Sex Ed. (Kirishima x Mina)

By theytrynaeatcrack

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Kirishima and Mina were just curious 1st years, okay? That's why they did what they did. It's not weird okay... More

Sex ed. Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

454 12 12
By theytrynaeatcrack


The rest of the students in our class who didn't complete Friday's training except us were hard at work today.

The rest of us sat with Mr. Aizawa on the side lines and waited for them to be done.

Kaminari was wailing the whole time.

"It's so hooooot." He dropped against a railing, "Todoroki, can you like, make it snow or something?"

"No. I can't." Todoroki said.

Kaminari continued to whine and ask anybody and everybody who was here to help him.

"Just go in and buy a drink." Tsu suggested.

"I have no money!" He wailed.

The rest of us sighed in defeat while still sweating the same amount as him.

"When will they be done, Mr. Aizawa?" Tsu asked.

"That's entirely up to them." He answered as he looked at the scene of our peers displayed in front of us.


Mina, Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Ojiro came back to us beat.

"Still didn't figure it out?" Aizawa asked Bakugou and Mina.

"Shit's impossible!" Bakugou complained.

Mr. Aizawa's hair flew up and his eyes went red, "Watch your tongue, young man."

"Sorry." Bakugou clicked his tongue.

"Get back into your uniforms, you four. You'll continue this another day." He dismissed us.

The males and females of the class separated to their designated locker rooms to change into their uniforms.

"Hey! Bakugou." I called out to my friend, "How'd you and Mina-"

"Terrible. Our quirks both gotta do with some chemical shit I guess, but they're so different! We don't know what to do!" He fumed.


"It's whatever. I know you have more to say though, so spit it out." He sighed.

I took a double take, "Well, you know how you like to be kept in the loop or whatever?"

"Yeah?" We reached the locker rooms.

"Okay, so, something kinda happened between Mina and I."

"Happened as in?..." he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "You know. Sexual stuff."

He started choking on air.

"You good?" I patted his back.

"Yeah. But are you serious? When?" He collected himself and began switching into his uniform.

"Like, three days ago? We haven't really done anything since then. Much less talk." I scratched my head.

"Then go talk to her!"

"About what?! What do I say? 'Hey Mina! Thanks for the hand-job. Glad to have you as a fuck buddy!'"I said.

Bakugou laughed at my dilemma.

"It's not funny." I pouted as we left the room to our actual classes.

"How was she acting when you were with her earlier?" I tried asking.

"She was her usual self. But she was kinda irritated about something. Probably about the big ass bot we had to face." He grumbled.

"You think so?" I asked with hope.

"Yeah. Don't think too much of it though." He waved off the subject and we walked into our classroom.


During class, I'd try to get Mina's attention by passing notes to her.

Getting through to her wasn't the simplest since Kaminari kept trying to read what I was trying to tell her.

He eventually dropped it and just gave the note to her.

Mina read it and after about three seconds she looked back at me then picked up her pencil and wrote something on the note.

Kaminari passed it back to me and it read "We'll talk after class."

I was glad that she was now willing to talk to me but I still felt like a douche for not knowing what to say to her.

I sat there thinking of conversation starters and what to talk about for so long that I didn't realize I started to black out.

"Kirishima!" Present Mic called.

"Huh?" I jumped back to reality at the sound of his booming voice.

"Try to stay awake, yo!" He turned back to the bored and continued the English lesson.

I blinked and tried to tune back into what he was teaching us.


The bell rung and it was time for science. I stood up and walked out the door, beckoning for Mina to come with me.

She followed suit and walked out behind me.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked.

"Well, I-I, umm.." I stammered and sighed, "I'm really sorry for not talking to you at all after Friday."

She raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? That's what's been bothering you the whole day?"

"I felt guilty." I looked down at my feet, "I thought you'd be upset at me since you've been acting so uncomfortable today."

She snickered.

"What?" I looked up at her in confusion.

"Sorry, it's just funny. I'm not mad at you. Just the, y'know, hickies?" She stifled her laughter.

"But I did that!-"

"I know but they don't irritate me that much-"

"But they do, don't they? Is there anything I can do to-"


I stopped rambling and listened to her.

"You don't have to do anything, it's okay. Really, it is. They'll just go away on their own." She reassured me.

"What about the bite?" I asked.

"It's really small it doesn't matter." She waved it off.

"But my teeth are sharper than you realize. Are you sure it isn't that bad?" I was skeptical.

Mina kept trying to dodge the question.

"It really doesn't matter." She looked away to the right and started nervously laughing.

I stepped away from her back into the classroom to check the clock. We still had three minutes before the next class began, so I took Mina to the girls bathroom and made sure nobody was looking.

"Kirishima what- This is the girls bathroom!" She exclaimed.

"I know I know! Sorry about this." I blushed, "Mina, I feel like you're lying. I know what my own teeth can do and you keep on dodging my questions about it."

She fiddled with her fingers, "I know."

"Is it that bad?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Can I see?"

She hesitated before revealing a part of her chest with a bandaid on it.
She lifted it up a bit to reveal a gash that was at least a centimeter deep.

"It doesn't hurt if you're wondering, and the blood stopped a long time ago-"

"Blood?!" I exclaimed in horror.

"Yeah but it's fine. It should heal on its own." She tried to reassure me.

"Mina you gotta go to Recovery Girl." I said.

"But I'm-"

"Not fine! Stop saying that. You have bruises up and down your chest that make you fidget in class and it's all because of me!" I yelled in frustration.

"Shh! Someone is going to hear you!" She hushed me up.

"I can't believe I was really that careless." I pranced up and down the bathroom.

She sighed, "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, they felt good at the time."

"Exactly, Mina! At the time. Do they feel good now?" I exasperated.

"I-" she stammered and failed at her words.

I sighed and walked up to her and held her soldiers.
I tilted my head down a bit to get down to her eye level.

"Mina, please go see Recovery Girl.  The healing process will go faster." I begged her.

"But she'll know what the bruises are. It's embarrassing." She blushed.

I rolled my eyes and gave her a peck on the lips.

"It's fine. She'll understand." I smiled.

Her ears gained a new shade of pink.

"I guess." She shrugged.

Mina instinctively flicked her attention to the bathroom's entrance.

My heart dropped to the floor. Standing there was a girl we've never seen, so she was probably from another class.

"UH-" she started.

"He was just leaving! Right? Sorry about this!" Mina shoved me out of the door way.

We'd completely forgotten about the time limit, and we were both about to be late.

"Mina! C'mon!" I hissed.

"Oh, right!" She rushed out behind me and we both rushed back into our classroom. The bell rang not seconds after we had entered and sat down in our respective seats.

"Where were you two?" Mr. Aizawa asked us.

"Bathroom." We both huffed.

I could hear Bakugou trying to stifle his laughter.

"Alright then." Aizawa turned to the board and began this class's lessons.


As the week went on, I noticed how Mineta watched Mina and I so intently.

I don't see how he wouldn't though, since we both started to be seen together a lot more than usual, despite us already being friends.

"So you mean to tell me that nothing's going on between you two?" He asked all suspicious-like.

"No." I blatantly answered as I washed my hands.

He leaned against the bathroom door.
"You can't hide anything from me that involves the opposite sex, Kirishima Eijirou." He said.

"There's nothing that you need to know anyways, Mineta!" I said as I dried my hands, "Just give it a rest-"

"Oh but there is!" He said.

I made my way to the bathroom door.

"Like what?"

"Like how you visited her room a couple of nights ago. And I bet-"

I opened the door to leave but turned around to snap at him. He'd pushed me past my tolerance limit.

"For God's-sake, Mineta! Mina and I aren't having sex!" I yelled.

Coincidentally, Uraraka, Midoriya, Kaminari, Jirou, and Mina we're standing in ear shot of the boys restroom.

They dropped whatever they were talking about and turned their attention to my outburst.

"Oh, sor-" I started.

"What the hell are you talking about in there, Kirishima?!" Jirou yelled with a red face.

Uraraka and Midoriya looked at each other for a split second then turned their faces elsewhere with flushed cheeks.

"Nothing! It was Mineta! He-"

"So you're that kind of guy, huh?" Kaminari raised his eyebrows, "Who would've thought?"

"But I didn't admit to anything!"

Mina blushed hard and turned her face away from everyone else.

"Don't go talking about what you do and don't do with young girls so easily!" Jirou fumed.


She berated me with questions and I watched as Mina hastily snuck away.


"Jirou I swear, it's not like that! Mineta just riled me up is all." I pleaded with her to believe me.

I wanted to go see if Mina was alright more Gotham anything.

"Yeah right-"

I left Jirou where she stood and rushed after Mina.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!-"

"Mina! Mina hey, hey, hey." I skidded to a stop in front of her, "I swear it wasn't like how it sounded like."

"Why were talking about it so openly though?" She looked down.

"Mineta was, I just got angry since he kept on making assumptions about you and I. You know how he is Mina." I said with an exasperated tone.

She didn't respond as quickly as I thought she would. "Okay.. But don't yell out like that again." She sighed, "I'm going to go and get some things for our next classes."

"I can come with-"

"No, it's fine." She waved off my offer, "I can handle it on my own." She said with a smile.

I watched her walk off towards the wash rooms and her smile was dropped the second she turned away from me.

My mind was filled with every curse word there is in the book.

"Trouble in paradise?" Bakugou came up from behind me with a chocolate granola bar in hand.

"I fucked up." I held my face in my hands.

"What? Did you hurt her or something?"

"No, but I blurted out that we weren't having sex and a couple of people overheard."

"That's not that bad.." He averted looking at me.

"Yes, it is! She forced a smile right in front of me. Forced! She said it's fine but I know it isn't 'cause girls probably don't like their business being told out in public, regardless of what happened and didn't happen." I ranted.

He paused for a second, "Yeah you're done for."

"Now people are going to talk about it and probably start up a bunch of rumors that'll go around the whole class, maybe even the whole hero course-" I rambled.

"Shutup, you sound like Deku. It's gonna be fine I'll talk to her." He gave me a reassuring pat on the back.

"But I should-"

"I doubt she'd wanna talk to you right now. I'll clear the air then you two can talk." He smiled.

"If you say so.." I sighed, "Fine."


Him and Mina had been talking for about ten minutes now at a separate lunch table while Kaminari kept on asking me questions.

"So? Is it true? C'mon, you know you can't lie to me Kirishima." He teased.

"It's not. Nothing I said held any truth in it, okay? Please don't go around telling people I said that. Mina wouldn't like it." I stressed.

"Fine. But there is something going on right?-"

"Kaminari." I looked up at him with a stern expression.

"Okay, okay!" He put his hands up in defeat, "I just haven't heard gossip this juicy in a while."

"If you wanna talk about juicy gossip, let's start with how you and Jirou are on the off and on again every other Tuesday." Sero brought up.

I was glad that he'd changed the subject, but knowing how Jirou is I don't think she'd take lightly to where this conversation was going.

"Ah." Kaminari said quietly, "That's... um-"

"Yes?.." Sero egged him on.

"I'm just too horny for her sometimes. Something about her always complaining about "boys will be boys".

"Kaminari, that's just you." I chuckled, "It's more like you anger her sometimes with your perv behavior."

"Yeah, doesn't she hate that kind of stuff?" Sero asked.

"Yeah." Kaminari grumbled, "We're almost polar opposites. We only have a few things in common I think."


"I dunno." He frowned, "She's so reserved sometimes it's hard to know what she really likes."

"Psh, you'll be fine." I said

Bakugou came back to the table with Mina after a couple more minutes.

"Where'd you two go?" Sero asked.

"Quit being nosey, we just went to talk a couple tables over." Bakugou sat back down next to me.

Mina sat next to Sero and was a little quiet this time around, but she seemed to be in better spirits.

Kaminari kept sneaking glances at her and I kicked him underneath the table to tell him to cut it out.

The atmosphere around us was awkward and quiet, when it's usually filled with chatter and laughter.

"So," Sero decided to get us to talk again, "Bakugou. Do you like any-"


"I didn't even finish-"

"I know what you're going to ask me. No I don't like anyone. Why's everyone asking me that?!" He exclaimed.

"Because you're like the least horniest out of everyone here." Kaminari said.

"Says who?"

"Says you. No ones ever seen you react to tits or anything like that. Do you even watch porn?-"

Sero, Bakugou and I stopped him right there.
"C'mon Kaminari! Not with a girl here!"
"You're always saying some shit like this!"
"Now I see why Jirou gets mad with you all the time!"

He stopped whatever he was going to say afterwards, "Okay, okay! Chill!"

Mina laughed a little bit and smiled from ear to ear.

It felt like my heart had just gotten a dumbbell lifted off of it.

Thank God. At least she isn't uncomfortable.

"Guys it's fine." She smiled, "I pretty much signed up for this whenever we became friends."

"See! She's cool with it! You guys just love to shit on me for no reason." Kaminari huffed.

We went back and forth with him for the remainder of the lunch period up until we had to go to our two remaining classes.

Mina and I ended up walking back together by some miracle.

"He's seriously gotta chill on that." I mumbled.

"I think it's funny." Mina said.

"Girls really think that's funny? It isn't weird to you guys?" I turned to her.

"Well, some may. But I don't at least. Plus, we make our own jokes about it too."

"Really? Like what?" I asked in wonder.

"I won't say it out in the hallway, there's people around." She said.

"Oh, right."

Silence filled the air around us.

"Hey, Mina?"


"I'm sorry about what I yelled out earlier." I started, "I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything."

"It's okay, I've already forgiven you. Plus, I'd probably get mad if Mineta was bugging me as well."
She said.

I couldn't believe my ears, she'd actually forgiving me?

It's like my whole day was flipped around and started heading on the right track again.

"Thank God. I thought you and I weren't ever gonna talk again." I sighed in relief.

"Just talk?" She smirked.

"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes, "Did you ever go to Recovery Girl?"

Her expression dropped to a wide eyed stare at nothing, "Oh.."

"Please don't tell me you-"

"I forgot." She sheepishly smiled.

I sighed.

"Guess you'll just go after classes are done." I said.

"Yeah, I think that'd be better."

We rounded the corner to the hallway our classroom was in.

"You think Bakugou's gonna go at Mineta's neck for this?" She asked.


We both laughed as we entered the classroom and sat at our designated seats and waited for our Mr. Aizawa to come in.


Man these take a lot of motivation and imagination to write😳 Mainly because each chapter has to reach 3000 words before I decide to publish them.. Anyways, school started back up for me and I guess I'm doing all right, but I probably won't be able to start another chapter for a few weeks. Feel free to message me or comment ideas for future chapters if you all want, and I'd most likely use them☺️ (I'm writing so much here just so I could reach the 3000 word mark cause I ran out of stuff to write about in the story lmao)
Love you guys🥴🥴✌🏾

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