Where the sun sets|Yoonmin AU

By 98_Raili

37 3 3

If one ever tried to summerize min Yoongi, it would all simply end up in two boring Sentences. Now There migh... More

One: Jimin

One: Yoongi

6 1 0
By 98_Raili



Yoongi groaned. His head hurt and to be honest, he'd be surprised if he actually made it on time today. Jin's plan of 'saving his life' had turned out to be endless walks in amazing places and beautifully crafted speeches about how he was wasting his life. For 12 fucking hours.

It was something He could tell seokjin had spent a lot of time coming up with, and he was extremely thankful for if being honest, but kind of sad too, that he was THIS cared for yet still couldn't manage getting his shit together.

I mean, He was almost 30 for god's sake. He was supposed to at least have a partner like lily did. Or maybe his own house like Seokjin did. But this dude just wasn't one to get things right.

So long story short, their day out was a pointless but inspiring thing, especially tiring for Yoongi because he was pretty sure they'd walked about 3 miles.

Which was why It didn't take long to figure out he was fucked. The clock that striked 9, the silhouette of the angry woman inside the café, and even those odd glances coming from the customers were all equally threatening as he made his way over to the back, to get changed and start his shift without getting scolded.

Maybe I can just run away from her and have a non-dramatic start of the day, he thought for a second as he rushed through the busy café.

But no. Karma just had to fuck with him

"Oooh, not so fast Min."

Because Just when he thought he had got away, Julia's voice alarmed him, followed by the younger's expectant stare, sharper than a dagger. Now If he said he freaked at that, it wasn't a lie.

Because julia potter might be younger and way prettier than him but is scarier than annabelle in the conjuring series when she wants to be. And for some reason when she's with yoongi she always wants to be.

And now She was gonna fire the elder, he was sure of it. This was a moment he had imagined quite a lot, but never like this.

But the ravenette couldn't afford to lose this tiny fraction of hope in his life, so for once, Min yoongi put down his gigantic ego and actually tried begging for his job.

He gave her the best puppy eyes a broke 28-year-old with netflix addiction could, & Julia looked like she'd finally seen the amount of stress that was built up in the brown pair of eyes.

She sighed.

"Uh, fine. Go get changed before I kick your ass"

Yoongi flashed his infamous gummy smile, ecstatic that today wasn't th day he became homeless.

Running to the back where the dirty locker rooms where located, he shouted, so loud that it left some of the customers afraid and the rest amused:


Julia rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute."she whispered under her breath.

It took about 5 minutes for Yoongi just to find his uniform, curse the entire universe and get changed.

But in the end here he was, standing behind the oakwood counter like he had for the past 729 work days, serving coffee for people who, unlike him, had a life.

While he tied the black apron around his back, He took his time glancing around the shop and looking at all the customers for a brief few-seconds. From the cute guy sitting in the corner to the old lady chatting with who seemed to be her grandson. He sighed happily and got to work. This was the only place in the world that had the power of making him feel complete.

Because He loved his job. The bare and quick interactions were his favorite among the society, simply because he despised the meaningless small talk he was expected to make, and if min freaking yoongi had learned one talent in his life, it was that he could basically screw up any time there was any expectation.

But When he was a waiter/anything but the coffee machine at 'Orange Blossom', he didn't HAVE to talk, but he still could. And as stupid as that sounded, he liked having the choice to socialize, with no pressure.

Like today when he complimented a little girl on her pretty hair and talked some sense into a highschooler that he had no idea why was eating chocolate-chip muffins at a café at 10 A.M.


A nerve-wrecking voice broke his string of thoughts.

"Order please?" He just didn't feel like looking up and talking more than he needed to. His socializing had very restricted limits.

"Umm...so I would like some bacon and pancakes?"

"Ma'am we don't serve breakfast...only chocolate-chip muffins and wet chocolate cake."

Too much chocolate, But that's Julia for you.

"Haven't your parents told you you shouldn't call young women ma'am?"

Something wasn't right and Yoongi sensed that. The mischief in her voice, that could only be one person...

"Lily! What the fuck are you doing here?"

Despite his harsh tone his smile was so wide it hurt. And before he knew it, His arms were involved in a messy, awkward hug because the conuter was between them.Lily laughed and pushed him away.

"You're the worst hugger in the world. Get away from me"

They both chuckled.

"I didn't know if you'd make it out alive with that idiot boyfriend you have"

Lily rolled her eyes as she leaned against the counter, messing with his hair as he continued with what he was saying.

"Which, by the way, is WAY outa your league, but still an idiot."

And Yoongi didn't fail reminding her of that simply because he never failed reminding her of that.

"What do you know? You're just as miserable in the looks catagory as I am."

Now He couldn't reason with the truth, so he just shut up and proceeded to make a double espresso, saving his poor hair from lily's nimble fingers.

"So where's your boss?"

"What, do wanna get this week's jerk-off material?"

Lily punched Yoongi in the arm and let out a small embarrased giggle.

"Shut up okay? I was drunk when I said that."

"People say the truth when they're drunk"

Yoongi pointed out, finishing off one order and starting to prepare another one.

"She's just kinda hot, nothing else. That's it. I think I saw her working out once and it was like...hot."

Then She literally logged out, probably a wet fantasy was taking place in her head.

Yoongi shaked his head and went back to pouring the same fucking coffee in the same fucking paper cups. It was exhausting, but the only job he was capable of doing without screwing up.

"Hey do you think you can close up today? I promised to take my sister to see this movie about strippers. She's thirteen so I have make her look older. At least that's what she said"

Julia whispered the last part under her breath, looking at Yoongi with plead in her eyes since she knew the boy wouldn't stay one second longer than hid usual shift.

The exchange was ironically strange considering she was the boss, but Yoongi was surrounded by ironically strange people so he was used to it. He just nodded.

"Okay. You're lucky you're cute" they always said that.

"Oh my god! They're still playing hustlers? Where?"

Lily suddenly broke into the conversation, her voice a little too loud and a little too excited, automatically excusing Yoongi from acting like he was interested in something he was so clearly not, which the older was quite thankful for.

"I think it's in brooklyn. We have to take the subway."

"That's really far."

"I know, right? I just don't know why she can't rent the CD or something. She probably just wants to see her crush. I'm the victim here"

But lily didn't even hear what she had to say. Wet fantasies washed over her like waves crashing into rocks on the shore.

"So yeah. Anyway...thanks Yoongles."

"You could thank me by not calling me Yoongles"

He rolled his eyes and took put a piece of chocolate cake to go with an order, handing them to the julia, motioning for her to take this one last order before she laft and yoongi had to frantically run back and forth between making the orders and delivering them.

Or he could take advantage of lily afterwards, which wasn't that likely since she vanished around the exact time that Julia did.

"Um..Yoongs i really wish I could stay and help you but...

"You don't get paid here and your jerkoff material just left so I get it. Now go if you don't wanna get fired go. Have a nice day yes the weather's great. Bye."

"For the last time, she is NOT my jerkoff material. I only saw her at the gym once."

A tiny smirked slowly crawled its way onto Yoongi's face.

"whatever makes you sleep at night. Next to your BOYFRIEND. Which is WAY outa your league, so don't go around having fantasies."

"Ok jesus." another eye-roll. Maybe not as dramatic as seokjin's infamous gesture, but it still did the job.

When lily left it was almost noon,and he had a surprisingly productive work day, even wiping the counter once the café became a little more quiet.
Around 6pm, Orange Blossom became nearly empty and an hour later it was completely bare of any human voice or annoying noises disturbing the ravenette's paece of mind. Yoongi smiled, enjoying the silence.

A couple hours later and after the second rush hour they had, which was when people came back from work and were too lazy to even make their own coffee at home, He was almost closing up when he noticed a tiny boy sitting in the corner, nervously biting his lip while staring at his phone. A book sat next to the device, long forgotten as he noticed Yoongi staring and quickly got out, mumbling a small "sorry, bye" under his breath.

Yoongi shrugged, slowly walking up to the table where he was sitting and picked up the book. On the cover there was a little black girl holding up the sign "the hate you give". He stared at it in confusion, a familar name popping up in his head.

"The hate you give little infants fucks everybody" he'd be an idiot rap enthusiast if he hadn't listened to 'THUG LIFE', so the Title interested him.

Out of curiousity he picked up the book, putting it in his backpack and zipping it shut. He would probably just return it later.

Once the book was safely tucked in, He picked up his phone, dialing jin's number.

"Hey, julia had me close up, the subway's probably gone by now. Can you pick me up?"

"I'll be there"

He locked the doors, stepping out of the café. The cold air that hit his skin made him feel more alive. He smiled, closing his eyes for a second to take it all in.

For the first time in a really long time, Yoongi was looking forward to something. It was weird how something simple like a new book made him feel like a completely new self.

So um...the hate you give is an actual book, for those who don't know. It is, in my opinion one of the best YA novels out there, it focuses on racism and it's like so fucking amazing. Also, There is a reason this masterpiece is mentioned here.
I'd say why but I really don't wanna spoil anything.
Also I don't know anything about THUG LIFE so if there's an inaccurate sentence or whatever, sorry.

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