The Woods | Taekook ✅

By cyphersans

40K 1.9K 93

Dark things lie within. Things that your mom always warns you about. Things that people wouldn't want to talk... More

Pair Of Rubies
Mystery Friend
Daily Doze Of Happiness
You're Mine.
Rotten Eggs
Mark Me.
I'm Back.
What the...
Voice In My Mind
The Alpha Side.
Blue Moon
Moon Goddess
The Woods.
New work announcement

Grams Secret

901 46 2
By cyphersans

We all are waiting for grams to tell us more about this event, is it a party or what? As everyone patiently waits for grammy to finish her ice-cream, Jungkook comes to my side. Lately we haven't got to spend much time we each other. I mean we can but with all this going on right now I can't seem to think about anything else and he understands well. Grammy looks at us, "Oh stop staring at me you idiots, let me eat my ice-cream...Okay okay I finished it. Won't even let this old lady have an ice-cream in peace." and we all laugh. Then it starts,

"Two days from now, is the day of the blue moon. Blue moon occurs once in ninety-nine years. Blue moon is the day when sacrifices are made to the moon goddess to please her. You need to make sure to not angry her otherwise she'll make hell break loose. The last time during Blue moon many people were killed, many lost their senses and went on war against each other. They was lot of blood shed and many people went crazy. Last Blue moon was the day I was born." we looked at her shocked. "People say, the ones born during the blue moon are cursed, though I was born in a werewolf family I wasn't born as one. As you all know I'm a Magus. Which people think is bad for the werewolf community. Magic is not something werewolves believe in, they would consider me a freak. My parents had to find a way to keep me hidden and  protected so they sent me away to Canada. Well apart from all this. Blue moon is the day you will get answers to all your questions Taehyung." she said looking at me.. She spoke about sacrifice, do I have to sacrifice something?

" what do I have to sacrifice? " I ask,"oh don't worry about it kid, your mom and me have made preparations for it."

Everyone has gone back to their rooms now we just wait for the Blue moon to get answers? Will the moon goddess present herself there? But she's a goddess she won't possibly come on earth to give me answers, would she?

I'm sitting by the window as I see the familiar Ruby eyes. I call jungkook quickly and he comes to my side, "do you see those Ruby eyes there?" I point but he says he can't, "it's right there kookie. It's looking in this direction. It's looking at us." he still says he can't. "how can you not see! Do you think I'm lying?" I shout at him, "what's wrong with you baby? Why would I lie to you?" he says and comes closer.

"that's not the way to speak to your mate. Apologise to him right now." the same voice is my mind speaks again.

I look at jungkook and hug him, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. You aren't angry, are you?" I don't know whose voice is that and what does it want from me. Maybe I'm really cursed.. I think it's time to tell everyone.

I mind link everyone,

"I have to say something important, let's meet at 7am sharp tomorrow in the meeting room."

To which Jimin repliesq, "isn't it a too early tae?"

"I can't wait Jimin, I'm sorry." I say and block the mind link.

Jungkook looks at me with concern but doesn't ask me anything. We quietly go and lie down on the bed without exchanging any words. When I suddenly remembered Jungkooks words that night. I haven't returned those words and he hasn't mentioned it either. I turn to him so that we're facing each other. I put my hand behind his neck and pull him closer as I connect our lips. The kiss is soft and slow. We pull away after sometime and we just lie there staring  into each others eyes.

"I love you too Jungkook." I say

I can feel his happiness. "I thought you'd never say. I knew you were awake when I said those words but when you didn't say it back..I thought.. ".. "I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner." I say before he completes that sentence. He pulls me closer to him with his chin resting on my head.
"I love you baby" he says and places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you too kookie." I say and snuggle even more closer to him placing a kiss on his chest.

We just lay there in each others arms. There was nothing else shared between us except for those words. I'm happy right now. I'm happy with him. I just wish that tomorrow doesn't bring any more worries to us.


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