Run Away ~ TodoDeku

By ilove_klance

60.8K 2K 2.8K

Midoriya Izuku ran away at age 10, tired of the bullying and abuse he had to put up with from friends, teache... More

- T W O -
- T H R E E -
- F O U R -
- F I V E -
- S I X -
- S E V E N -
- E I G H T -
- N I N E -
- T E N -
- E L E V E N -
- T W E L V E -
I'm Moving To Ao3

- O N E -

8.8K 243 257
By ilove_klance

3rd POV

"Get Dabi out of here!" Everything was going wrong, All Might wasn't supposed to be there, it was supposed to be Aizawa, Kayama, and Yamada. Eraser, Midnight, and Present Mic. They could handle them, they had strategies. Now Dabi was down and no one else's quirk worked to fight against the, now, three because All Might left shortly after arriving. He was supposed to be retired, why the hell did did he show up?

"Kid, just stop," Aizawa, in truth, didn't think the League Of Villains would be so young, he didn't want to fight a bunch of teenagers.

Midoriya simply snarled as Twice and Toga sheltered Dabi from the pros. Shigaraki was absolutely no help, he was getting anxious, scratching his neck.

"Damnit, get them out!" Midoriya yelled towards Twice. He knew Toga was sensitive and yelling at Shigaraki would do no one help. "Damnit!"

Midoriya turned around, getting into a fighting stance, getting ready to at least hold off the three pros. Lucky for him, Present Mic wasn't doing to good right now, so he would have to worry about him. He had an advantage with Eraser Head. His quirk did nothing. Midnight, she was a problem, he would have to keep an eye on her.

He charged forward, and Eraser activated his quirk, doing nothing to stop the speeding boy running towards him. He got out his knives and turned them, slashing at Eraser's shoulder. He didn't kill, he immobilized.

Just before he could do anything, he started to feel dizzy. He hadn't been paying attention, Midnight had gotten back up.

"Damnit, Toga, Twice-" He was cut off by himself passing out. Toga, Twice, and Shigaraki passed out soon after, Midnight's quirk taking full effect.


Midoriya, being the only one awake, layed on the bed in the cell, within a room, with his feet in the air.

"I-Izu-" Midoriya snapped his head up.

"Don't cry Himi, we'll get out of here, I promise." Midoriya promised, stumbling off the bed to Toga, hugging her close. He sent a glare towards the glass he couldn't see through. He wasn't stupid, he knew they were being watched. He just hoped he got his point across.


"They're kids! We can't seriously throw them in jail for their whole lives!" All Might, ultimately, thought this was crazy. They were no more than 16 and 18, most of them.

"They're villains, Yagi. We have no choice." Aizawa was opposed to the idea as well. They have, quite literally, their wholes lives ahead of them. They weren't even adults.

"Now now boys, calm yourselves." Nezu picked up his tea cup he somehow had on him and took a sip, putting it down afterwards. "There is always a different solution, we have room in your first year class, correct Aizawa? And we can make room in the third year class. It's simple, really." He took another sip, leaving the heroes in anticipation. "We offer them spots in the hero course, as a type of rehabilitation. That way, they have two options, jail, or school." This made both heroes happy. At least they had a choice.

"Well then, let's go tell them the news," Aizawa insisted on keeping his voice monotone.

They opened the door to the room, the only thing between them and the villains were the bars they were kept behind.

Every head snapped up except Midoriya, who was back on the bed, completely bored.

"We have an offer." Midoriya finally looked up and he slowly sat on the bed, growling. All Might. He hated All Might with a passion.

All Might stopped talking at the reaction, assuming it was just another villain who hated him. Aizawa started talking, "We want to give you an option, you go to jail for the rest of your lives or you come to UA as a rehabilitation time, of sorts."

It was silent.

Until Midoriya started laughing, finally getting up from the bed. He kind of spoke for the group as a whole and he knew how everyone felt about this.

The heroes flinched at the cruel laugh, all except Nezu.

"You really think that is an offer. We knew what we were getting into when we became villains. We knew there was a possibility we would get caught and go to jail. We knew. We are young, not stupid. That, offer, as you call it, you didn't think about it at first, did you? We are," Midoriya laughed. "We are all running from something in the outside world. How is sending us to high school anything better? You would be sending us right back into the world that ridiculed, mocked, and put us down for our quirks, or how we lived. And sending us back there? No. We would all," He looked around, seeing a chorus of nods, "Rather go to jail, then spend a second more in the damn world that outcast us for being different." Midoriya turned around, going back to the bed. He had no regrets about what he said, he knew everyone felt the same.

Toga who had been exiled from everything, everyone was afraid of her and she was just a kid who wanted to grow up and have fun, she ran away at age 8. Dabi who had the pressure of surpassing All Might long before Shouto did, he ran away at age 7 from the pressure. Twice who was constantly getting picked on, people saying his quirk is useless and not good enough to become a hero. After the whole clone incident when he was 8, he ran away a year later on his birthday. Shigaraki, who sat in the cold on the streets for days as people passed him, not even giving him a second glance until he was found by All For One at age 5. And then Midoriya who had been teased and abused and bullied relentlessly, who's teachers turned a blind eye towards him because he didn't have a quirk. Who ran away at age 10 to end it all before he was found as well.

Society had fucked them up. They weren't going back like nothing happened.

Aizawa, on the other hand, understood. Not that any of the villains knew, but he was teased when he was younger as well, constantly bullied, his insomnia didn't help, nor did the neglect he dealt with from his parents. He understood more than they would believe, and just like that, he grew a soft spot for everyone in that cell.

Nezu and All Might walked out, seeing Aizawa had a plan, so they left it to him.

"Can I.. Could I see one of you at a time in the room next door?" Aizawa asked in a soft voice, but firm enough to know they didn't particularly have a choice, "Starting with Toga." He said, a little firmer.

Midoriya instantly growled in a protective manner, seeing as Toga was obviously not comfortable with the situation.

"I'm not going to hurt her," Aizawa hissed. "Just some questions that need to be asked, I won't even touch her if that makes you happy." Midoriya's protective attitude didn't let up, but he took a step back, squeezing Toga's hand before they were put into she put hand cuffs on them.

Aizawa opened the cell's door, careful to hold up his promise and not touch her as he lead her to the room next door. Midoriya started pacing, he hated being split up like this, even just for a little while. It gave him to much anxiety.

"Izuku, take a breath," Dabi came to his side, knowing full well of Midoriya's panic attacks that happened all too often.

Midoriya took a shaky breath, knowing this wasn't the time, nor place, to have a panic attack and expose himself in front of the pros.

"She'll be fine, up against Aizawa, he is nothing. If he atacks, she can easily take him down." Dabi whispered soothingly into Midoriya's ear while hugging him. Dabi was the only one, save Toga, that could calm him down. He knew what to say and how to say it. He understood Midoriya more than anyone else did.

"Y-yeah, she could.." Midoriya had no doubt she could handle herself, especially against Aizawa when his quirk did nothing to her unless she was in another form.

10 minutes later, Toga walked in, a happy expression on her face.

"They didn't touch you, no one hurt you?" Midoriya asked in a hushed, unbelieving tone.

"They kept their hands off, just as promised." Toga said, taking off the hand cuffs and offering them to Dabi who got up carefully, in pain, and put them on, before being led out. Was he not treated to? Had Dabi really walked over to help Midoriya while he was in pain?

"And what were you guys talking about?" Midoriya asked, still very very skeptical. Did they want something? Were they negotiating? What was going on?

"I dunno Izu, I guess you'll have to wait you turn." Toga giggled and Midoriya groaned in annoyance.

"You're insufferable."

"Love you too~"

Dabi said the same thing when Midoriya asked, "Sorry Izu, you're just going to have to wait your turn.." He gave me a solemn look, like he was told to keep their session private. Unlike Toga.

Soon, after Shigaraki and Twice had gone, it was his turn. Of course he was last. But he didn't expect anything to bad, no one came back angry, in fact, quite the opposite. They were all quite happy. Even Shigaraki.

"Come on Midoriya." He mockingly put on the hand cuffs, surprised they still hadn't figured out he was quirkless and walked after Aizawa.

He sat in the chair that was obviously meant for him and out his feet up on the table. He could see it annoyed Aizawa, so he kept them up. It wasnt something he necessarily wanted to do, he respected the underground hero, to an extent, but he was a hero nonetheless.

"Midoriya, as I said before, we are- I am just asking questions."


"Yes, me. What age did you join the league?"

Midoriya scoffed, "Age 10, when I ran away."

"What were the reasons?"

An eye roll came from the younger, "My reasons for running away? Or for joining?" In truth, he was stalling. He want more people knowing his story. The league, sure, but a hero. He didn't want that.


Shit. "Um.."

Aizawa seemed surprised as he looked at the speechless villain. He had been full of words earlier. What's stopping him now.

All Might and Nezu, who were behind the glass to that room were wondering the same thing before they turned and left, hoping they could talk to the other villains.

"I-.." Midoriya was, to an extent, trying to get out at least some of his story, but it wasn't happening.

"Ok, a smaller, slightly easier question. How was your childhood?"

The young villain flinched at the question. His childhood. He didn't have a childhood. Not one like any of kid had.

"I-it was fine." He cursed himself for stuttering, but wouldn't open his mouth up anymore.

"And what of your parents?" Aizawa was curious why Midoriya was avoiding all his questions. He didn't want to pry, but he wanted to know. He would stop if it got out of hand.

"Parents? Hm. I don't know." That was the truth, he didn't know. Not in a sense of he didn't know what or where his parents were at that time. He knew. He always kept tabs on them. He just didn't think of them as any parents of his.

"You are a lot harder to crack than anyone else," He would have flinched but didn't. Did Dabi really tell the pro hero about his back story? What was in it for him? Was Aizawa bribing him?

"Yeah. I suppose I am."

Aizawa simply sighed. "Ok then, why did you run away in the first place, your full name is Midoriya Izuku, we have you in our database, you wanted to be a hero growing up, everytime you went to the doctor, you talked about it." So they knew that he wanted to be a hero from investigating but they didn't know about his 'parents' or even that he was quirkless. Pathetic. "What happened that made you turn turn the opposite direction and become a villain?"

"Change of heart." Midoriya still wasn't lying, just not being specific so the pro would let him out of this damned room.

"Ok? You seem to dislike All Might. Why?" Aizawa knew that most of the villains, especially the ones in the league, hated All Might, but he could see it in Midoriya's eyes. There was something more to it.

Midoriya laughed at that one, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. And before you say you would, don't bother, that's that's a story I've never told anyone, not unless it was my family. And it won't happen any time soon."

"Your mother is Midoriya Inko," Midoriya had to stop himself from screaming that she wasn't, and never would be, his mother. "And your father, Midoriya Hisashi. Did you get in a fight and that's why you ran away? Because if that's the case, it's a little extreme to join the League Of Villains." Aizawa was genuinely stuck on that one, his parents seemed like nice people. They used to donate heaps of money to churches and schools, they work at food drives, they organize fundraisers. What happened?

"You're thinking about all the good deeds they do right? All the food drives and fundraisers and book fairs and donating. Thr charity work they did to help all those homeless people. The money they were trying to save to build a school school for the people that didn't have money for a higher education. Pathetic. And you call yourself a hero. Get your facts straight. Up until 6 years ago, they had never once gotten their hands dirty, never once thought of an idea for themselves, they had their 10 year old son do everything. They had forced me to get jobs to get them money for donating, they had me locked in my room for months on end until I came up with fundraiser ideas. It was me," Midoriya laughed a bitter laugh "And then they kept it up when I ran away, it was never as good, their performance dropped a million percent. I suppose people 'understood', their son had run away and was presumably dead, yeah they didn't care about that either. They didn't donate as much because they didn't have me feeding them the money. They were suck ups. I did all that, not them." Midoriya was livid, but he wouldn't act out. He can't, he has too much on the line right now.

Once again, on the other hand, Aizawa was confused. The Midoriya's made a 10 year old boy do all that? He was lying right? Lying out of spite?

"Kid, if you're lying-"

Midoriya laughed, a true, kinda, laugh. "This is why I don't talk, Aizawa. I don't negotiate. I don't crack. I stay to myself because people like you, the heroes, the pros, anyone who doesn't understand, immediately thinks that we are lying. Look up, use your damn eyes. Does it look like I'm lying? What would that gain me? I'm in damn cuffs, being interrogated about my shitty past. I don't have room to lie."

Aizawa was about to say something, no doubt to retort to what Midoriya said, but he wasn't in the mood for an argument. An argument he had no place in winning, expecially considering his position.

"Look, you may have wooed everyone else. They may want to go to school now because you were a one time therapy session, but I'm different. Get that in your damn head. I'm not talking about my past. I'm not talking about my childhood. I'm taking my punishment I always knew would come. I'm going to jail like I always planned to do because I have nothing left, no one waiting for me. The league, everyone there, may very well want to get back and start over, they may have people waiting for them, or someone wanting the make them feel right at home, and I won't stop them because I love them all and I want them to be happy, but the likelihood of someone waiting to make me, of all people, feel at home, is slim to 0. Just put me in the damn cell and take everyone else to the school. They deserve a second chance anyways."

"What makes you think you don't." Aizawa wasn't going to stop, he was going to stand strong until he got the boy to crack.

He had a feeling this was going to go bad though.

"I thought I told you to stop, damnit!" Midoriya was only getting more and more heated.

"Not until you calm down and tell me something, let me help you!" Aizawa said, right back, only making the boy angier.

"Damnit, I don't need help. I got all the fucking help I needed when I went to the league. They were what saved me! They are my help! I don't need anything else, I don't want anything else! Leave it be!"

"Why. don't you. think you. deserve a second chance?!" Aizawa was low on patience.

"Damnit! Damnit damnit damnit! Because I'm terrible! I hurt people, then I push them away! Is that not enough or do I need more? I almost killed myself from the damn abuse and the bullying! I got my second chance from Dabi! He saved me! He was my second chance! Do I still need more!? I almost killed a damn man because my emotions were fucked up, because he said something and I went haywire! Here that, I almost killed someone, with my goddamn bare h-hands no less! If that isn't enough then I don't know what the fuck is!-" Midoriya had almost gotten up from the chair he was in. He almost went to punch the wall until his hands broke. He almost swung the chair across the room. But he didn't. He stayed seated.

Aizawa was stunned to silence as two tear drops silently fell down Midoriya's face.

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