
By chocodropss

6K 1.6K 518

Most impressive ranking: #68 in cult A new school term had just begun and everyone felt positive vibes. They... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


212 61 53
By chocodropss

Song: Surrender by Natalie Taylor.

"Mide? Where's Wendy?" Zikora asked, standing up from where she was sitting.

"Right where I want her to be and you girls are very perfect here but I must say, you guys chose the wrong spot for this." He said, with a sinister smile on his face.

I heard Ziora gasped. I glared at Mide, still trying to wrap my head around why he killed Kay Kay.

"What did Kay Kay ever do to you?" I found myself saying. I was almost crying, even if I died today at least I did it while taking down one person I hated the most.

"Oh please! That little bitch! She knew too much, she was even a cheat. Do you know she cheated on me?" I rose my eyebrow and folded my arms.

"That wasn't still a good excuse, you bastard! You killed my best friend! The love of my life!" Zikora screamed at him, I turned to look at Zikora, my eyes were wide open.

I couldn't believe she was the one speaking. Zikora that I knew was usually very quiet, she had tears streaming down her face and her sister held her like her life depended on it. We all knew Zikora had a little crush on Kay Kay but I didn't know they had a secret relationship behind everyone's back, well maybe apart from Ziora.

That'll explain the looks and the lingering touches.

Mide laughed like a mad person. "Of course, her little bitch speaks up. Some times I wish you were the one that died instead of her. You made me kill her, you took my heart away from me but not for long though. You'll suffer first before I kill you." He spat.

I scoffed and looked at him. "How's your injury?"

"Oh, it's healing just fine. I'll say you did a good job identifying me, you know. I should have just taken care of you all when I had the chance. You guys just brought a truckload of problems for me but I'll take care of everything now." He said, hooded figures started coming out from the sides of the bleachers. They were about eight and they lined up beside Mide.

"Awwwn you brought back up. How cute!" Ziora said, I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"You just can't do anything by yourself can you? You incapable twat!" Derin spat.

I could literally see fumes coming out of Mide's ears, I suddenly wasn't feeling cold anymore. I was enjoying the drama and I didn't want it to end. Does that make me a bad person?? Nah, of course not.

"What did you say to me?" He said, walking towards Derin.

"The summary of what I said is you're as useless as the p in psychology." Derin walked towards him and stopped in front of him with her arms folded across her chest.

He glared at her so hard that if looks could kill, Derin would probably be dead by now. He clapped his hand and laughed maniacally, walking away from Derin and going towards his entourage.

"You have always been the smart one Aderinsola, it'll be a shame to see you rot 6 feet. I always liked you better." He turned to look at me and smirked. "Who knew the school's Virgin Mary could be so freaky."

I snorted. "Mide where's Wendy? We didn't come here for you. What did you do with her you psycho?" I asked, walking to meet Derin.

"Is your ear paining you? I said she's somewhere! That bitch needs to learn her lesson. I should have done something with her a long time ago but she's lucky she was able to keep her identity hidden for so long."

"God! I'm exhausted already. Get this over with already!" Ziora yawned.

"Patience little one." He put two of his fingers up, signalling his boys. They all walked towards us, I didn't know what they wanted to do but I wasn't going to allow them touch me.

The boys were literally hand raping us, all in the name of trying to look for whatever it is that they thought was with us. They brought out the bug I had in my bra, I felt so violated. I didn't even know who the bastards where and they had already felt my boobs and seen my bra.

"We found something Cap." They let me go and gave what they found to Mide. The rest did same too. Mide inspected the one that was on me before he chewed it and spat it out.

"You're sick." I hissed at him.

I turned to look at Derin and I noticed she was looking for a way to help us escape. Her eyes were working at an alarming rate and I was scared they would fall off.

I didn't know when Mide got to my front, his strong cologne hit my nose. "Oh Zara, pretty Zara." He said, touching the side of my face. I hit his hand and eyed him.

"Let me start again, who's helping you guys? I need to know who else knows what you guys know, I can't have people running around with this important piece of information." He said, folding his hands.

"Go to hell you bastard." Derin said, spitting on his face. He cleaned the spit from his eye and slapped Derin.

She smiled and jumped on him. I didn't know how she got the energy, but I was enjoying how she was beating Mide.

She smoothened her skirt and she suddenly started running. I didn't know when my legs followed suite. Everywhere was kind of dark and we didn't know where we were running to but we just had to get away.

I suddenly heard Ziora scream. I stopped running and turned to see Mide holding her with a knife close to her neck. We were now at the center of school but no one was going to hear us because they were asleep.

"Don't move or I'll slit her neck. I've done it before and I can do it again." I stopped and turned to look for Derin and Zikora. They had both stopped in their tracks. We all faced Mide, his sick face made me feel like throwing up. "I'm useless right? You'll see how useless I am if you take one more step."

"Oh my goodness. Aren't you tired already Mide? You really need help. You do! Okay, so you want to kill four teenage girls? How stupid can you be? You aren't even calculative at all. You're so dull!! How have you been passing your exams please?" Derin asked, angrily. I was still trying to steady my breathing and I was doing a great job at that.

"Stop insulting me you slut! I'm getting tired of hearing you guys whine and cry." He was about to keep talking when the lights came on.

The place was suddenly full with students. Everyone came out in their different house wears, I suddenly couldn't see any of Mide's goons. He was all alone, it's sad that he's going to take the fall alone but then he actually deserves every bit of it.

"Game's over Mide. Your time is up. Just drop the stupid knife already." Anita said, stepping forward with a hard drive in her hand.

Mide was too shocked to move, he stood there like he was glued to the spot. Ziora hit him where the sun doesn't shine and made way towards her sister.

The school's security guards came to take Mide away. The police will probably come in the morning to take him away, the evidence against him was too strong. He literally confessed with his own mouth.

"You think you guys have won? I pity you! This is just the beginning, the worse is about to come." He screamed as he was been led away by the security team.

I scoffed and walked towards the girls, we all hugged ourselves with tears in our eyes. I could hear hushed whispers among other students.

I suddenly felt someone tap me and I turned to see William. It took all the power in me not to hug him and take in his scent.

"Hey." He scratched his head awkwardly.

"Hey." I said, biting my lips and staring at him. We stared at ourselves awkwardly for a while before he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry." We said simultaneously and laughed.

"Can I just say something?" He asked and I nodded. "Zara I'm sorry, I know I had no right to be angry about what happened between Segun and you. I overreacted when I shouldn't have, you're actually the strongest person I know and I just-"

I didn't even want him to continue the apology. I tiptoed and cut him short with a kiss, he was shocked at first but then he drew me closer to him and kissed me back.

We realized we were at the center of the school when Anita came to cut short our happy moment, telling us everyone was staring.

We smiled and left where we were standing.

"So would you be my girlfriend?" William asked when we were finally alone. On a normal day, I would think and over think but today wasn't normal so I just kissed him.

"Is that a yes?" He asked me and I nodded, hugging me.

"Well I'm happy it didn't end in tears."

We all retired for the night, I had my hygiene first before changing into my PJs to sleep. For the first time in weeks, I actually has a good night's rest. I was just so happy everything was finally over but what did Mide mean by the worst is yet to come?

Hey guys!! So this is kind of the last chapter of Secret! Yaaay.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'll edit soon. An epilogue is on the way though.

So how many of you guessed Mide before now? I know it didn't come to anyone's mind. Please don't forget to comment, vote and share. Thanks guys.

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