Summer High

By LetThereBeScars

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𝕆ℕ ℍ𝕆𝕃𝔻! Vicious blue eyes, Golden blonde hair And a killer smile. Allison Baker had it all, the perfect... More

❁ Prologue ❁
❁ Chapter one: Two homes by the sea ❁
❁ Chapter two: A blast from the past ❁
Chapter 3: A Dream Within A Dream
Chapter 5: Little things
Chapter 6: Confessions Beneath The Lemon Tree
Chapter 7: My Cousin Abigail
Chapter 8: The Thing With High School
Chapter 9: Sky's Secret
❁ Chapter 11: The Labyrinth Of Suffering ❁
❁ Chapter 12: Summer Heat ❁

Chapter 4: Change Of The Tide

533 54 67
By LetThereBeScars

The very second Sky Maddison's eyes met mine my heart nearly broke free from my rib cage and chased him, a wave of nostalgia swept over me and I shut my eyes. I remembered everything and suddenly all those memories came flooding back. I could almost feel the cool summer breeze and the smell the salty air, I also could've sworn that I could feel the hot sand between my toes. Every time I saw Sky It always felt like summer. The second I opened my eyes he was gone, maybe to his first class. I probablly didn't even matter to him anymore, he probably didn't even remember me, did that summer we spent with each other when we were fifteen even matter?

"Jesus Allie you're really smitten by him huh?" Jules teased looking at the puddle of water at my feet,

"Smitten?" I scoffed, I couldn't let anyone know that I cared about him nevertheless acknowleged his existence."Perhaps all the chemicals from your cheap ass hair dye has finally gotten to your brain."

The more people you care about the more ammunition you give people to hurt you, and I couldn't be hurt- not again. I knew that my words were hurtful and that I'd probably really hurt Jules's feelings, but I had to stay strong no matter what.

"Okay, we'll catch up with you later Jules." Kennedy inturupted noticing that I was being way more defensive than usual.

"Okay, I guess." Jules shrugged walking away, her edgy platform boots stalking down the hall.

"What the hell was that about?" Kennedy asks,

"That was Sky Maddison." I said and her eyes widened in surprise,

"Oh my God, I thought his family dissapeared from Clearhaven two years ago!" Kennedy marvels grabbing my hand so we can talk somewhere more private, because everyone knows that someone's always listening In CH county. "Are you sure that was him?"

"Ken I know what Sky looks like, trust me." I assured her, feeling a flush rise in my cheeks.

"He grew up to be hotter than his dad, who would've guessed."Kennedy says with a playful grin, shes had a dirty crush on Mr Maddison since she was eleven.

"Kennedy stop, I don't think Brandon would be happy to hear that." I reminded her and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Brandon Marshall was Kennedy's long time boyfriend, his father was a pastor at the local church and he was supposed to take over after him. Kennedy's family is really religeous and wanted their teenage daughter to date someone who'd be a good influence on her and not lead her onto a path that wasn't in the good lord's image.

"Brandon doesn't care what I do." Kennedy shrugs doing that thing she does when she's nervous where she bites her pinky nail.

"Don't say that Ken I'm sure he does, you're just kind of intimidating.

"Intimidating? You must be joking." Kennedy scoffs rolling her eyes,

"You two just have very different personalities that's all and that could be a good thing, opposites attract." I assure her placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You don't get it Allie, I wanna be a teenager and experience things but I don't want to let my parents down- they've done so much for me." Kennedy sighs running a hand through her dark lochs.

"I get it Ken, it's a great that you're a good kid and listen to your parents but sometimes you just have to do what's best for you and what makes you happy." I tell her and when she looks at me with her pretty brown eyes I can see the battle taking place behind them.

"Thanks, I wish it were that easy babe." Kennedy shrugs and then the second period bell rings,
"I've gotta get to Geo, I'll see you at lunch m'kay?"

"Yeah I'll see you around." I assure her, and be both go out separate ways.

It's our first day back after spring break and my history teacher Miss Myers couldn't wait to flood us with assignments on the civil rights movement. I had managed to convince myself that I hadn't really seen Sky in the hallway and that this was all just a dream. But when he walked into my AP history class five minutes late I knew I was done for. The girls gawked at him, like he was the best thing since sliced bread. I felt like my dirty little secret was out in the open, I felt bare in front of everyone.

He was older and taller and all grown up now. His usually bleach blonde hair was more of a dark brown now, he's dyed it, I wondered in what other ways he was different now. His style was still the same, he wore a navy blue sweater and dark jeans with a butterfly belt. He always did that with his outfits, everything would look perfect to the naked eye but if you looked closely there was always something out of place. I'd always liked that about Sky Maddison, he wasn't boring like everyone else In Clearhaven County.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Myers, it's my my first day." Sky apologized, his voice was deeper but still melted me like nothing else.

"It's okay, take a seat." Miss Myers replied, excusing his tardiness. She never did that, she's our strictest teacher. Suddenly I realized that the only available seat was the one directly in front of me, he barely made eye contact with me when he sat down.

"Hey, I'm Grace Fisher." The girl opposite Sky said to him, he turned to face her and she smiled.

Grace Fisher was our newest recruit for the cheer squad, she transferred here last semester from Seabrooke Academy and she's been a pain in my ass ever since. She had curly red hair and a face full of freckles, her pink lips were in a permanent pout and she had a bit of a Lolita complex going on.

"Hey," Sky shrugged giving her a polite smile, "Sky Maddison."

"I like your name, it's very odd and you're the first Sky I've met." She blushes, that was exactly what I'd told him once upon a time.

"Thanks Grace." Sky said with a slight laugh, he found her dumb act funny.

"You're welcome, do you have a pen I could borrow? You can get it back from me after school." She asked biting her lip slightly.

"Okay um sure." Sky said it handing it to her, "and that's not really necessary, you can keep it its just a pen."

He didn't appear interested in her and she looked like she wasn't going to stop trying.

"Miss Baker, could you please help me hand out the text books please." Miss Myers requested and I stood up and did as she asked, as always.

When I got to Grace's desk I slammed it on her table and looked her dead in the eye,

"Don't you dare even try Gracie Fisher, the boy is off limits and if I see you even remotely breathing the same air as him I will ruin you." I deadpanned and her pale throat bobbed as she swallowed,

"I wasn't even-" she began but I pushed her pencil case on the floor and the contents of it splayed on the floor.

"Don't be so clumsy Gracie, here let me help you." I said and we both crouched down to pick up her stationery which included pens. I picked one up and twirled it between my fingers.

"Didn't your daddy ever teach you not to play with fire? Oh wait never mind he was too busy banging your house keeper right?" I said with a cruel laugh,

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Grace said submissively.

"Good." I said standing up and crushing the pen underneath my boots.

Once all our classes were over I raced out of there so I didn't have to face any awkward interactions with Sky. Although he didn't even look like he was interested in talking to me, he didn't look like he felt bad for what happened and he sure as hell didn't look like he wanted to give me the explanation I deserve. Kennedy was waiting for me like she usually did after school, we drove down to the ice cream place on Fall Away Lane and ordered our usuals. Mine being mint chocolate chip and here's being strawberry sensation.

Brandon met us there and ordered the exact same thing as Kennedy, it was crazy how much he adored her and made little efforts to be close to her. Sometimes even I doubted if he was the right guy for Ken, because he was just so vanilla and she was far from that.

"I can't wait to host the charity event with you at church this Sunday." Brandon smiles and Kennedy flashed him a smile.

"Yeah me too just don't fuck it up with the catering guys this time okay?" Kennedy stressed,

"I promise I won't, you wanna go on a date this Friday?" He asked and she almost pretended like she didn't hear him.

"Yeah sure that'd be fun." She grinned plastically.

"Great I'll let your parents know I'm taking you out." He assures her placing a kiss on her cheek and going outside to make a phone call.

"I hate it when he does that, it's driving me insane Allie!" Kennedy confesses pacing.

"He was literally being so nice and respectful Ken, what's the problem now?" I sigh,

"He's always asking for permission and being so fucking nice, I hate it, sometimes I just wanna do bad things with my boyfriend is that too much to ask?" Kennedy whines picking at her frozen desert,

"I don't know what to do with you anymore Kennedy Barnett." I chuckled.

The second I arrived home I tossed my bag on our fancy white couch and raced upstairs,

"Hold it young lady, we wanted to talk to you." My dad called from the dining room.

"Shoot." I cursed under my breath and made my way back down stairs.

"We just wanted to let you know that the Maddison's are back in town." Mom said, like the news would make me happy.

"Yeah I know." I told them,

"You were always such good friends with Marissia's son Sky so I thought I'd invite them over for dinner." Mom gleamed clapping her hands in excitement.

You see my parents don't know what happened with Sky, they don't know just how close we were and how incredibly shattered I was when he left town. I've always been good at that, hidning my emotions and never letting anyone know how I truly feel. And most people believe it when I tell them not to worry and that I'm okay, but not Sky Maddison.

"And you never thought to ask me how I felt before you invited them?" I replied blatantly,

"Allison your mom never meant to upset you, we just thought that you two could rekindle after your little falling out." My dad said, and I chuckled falling out.

"Whatever, you never ask before making decisions anyways I'm gonna go take a shower." I scoffed grabbing my bag and going upstairs to my bedroom.

I hopped in the shower and the water was hot against my skin rinsing away all my worries, I hadn't been to the beach in two years and I'd almost forgotten what it felt like. I hated the beach, it reminded me of him and all the secrets I'd told him that he'd sworn by the summer waves to never tell a soul. I wonder if he'd kept his promise, I wonder if he still thought about me every time he was there.

I put on a simple blue dress with a flowery patten, I was a bout to put on my sea glass necklace but then I remembered that it was Sky who'd given it to me and I didn't want it to look like I still cared...even though I did. I instead opted for a pearl necklace daddy had made for me as a Christmas gift. Just then I heard a car pulling up in our driveway, I rushed to my bay window and gazed down. It was Sky and his mom, Mrs Maddison looked older, her beautiful dark hair had greyed over the years.

Sky wore a long sleeved black shirt and a tie, it was odd to me that he was dressed so formally. But as he got closer to the front door I noticed the single cloud 9 earring on his left ear; I smiled knowingly. Some people never change.

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