all about the bullsh*ts they're talking about, calling me queen and whatnot but believe me Taehyungie they're just bunch of people who can't keep their own mouths to themselves." she whispers to his ear that makes Tae grins.

He even nods at her because wow, Taehyung thinks he already fall in love with the girl. They both laugh when they notice everyone got curious of what Suran just told him including Jk and the other BTS members. Then Suran grabs his hand again, this time Tae is genuinely smiling.

"Taehyungie the boys organized a party for me tonight. I am not really happy about it because they know I don't like parties but I'll forgive them if you'll come." she said and everyone gasps when they heard the queen herself inviting the "poor young blood".

Tae knows he won't be able to make it alive once he attends on that party so he immediately thinks of an excuse.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Suran noona but me & my best friend already planned to go home since we'll have a 3 days holiday. Our parents are already expecting us." he lied wishing that she would believe it.

Jk looks at him with a doubting face, he was about to say something when Suran asks him a question again.

"Ah Taehyungie, if you don't mind me asking, where do you live? I mean where are you going home?" she asks again.

Tae smiles proudly thinking that there's no way he won't be able to escape this.

"Busan! We're going home to Busan later after class noona." he replied with a smile.

"Busan???!" the 3 members of BTS blurted out with a shock in their faces.

Taehyung smiles again, he knows they can't stop him from going home. Then Yoongi looks at him for the first time.

"Busan. Well, isn't that great Jungkook? The party will be held at the Jeon's property at Busan." Yoongi deadpans and Taehyung feels like his whole body is drained of his blood.

"B-busan? B-but I thought you've organized the party here in Seoul? W-why in Busan?!" he asks dejectedly.

"Suran only agreed to have a party if Jungkook would allow her to do something in return. You'll know tomorrow about it Taehyung since you're coming with us." Hobi replied while Suran keeps nodding as if she's enjoying this.

Taehyung's eyes widens, his mouth agape as he turns to Jungkook who's sporting a sh*t eating grin while staring back at him. As much as he wants to blame the older again, he knows that this time the universe conspire to torment him. He just nods at them & absentmindedly walks back to his best friend who's laughing at him because he also heard the whole ordeal!

"Chim, what did I do in my past life to experience this?!" he whispers to his best friend but even before Chim replied, someone is grabbing his wrist again.

"What again?!" he asks when he saw its Jk again.

"Huh?! Are you alright?" Jk asks when he notice his pale face.

Taehyung feels like he's already drained of energy so he just nods at the older who's still holding his hand.

"If you're not feeling okay, just go home & I'll talk to your professor coz---"

"No! I'm fine, besides I'm going to hand in my homework today." he said even before Jk do something out of ordinary again. The older visibly relax upon hearing that.

"Okay then, I'll pick you & pinky at 5 later, we're going to Busan together." Jk informs him.

"5? Why? What time is your party?" he asks thinking that they'll run out of time if they go to Busan that late because duh?! They're in Seoul for goodness sake! But again, Jk just smirks at him.

"Just be prepare at 5 and wear something thick coz it's getting colder."

Jungkook didn't wait for Taehyung to reply again because he knows they'll just end up arguing again! He just winks at Jimin before t He left & joined his friends again. Tae & Chim tried to avoid the crowd after that encounter before they both attended their class.

The day passed like a blur in Taehyung's mind. He's at his last period when he saw his best friend outside waiting for him already. He knows Chim is very excited to go home.

He's excited too, he also want to hug their parents but the thought that he has to spend time with BTS first before he could actually go home & just lay on his shared bed with Chim, well it's a torture. He's already having a hard time dealing with Jk & Yoongi, now Suran who turns out to be Yoongi's first love will also be there. He sighs when he heard the bell rings.

It's time!

The bestfriends went home to pack their things together. They're very excited because it has been weeks that they've seen their parents. Taehyung is also planning to go and visit his 'siblings' at the orphanage. He feels like he needs a reminder to himself that he's in Seoul for his dreams not for dick.

The freshman suddenly sighs when he remembers how happy Yoongi looks like when he hugged Suran. At this point, Taehyung knows he couldn't compete against the girl because she's in a different league! She's like a goddess and he is, well human!

The two finishes their packing just right on time. Its 5 minutes before 5 o'clock when they heard a soft knock on their door. Taehyung even furrows his brows when he heard it because that's definitely not how Jk knocks.

Jimin went to check who is it, only to see a middle aged man looking down at him.

"Is this Kim Taehyung's dorm?" Sejin asks when an unknown boy opened the door for him.

His young master ordered him to fetch the two because he has to be in the Jeons tower to prepare their ride. Taehyung joins his bff and saw Sejin by the door.

"Huh? Sejin hyung?" he asks and the man immediately smiles at him.

"Good evening Taehyungshi, the young master ordered to pick you up with your brother. Are you ready?" he asks politely.

Taehyung thought of escaping at first, then he realized this man will be in trouble if he won't be able to carry Jk's order so they just followed him in the car. It's when they're sitting at the back of Sejin car when Tae finally asks where the coconut head is. Sejin just smiled at him.

"He's preparing your ride to Busan Taehyungshi." is his only reply.

The moment the bffs arrived at the tower, Jungkook's face morphs into a scary frown. They're at the rooftop of the Jeon's Tower because they're going to Busan by his private chopper. Suran & the other members of BTS already went ahead of them. He steps closer to the two.

"Kim Taehyung!" Tae almost didn't recognize the man yelling at him.

Jk's coconut head is hidden with his bucket hat & his usual clothes are gone. The younger gulps when he heard the older yelling his name again.

"W-what?! I'm not late, why are you yelling again?" he asks.

Jungkook take a look of his appearance from head to foot, but it's not in a pervert way because he even saw him clicks his tongue before going back to where the chopper is to pick up something.

"Here, wear this! I told you to wear something warm didn't I?! You'll freeze!"

Tae looks at the coat Jungkook is giving him. He wants to refuse at first but he knows he'll really freeze to death if he won't so he accepts it.

"But how about you?" he asks the older who's watching him wear the clothes.

"I brought that for you coz I know how stubborn you are." Tae takes a whiff of the coat and he knows immediately that it has Jk's scent.

He might not say it out loud but he really likes his manly smell. The older boy is still watching him when he walks closer towards him. He removed the scarf around his neck & put it around Tae's neck.

Jimin wants to scream at the two who seems totally forgotten about his existence. But when he's about to tease them, Jk turns around to look at him.

"How about you Pinky, are you alright?!" Jk asks after making sure Tae is warm enough with his scarf.

Chim gives Jk a thumbs up.

"Alright, let's go. The others are already waiting for us." Jk guides them towards the chopper in the middle of the rooftop.

Taehyung stops just to make sure he's not dreaming. Both Jk & Chim pause to look at him too.

"A-are you scared of heights?" Jk suddenly asks worriedly. Tae meets his eyes and shakes his head.

"N-no, but this is my first time to see a chopper this close." he admits shyly.

Jk surprisingly didn't say another insulting words, instead he grabs his hand & guides him towards their ride for the night. Chim & Tae are already sitting safely at the passenger seat when another man gets inside & sit beside him. The bffs got confused because where will Jk sit then if someone already occupied the only vacant space?

"OMG, Tae your boyfriend is the pilot?" Chim blurted out the moment they saw Jk put on the headset while fixing himself on the pilot's seat.

Tae remains quiet while watching the boy with a coconut head pressing & adjusting some buttons & switches in front of them. Jk turns to look at them before they give them an okay sign. It's like a dream, Tae couldn't believe everything!

Jungkook learned to fly a chopper when he was 19. For ordinary citizen, it will take years and a degree to have a license to fly any aircraft, but for an heir of multi billionaire family like him it only took him his whole summer to study and practice how to fly the thing.

Since his family owns various aircrafts & he's capable of learning things easier than the others, he manages to take an exam for the license, and of course he aced it! So yeah, Jk flying his own chopper to attend a party in Busan is not extravagant at all, for him it's normal.

Jungkook informs his passenger about the technical aspects of their flight. Taehyung is aware that Jk also explains some safety precautions about the aircraft but what takes him by surprise is when their pilot added some of his cheesiness before he ends his intro.

"Don't worry everyone, Kim Taehyung is on board so I'll make sure we'll land safely." Jk smirks when he saw Taehyung's reaction on the mirror.

Tae blushes so hard when their pilot even had the audacity to wink at him. Chim, this time wasn't able to stop himself from screaming!

"Omg! Taehyungie!!! Why is your boyfriend so cute?!" he asks while tugging at his bff's coat.

"Yah, Park Jimin! He is not my boyfriend! Why do you keep saying that?!" Tae denies again before he avert his gaze from them and just focus on the view outside.

Jk knows there's no way he will miss the chance of showing Taehyung the beauty of Seoul so he takes a glance at the younger who's now focus on the view below them. Jk smiles to himself when he saw the perfect picture of the golden sky since the sun is setting already.

"To your right is the Han River." Jk informs his passenger again, knowing that the two would be amaze seeing the view from where they are.

Taehyung wants to ignore their pilot who's obviously showing off but when Jimin starts to squeal of excitement he also joins him. Jk smiles seeing his reaction.

Their 2 hours flight became a sight-seeing flight for the two passengers at the back. Taehyung totally forgets that he's rebelling against the pilot because Jk patiently shows them the nice spots that they shouldn't miss while they're on air.

The two didn't even realized they're already in Busan until Jungkook announced that they're finally landing. Taehyung & Chim saw another big circle on the ground with a capital H. Jk takes another glance at the younger behind him before they finally landed on the ground of their private beach resort in Busan!

The two other men who were with them in the flight thanked Jungkook before they all get down from the chopper. Jimin starts to scream again when he saw the beach waving at them.

"Taehyungie, we're home!!!" he jumps on his bff but Jk is quick enough to pull Taehyung away from him.

"You had enough of him Pinky! Now let's go, I'm sure the others are already waiting for us." Jk said leading them to another luxury car.

"Wait, where are we going again?" Tae asks when Jk opens the car door.

"Tae we're going at my house and I'm not going to walk for another 30 minutes after that flight." Jk said before getting in the car.

Thankfully, Jimin is with them so he just pushes his bff inside.

"Come on Tae, you made the heir of Jeon your driver already let him at least join his friends in one piece." he whispers.

Tae is sulking the moment they're inside the car. Jimin pushed him beside their driver while his bff went to sit at the back. Jk is silent the whole 10 minutes' drive while Chim keeps talking about Busan.

It's only when they arrived in front of another mansion when he shuts up.

"Woah! Jungkook hyung, is this your hotel?!" Chim asks that made Jk laughs.

"I was born here. This is our family house." Jk replied to Taehyung's surprise too. He never knew the older was born in Busan too.

"Omg, so you also know the dialect here?!" Chim got so excited already.

Jk just shakes his head while listening to the younger keeps blabbering. He reminds him of Hoseok, who never shuts up! The 3 of them gets off the car & 4 housemaids welcome them with warm smiles. Jk just nods at them and continue to walk inside, the two following him behind.

The moment they entered the mansion, Hobi immediately hugs Jungkook as if they haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Glad that you're here now Jk, Namjoon & Yoongi are busy with the doctors!" Hobi informs him. Tae got curious upon hearing that.

"Doctors?! Hyung is here?!"

Jungkook suddenly feels so nervous when he heard his brother is in Busan. He looks at Taehyung whose surprise as him.

"Tae, I'll see you at the party later. Hoseok will show you your room. I'll just need to meet my brother. " Jk said but a loud laugh interrupts him.

"Hello brother, did you miss me?" Seokjin greets his brother who's busy talking to a pretty boy.

Everyone in the living room turns to look at the tall handsome man walking towards them. Jk protectively stands in front of Taehyung. He knows his brother has never been against people who have different status than them but he's also not sure how he'll treat Taehyung and he's not going to risk his Taetae getting hurt by anyone.

"Seokjin hyung, what are you doing here?" he asks, completely forgetting to drink his brother properly. Seokjin frowns at him.

"Jeon Jungkook, that's not how I raised you! What do you mean, what I'm doing here?! As far as I remember this is my house too so I can come home anytime I want." Seokjin barks at him & Jk visibly feels guilty so he went to hug his brother.

"Sorry hyung, welcome home but honestly why are you suddenly home? Aren't you supposed to be at Africa chasing elephants?!" he asks jokingly but Seokjin is fast enough to hit the back of his head.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to make fun of my job?! There are lots of children who---"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry hyung. I get it." Jk interrupts his brother because he knows Seokjin won't stop of his speech again.

The older of the Jeons smiles to himself upon his brother surrendering. It's new to hear the younger surrendering and he's loving it. Seokjin knows what Jungkook is up to lately, so when his eyes landed on the boy trying to hide behind his brother he breaks into a fond smile.

"Is this Taehyungie? Wow, you're indeed pretty but your coat doesn't match your other clothes." he comments just trying to stir his brother.


Taehyung was about to say something smart against Jungkook's older brother too because he didn't like how Seokjin greets him but the handsome man just winks at him as if telling him to keep quiet so he keeps quiet. Then JK starts to whine and pushes his hyung away from Tae.

"Hyung, I'm already having a hard time making him like me, please don't let him hate me more." Jk said and Seokjin laughs at that. He swats his brother's hands from him & went straight to hug Taehyung.

"I'm sorry about that earlier, hello Taehyungie I'm Jeon Seokjin, Jungkook's most handsome brother." he introduces himself with a smile.

Taehyung hesitates to hug him back at first but when Seokjin leans to whisper something in his ears, he finally smiled back at the older too.

"It's nice to meet you too Seokjin hyung." he replied with a smile.

JK pouts again as he pulled his brother away from Taehyung.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung why is my brother allowed to hug you without you kicking him or pushing him away?!" he whines but Seokjin & Tae just laugh at him.

"Aren't you have a party to host young man?" Seokjin asks him.

JK looks at Taehyung who's still grinning at his brother, he knows he could trust his hyung so he just nods at them since he knows they really have a lot of guests to arrive in any minute now. He steps closer to Tae again.

"Since my brother is here now, he'll show you your room. I will see you and Pinky at the party later." he said before turning to Seokjin.

"Hyung, I don't think they brought clothes for the party, please take care of them." he requests and Seokjin happily nods at him.

"NO problem baby brother, go & I'll take care of your angel."

Jungkook left to join the boys at the function hall just outside the mansion. Hoseok already informed him that their outfits for the evening just arrived so they could all change in the dressing room of the function hall. Guests are already arriving including some of the lucky ones they have invited from SNU.

Meanwhile, Seokjin leads the two boys to the second floor of their beach house.

"Jimin right? This will be your room tonight." he opens the door & guides the two to enter. They are both amaze of how extravagant the bedroom is.

"Wow! Thank you Seokjin hyung. But how about Taehyungie?" the boy with a pink hair asks.

"Oh, he'll come with me to the next room. Don't worry Jiminie, someone will help you change too. See you at the party later" Seokjin said before dragging Taehyung away.

"H-hyung but I can just stay with--"

"Ssshh! Kim Taehyung you are the very first guest my brother brought to our house except of his annoyingly cute friends so you only deserve nothing but the best." Seokjin said while guiding him in to another room.

Tae's jaw drops the moment they entered the room. It looks like one of those you can see in the magazines!

"W-wow! Hyung this is so different from Jimin's room. I mean his room is extravagant already but this, wow!" he looks around & saw that there's a door leading to a balcony where you can see the beach.

"It is different because you're in the most precious room in this mansion. Everything in this room is handpicked by the owner when he was 15. And yes, most of the things here are more expensive than those of mine." Seokjin said joining him at the veranda.

Tae's eyes widens when he realized who's room it is.

"Hyung, you mean this is Jungkook's room?" he asks even when he knows that already. Seokjin nods at him.

"Taehyungie, I heard everything from Namjoon already. My brother really likes you but Joonie said you like someone else." Jin suddenly becomes serious.

"I know Gukkie is seen as arrogant brat who used to get what he wants. But Taehyung, my brother was once a simple boy too. Jungkook might want to think that he's just the same with the other boys growing up normally but our family name didn't give him that chance to live as normal boy. I know it's my fault for giving up my right to being an heir of the Jeons because all my responsibilities went to him but Taehyung all I'm saying is to please give my brother a chance to show you that you really means a lot to him. If he's buying you things, don't think of that as him showing off, if he flies the chopper to show you some of the views other people can't see, don't think that he's using power over you because that's just him being himself." Seokjin pauses for a while as if thinking if he still wants to continue then he grabs the younger's hand.

"Our father is ruthless enough to not let us live a normal life like the other kids. I'm not forcing you to like him but please give him a chance to show you that he really likes you." Seokjin ends and Taehyung can't help but pity the brothers who are both obviously lacking the most important things in life.

They are indeed rich & they can afford to buy every material thing in this world but they don't have the love of the family even when their parents are still alive. He sighs, then squeezes the order's hand with his own.

"Hyung, let's get ready for the party or else your brother will blow up my phone again." he chose to say after that silence they've shared in peace.

And just like real brothers, Seokjin knows they both understand each other. They went back inside to get ready for the party.

"I'm going to doll you up!"

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