Living With The Originals

By Dark-Violet

758K 12.6K 5.2K

Sequel to Living With Damon and Stefan. Marni's back, and ready to kick butt! After discovering that she's re... More

You Want The Sammich? No.
Why You No Like My Pick Up Lines?
The Bro-Code
Oh Hey, Is That A Cloud?
The Salt In Your Eye Is Beautiful
Hello Mr Pumpkin Goat
Sir Geraldalot, The Carrot.
The Glass Sparkle Named Windex
The Dinosaur That Leaped Into The Shoe
Bow Ties Are Cool.
The World's Ending? Fantastic.
Microwave All Of The Kittens!
Oh My God Stefan, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're Purple.
Hey, Assbutt!
Four For You Glenn Cocoa
The End.

Oh, I Didn't Tell You? I Know What Colour Underwear You're Wearing.

32.5K 706 263
By Dark-Violet

*3rd Person POV*


Mia woke with a gasp, bolting upright in her bed. Terror rushed through her and sweat dripped down her forehead. It took her all of five seconds to realise she was in her room, safe. She let out a sigh and ran her hand down her face.

She kicked her covers back, the cold morning air welcome to her clammy skin. She reached for her phone and discovered that it was only six in the morning. Plenty of time to sleep. But that wasn't going to happen. This had been the third nightmare in a row that Mia'd had. They all consisted of the same thing; being tied to the chair, having the same dreaded knife slice through her skin whilst Connor grinned sadistically. It always ended the same, having Connor drive the knife right into her heart.

If some one had asked Mia if she feared death about six months ago, the answer would be no. She didn't fear death. Well, at least she never used to. But that all changed over time. She felt human now... more so than ever. She felt petty emotions, like fear, jealously, love... but she didn't hate it. That's what disturbed her. 

Mia used to be all for the whole no humanity thing... She'd tried countless times to con Marni into shutting it off... But to no avail. She was the most stubborn person Mia had had the pleasure of meeting. But now, Mia almost welcomed the emotions. It felt natural, now that she was human. 

Part of Mia was tempted to turn around and go on a homicidal rampage, but she knew she never would. She didn't have it in her, and besides. She'd come to care for the people around her. Even called them friends. She never would've imagined that. It wasn't so bad though. She enjoyed having friends, people to talk to. In fact, she even enjoyed being human, to some extent.

But it made her weak. That's what she hated about it. She'd been tossed around like a ragdoll, by another human. Stefan had been right. She wasn't fine. She was traumatized. But Mia wouldn't let it show. She didn't want to appear more weak than she already was. She just hoped Connor got what was coming to him. Klaus would make sure of that.

Deciding sleep would not be an option, Mia rose from her bed, stretched her body. She groaned and recoiled, still not having fully recovered from the beating her body took a few days ago. She looked completely healed, but she was pretty sure she'd pulled every muscle in her body. Well, that was how she felt, anyway.

As Mia walked down the stairs, she felt slightly cold, probably because her pajamas consisted of short cotton pants and a tank top. Her hair was up in a messy top bun and she thanked God that she'd taken her makeup off last night. There was nothing worse than having your eyelashes glued together with mascara.

Not acknowledging anything around her, Mia slowly made her way to the fridge, exhaustion taking it's toll on her. Her eyes drooped and she had to focus for a second to make sure she was opening the fridge and not the oven. She blindly reached for the orange juice and closed the fridge. 

She pulled a glass from the cupboard and set it on the counter. Just as she was about to pour the orange juice, a voice spoke.

"Can't sleep?"

Mia let out a yelp and knocked the glass sideways, causing it to fall off the counter. Before it smashed, a hand shot out and grabbed it. Damon smirked and set the glass back down, obviously taking amusement in Mia's reaction.

"Sweet mother of Jesus!" Mia gasped, trying to stop her heart exploding out of her chest. "You have got to stop doing that!"

Damon laughed under his breath. "But it's funny."

Mia took a moment and gave him a flat look. "I am pretty sure that my heart has swapped places with my liver. So, thanks for that."

Damon examined her, his eyebrows pinched slightly. "You look like hell."

"Cheers," she muttered. "Exactly what a girl wants to hear in the morning."

"Just stating a fact," he shrugged. "You know, alcohol will do the trick."

"I'm sorry?"

Damon lifted up the glass of scotch in his hand and swirled it around. "It'll knock you out cold, if you drink enough."

"I'm well aware, why are you telling me this?" 

Damon smirked. "How bad are they?"

"Damon, it is way to early to start figuring out your riddles. Speak English, please." Mia pulled herself up on a bench and poured her drink, taking a sip.

"The dreams."

Mia paused, mid sip and set the glass down. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. I'm not stupid, Mia. You don't think I've noticed that you wake up in the middle of the night, gasping?" He tapped his ear. "Vampire hearing. And unless you like looking like the undead, I assume you don't usually go for the ghost look."

Mia sighed. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

"Yep, exactly what Marni said," he nodded. "You know, back when she was tortured for the first time."

"Did you speak to Stefan?" Mia asked curiously.

Damon frowned. "No, why?"

"No reason," she dismissed. "And anyway. What are a few dreams? They'll go away eventually." Mia quickly changed the subject. "Why are you up this early, anyway?"

"Marni woke me up," Damon replied. Mia's expression turned to alarmed, and slightly disturbed. Damon rolled his eyes. "Relax, nothing like that. She happened to kick her toe whilst leaving the house this morning. She was muttered about how she was going to burn the chair to ashes."

"Sounds like her," Mia muttered. "Since when does Marni wake up this early?"

Damon shrugged. "Ask her."

"You're not worried?" Mia asked.

"No, why should I be?"

"I don't know... Whenever Marni wanders off you demand to know where she is."

"I don't control her," Damon scoffed. "Marni can do as she pleases. As long as she's smart enough not to get herself killed. Besides, I know exactly where she went, anyway."


"The Grill. We ran out of coffee last night."

"Ah, that would explain it," Mia nodded.


*Marni's POV*


I hummed slightly to myself as I walked into the Grill early that morning. I was in a good mood today, but that was probably because the sun was hidden behind thick clouds that threatened rain. 

I paused when I noticed something wasn't right. All of the chairs in the Grill were up on the tables, and it was completely deserted, except for one person, who was wiping down the bar.

"Matt, what the hell is going on?" I asked incredulously. Matt looked up at the sound of my voice and began to walk towards me.

"You can't be in here Marni, we're closed," he replied with a smile.

"No you're not. It's past six," I frowned. I checked my phone just to be sure. Yep, just past six.

"We don't open till eleven now," Matt announced.

I laughed. "I'm sorry, but I could've sworn for a moment there that you said you guys didn't open until eleven."

"We don't." Matt sighed and leant up against one of the tables. "Manager's new rule. Apparently eleven is a more appropriate time. I reckon he just doesn't want to pay us for more hours."

"This is blasphemy!" I cried. "You people can't deprive me of my coffee!"

"Look, I'll make you one today, but I won't always be here," he smiled, going to move to one of the back rooms. I followed him, pulling myself up on a table as I watched him.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep and I got bored. Figured I'd get this place ready early. Got nothing better to do anyway," Matt shrugged. "You?"

"Dunno, this vampire thing's messing with my sleeping pattern." I fiddled with my thumbs. "It's like I can't sleep when the sun comes up. It irritates me too much."

"Ever heard of curtains?"

"Even so, the birds. They all start chirping like there's reason to be happy. I considered eating them this morning, but figured I didn't want to spoil my appetite."

Matt raised an eyebrow, as if almost wary. "And uh, how is your appetite?"

"If you're wondering whether or not I'm going to rip your throat out, relax," I answered. "I've already eaten."

"Sorry," Matt apologised guiltily. "I didn't mean that you didn't have control or anything."

"Don't worry about it. I was the same when Damon and Stefan turned."

We talked for a bit more, but soon after I left, with my coffee in a Styrofoam cup. I left the Grill, contemplating what to do with my day. I could go home and procrastinate, as I usually did on days like these, or I could go see Klaus and see what he was up to. Much to my objection, he hadn't killed Connor, but tied him up. Klaus was torturing him for information. On what, I wasn't sure. I didn't care much though, as long as Connor was suffering.

As I was rounding the corner, my phone started ringing. I glanced at the caller I.D, surprised.

"Ash," I answered. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" 

"Marni, lovely to hear your voice," Ash replied. I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I'm surprised you answered. Didn't take you for a morning person."

"Well, let's just say being a vampire changes one's sleeping habits," I shrugged.

"You're a vampire now?"

"Yep. Long story short, I had to sacrifice my life to save all of the vampires, and I happened to have vampire blood in my system when I did it. Complete surprise, really. I was planning on haunting everyone." I reached my car and got in. "Why are you calling, anyway? Aren't you suppose to be in Vegas or something?"

"I'm in Michigan now. And I need your help."

"What with?"

"Do you remember Elouise Harvel?" he asked.

"You know Ellie?" I asked. Elouise Harvel was a friend of mine. She was a witch and I'd met her in the 40's. Ellie was the only other witch I knew that had used a spell to stop her aging. She'd helped me out a few times, and we'd grown close. I think it was the mutual hate we had for everyone.

"She's an old friend of mineShe's in danger."

"Who from?" I frowned.

"A really pissed off witch. She tried to kill her last week, and Ellie came to me for help. I thought we could use your expertise."

"You can't handle one witch?" I questioned.

"This isn't just a witch. She's scary powerful, and this is coming from meHell, I haven't even met her and she already tried burning me alive."

"Wait, you haven't met her?" I asked. "How does that work?"

"I don't know. She hasn't shown her face yet, and I don't know if she will. So, you think you could do me a favor and drive here?" Ash asked.

I sighed, thinking about it. "Is Ellie okay?"

"She's freaking out, but she's fine."

 I ran a hand through my hair. "Fine. Where abouts in Michigan?"

"East Lansing."

"Okay, I'll be there by tonight." I ended the call, cancelling my plans for the day.

Instead of heading to Klaus' as I'd planned, I drove back home, briefly greeting Damon and Mia as I walked through the house. I went up to my room and pulled out a duffel bag. I tossed a few days worth of clothes in and packed the necessities. 

Instinctively, I went to grab a few crystals from the chest in my closet. I paused, realising I had no use for them now. I slipped on my leather jacket and slung the duffel bag onto my shoulder.

Mia and Damon were still in the kitchen when I came back down, and Damon rose an eyebrow at me. Mia, who had her laptop in front of her, obviously picked up on the fact I was about to tell them something and shut it.

"I'm leaving town for a few days," I announced.

"What?" Mia frowned. "Why?"

"I just got a call from Ash. An old friend of mine is in trouble, and she needs my help. I should be back within a week, tops. If you don't hear from me, I'm probably dead," I nodded.

"Hang on," Damon said, standing up. "You're just leaving?"

"I'll be back," I told him. "Surely you can fend without me for a few days."

"Where are you going?"

"Michigan. I have to go, but I'll call you when I get there." I flashed them a grin and left, making my way to the front door.

I was just checking to make sure I had my keys when I bumped into Damon, who had appeared in front of me. I sighed.

"Damon, now's not the time to start freaking out about me losing control. I'll be fine," I reassured him. "Ash'll help me."

"Will he? Last time I checked, Ash was all for embracing being a vampire," Damon replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "And last time I checked, you trusted Ash."

"I don't trust any body," Damon scoffed. "With the little exception of you and sometimes Stefan. Look, I know Ash. He loves being a vampire, and he loved urging people into giving into blood lust. What do you think happened to me?"

I arched my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't just turn my emotions off by myself. Ash convinced me to. I'm not saying that I didn't want to, but I know he wouldn't be opposed to do the same thing to you." 

"You never told me this," I frowned.

"Didn't think it was worth mentioning," he shrugged. "Let me come with you."

"Damon, I'll be fine. You have to trust me on that."

"It's not just that," Damon said. "I'm bored."

"Then go solve mysteries with Ric," I suggested. "I swear, you guys are just like Holmes and Watson. Except Sherlock Holmes is a complete genius and you're... Never mind."

"And who are you?" he questioned. "Miss Adler?"

"Nah, I prefer to think of myself as Moriarty. He was awesome. On the TV show anyway, he was a dick in the movie... and besides. Andrew Scott is awesome." I sighed dramatically. "God, I have so many fandoms." I went back to the original subject. "Anyhoodles, I'm needed elsewhere. Time to go Winchester style on this witch."

Damon reluctantly agreed to staying behind, although I knew he wasn't happy about it. I suggested that he teamed up with Klaus to get info out of Connor, but the look Damon gave me told me that it wouldn't happen anytime soon.

I'd just grabbed for the door when I turned back. My eyes flickered in the direction of the kitchen and I looked back at Damon.

"Keep an eye on her, she's been through a lot," I said quietly.

He nodded and I left.


The drive to Michigan wasn't very eventful, considering I had no company. I kept myself occupied by listening to the radio, and I almost burst into tears of happiness when my favourite Kansas song came on.

"God must love me," I muttered. So far, all I'd heard on this station was classic music from the 70's/80's, which I was extremely thankful for. There was nothing better than good music. 

Hours passed, and the sun eventually went down, thank God. I though the sun was annoying when I was human, but it got a billion times worse now that I had vampire sight. Even with slight cloud cover, I'd had to wear sunglasses. 

Finding myself distractedly hungry, I reached over to the glove department and pulled out a blood bag. I subconsciously sipped on it as I drove. I came to a stop at a set of lights and it took me a few seconds to realise that I was being stared at by a girl in the car next to mine. She looked about twelve and she looked at me with alarmed eyes. Confused, I frowned, and then glanced downwards, realised that I was still sipping from the blood bag. I looked back up at the girl and slowly lowered the blood bag, grinning nervously.

I let out a breath when the light turned green. I should probably  be more careful about that. Deciding that blood wasn't what I was craving, I went for a Macca's run. As I pulled out of the drive through, I started laughing, remembering the episode of Supernatural where Castiel ate over two hundred cheeseburgers. Ah Cas, he's so adorable.

I was still grinning when I heard my phone ringing. 

"Stef, my homegurl, what can I do for you?" I answered, putting the phone on loudspeaker so I could drive and eat.

"Have you ever heard of the Five?" Stefan asked.

"The Five?" I questioned. "The Five what?"

"I don't know. I overheard Klaus talking to Elijah about it. They seemed pretty serious. I think it has something to do with Connor."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me you've all gone back to eaves dropping on each others plans like petty school girls."

"Aren't you curious about why Klaus hasn't killed Connor yet?"

"I'm sure he has his reasons," I shrugged.

"Well, he's not willing to share with any of us."

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Because you all hate each other. Honestly, you guys would be the perfect cast for Mean Girls."

"Do you think you could check it out?"

I sighed. "I'll give him a call and get back to you."

I hung up. The Five. Never heard the term before. Curiosity winning over, I scrolled through my contacts and hit call.

"Heard you were out of town, love," Klaus answered, his British accented voice sounding amused, as always.

"Do you people have nothing better to talk about other than what I do?" I returned. "And yes, I'm out of town."

"Not skipping town again, are we?"

"No, unfortunately. Just helping a friend. But anyway, that's not why I called. What's The Five?"

Any other person wouldn't have picked up on it, but there was the briefest hesitation with Klaus' reply. "Haven't a clue what you're talking about. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I lied. "It's just I found something in a bunch of stuff Damon took from Connor's trailer. Probably nonsense, but seeing how you're like a billion years old, I thought you might have heard of it."

"Can't say I have," Klaus answered. 

"How's the whole Connor thing going, anyway?" I asked.

"He's not giving up anything, although I'm enjoying trying to get it out of him." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Now I see where I get my tendency to inflict pain from," I muttered. "Anyway, keep me posted. I'd like to know why he was so intent on killing us all."

"You'll be the first to know."

"Good, see you in a few days."

I ended the call and immediately dialed Stefan's number. The phone was picked up instantly.


"Klaus is definitely hiding something," I announced. "He completely denied any knowledge of the Five when I asked him."

"Do you think it's important then?"

"If Klaus is keeping it secret, then yes," I replied. 

"What do you think it means?" Stefan asked. "The Five what?"

"Power Rangers?" I offered. "Ooh! No! Maybe Klaus has a secret obsession with One Direction, and he's so in denial that he's convinced Connor's one of them."

Stefan was silent for a moment. "Have you been drinking?"

"Not nearly as much as I should have today," I grumbled. "But in all reality, Klaus should go to Shadow. He looks like the one that always wears stripes. Ah... Vamp Direction... It will happen."

"What are you talking about?" 

"Nothing," I dismissed. That would be an awkward situation. "Hey, do me a favor. Jeremy told me yesterday that when he saw Connor at the Grill, he had strange tattoos all up his arms."

"Connor didn't have any tattoos."

"Exactly. Maybe it's got something to do with this whole Five thing." I sipped on my drink, thinking.

"Alright, I'll check it out."

"Still reckon he's a Power Ranger," I muttered. "Maybe he's Batman." I laughed, then scoffed. "Who am I kidding? I'm Batman."


Ash had texted me the address of where he and Ellie were, and I pulled up outside a nice residential house, complete with a white picket fence and everything. Ellie had done well for herself, I see.

In the driveway was a red Mustang, similar to mine. I frowned. I though Ash's Mustang was black... must've gotten a paint job or something. In front of it was a silver Mercedes. Ellie always was one for the simple things.

The cold hit me like a slap when I got out of my car. I shoved my hands in my pockets and made my way up to the door, knocking loudly. After a moment, there was no answer. Frowning, I grabbed the door handle and twisted, breaking the lock.

I very quietly made my way inside, and I heard unfamiliar voices talking. All of the lights were out, but my eyes were already adjusted. There was no sign of struggle, but that didn't ease my tension. I paused around the corner to the room where the voices were coming from, listening.

"She's not here!" a male voice demanded.

"She has to be!" a woman hissed. "We've been watching the house all day!"

"They obviously went out a back entrance," the man growled.

I was just cautiously making my way towards the voices when I was grabbed from behind. I was pinned to the wall by another body, and a hand was clamped firmly over my mouth. My initial instinct was to start struggling, but as soon as I realised who it was, I stopped.

Ash looked down at me, a warning in his eyes. He held his finger to his lips and I nodded, before he gently let go of me. He motioned towards the direction of the voices and ran a finger along his neck.

I nodded and he held up his fingers, counting to three. Ash and I both moved in sync. Ash, who'd handily had a stake at the ready, killed the man instantly. I grabbed the girl's arms and pulled them behind her, locking her in an unbreakable grip. A fluff of blond curls was all I had a view of, but I saw Ash stalk up to the girl, holding the stake threateningly.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

The girl laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Not particularly," Ash shrugged. "But what we really want to know, is who are you working for?"

"You're getting nothing out of me."

"Okay, how about this," I offered, pulling her arms tighter. "Tell us, or we'll kill you."

"You'll kill me anyway," she spat.

"Not necessarily true," I lied. 

"Go ahead. I'd rather die than face her wrath," the girl sneered.

"Ah, well at least we know we're dealing with a her," I grinned. That was something, at least.

"Bit unusual, a vampire working for a witch," Ash observed curiously. He tilted his head. 

The girl snorted. "I'd like to see you go up against her."

"Who is she?"

"You'll have to kill me," the girl insisted.

"Fine." Ash shot forwards, driving the stake deep into her heart.

I dropped the body, quickly taking a step back when I realised the stake had gone straight through her and almost gotten me.

"Hey! Watch it!" I scolded. "Vampire now, remember? Wood kills."

Ash smirked. "Sorry."

He looked the same as the last time I saw him. His hair was dark blond and curled slightly, his silver eyes mischievous and his smirk wicked. He wore a button up black shirt with dark wash jeans, and was pulling off nice dress shoes.

"Well, you've certainly gotten fancy," I commented. 

Ash gave a shrug. "What can I say? I prefer class over... what are they calling it nowadays? Swag?"

I made a face. "God, don't even get me started. Class is about a billion times better than swag. I mean, comparing class to swag is like comparing Justin Bieber to Johnny Depp! It's not right." I took a breath, containing myself. "Sorry, it's just when someone mentions the word swag, I have the tempting urge to shoot myself."

"Glad to see you're still in love with my looks," Ash grinned.

I gave him a flat looks. "Get over yourself." He responded with a laugh. "So, you weren't kidding about this whole witch situation then."


"Where's Ellie, anyway?" I asked.

 "Here," a new voice spoke up.

Ellie looked different to the last time I'd seen her, obviously. Her hair was now a deep crimson, contrasting nicely against her pale skin, and her butterscotch coloured eyes were curious.

"Marni?" she asked, looking me up and down.

"Ellie, it's been a while," I commented. "So, red eh? I always thought you were more of a brown person." I gestured to her hair.

"I figured it was time for change," she shrugged. "So, Ash tells me you're here to help."

"Yep," I smirked. 


About an hour later, Ash, Ellie and I were all holed up in a random hotel room. Ash was lounging on one of the two double beds, which were decorated in pleasant crimson covers, his hands behind his head and his ankles crossed. Ellie sat in one of the chairs which she'd pulled up by the beds, and I was on the other bed, cross-legged.

"So, forgive me for being curious, but why exactly does this witch have it out for your head?" I asked Ellie.

She sighed and clasped her hands. "So, a few years back, I came across an object. At the time, I had no idea what it was, and I took it. Turns out, it's a pretty big deal."

"What is it?" I frowned.

"That's the thing. I don't know," Ellie replied. "I thought it was just some pretty rock. Anyway, a couple of days ago, this girl approached me. I immediately knew she was a witch, but I was a little surprised when she decided to almost kill me. She kept asking about this stone, and it took me a while to figure out what she was talking out."

"Did you give it to her?" I asked.

"No. I couldn't. By then, I'd already given it away," Ellie announced. "A vampire asked me for it. I didn't think it was a big deal, so I let him have it."

"And now this witch wants it," I stated.

"Yes. She kept going on about how she placed it in my possession for safe keeping. But I'd never met this witch before." Ellie ran a hand through her hair. "Since then, the witch has found entertainment in taunting me. I can't even stay in my own home now. She already tried to kill Ash."

"Didn't even give me the courtesy of showing her face," Ash muttered bitterly.

"Well, I suppose for now, we lay low, and try and figure out what this thing she wants is." I paused for a moment, frowning. "Hang on, did you say stone?"

"Yeah." Ellie rose an eyebrow.

I turned to Ash, who looked at me expectantly. "It wouldn't be the moonstone, would it?"

Ellie scoffed. "No. I know well enough to stay away from that silly little thing. No, this thing was crimson red, almost like a ruby."

"Never heard of it," I shrugged. 

"Neither," Ash said.

I yawned and stretched. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I could use some sleep."

"SHOT GUN A BED TO MYSELF!" Ellie shouted, raising her hands in the air.

"Dammit," I muttered.

Ash smirked at me. "Like you haven't dreamed of sleeping in the same bed as me."

I frowned, pondering. "Well, there was that one time... but then a panda came along and ate you. Beware, you're endangering yourself."

Apparently, Ash didn't think my warning was serious. He stretched out on the bed and I had to physically shove him over to make room for me. 


I woke the next morning to find something on my face. I squinted, the weight of the object bothering me. I pried my eyes open to find that Ash was still asleep, and his arms were stretched, one of them lying across my face. 

"What the crap?" I mumbled. I shoved his hand off me and sat up.

I stretched my arms and crossed my legs, arching my back. I heard a satisfying crack and shuddered. 

It was then that I noticed something odd. Ellie wasn't in the bed beside us. I crawled off my side of the bed and picked up the piece of paper I noticed sitting on Ellie's pillow.

If you want your friend, come and get her.

Immediately, panic shot through me.

"Ash!" I shook his arm and he blinked his eyes open.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice muffled slightly.

"Ellie's gone," I announced, thrusting the note to him. He took it, blinking a few times before squinting to read it.

Ash was up instantly, scoping the place out. He frowned. "How did she get past us?

I didn't reply to him though. A ticking noise that wasn't there last night distracted me. "Can you here that?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Ash rose an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side.

I followed the sound, opening the closet door. My eyes widened when I saw what was in it.

"GET BACK!" I roared, backing up quickly.

It was a tad too late though. 

The explosion sent me flying backwards, through the window. I felt glass shatter around me, and air rushed through my ears as I soared through the air. The next thing I was aware of was a searingly painful experience as I hit the tarmac of the car park outside of the hotel room. I skidded across it and tumbled a few times before coming to a stop on my back.

A loud ringing filled my ears, and I was suprised my ear drums didn't burst at the sound of the explosion. I found that I was completely incapable of moving my body for a few moments, so I just stared at the darkness of the back of my eyelids.

I heard the sound of movement near me, then a slight thud. A dull clicking made itself known and I opened my eyes, rapidly blinking. At first, my vision was blurry, but I slowly made out the figure of Ash, who was kneeling over me, trying to grab my attention.

"Marni, you with me?" he asked.

I coughed and nodded slightly, and a hint of relief showed on his face. He stood up and held a hand out for me. I grabbed it, letting him haul me up. Pain ricocheted through my body and I groaned, shifted my weight to my right leg, as it had appeared that I'd broken my left ankle.

"What the hell was that?" Ash asked, brushing rubble of his jacket. His cuts were already healing, and his hair was matted with dirt, yet he still managed to look one of those super hero's who came out of a wreckage all epic like. Bastard. I probably looked like crap.

"A bomb," I said, wincing as I popped one of my arms back into place. A sharp pain in my stomach made me look down, and I discovered a large shard of glass sticking out of me. I gripped the edge and pulled, hissing slightly. "What kind of witch uses a bomb?" I asked incredulously. "Who does this chick thing she is? Osama Bin Laden?"

It was then that people started pouring out of the hotel, making an over exagerated fuss about the explosion that just happened. It wasn't that bad. I glanced upwards and saw that our hotel room was completely demolished. Sirens filled the distant air and I made eye contact with Ash.

"We should leave," he declared.

"Yep," I nodded. I spotted something shiny on the ground, and found that they were my keys. "Ah, how convenient."

Ash and I quickly made our way to my car, which thankfully, remained untouched. As people started to come towards us, I keyed the ignition, peeling out of the car park as quick as I could.

"Okay, so, this witch is psyco," I announced. "We've established that. She also happens to have Ellie, but we have no clue where."

"That's a problem," Ash admitted. I was worried. Ellie wasn't a violent person, and I didn't know how she would do against this witch. "Which is why we need to find her, now. The question is, how do we do that?"

"Maybe if we pray," I offered. I cleared my throat and began. "Now lay me down to sleep, I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here."

Ash gave me a quizzical look. "Are you quoting Supernatural?"

"No, Supernatural's quoting me," I defended. "And besides, it helps me focus."

Ash shook his head and sighed. We both fell into a silence of thought, trying to come up with any explanation to where Ellie might be.

If you want your friend, come and get her.

That's great, it would help if you told us where she was! God... People these days.

It was then, that a completely obvious thought popped into my mind.

"Of course!" I said loudly, physically face palming myself. "How could I be so stupid?"

"What? What is it?" Ash asked.

I pulled the note, which I'd put in my pocket, out and handed it to him

"Look at the paper," I ordered. "Notice anything different about it?"

"It's slightly green?" he guessed.

"Exactly! It's tea leaf paper."

"What's your point?"

"There's an old warehouse a few towns over that specialised in making it," I told him. "It shut down about twenty years ago."


"So, this chick blatantly told us to come and get Ellie. She obviously realised we'd figure it out," I continued. "She specifically used this paper, which as it happens, they don't make anymore, so going on the only clue she gave us, I'd say the most likely place she'd be would be the factory."

Ash studied me for a moment. "You've been watching Sherlock again, haven't you?"

"Maybe," I admitted. "And besides, it's a completely cliché thing to do, taking a hostage to an abandoned warehouse. Everybody knows that."

It took Ash and I around fifteen minutes to locate the warehouse. It was tucked in a small side street, not an obvious sight. The warehouse stood tall in the gloomy weather. Most of the windows in side had been smashed and the aged colour of the bricks that formed it gave off an eery feel.

I thanked myself for not having changed into pajamas last night. There was nothing more awkward than facing down a foe in your pajamas. I'd done it before. I buttoned up my coat, which I'd found in the back seat, and looked up at the building.

Ash and I stood side by side, studying the building. I was scoping it out, estimating how easy it would be to get out if we had to.

"So, how do you know about this place anyway?" Ash asked.

"Had a boyfriend that worked here," I shrugged.

"You dated a human?"

"I know, how shameful." I knew that comment would've earned me a punch in the arm from Jeremy if he was here. "Think it's a coincidence that she chose this place?"

"Not sure. She had no idea you were coming, but weirder things have happened," Ash commented. "Maybe she's secretly been stalking you your whole life."

"Good God, I hope she doesn't have a shrine of me at her house." I made a face at the thought. That would be super creepy. So I'd maybe had one for Johnny Depp back in the day. That was understandable. I'd been convinced he was God.

Ash gestured forwards with his hand. "Shall we?"

I shrugged. "Might as well."

Wind swept through my hair, ruffling it slightly as I walked. Our joking mood turned to one of seriousness, as we both knew we could be walking into a potentially dangerous situation. I briefly wondered what was happening at home. No doubt, Damon and Stefan would've called by now. Too bad my phone had been obliterated. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. I was sick of buying new phones. I silently thanked myself for putting all of my photo's on my laptop. There was no way I'd forgive myself if I lost my picture of Elijah in Walmart.

Ash and I reached the entrance and shared a look. He nodded and I reached for the door, to find it locked. I took a step back and raised my leg, sending a good strong kick to the door. It burst open and smacked on the wall. I strolled in casually, yet also glancing everywhere for traps or bombs. Lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating the large space in dim light. There was a balcony high up on the opposite side, and a bunch of machinery off to one side. Spider webs masked the corners and there was a damp musty smell about the place. The floors were timber, but looked slightly rotted.

Ash had his hands shoved into his pockets, as if unconcerned. I had to admit, he could look pretty bad ass when he wanted.

"Okay," I called loudly. "You got us here. Now I suggest you give our friend back, or things will get pretty ugly. For you, that is." I looked around the warehouse, alert for any sort of movement.

Laughter filled the large space, that neither came from me or Ash. I snapped my head towards the direction it came from. The laughter belonged to a female, and it sounded like bells chiming, yet also held a cruel note to it.

I felt Ash stiffen beside me and I sent him a questioning glance. He didn't look at me though, he looked straight forwards, his face impassive.

I followed his gaze and noticed that someone had made an appearance. A girl, who physically looked a little older than me, strolled down the metal stairs leading up to the balcony with such grace that a ballerina would have difficulty accomplishing. I wasn't going to lie, this girl was beautiful. She had soft pale skin and long dark blond hair falling in layers down to her waist. Her eyes, although hard to tell from where I was standing, almost looked silver. She had a cruel smirk on her lips, and wickedness shone in her eyes.

"Very clever," she commented, speaking for the first time. She had one of those compelling voices that could talk you into anything. "You figured it out."

"Wasn't too hard," I shrugged. "The warehouse though, little cliché don't you think?"

The girl smirked. "I always did love the classics." She tilted her head and looked at Ash. "Isn't that right, Ash?"

"You know her?" I asked. 

Ash didn't take his eyes off her when he replied. "You could say that."

"How long has it been?" the girl asked. "Sixty, seventy years?"

"Not long enough," Ash replied. His expression was casual, yet his posture was stiff.

"Oh come on, brother," the girl smirked. "You know you've missed me."

What? Had she just called him brother? I looked from Ash to the girl and was surprised that I didn't pick up on this earlier. The similarities between them stood out now, the hair, the eyes, the stubborn set of the jaw.

This was Astrid.

"I'm just going to go out on a whim here and guess that you're Astrid?" I asked, concealing my shock.

"Ah, so you've heard of me," she smirked. "Fantastic." I regarded her warily. Both Ash and Shadow had warned me about her. She wasn't friendly. I just wasn't sure how unfriendly she was.

"What are you doing here?" Ash asked her. There was an obvious tension between the siblings, and I was half tempted to leave them to sort it out, but I couldn't. Ellie was here somewhere.

"You know why I'm here." Astrid lifted her head, as if she found us beneath her. "I want the stone."

Ash sighed. "It's not real. It's a myth."

I rose an eyebrow. Ash knew what the stone was?

"That's where you're wrong, brother." While they were conversing, I searched for any sign of Ellie, and I wondered why she hadn't screamed for us yet. "It's real, and I found it. I just made the mistake of placing it in the hands of little Elouise." I narrowed my eyes at the mention of Ellie. "The stupid wench carelessly gave it away, which makes my life so much more difficult."

"Wow," I said in a sarcastic tone. "I feel for you, I really do. But if you don't mind, could we hurry this along? I have somewhere to be. So, you know, just give us Ellie, and we'll get out of your hair."

"Marni," Ash warned.

"It won't be quite that easy, Marni." She knew my name? Astrid had obviously guessed my thoughts. "Oh yes, I've heard a lot about you, Marni Salvatore. You're quite well known in the supernatural world, aren't you?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag," I smirked bitterly. I was extremely wary now. How had she found out about me.

"In fact, I've been meaning to meet you," she continued. "You're feared by many, by the way. Some have even said it would be suicide to go up against you. I hear you're quite the specialist in revenge."

"They deserved it," I replied coldly.

"I'm sure they did," Astrid smiled. There was something malevolent in the way she spoke, but also sounded amused at the same time, as if she thought this was all a game. "What everyone else is oblivious to though, is who you really are. You're not fearsome. You're just a girl. Yes, you're extremely close with the infamous Salvatore's, and not to mention the Original vampires, and even my brothers, but that does not make you fearsome."

"What's your point to all of this?" I asked boredly.

"To make you realise where you stand," she replied simply. 

I looked at her incredulously. "I'm sorry, what? Where I stand? What kind of God profound crap is that?"

"It's tiresome, really," Astrid continued, as if I hadn't said anything. "Hearing about you all of the time. How you killed Klaus, brought him back, just to save your beloved Damon's life, and that you sold yourself for it too. You're lucky Klaus liked you, he can be quite mean sometimes."

"You say that as if you know him," I muttered bitterly. I was actually wondering how the hell she knew all of this.

"Oh, I do. Niklaus and I go back centuries." Astrid almost looked smug at that fact. "Quite the looker, isn't he?"

"Yeah, I tend not to view him that way," I said.

"Don't tell me you, how do they phrase it now? 'Play for the other team'?" she grinned.

"No, I would just find it awkward viewing my family members that way," I smiled tightly. The confusion on her face made me want to fist pump. I didn't think this was an appropriate time though.

"I'm sorry?" Astrid questioned, as if she hadn't heard me.

"Oh, you didn't know?" I asked. "Wow, and here I though you knew my whole life story. Yeah, as it turns out, I'm the descendant of Klaus' mother, hence making us family."

Astrid contained herself. I could tell she was someone that hated not knowing things. "You say that like it matters. I know Klaus, you're just one of his pets. He'll discard you sooner or later, after all, you are only a descendant."

"Don't be so sure," Ash spoke. He'd been watching the conversation pan out, obviously wary of Astrid. "Klaus has come to view her a sister, as have the other Originals."

"Is that so?" Astrid smirked bitterly. "And how would you know, brother? You've not been to that wretched little town in quite a while."

"No, but I do converse with Shadow quite a bit," Ash replied. Astrid seemed surprised by this. I was too. They didn't get along well. 

"Oh really? Here I thought you two hated each other."

"Well, we figured family is important, right?" Ash said, a small smirk hinting at his mouth. "Seeing how there's so little of us left. Sorry you didn't get an invite, considering you tried killing us last time we were all together."

"I had good reason." Astrid was obviously not happy. Wow, and I thought I'd met petty people. "But let's get back on topic. You're here for the girl, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, no kidding."

"Just one thing first." Astrid smirked wickedly at me. "I hear we have a mutual friend." 

Astrid's heels clicked on the ground as she walked to a room off to the side. I heard another voice groan, and words couldn't describe how shocked I was when Astrid dragged a very familiar person out in the open.

Lexi had her hands bound behind her, and looked ready to pass out. I was assuming she was filled with vervain. She had blood, dirt and grime all over her, and I was bitterly reminded of last week.

Anger coursed through me and I went to rush forwards, but Ash grabbed my arm, holding me back.

"Don't," he warned.

"Do listen to him, Marni," Astrid grinned. "After all, I'll kill her if you make a move. You know Lexi, right? Nice girl. Bit of a party animal, isn't she?" Astrid looked at Lexi and tilted her head. "We had some good times this past week, didn't we? Well, until I tied you up. Although, that was fun too."

"Marni," Lexi gasped, looking up at me pleadingly. "Run!"

"Let her go." My own voice was unrecognisable. I scared myself.

"Very scary," Astrid taunted. "But no can do, I'm afraid. I came here for the stone, and when I found out the girl had lost it, I'd planned on just killing her." She turned to Ash. "But then you showed up and I decided I could have a little fun. I'm surprised you didn't figure out that it was me sooner." Ash merely looked at her as if what she was saying didn't matter to him, which it probably didn't. "And then I heard that you were coming to pay a visit," Astrid grinned, looking at me. "Oh I couldn't resist the opportunity! And it was pure coincidence that Lexi was here too. When she told me that you two were friends, I thought Christmas had come early."

"What's the point to this?" I asked savagely. "Lexi has nothing to do with this."

"Oh no, but she has something to do with you."

"What does that matter?"

"An eye for an eye, Marni," she sighed. "You hurt one of my friends, I hurt one of yours."

I looked at her incredulously. "What the hell are you on about?"

"November, 1896," Astrid spoke loudly. "You killed a vampire, Jack Collins." I frowned. I did? "You were in London at the time."

Realisation hit me. "Ah, yes, the Irish fellow."

"Yes, we were quite close," Astrid said. "That was until, you killed him."

I shrugged. "He was a dick."

Astrid narrowed her eyes angrily. "I'd watch your tongue."

I looked at her curiously. "Oh, I get it. You and him had a thing. That's what this is about? Revenge?"

"That's part of it," she said. 

"And the other part?"

"To be completely honest, you pose a threat."

"Did you just say that I wasn't scary?" 

"But that doesn't mean you're not a threat," she countered. "What I meant was, is that you're too human to be fearsome. You care too much. That's the difference between you and I, Marni. With your power, you could be great, but you choose to care instead."

I figured telling her I wasn't a witch anymore wouldn't help me.

"Alright, let me get this straight. You kidnapped two of my friends, because I killed your lover back in the day, and I pose a threat. But now you're telling me I'm too human to be feared." I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"The point is, Marni, that I'm better than you. And I can unhinge your life as I please," she smiled. 

I stared at her for a moment, not sure how to respond. "Has anyone told you how crazy you are?"

Astrid laughed. "No, I'm not crazy. I'm just mean."

And with that, she shoved her hand into Lexi's chest and ripped her heart out. 

"No!" I screamed lunging forwards. Ash had to physically grab me from behind to restrain me. He pinned my arms to my chest as I violently fought to get out of his grasp. All I could focus on was ripping Astrid's head off. 

Angry tears welled up in my eyes and blind fury rushed through me. Astrid obviously took glee in my reaction.

 "Your friend Elouise is already dead," Astrid declared. "I killed her hours ago." Another shot of rage flew through me, and I could tell Ash was finding it hard to hold me.

"I will kill you!" I growled as I fought desperately against Ash.

"You can try," she grinned.

"Leave, Astrid," Ash stated coldly. 

"Are you threatening me, brother?" she asked, amused.

"I'm warning you. If you don't, I'll kill you."

"You can't kill me, Ash." Her expression had turned annoyed. "We both know that."

"Do you wish to test that?" he countered.

Astrid obviously considered her choices and smiled a little. "Another time, brother. For now, I have other business to attend to." Astrid turned her wicked smile on me. "It was nice to finally meet you, Marni."

"Go to hell," I spat angrily.

She laughed. "One day, perhaps. As for now, you'll see me some time in the future."

"Oh you'll be seeing me," I promised. "And I will hunt you down, and rip your heart out."

Astrid tilted her head. "I look forward to it."

With another laugh, she disappeared. Ash let go of me and I was by Lexi's side in a second. I stared down at her, anger welling up in me again. How dare she. I became aware that I was shaking. 

She'd killed Lexi, one of my best friends. And she'd killed Ellie, another of my friends. I made a promise to myself that I would kill Astrid. The smell of smoke filled my nose, and I looked up to find that flames had spread around the room. Another of Astrid's presents, I was sure.

"Bitch," Ash muttered. "Marni, we have to get out of here."

I ignored him, continuing to stare down at Lexi. Ash, obviously realising I wasn't going to move, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the exit, as flamed surrounded us. He splayed his hand, creating a path through the fire that gathered at the door.

I could hear sirens already as we walked to the car. Ash took the keys from my pocket and guided me into the car, appearing in the drivers side a second later. The only thought that was going through my mind was seeing Lexi's heart be ripped out. Each time I thought of it, I was torn between the urge of breaking down and crying, or going on a killing spree.

We'd been driving for about ten minutes, when Ash spoke. "Marni?" I didn't reply. Ash sighed. "Look, I know you want to go after Astrid, but trust me when I say you shouldn't. Not now, anyway. She's dangerous, and if you go after her, she'll take it out on people you love."

"She already has," I hissed. 

"And she'll continue to do so," he insisted. "Look, you're not in your right mind. I know how you feel. Trust me, I get it. But your emotions are out of balance."

"Stop the car," I demanded.


"Stop the car," I repeated. "I need some air."


"Stop. The. Car," I stated through clenched teeth. Ash did as requested. "I'll find you later," I said before getting out.


I was in a forest, surrounded by trees and what not. The sun had gone down about an hour ago, and all I had to accompany me was a nice bottle of bourbon I'd borrowed from a liquor store. My vision blurred at the edges as I stumbled my way through the forest.

A buzz tingled through me, and my fingers were slightly numb. There were dry tears on my cheeks, from earlier. I'd cried for hours, before my eyes dried out. Then, I wanted to forget about the pain. Alcohol was my first solution, and so far, it was working.

I spotted a light up ahead and made my way towards it curiously. I heard the sounds of laughter and talking, and a few minutes later I emerged in a small clearing. There were two tents set up, and  a fire had been created in the middle. Five people, all looking to be in there twenties, were sitting around it, talking.

One of them, a guy with red hair, spotted me.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, standing up. The rest did too, the three girls looking worried.

"Me?" I asked. "Oh, I'm fantastic."

"What are you doing out here?" a blond haired girl asked, concerned. "Are you lost?"

"Not exactly," I laughed. "I just don't know where I'm going yet."

"Are you sure you're okay?" the other boy asked. "You look pretty beaten up."

"You know what? Now that you mention it," I pondered. "I'm a little hungry. Starving, actually."

"We could get you something to eat," a girl offered, holding up a packet of chips.

I laughed. "You see, the problem is, I'm on a liquid only diet right now..." I grinned, looking at them all. "But you'll do just fine."

I grinned, baring my fangs. Screams filled my ears, but I paid no mind to it as I grabbed the nearest girl and sank my fangs it.

Once I was finished, I dropped her body, and then headed into the forest to hunt down the rest of my meal.


*3rd Person POV*

*Two weeks later.*


"Just spoke to Anna," Stefan announced, walking into the living room of the boarding house. "She hasn't heard from Marni either."

Damon sighed, finishing his drink. Marni had been missing for two weeks, and no one had heard from her. Her phone had been disconnected, and she hadn't called or let any of them know she was okay.

"Look, maybe we have to consider that she might be... you know-"

"No," Damon cut Stefan off sharply. "Marni is not dead."

"I don't want to believe it anymore than you," Stefan said. "But we haven't heard from her since she left. No one has. It's like she's disappeared of the face of the planet. And she was with Ash, right? Well no one's heard from him either. What if the witch they went after..."

"No," Damon repeated. "If Marni was dead, we would know about it, and the person who did, would have their heart ripped out."

Mia entered the room at that moment, having heard the gist of the conversation.

"You guys can relax, Marni's not dead," Mia announced.

Both Damon and Stefan rounded on her. "Did she contact you? What did she say?"

"No, she didn't."

"Then how do you know?" Damon asked.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Because if you two morons paid attention to anything, you would realise she just opened the front door."

All three of them turned their heads to see Marni stumble through the door, catching herself on the wall. Her appearance was neat however, but it was obvious to Damon that she looked like hell. She obviously hadn't slept in a while, and it was clear that she was far from sober.

Marni blinked and looked at them. "Oh God, you're still here? I thought you would've like, I don't know, gone somewhere other than here, or something..."

Mia and Stefan shared a look.

"What the hell happened to you?" Damon demanded, narrowing his eyes.

"What ever do you mean?" she asked, frowning. 

"You've been gone for weeks," he snapped. He was relieved that she was alive, he had to admit that.

"Have I?" she asked. "Ah, so I have."

"Marni, where have you been?" Stefan asked.

"Here and there," she shrugged. "Ended up in New Jersey at one point... don't know how though..." Marni studied them all. "I'm just going to take a wild guess here and say you're angry at me about something."

"We thought you were dead," Stefan announced.

"Did you?" she asked. "Why?"

"Oh I don't know, probably something to do with the fact that no one has heard from you since you left here?" Damon stated.

"So?" she asked. "You people jump to conclusions too quickly. I'm fine. Perfectly fine. Better than fine, actually. I'm dandy."

"You're drunk," Mia stated.

"I am," Marni nodded. "Have been for a while now. Surprised I haven't crashed my car yet. I suppose I have good reaction times."

"What happened to you?" Stefan asked.

"You're going to have to be a little less vague," Marni commented.

"She flipped the switch," Damon declared, watching Marni. 

"What?" Mia asked. Both her and Stefan looked at Marni, who turned to Damon.

"I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later," she smirked. "I was going to pretend to still care, and have humanity, and all that touchy feely crap, but I thought, why bother? There's no point, because I don't care."

"I told you Ash would do this," Damon said.

Marni shook her head. "Oh no, it wasn't Ash who did this. It was me. Feelings suck. Why feel pain, when you can just shut it off?"

"Marni, why did  you do it?" Stefan asked.

"Because I could," she smiled. "And wow, it is so much better. You know, I still had a few emotions back when I hated most of you, but now, it's great! No pain, no remorse, no guilt. That would've been a big one... can't say I'm sorry for eating though. Those campers tasted delicious."

"You killed someone," Stefan said flatly.

"No, I killed a lot of people," she corrected. "I get what the hype was about it now. It's fun. That's all humans are, aren't they? Food?"

"You've lost control," Stefan said. 

"I suppose I have, yeah," she shrugged. Marni seemed completely unaffected by all of this.

"You can't just turn it off like that Marni," Damon said. "You can't just kill who you want. I won't let you."

"Too bad," Marni said. "You know, I think I've deserved it. After all of the emotional crap I've been through, I deserve not to feel anything."

"Why did you flip the switch?" Mia asked.

"Because, Mia, I just watched two of my very dear friend die." Marni's tone was harsh. "So feelings aren't in my best interest now."

"What? Who?"

"Ellie, who I was meant to save in the first place, but failed miserably," Marni answered. "And oh yes, Lexi."

"What?" Stefan asked.

"You remember Astrid, right Damon?" Marni asked. "Shadow and Ash's sister? Yeah, well, she thought it would be fun to rip Lexi's heart out in front of me, just to prove that she was better than me, or some crap like that. I can't really remember it that much, to be honest."

Stefan fell silent, taking in the fact that his best friend for over a century was dead. Damon felt slightly saddened by this. He and Lexi had grown to have a friendship in the end. It made sense now. That was why Marni had turned it off. 

"So I think that's a good enough reason to flip the switch, don't you?" Marni asked bitterly, before pushing past them all and heading up to her room.


Hello people. Yes, yes it's been like a decade since I uploaded.

To be completely honest with you, I had a writers block. And I don't mean I couldn't think of anything to write, I just couldn't choose which idea to write. I wrote like ten different outcomes to this chapter, but I kept changing my mind.

In the end, I just came up with a completely different one. I don't know if I like this chapter, but I'm going to post it, because I feel extremely bad for making you wait. Another reason why I didn't upload sooner, was because of school. This is my last week, and the last few weeks of school are quite hectic. I have assignments and exams, so bare with me. 

Also, work has decided they like giving me more shifts than usual, but that's okay, because it gives me money to buy new books I probably don't need, yet continue to buy anyway. I CAN'T HELP IT. I LOVE BOOKS.

ALSO! On top of all that, I've began writing my own, original novel. Inspiration hit me like a truck, and I started writing. There is a very low chance that I will post it on here, however, because I focus mainly on this story, and my idea's for my novel change constantly. 

Okay, so I saw Breaking Dawn part 2 the other day, and there is a good chance that I may start writing my Twilight fanfic again. It's making me nostalgic for it. I might, I might not. Depends really.

I've been having a lot of feels lately, because I'm watching Supernatural currently, (I finished seven seasons in two weeks) and ALL OF THE FEELS. AH. IT'S TOO MUCH. I CAN'T EVEN.

I'm in love with Castiel. He's just amazing. And Sam and Dean have an awesome bromance. 

Anyhoodles. As you may have noticed, I changed what Ash looked like kind of. You'll see why soon enough. Ah screw it, I'll tell you now. Everytime I think of Ash, I imagine him as Alex Pettyfer, so low and behold, that's who I'm casting him as.


I know a lot of you will hate me for killing Lexi, but it had to be done. I wanted Marni to turn her emotions off. I like hate everyone Marni. She's fun. It'll make sense one day, I promise.

ASTRID IS A BITCH. SHE'S NOT EVEN COOL. Though I secretly like her. No, we haven't seen the last of her. She will play a BIG part in the future, but not yet. There are other fish to fry.


Well, you all probably hate me, so I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing.

Assbutt is my new favourite insult.


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