Tornado (18+)

By Kaci-Writes

592K 20.4K 4.8K

They say the hit that hurts the most is the one you don't see coming. That hit was Paisley Dean - the one who... More

In The Beginning
1- Paisley
2- Tez
3- Paisley
4- Tez
5- Paisley
6- Tez
7- Tez
8- Paisley
9- Paisley
11- Paisley
12- Tez
13- Paisley
14- Tez
15- Paisley
16- Tez
17- Paisley
18- Paisley
19- Paisley
20- Tez
21- Paisley
22- Tez
23- Tez
24- Paisley
25- Tez
26- Tez
27- Paisley
28- Tez
29- Paisley
30- Tez
31- Tez
32- Paisley
33- Paisley
34- Tez
35- Paisley
36- Paisley
37- Tez
38- Tez
39- Tez
40- Paisley

10- Tez

15.5K 560 122
By Kaci-Writes

I take several steadying breaths before opening my eyes and focusing on the sound of Jace's voice. It's been a month since I saw Paisley at The Lazy Lion, and during that time I've been working on straightening myself out. I've swapped alcohol for coconut water and bar snacks for nuts and Greek yogurt.

Not one drop of alcohol has passed my lips in three weeks.

My gym game has been ramped up too. Each swing of my arm, each strike of my foot, each slam to the mat, and each punch to the bag I've given during sparring sessions with Jace has only one purpose.

To win Paisley back.

She won't be with me while I'm hell-bent on destroying myself and everything I touch. I don't blame her. Now she's my focus. I haven't wanted anything so badly. Everything Billy has taught me over the years seeps through my veins pushing me to be a better fighter. A better version of myself.

To fill in the long nights I usually spent in the pub getting wasted, I've kept myself busy watching old fights of Evander Holyfield's, and cyberstalking Paisley. It came as a surprise to learn her brother Lucien is also on the MMA circuit. Footage of his first fight is available on YouTube, and after watching, I learned his style is limited with his discipline focused mainly on boxing. Although it's great to specialize in a specific discipline, it'll only get him so far and that won't be to the top of his game.

It took me three years under Billy's guidance until he let me fight. He wanted me to learn all the disciplines in striking, takedowns, and submissions before he allowed me near the octagon.

I also checked out images of Fight or Flight, the Dean's family gym. It's a class away from the tired and dated building of Stallone's. It's clean, vibrant, and modern. I found several newspaper articles on Brent, Paisley's father, and his flourishing partnership with Jackson James, a few photographs of Eve, her mother - but not a lot on Paisley. I couldn't find any social media accounts for her, but I did find one photo on Twitter dated two years ago. It was taken at a Christmas function; she was arm in arm with a tattooed giant. The caption attached to it read Cinders will go the ball. Well done Seth.


Fucking Seth.

Jace's authoritative voice captures my attention as he bellows the next command. I run to the salmon ladder, my palms grasping the metal bar before he can catch a breath to yell out at me. My knees pull up into my chest, my upper body strength taking the metal pole up to the rung above me repeatedly until I reach the top, then I reverse the technique back down the ladder.

"Dragon," Jace shouts.

I race back to the mat and drop to all fours, lowering my body within inches of the ground and moving quickly like a Komodo dragon.

"Fifteen reps of jumping jacks."

I backflip to my feet and start doing star jumps.

I haven't spoken one word or answered him back in the forty-five minutes I've been here. He's as surprised by my turn in attitude as I am. I know he's trying to see how far he can push me, just like Billy used to, and for the first time, I let him.

But I keep one visual in my mind's eye. Seth's smug grin as Paisley smiles up at him.

That is my motivation and strength to keep going. The only person I want her gazing at like that is me.

I don't allow Jace the room to shout out his next command in the circuit, I'm already on it. I break into ten reps of fast high knees followed by ten reps of plank jacks.

Jace crouches beside me and calls time. But I shake my head and continue.

"Enough," he yells.

"I'm. Not. Done," I reply, gritting my teeth.

"You're done. Let's go." Jace drops a towel and water bottle to the ground. I roll on to my back, my lungs struggling for air as I stare at the ceiling and rub the towel across my face. When my oxygen levels return to normal, I climb to my feet and rehydrate, dropping the empty water bottle in the bin.

As I reach Billy's office, Jace is sat behind the desk as though he owns the gaff not running it, feet on the table, his arms folded across his chest.

"Alright?" I ask dropping into the vacant seat opposite. "What's up?"

"You're showing discipline and power as I've never seen from you before, what's going on?"

I shrug, scrubbing the towel across the back of my neck. "Isn't this what you wanted? Clean up my act, sort my head out, and focus on my future?"

"It is, Tez but I'm concerned this is just a fleeting show of improvement, and the next knock you get you're going to be pressing the self-destruction button again."

I sigh with puffed cheeks and an eye roll. "Look, with all due respect, Jace you're not my Trainer, you're my sparring partner. I'm working damn hard here to improve. I want to be a better person and a better fighter."

Jace plants his feet on the floor, sitting straighter. "I can see that. I've been your partner for two years and I've never seen you carry out a circuit with such grit and determination as you've shown today. Whatever the force is behind this change in you, keep it at the forefront of your mind when life out there becomes tough."

"Always look forward, never look back, isn't that his saying?"

He grins, holding up his palm for a high five across the desk. His smile drops and a deflated exhale leaves his chest. "Listen, the reason I want you to keep your cool is that today is the last time we'll work together."


"Brent Dean is bringing in his own team to run Stallone's and I'm out the door."

I push to the edge of my seat, the sparks in my brain trying to connect the dots but short-circuiting instead. "Are you saying he's getting rid of you?"

"I shouldn't be telling you any of this, but I figure as I'm being booted out anyway, I may as well fill you in on what's going on behind the scenes."

My eyes are trained on his face waiting for him to elaborate. His lips form a pensive grin and he turns his head to the window, his eyes just as still, then he speaks with the same robotic tone I've heard him use before when he's about to give bad news.

"Macy's agreed to sell Stallone's to Brent Dean, he's paying a lot to have lawyers rush the paperwork through so it isn't a drawn-out affair. As of Monday, this place will belong to him. Macy says the plans for here include a complete overhaul with all new equipment to bring it up to date so it'll attract more upmarket members."

I whistle with relief and relax in my chair. "At least it's staying a gym."

"The name Stallone's and Doris will both stay too. Apparently, it was a stipulation of his daughters. You know the girl who caught you with your dick-"

"Yes, I know who she is," I reply curtly. I can't help but smile knowing Paisley has kept some traces of Billy here. This means more to me than she'll ever know.

"Where does this leave me? Am I welcome to stay here or do I need to find a new gym, trainer, and sparring partner?"

Jace shrugs and looks at me impassively. "I don't know. That's all the information Macy has shared with me."

I feel more than a little pissed, that after everything I've done for Macy since Billy's death she's chosen to cut me out of the future plans of Stallone's. I know I haven't been a great role model given my heavy drinking and poor lifestyle choices recently, but she and Billy were like parents to me not so long ago. Since his funeral, she's shut down all communication with me.

My inquisitive mind can't help but ask after Paisley. "What about his daughter? Is she going to be coming here as part of the team?"

I've attempted to call her gym several times, but always put the phone down as it connects. I'm desperate to talk to her or see her, but I don't want to suffocate her. This whole thing between us has to be on her terms and only when she's ready.

Jace rolls his lips together in contemplation for a while before narrowing his eyes and smiling slyly. "Who is she to you? You still haven't told me."

Just thinking about Paisley lights me up inside and warms my skin like rays of sunshine. I can't hide the half-smile that sits on my lips as I speak. "I've known her for years. She used to live opposite me until she moved away. We have a history."

"Remind me of Billy's saying, always look forward never look back? That applies to relationships too you know."

Varying voices engulf the front of the gym. Ashen faced, Jace jumps to his feet and scoots around the desk to me. "Nice while it lasted, eh kid?"

The rush of footfalls and infectious laughing grows louder and as I turn to Jace to ask him what's going on, Macy, along with Brent and Jackson enters the office. My eyes linger behind them, my neck stretching an inch taller hoping I'll see Paisley follow, but she doesn't make an appearance.

"You may go, Jace," Macy instructs.

He leaves without a goodbye and Macy glances my way. "Terence, I'd like to introduce to Brent Dean and Jackson James. Brent will be the new owner of this place come Monday."

I step forward without addressing Macy and shake hands with both men. "Nice to meet you."

Brent smiles and I see where Paisley gets her smile from. "You know, I thought you looked familiar when you caught my attention last year, then it hit me - you used to live across the street from me, right?"

I nod, my vocal cords struggling to work. I pray he doesn't make small talk about living on the same street or Paisley for that matter because that's all kinds of awkward for me.

Brent sits in Billy's old chair and jostles about until he finds a comfortable spot. Jackson stands next to him like a bodyguard protecting the target. His broad frame casts shadows across the office. He's definitely larger than life up close. Against him, I feel two feet tall and invisible.

Brent pulls out a Montecristo cigar from his jacket pocket and a lighter and places both on the desk without explanation. "Please, sit down."

I do as instructed and Jackson hands Brent a folder. Brent slides it across the desk to me. "I know this is a shitty time for everyone involved with Stallone's right now, but I've come here personally today to make you an offer I don't think you'll refuse."

I fidget in my chair but he has my full attention.

"This is a contract between the three of us. I want you and your talent to stay at Stallone's, Terence. You'll train with Jackson here for four hours a day, five days a week, and weekends will be your rest days. You'll be put on an elite nutrition plan and learn to eat clean. Your gym and trainer fees will be waivered for six months in order for it to be more financially viable for you, but any fights we enter you in we will take twenty percent of the purse."

Excitement drips slowly through my lower limbs like tiny buzzes of electricity. It's the calling card of adventure, paths of the unknown that I'm yet to walk. This is more than I expected.

"I know I haven't fought for one yet, but what about title fights?"

Brent relaxes, crossing his legs at the knee. "Title fights will be a negotiated flat fee rather than a percentage."

I stare vacantly at his oval, mottled face. I think more clearly when I'm calm, when I'm excited like now, I'm driven by my impulses. They take over like an alter ego I can't control. Let's see how much Brent Dean wants me in his corner.

"Okay. I'm happy with your terms, and I'll have to get the contract checked over," I say eventually, "but I've a stipulation of my own."

Brent's pensive look morphs into a hard smile. "And that is?"

"If the big man over there is going to be my trainer, I want Jace kept on as my sparring partner."

Brent clips the end of the cigar with his teeth and lights it, its chemicals invading everything in the room as he puffs on it like he's Hannibal fucking Smith.

"You've got yourself a deal, Terence. Welcome to the family."


Isn't Tez a loyal person? 1st he plays wingman to Fitz on the day he buries his trainer, and now he negotiates Jace's job at Stallone's.

See you in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading.
You rock 😘


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