Model Life

By wickedangel8

103K 2K 318

Meet Izzy. 17 year old aspiring model. She recently moved to Australia to escape her crazy ex-boyfriend. All... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

4.8K 92 20
By wickedangel8

Izzy's POV

I was laying on my bed with Jak talking since everyone else was busy. It's been 4 days since the incident with Tony, Luke, and my dad; and Luke has been kind of distant lately.

"You okay?" Jak interrupted my thoughts as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Do you ever love someone so much and get used to being with them so often that when they are gone for even the smallest amount of time you miss them more than you can even imagine? Because that's how I feel a lot lately." I sighed.

"What's going on?" He turned his head to look at me sideways.

"I don't know really. Luke's been distant ever since the thing with Tony. I'm starting to feel like he's avoiding me. Plus, he said he'd drive me to my shoot yesterday since my cars in the shop and he didn't, so I had to get a ride from Ricky." I shook my head laying down.

"Why did he flake out?"

"I don't know. All I know is I want something with him. Something deep and meaningful. Something like when we first met. I know the beginning of a relationship is supposed to be nicer than once you get closer but still. This is catastrophically different. I don't like it." I turned my wrist to look at my watch. "Hey, can you drive me to my shoot today? Luke said he'd meet me there, but I still need a ride."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Yeah. No problem." He gave me a sympathetic smile as we stood up and headed for the door.


Luke was way late for our photo shoot together. The backup they have for the shoot is already ready and starting to be placed as they dragged me towards him. This was the Victoria Secret shoot I had set up with Luke, and I know he'll be mad if he see how revealing and intimate the poses with my partner are without him. They aren't showing anything private of me, but I will be extremely close to my posing partner. It's Luke's fault though. He didn't show up.

I walked out to the set with my red pumps and matching red lingerie set. They had me standing next to the male model who hooked his arm around my waist while his back was to the camera and we faced each other. Next, he pretended to brush hair out of my face as we looked 'deeply' into each other's eyes. Lastly, my right leg was lifted and bent at the knee to be right beside his leg where he held just my leg just below my bum with his other arm holding my waist and my arms on his chest. That's definitely the closest I've ever been with another model.


I had 2 minutes until the bell rang for lunch. Yesterday's photo shoot where Luke didn't even show up or text a sorry made me mad all day. I was frustrated he didn't take it seriously. That's my career he messed with!

"Hey." Ricky walked behind me throwing his arm over my shoulder and taking my lunch from my hand to hold for me.

"Hey, R." I smiled fakely.

"How was the shoot last night?" He rose his eyebrows at me implying Luke.

"He didn't show." I trailed off.

"I'm so sorry, I-"

"I don't even care anymore. Whatever is going on with him isn't my fault." I snapped then sighed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"Hey. No worries." He shrugged as we got closer to the lunch tree seeing Jak, Daniel, Thomas, and Luke all sitting there.

Seeing Luke made me sad. Really sad. "Hey, um. I forgot something at my locker. I'll be right back." I smiled falsely at Ricky.

"I'll come with you." He suggested.

"No. No, stay here. I'm good." I started walking off not letting him give a response.

I got to my locker hearing some people walking around the close to empty halls. I leaned forward against the cool metal until I heard my name being called. I turned to see Luke jogging towards me.

"Hey. Why'd you run off?" He smiled like nothing happened.

"Excuse me?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I've missed you. Why'd you run off?" He asked more confused now.

"You've missed me!? That's beyond hilarious considering you've been avoiding and ditching me." I snapped.

"No, I haven't." He defended.

"Oh, so forgetting to drive me to my shoot then forgetting to show up to our photo shoot was nothing!? Huh!" I let out a puff of air then relaxed. "Look, I don't know what had been going on with you these past few days, but I don't like it. I'm your girlfriend remember. You can tell me anything." I started walking off then remembered the pictures. "Oh, and here are my pictures from the shoot last night." I shoved the printed copies of the photos we took last night at him and walked away towards my friends under the tree.

I plopped down between Ricky and Daniel and watched a minute later as a very mad Luke came stomping out shoving the pictures into his bag. "Can I speak with you please?" He asked through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes and stood up walking to my car to talk. "What, Luke?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Look, Izzy. I'm sorry I missed our shoot, and I'm sorry I couldn't take you to your other shoot. But I wasn't just ditching you! I was setting up a road trip for you to meet my parents this weekend in Yamba since we have a 5 day weekend! I know I shouldn't have forgotten our shoot last night, but now I'm paying for it by seeing some other mans hands all over your body! The body only I can touch! The body only I know how to properly touch! So I -am sorry, okay!? I'm sorry dammit." His voice cracked at the end as he started walking away while I had tears streaming down my face.

I pulled his arm back and crashed my lips onto his. I wrapped my arms around his neck tangling my hands in his hair as he lifted me up onto the hood of my car and kept his hands tightly around my waist, pulling our bodies until there was no space between us.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." I whispered against his lips.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but we leave tonight. I already talked to Camila and packed your bags." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You packed my modeling lingerie didn't you?" I giggled at him.

"Most definitely." He smirked and continued on kissing me. "Should we get back to lunch?" He broke away from our kiss.

"No. We should leave now." I smiled, excited that we are going on a trip together.

"Like go home or go to Yamba?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Lets go to Yamba. We can leave now and have the best weekend ever." I smiled and kissed his neck softly while hugging him.

"Okay." He pulled away from the hug and pulled out his keys. "I need to go get my bags from my place then I'll meet you at yours." He kissed my lips softly once more before starting to walk away.

I smiled at the thought that he wasn't ditching me or mad at me. He was just planning an insanely romantic gesture to meet his parents. I heard fast feet coming towards me before I looked up and saw Luke panting in front of me. "I forgot to tell you I love you." He kissed my lips again causing me a bright red blush before walking away again.

This time I got into my car and started driving along with Panic! At the Disco playing through my speakers.


Luke knocked on my door as I was saying goodbye to Camila. She walked over to the door and opened it for me to see a handsome as ever Luke.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled coming in and kissing me. "Hi, Cam." He smiled at her as well as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hello, Luke. You two have fun." She winked at me, and I giggled quietly.

"Bye!" I yelled as Luke practically dragged me out of my house out of excitement.

Luke tossed my bags into the back and opened my door for me before we were off on our trip.

About 30 minutes in, I was on my phone reading an article about my pictures that I recently took with Victoria Secret while Luke had his hand on my thigh and was patting it to the beat of a song by Blink-182.

I smiled at how they commented on my photos before swiping to see an old photo I had modeled in about a year ago back in the States. My eyes widened, and Luke must've noticed because he turned and tried to garb my phone. I immediately pulled it away.

"What is it? I wanna see. Your face looked priceless, all blushy like that. I got to see it." I shook my head vigorously. "Izzy." He said sternly.

"No, Luke."

After a minute he eventually got my phone at a stop light, and I covered my face with my hands. His face went bright red with anger. This is why I didn't want you to see it. It was an old picture of my ex-boyfriend and I that we modeled for in a small fashion magazine. Tony was kissing my neck with his hands on my butt while I had my head thrown back. My eyes closed, mouth slightly parted, and hands gripping his biceps. The picture wasnt posed at all. It was between poses while they fixed the camera, but the photographer loved the 'pure emotion', as he called it.

"It's a really old picture, Luke." I said quietly.

"I never want you to see him again." He said sternly but with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I don't either." He pulled kept his hand that was holding my phone off of my thigh and put it on the wheel. "Luke, I didn't even know that picture was going to be printed. I never wanted anyone to see it. I don't like him you know that. I love you. Whos parents am I going to visit right now?"

"Mine." He mumbled but still didn't look at me.

"Pull over. Please." I asked, and he did. Continuing to look ahead of him though. I was about to keep talking until he interrupted me.

"I don't think you understand how hard this is for me. To see any other guy touching you, let alone kissing you! I understand that my jealousy is annoying to you, but how can I not be jealous when the most beautiful girl in the world is in front of me but touching other guys. You mean so much to me. I can't loose you." He finally looked at me.

"You won't." I leaned in cupping his face and kissing him passionately. "Now, lets go to your parents." I smiled while rubbing his bottom lip lightly with my thumb. He smiled and nodded.

An hour later of music, thigh touching, kissing, and uncomfortable car seats and we were finally at his house. My jaw dropped. It was huge.

"Luke?" I asked as he got out our bags.

"Yeah, babe?" He asked back coming around as I took my bags out of his hand and he kissed my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me you were rich? Your parents are going to think I'm using you for your money! Oh my god! They'll hate me, Luke." My eyes widened and I panicked. Badly.

"Princess, they won't hate you. Plus, I did tell you. Like the first day we met. When you bought the pizza, remember?" I faightly nodded at the now distant memory. "And you never let me buy you anything, so don't worry. I promise they'll love you just as much as I do. Although, that'll be almost impossible." He smiled at me which calmed me down.

"Okay. Yeah. You're right. I'm being crazy." I sighed shaking me head.

Two men came and took all our bags for us while we comtinued to stand by his car. He wrapped his arms around my waist before continuing down, gripping my butt, biting his lip, and saying, "Crazy hot." He leaned in to kiss me but I leaned back.

"We are not doing this in front of or in your parents house, Mister." I lifted his hands up to waist level again and pecked his nose quickly.

He grunted. "You cause me problems." I laughed at that while he kissed my forehead and turned to start walking with his arm still around my waist.

The same people who took our bags now stood by the door, opening it for us.

"Thank you, Dane. Matt." Luke nodded at them with a beautiful smile. How is he so sweet?

"Mum? Dad? Anyone home?" He yelled, echoing throughout the house.

"Luke is that you, mate?" A boy about a year or two younger than me came out running to hug him.

"Hey, Danny." Luke smiled at the little version of himself, without tattoos and piercings though.

"Hello, beautiful. I'm Danny. And you are?" The young charmer turned to me with a slight smirk before kissing my hand.

"My girlfriend, Izzy." Luke wrapped his arms around my waist in a back hug. Resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"You have a girlfriend? Since when did you even want one?" Danny asked with a small laugh.

"Since I met Izzy. Now, wheres mum, dad, and Celeste?" He asked.

"Game room. Dad is kicking butt on Fifa. I bet you're still better though." Danny shrugged leading the way to their game room.

"Hey, mum. Dad. Celeste." Luke walked in casually sitting on the couch before pulling me down on his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist is a tight cuddle. "This is my girlfriend, Izzy. Can we play?" I smirked at the thought of playing Fifa with Luke and his family.

"Sure." Celeste, I'm guessing, muttered not looking away from the screen. Luke laughed and shook his head, pausing the game.

"What the- Luke?" His dad said turning to look at us, as well as Celeste and his mother.

"Hi." Luke said laughing.

"What are you doing back home?" His mom asked smiling at us both.

"I wanted my girlfriend to meet you all." He looked at me with the same loving look he always does. "While you all introduce yourselves I'm gonna go get my spair controllers from my room, so we can play. Luke kissed my cheek before spriting up to his old room.

"Hello. I'm Izzy." I blushed standing up to shake his fathers hand.

He pulled me into a hug. "I'm Dan. Luke's dad. Its great to meet you. Luke's never brought a girl home before."

"I saw the way he looked at you. He really must like you. I'm Jen, by the way, Luke's mother." She pulled me into a hug as well while I smiled and let out a small giggle.

"Yeah, why can't a guy look at me like that. I bet he even loves you!" Celeste's eyes widened looking at me. She couldn't be older than 12.

"Oh, I do." Luke walked in plopping next to me, kissing me quickly but softly. He handed me a remote and we all signed on. "Thats Celeste. Just so you know." He rolled his eyes at his sister not introducing herself.

"Its nice to meet you all." I smiled.

"Dibs on being on Izzy's team!" Luke called out shocking his family.

"Same. I'll be with the hottie." Danny winked at me.

"Luke is a hottie, isnt he?" I said making everyone laugh.

"Definitely." Danny laughed.


After a very competitive game of Fifa and winning, we all sat down to eat dinner. It wasn't anything special, just spaghetti with meat sauce, but I missed it so much.

The conversation was light until my mum asked the scariest question ever made, "So, Izzy, what do you want as a career choice?"

Izzy didn't seem fazed at all while I sat there shifting uncomfortably, my hand remaining on her thigh. "I am a model currently."

"Oh." My mum didn't seem impressed. "Why?" She let off a bitter laugh, but still Izzy seemed totally fine.

"My sister got me into it." She smiled probably remembering her sister introducing the art to her.

"Oh, well. I think your sister may have pressured you into it. That's not a very good example to set for a younger sibling." I rolled my eyes at my mothers statement.

"Mum." I warned.

"What, Lucas? I don't think having a girlfriend that is a model is good for you, nor a good example to set for your younger sister." My mother demanded. "Plus, it is a very...self-centered job, and shes probably using you for your money."

"Mum-" I started harshly before being cut off.

"I don't take the pictures for attention. I simply take them because I want to. Furthermore, I don't think your son has paid for anything I wanted since we've met. I love him because he's funny, kind, and a complete weirdo. You haven't even asked about my future plans of going to law school with the money I have saved from modeling. But I don't have to explain myself to you, right? You already know everything about me. I'm a shallow, stupid gold digger." I've never seen such an angry Izzy in my life. It was hot. "Now, if you'll excuse me." Izzy stood up and walked away nodding her head at my father, who throughout the entire conversation sat there like an idiot. Thanks, dad.

"Luke, you shouldn't be associating with-"

"Stop. Just stop! I love her, mum. Don't ruin my love life just because you're so bitter not to even have a good one yourself." I stood angrily, hurrying out to find Izzy.

I found her upstairs in my room sitting on my bed. "Luke, I am so-"

"Don't appoligize. She's wrong, baby. I know how independent and strong you are about your career and your future to be the best lawyer ever. Even if that means you always being so stubborn to never let me buy you anything." She laughed at my comment as I pulled her into my arms. Her head resting on my chest with her arms wrapped tightly around my waist while I played with her hair.

"I love you. You know that right?" She looked up at me with worry, pain, lust, and love. The most undeniable love I have ever seen. I'm sure thats exactly how I look at her.

"I know, and I love you more, baby girl." I kissed her softly before pulling away. "We will leave in the morning, okay? It's too late to drive now." She nodded as she started stripping off her shirt and pants to sleep. I locked the door and removed my shirt to hand to Izzy. I watched her intently as she took off her bra and pulled on my large fitting t shirt. She looked adorable. I quickly and awkardly pulled off my tight jeans before climbing under the covers to hold Izzy.

"You look amazing." I smiled down while hovering over her and brushing a piece of hair out of her face. When she slept in my clothes, it made me never want to leave the bedroom with her. Even if we haven't done anything sexual yet because she doesn't want to risk being pregnant, which I respect, I feel like I couldn't get any closer to her.

I leaned down to kiss her passionately. I smiled as we pulled away, plopping down next to her and pulling her into my chest to cuddle ourselves to sleep.

"Good night, princess."

"Good night, prince."

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