Petals of Charm | JJBA PT.3...

By roel-ene

939 28 1

[VARIOUS] [FEM!READER] (Name) A. Zeppeli thrived in Rome, Italy, for seventeen years after the strange occur... More

chapter 1 + author's note
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 2

162 5 0
By roel-ene

     "Morning Class President!"

     (Name) waved at the students with a small smile as they passed by. They cheered in delight when they caught her attention. Skylar crouched in front of a vending machine with a slight glare, waiting for the oatmeal bar to drop he chose moments earlier.

     "Hi, Class President~!" A female student greeted cheerfully, a faint blush on her cheeks upon seeing her slightly muscular figure.

     "Morning Erina," The (Hair Colour) haired female smiled at her and turned to Skylar. Missing the said female student squealing quietly behind her hands as she passed, 'She's so nice!'

     "For someone who is an introverted Class President. You seem famous..." Skylar chuckled as he finally received his morning snack. She huffed and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as they continued on their way to school.

     "It just went by a few student councils. I don't know why they found me interesting," She rolled her shoulders and neck to lose a few knots.

     "It's because you're calm and nice," He answered casually and ate on the chocolate oatmeal bar. Then motioning to his cheekbones, "Plus, those lavender birthmarks on your cheekbones made you attractive."

     She sent him a look, and he admitted with a small blush. "I am not kidding." 

     "Class President! We have a situation!" One of her classmates frantically waved over.

     (Name) checked her wristwatch, "Already? It's just 5:56 am..."

     "It just happens (Name), you still haven't got used to it?" Skylar raised a brow as they approached the commotion going on a few meters away, just by the entrance of their school. She shrugged her shoulders, "I thought you're a Vice President to do this?"

     "Not in the mood."

     "You are so lazy."

     "It's too early to do this stuff."

     "Anyway... What's going on here?" She mused after snatching the student's arm who had his fist balled up. There were specks of blood decorated his knuckles as well. He snapped at her with a glare only to cower at her towering height.

     "Z-zeppeli!" He exclaimed. She released her tight grip, freeing him to step back.

     "That's right, I see you are bullying someone, to an extent . Care to go with me to the principal's office, classmate?" (Name)'s nonchalant gaze fleeted at the wounded student and to him, glaring slightly.

     His fear turned into a glare within seconds and retorted confidently with a smirk, "Like I care from someone like you!"

     He aimed a fist to her face, and she blocked it with her palm. His fear returned as he saw the warning glint in her eyes. The crowd gasped in a mix of shock and awe. Skylar rolled his golden eyes before crossing his arms.

     She frowned. Twisting his arm to his back easily, and nudged him forward. Intensifying the pain as she spoke, "Go on." He obeyed with pained cries as they walked inside the building to the principal's office. Before sending a look to Skylar to take care he bullied.

     " Dio , huh?" Muttered Skylar. 

     (Name) muttered back, " Yeah ."

     They were in the canteen, both waiting in line to get their food. The auras they emitted menacingly surrounded their forms; the students fearfully, and visibly, leaned away from them as far as possible. Wondering why they looked serious, either the bullying situation earlier or something else.

     'Like what Skylar said... everything is slowly getting interesting.' (Name) thought with a small sigh as it was her turn to receive food over the counter. She waited by the doorway for Skylar and continued on the rooftop of their school.

     Both of their Stands materialized freely, they seemed excited as they proceeded to their usual activity; making who has the best flower crowns and present it to their users.

     (Name) and Skylar sat on a bench, with their trays on their laps, and ate silently.

     "Did a vision appear before we went to school?" He inquired after taking a drink from an orange juice.

     "None... but I have a gut feeling it will when we go to Genova tomorrow." She answered after taking a bite of sliced mango, gazing into the skies with a thoughtful expression.

     A hand patted her head and she looked at Spearton's Charm, who was holding a flower crown gently in its palms. She turned at Myth Claw who has the same thing. (Name) and Skylar stared one another with raised brows then to their, recently named stands.

     Skylar had the Tarot Card deck back from his home. Just because he loved looking at the designs of the cards and a small part of his deceased family were fortune-tellers, so he took it under his care. Hence, Abdul - Joseph's friend - helped through the phone call as they followed his instructions carefully and he named their Stands.

     Spearton's Charm placed the flower crown on (Name)'s head. Myth Claw did the same to Skylar's. They were quiet for a moment as they pondered their Stands actions.

     "Let me guess. You want us to be happy after all of the events?" Skylar sent the stands a questioning look. They nodded happily in response and disappeared within their users, making him huff in amusement.

     (Name) felt around the flower crown of blue roses, "That's surprising..." Then she added, "Do Stands reflects what a user thinks?"

     "I think it could also act on their own," Skylar smiled after caressing the flower crown of dandelions on his head.

     They returned the trays in the canteen, with thirty minutes left to spend some time to check their lockers. Skylar grinned at her in anticipation as she turned in the numbers.

     "Wonder how many love letters are there now. Last time, we have a record of... 225."

     He mused as his Stand materialized to sign language the number count of said love letters. It loved to count things to pass time itself sometimes. Especially collecting shiny pebbles, or creating it on its own with its mythical powers.

     The sounds of papers falling over emitted in the empty hallway they were in. (Name) stared blankly at her flat shoes that were covered with letters. Mixed with designs of hearts, some normal, some simple but neat looking, some edgy, some looked like it was made from a rich kid.

     "It's nice and all but... not now for having a boyfriend or girlfriend." Skylar smiled warmly at her statement and helped her organize the letters.

     Ruby eyes glared burning holes of cunning and hatred at the struggling three figures, trying to get through the undead around them from his doing.

     His gaze shifted to Will Zeppeli. His messy blonde locks swayed from a breeze as he oddly stood on a tower-length stone.

     His eyes and fangs glinted as he smirked. A hint of immediate death if she ever encountered him in person.

     (Name)'s eyes snapped open as she let out a ragged gasp, leaning away from the window and looked around cautiously after rubbing her eyes. Hamon sparked briefly on her hands in instinct. The people in the Frecciarossa train spoke quietly as she stealthily observed, nothing suspicious. She sighed softly and raked a hand through her hair.

     'Great-grandfather, if these visions you were showing me of defeating Dio with the Joestars...' She pinched the bridge of her nose in exhaustion, blinking owlishly, '...then so be it.'

     "Another vision?" (Name) gazed up at Skylar who had a worried expression, and she responded with a small 'Yep'.

    "It was Dio this time instead of my great-great-grandfather training Mr. Jonathan Joestar . He could feel me 'watching' him."

     He froze at her statement, "How?" He whispered and leaned closer over the table in front of them. "...If the others couldn't feel you, then how come he can?"

     They stared each other as silence hung between them, they began to feel slightly nervous the more they thought of his inquiry.

     "I don't know..." (Name) muttered, "I think he knew a Zeppeli will be pairing up with a Joestar again," Looking at her gloved hand as she clenched it into a fist, then retracting.

     She rubbed the nape of her neck with a shy grin, "Sorry if you got dragged into this... tradition suddenly," Chuckling lightly as sweat dropped on the side of her face.

     He rolled his eyes with a small smile, "It's fine. This is more exciting than school." She laughed softly at his statement and he passed his Walkman to her with an assuring grin, "Listen to Depeche Mode. It'll help."

     She raised a brow. He shrugged at her concern, and she hesitantly accepted his Walkman with the headphone.

     "I'll keep on watch. You can sleep again if you want. Myth Claw can detect aura abnormalities like your Hamon, remember?" Skylar whispered and smirked at her as he crossed his arms, leaning his back against the polished chair with a puffed chest.

     "You do you, dude." (Name) huffed a chuckle, "But not my fault that you let me be lazy throughout your fight with someone else." She stated as she placed the headphones on her head and pushed play on the Walkman. Deciding not to press forward since all of Depeche Mode's songs are her favourite.

     He scoffed in amusement before tucking himself in his purple scarf as (Name) leaned on her palm with a distant expression. Following the trees with her eyes passing by in her window, and it made her slightly dizzy. Opening her shoulder bag to reach out for the coffee gum, popping one for her taste buds. She smirked at Skylar's disgusted expression at the gum.

     She waved the gum mockingly in his sight, "Want some, tesoro ?" She snickered when she saw his cheeks turned pink at the nickname.

     He glared at the gum then to her, " Hell no. "

     Their small bickering helped pass the time of four hours and thirty minutes of the train ride to Genova. The conductor announced when they went quiet for a moment, "You have now arrived in Genova Piazza Principe station. Have a fun and safe trip outside!"

     The doors then opened and they both waited patiently for the passengers to come out. (Name) gave the Walkman back to Skylar, and he gladly accepted it as his head almost hit the doorway when they went out. She grinned at him.

     He shot her a glare and she shrugged her shoulders with a laugh. 'Zipping' her mouth shut with her fingers - her smirk was visible instead - and continued on their way with her arms tucked behind her back. Going out of the station after they gave the tickets.

     Skylar shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he gazed to the horizon of buildings. They decided they should walk instead since the house isn't that far. He snugly fixed his purple scarf as a cold breeze went by them, his short black locks swayed. (Name) mutely led the way to where her grandparents resided.

     He tossed a slice of small meat to a stray cat as they passed. It hastily grabbed it with its mouth, running away before letting out a mew. They arrived in a dense location where people aren't walking around that much - as houses were a few blocks apart - which were her grandparents wanted peace.

     "(Name)! Skylar!" Caesar waved over with Valeria beside him has her arms crossed, both had warm smiles when they saw the teens crossed their street. He noticed Skylar's questioning gaze at them as they approached and he chuckled. "Girasole, you haven't told him that Hamon makes us look young?"

     (Name) sweat dropped with a small grin, saying that she forgot. Skylar ruffled her hair with a frown. In return, she playfully slapped his hand away.

     Valeria grinned and pinched their cheeks after she went towards them. Although struggling slightly since they're tall, "You two are so cute. Are you dating? ~"

     They froze at her tease, and a red blush slowly coated their cheeks. Luckily, there were no people in the sidelines to watch the ordeal. Caesar laughed at Skylar's stammer, "W-we aren't dating! We just saw ourselves as siblings Mrs. Valeria!" His British accent intensified due to embarrassment.

     "Grandma... you're too sudden." (Name) hunched her shoulders as she chuckled, and waving a timid hand around, "We were focusing on our studies first!"

     Their blush fading slowly as she stated after - though a lingering air of awkwardness was still hung between them. Caesar huffed in amusement and ruffled her hair with a grin, and lead them in their home. Valeria happily announced she will prepare a welcome dinner for the teens, hugging them first then disappearing into the kitchen.

     (Name) and Skylar looked at him in surprise at her strength despite in the age of sixty plus. Caesar only sent them a knowing wink and smirked.

     "Dio felt you in your visions of your great-great-grandfather?"

     Caesar covered his face with his hands, then leaning on the table. His fears did come true when his son, (Father's Name), informed him where a young (Name) began to see visions through Hamon during their small training on a lake, years ago.

     He lost a leg by Wamuu's Divine Sandstorm. Replacing with a prosthetic one like Joseph's arm. Sinnce accepting fates became a tradition within the Zeppeli bloodline - he almost went in death's embrace; Valeria furiously prevented that with her healing Hamon. He ended up with a harsh slap on his face and scolding him for being arrogant after he recovered in his five months of comatose.

     A 'Thank Gods you're awake!' alternative.

     He stared at the table with a distant expression. (Name) and Skylar sweatdropped, they're sure he wouldn't allow them to go with Joseph in Japan. As the old man planned to meet the rest of his family there to tell the news with them there. They were just seventeen! And the situation of Dio was back, stacked up immediately - putting pressure between the active Zeppeli and Joestar clans; they are slowly going to a dangerous path where they don't know if they will live in the end.

     "I allow you," Caesar spoke and the teens let out a sigh of relief. "But in one condition."

     "You come back safe under Joseph's hands," His voice was firm enough for them to silently agree, emphasizing with his finger pointing to the table as he did. "I don't want to receive the horrible news that the two of you died ."

     "Skylar. Do your parents know about this?" He turned at the brunette, his green eyes glinted by the light above them.

     The teen nodded, "Same like what you did a few minutes ago..." Clasping his hands nervously on the table when he saw Caesar's - immensely agitated - expression earlier.

     Caesar stared at them momentarily. He sighed softly as he stood from his seat, "You two should sleep early, I'll be taking care of you for a while in here." Then walked away. A chair screeched as its legs dug harshly on the floor.

     "What if one of us got hurt before we go to Japan?"

     Skylar looked up at (Name) with a panicked expression at her abrupt inquiry. He knew she was nervous too, but hidden very well behind her stoic demeanour when they became friends in high school. Up until now, she hasn't changed for a bit. 

     Caesar didn't turn to look at them, "Then I send you back to Rome, continue your studies, as the other rests in the hospital or in their home," He continued on his way to his room as Valeria silently watched. She sent an assuring smile to the teens and trailed behind. She'll try to convince her worried husband since they have gone all the way until here to discuss important matters rationally and train themselves for a small period of time.

     "Then the visions I keep seeing are useless..." (Name) said with a sigh, "It was strongly fated, I was sure of it," Raking a tired hand through her hair and sat back down.

     Skylar slumped on his seat, "But, what if you asked is true. Are you still going to continue?"

     He turned at (Name), "Like what I said a few days ago - either of us is going to get revenge?"

     "Obviously. " Was her simple reply.

(Name)'s Tarot Card: The Spearton
Card design: Reveals a cloaked figure who was elegantly covered with charms, and with two crossed spears from the back.
Stand name: Spearton's Charm [Formerly Petals of Charm - but imma still keeping the book title!]

Skylar's Tarot Card: The Myth
Card design: Reveals a humanoid wolf with large claws as it howled to a blue moon.
Stand name: Myth Claw

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