Tattoo Boy || j.jk + ✓

De Taemazing21

1.7M 69.7K 53.9K

"M-m-mr? How long are you going to keep staring at me?" - K.TH "As long as it takes for you to bring that pl... Mais

Smeraldo's Flower
Muscle Pig, Muscle Couch?
Waning Moon and Shining Star
Painful Memories
Missed Call
Upside Down
Taejin Nation
Tickle Bugs
Yoongi Bites
Depend on Me
Little Lion
Secret's Out
Miss You
Trial Pt: 2
New Story
Author's Note


18.3K 929 578
De Taemazing21

Hello my lovelies,

This will probably be the last chapter of Tattoo Boy before the epilogue, I'm gonna cry help, I don't want it to end but I really hope you guys like this chapter, thank you for going on this amazing journey with me<3<3<3


"Have I told you how proud I am of you, Taehyungie?"

Taehyung hummed, a content smile adorning his plush lips as he nuzzled his nose into Jungkook's shirt. "Only for the last week, hyung." The boy mumbled, snuggling closer to the ravenette, arms and legs looped tightly around his chest.

Jungkook chuckled at the muffled response, tightening his grip on Taehyung's waist where the blue-haired male sat curled in his lap, and kissed the crown of his head, fingers running the length of his scalp, comfortingly. Namjoon watched the pair fondly, feeling the slight brush of Jin's honey-brown hair tickling his neck where the slightly older sat curled into his side, back braced against the trunk of a large tree.

The septuple had traveled to a park nearby the tattoo parlor, a week after the trial, deciding a day of peace was greatly needed.

They'd settled underneath the shade of a lumbering Oak tree around noon and had basked in the calm serenity the park had to offer as the sun beat down, pleasantly mixed with a soft breeze. Though, the sun had long since dipped from its perch high in the sky, now resting as just a crescent against the horizon, casting pastel hues of pinks, oranges, and yellows artistically across the dimming expanse of blue.

For the last hour, the group had merely lounged in one another's presence. Jin and Namjoon directly underneath the large tree. Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi sprawled in a puppy pile near the picnic basket they'd brought along, and Taehyung and Jungkook, connected at the hip, embracing on the crest of the hill they'd settled on, as if there could never be too little space between them.

Taehyung smiled, freely, with no hidden weight baring down on the angles, as he peered up at Jungkook. The older male was already staring at him, intense dark orbs watching him with nothing short of adoration, enough that Taehyung could feel it rolling over his body, encompassing him in warmth.

Taehyung's eyes shimmered. "I love you." He whispered, leaning up to peck Jungkook's lips, who smiled into the soft kiss.

He brushed the fading blue fringe from Taehyung's head, moving his hand down to caress Taehyung's cheek, ever gentle and soothing. "I love you too. So much." He said, sealing the declaration with a tender press of lips to Taehyung's forehead.

When the ravenette leaned back, automatically steadying Taehyung's waist to prevent the smaller from toppling off his lap, it was to a playful smirk.

Taehyung booped his nose, giggling as he took Jungkook's hand. "My cute, whipped little bunny!" He cooed as he stood, arching his back and pleasantly sighing when a muscle popped. Jungkook pouted, but followed the younger nonetheless. What could he do when it was true?

"Namjoonie-hyung!" Taehyung called gleefully, skipping over to the male, Jungkook in tow. The blonde peered up at him, unwilling to jostle Jin, who fallen into a light doze on his shoulder. "I'm gonna take Jungkookie around the city! Show him all my graffiti work!" The blue-haired male chittered excitedly, gaining the attention of the trio off to their left.

"That's code for 'don't wait up, we don't plan on coming back until someone's decorated in love-bites'!" Hoseok called, laughing animatedly even as Jimin whacked him on the head, cheeks aflame. Taehyung too, blushed, but nonetheless, began tugging Jungkook down the hill.

He grumbled a denial to Hoseok's claim once the pair was out of earshot, Jungkook, now walking next to the blue-haired male. He slung an arm casually across the younger's shoulder, pulling the smaller in tightly, molding him to his body.

"Aw, there's no need to be shy, babe. There'll be plenty of time for both."


They returned to the same hill hours later after traveling all over the city, Taehyung proudly displaying his artwork to the ravenette and practically buzzing happily every time Jungkook complemented his skills or gave him light pecks and hugs when the graffiti centered around a more emotional topic. By the time they'd settled back under the large Oak, Jungkook resting against the bumpy bark and Taehyung situated snuggly between his legs, the sky was blanketed in a midnight hue, dotted by thousands of twinkling stars.

A light breeze rustled the leaves of the tree, the ambience accentuated by the dull chirp of crickets and a distant owl hooting. Jungkook ran comforting fingers through Taehyung's hair, kissing his head, and tightly wrapping his arm's around the younger's waist. He was content to stay there, body curled around Taehyung's as he showered the boy with endless love and affection. A supply which never ceased to run low.

The ravenette glanced down at the male cuddled against him. He observed the gentle slope of Taehyung's nose, the crest of his cheeks, and silver sheen dusting across his blue-locks, complementary of the sliver of pale moonlight raining down on the pair. Taehyung's eyes, though slightly sleepy were brighter than Jungkook could ever recall seeing them, practically swimming with joy. He leaned down, resting his head on the tuft of soft blue hair, pulling Taehyung ever closer.

Lightly he traced the litany of tattoos gracing Taehyung's forearms and hands, starting at the moon design and trailing down to outline the 'I'm Fine' tattoo on his wrist, admiring the stunning work, awe ever growing after seeing Taehyung's patchwork of spray-painting jobs littered around the city.

"You're remarkable." He whispered, smiling lovingly as Taehyung looped their hands together, entwining their fingers.

Taehyung sighed happily, letting his head fall back against Jungkook's shoulder as he pulled their clasped hands into his lap. "And you're amazing." The younger returned, smiling lazily as he almost absentmindedly began to sketch on Jungkook's forearm, much as the older had been doing just a moment prior. "Best thing that's happened to me."

Jungkook chuckled fondly, nuzzling Taehyung's head, and rubbing soothing circles into the bit of honey-tanned skin where the boy's shirt had rode up. "And you me."

Taehyung stilled suddenly, finger freezing where he'd been in the middle of drawing. He sat up, turning to look at Jungkook, a shimmering gleam present in iris'.

He stood, brown orbs full of wonder, ignoring Jungkook's puzzled look in favor of reaching down for his hand.

When Taehyung spoke again, his voice was but a whisper, tone ever gentle but left no room for argument, even as an excited lilt trickled in earnestly.

"Come with me."


It was nearing 3 a.m. when the two males arrived at the tattoo parlor, purple fluorescent sign flickering cheerfully, casting bright hues against the darkness.

"Taehyung? What are we doing here?" Jungkook murmured, puzzlement only increasing as they went around to the back door, slipping inside without so much as a peep.

"Shh," Taehyung began, a gleeful, small smile gracing his lips. "Trust me." The blue-haired male led Jungkook to his tattoo station, turning on his lamp, and letting the dull, yellowish color tint the room.

He swiveled, eyes alight with mirth as he gently lay a hand on Jungkook's cheek. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, excitement ebbing off him in waves. "I figured it out, Jungkookie!" The younger male cheered, looking hopefully up at the taller.

Jungkook tilted his head, confused, but smiled nonetheless at the cute boy below him. "Figured what out, darling?"

Taehyung enthusiasm only grew, as he whisked himself out of Jungkook's arms, dancing over to his supplies. "Your tattoo, Kookie! Remember?" He looked up then, a certain insecurity flitting just at the edge of his gaze. "You do still want it, right?"

The blue-haired male started fiddling with the tattoo gun he'd idly picked up, movements nervous.

Jungkook scrambled to reassure him. "Of course, baby." He cooed, having reached Taehyung, only to lift the hand expertly holding the gun, running his fingers soothingly over Taehyung's knuckles. "It would be an honor."

He watched as the bright smile stretched Taehyung's lips, eyes full of immense love and appreciation at that very moment. He kissed Jungkook earnestly, not missing a beat as he dragged the older male over to the reclining chair in the center of the room.

"You can't peak!" Taehyung suddenly quipped, worrying his bottom lip. He paused, then almost bashful.

"I want it to be a surprise."


Over an hour, full of the gentle whir of the tattoo gun and Taehyung's light humming and muttering under his breath, later, Taehyung shut off the machine, movements hesitant.

Timidly, he took Jungkook's hand, which had been covering his eyes, and gently pulled it down. His bottom lip was pulled taunt in his teeth as the younger met Jungkook's dark gaze, the ravenette blinking lazily, trying to adjust to the sudden light.

When Taehyung came into focus, he smiled softly, tenderly brushing a lock of blue hair out of Taehyung's eyes. "You're finished?" He asked.

Taehyung nodded, finger rubbing absently over the fresh tat, eliciting with it a small sting, Jungkook's skin prickling from the ink, yet soothed by Taehyung's gentle ministrations, warmth spreading where they met.

It was a star and moon.

The jet black streaks decorating Jungkook's forearms, took the shape of a small star, full of intricately designed flowers and tightly wrapped vines, resting in the curve of a crescent moon, the two melding together to creating a replica of the dazzling midnight azure held just outside the tattoo parlor. The inky picture contrasted greatly with the milky tone of Jungkook's skin, making the beautiful duo stand out further, almost appearing to be multi-dimensional. The ravenette swore he saw the design twinkle as it caught every glint of the small lamp in the corner.

Jungkook's mouth dropped open as he observed the fresh tattoo, held in complete rapture by the pure work of art. He shifted his eyes to Taehyung, look one of dazed astonishment. Taehyung peered at him through his fringe, gaze heavy.

"You gave me your tattoo?"

Jungkook's voice was quiet, waning on mystified and slick with emotion as his midnight eyes drifted to Taehyung's own forearm, the nearly identical star and moon tattoo standing proud.

Taehyung nodded, eyes clouded over and misty. "All that time ago, here in the parlor, with this tattoo. It's where we started." He murmured, admiring how his artwork shimmered against Jungkook's skin.

"Nothing else seemed right." Taehyung swallowed, allowing his gaze to trail upwards, meeting Jungkook's dark orbs in the middle. He brushed a thumb over the ravenette's cheek.

"You're my moon. You ground me, watch over, protect, and love me because-"

"You're my star." Jungkook finished, enveloping Taehyung's hand with his own, letting his eyes fall shut, leaning into the warmth. "My little Capricorn."

Taehyung preened, happily letting himself fall into Jungkook's side, climbing onto the armchair and snuggling down instantly. "Always and forever" He muttered into Jungkook's neck, pressing a light kiss there. Jungkook settled next to him, tracing a finger first over Taehyung's tattoo, then over to his own, still marveling at the beauty it held.

He paused, however, on his own tattoo, gaze snagging on a detail he'd yet to pick up on.

"Angel?" He purred, feeling the tickle of Taehyung's hair against his neck as the boy shifted, humming his acknowledgment. "What's this?"

Jungkook could feel the warmth bloom on Taehyung's cheeks as the heat drifted onto the bare skin of his neck, the younger smushing his face into the curve of the ravenette's collar bone, hiding.

"It's a heart" Taehyung mumbled, words muffled but still comprehensible, his breath flitting across Jungkook's collar bone, making him shiver slightly. 

The blue-haired male nuzzled in once before finally turning to peer at the tiny heart, resting in the space where the star met moon, touching both, and entwining the two further together. He brushed over it lightly.

"Want you to tattoo the same thing on mine. That way it's really our tattoo. Our masterpiece." Taehyung said shyly, yet Jungkook could detect the simmering proud lilt to his voice. Jungkook smiled, eyes filling with immense adoration. He truly did love this boy with all his heart.

"Then our masterpiece it will be."

He murmured, pulling Taehyung further into his side and shifting slightly so the two were more comfortable. From the small window in the room, the tips of sunrise were just beginning to peak above the horizon, early morning approaching quickly.

The two fell asleep like that, hands linked and curled around one another, matching tattoos shining in tandem as the first slivers of sunlight filtered into the room, on display.

It was a promise. A symbol of a brighter future, full of nothing but love and happiness.

________________________________________________________________________________And there we have it my loves, the final chapter of Tattoo Boy :'(

There will be an epilogue! So technically it's not the end just the ending of the main chapters!! I really do hope this was an ok ending, I struggled a bit and worry it's too repetative, but I think ending with the tattoo is a good spot, coming full circle, you know? I just hope I have executed it well, I feel very iffy about the writing in this one, I want it to be perfect but I'm not sure so lemme know what you thought in the comments! I hope it was enough to repay all the love and support you all have showered me with for the last year and a half(I'll be publishing a full author's note because I simply have so much to say about this book so if you're interested, stay tuned for that)

The epilogue will hopefully tie up the rest of the story and of course end on a positive happy note-I will be working on this through the coming days but it probably won't be ready until after my exams are finished :)

I'd like to take a second to talk about Taehyung's tattoo for JK:

For forever, over a year, since I wrote that chapter so long ago where Jungkook asked for a tattoo from Taehyung that would detail him, I could not settle on a tattoo that I felt summed up an entire book and journey. It hit me today and I truly do hope the tattoo met it's purpose; an identical copy of the first tattoo Jungkook truly observed, really the first time his admiration for Taehyung was showcased to that level.

Further, when I originally detailed the meaning of the tattoo for Taehyung, he was the moon, searching for his star to shine in the darkness. This tattoo has now evolved; yes Jungkook is still Taehyung's light, as the moon does reflect the light of the sun, he did break through the darkness Taehyung was swimming in. But, Jungkook more so(to me)resembles the moon; the protector of the stars, and he can ground Taehyung, keep him from drifting off into his nightmares. And Taehyung, yes, Jungkook helped Taehyung fight and grow stronger, but there was also a sense of self-growth within Taehyung. By the end of this story, he didn't need stars to break him free, because he became the star and could shine in and defeat the darkness himself with the protection of his moon, Jungkook. This is what this tattoo means to me and in the story. I hope you all like it too :)

My lovelies, please take a deep breath, then let it out. Please remember how special and loved you are. You are enough. Never change for somebody else, don't let another person mold you into what they wish you to be. If they cannot cherish and appreciate you for who you are, then chances are they are not worth it. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love you for you, not by those who want you to change. And secondly, if you are currently going through something or are simply still struggling with something from the past, please know that you have all the power, strength, and resiliance to push through. You too can become your own star because there is strength in you, break through the darkness. It will happen eventually and everything will be ok. <3

I purple you!

- Megan<3

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