The Woods | Taekook ✅

By cyphersans

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Dark things lie within. Things that your mom always warns you about. Things that people wouldn't want to talk... More

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Mystery Friend
Daily Doze Of Happiness
You're Mine.
Rotten Eggs
Mark Me.
I'm Back.
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Blue Moon
Moon Goddess
The Woods.
New work announcement


1K 53 1
By cyphersans

We all are in the meeting room right now waiting for Jimin to join us along with Kovit. "That's impossible. How did he survive? I killed him with my own hands." Jungkook says furiously, I squeezed his hand to calm him down and he leaves a huge sigh. I can see from his demeanor that he's tired, I urge him to go rest but he denies it.

Kovit barges in the room with Jimin following rapidly. He comes and holds me by the collar, screaming and throwing abuses. Jungkook tries to stop him but I stop him with a look. Kovit falls to ground, crying. I feel bad, I may not know what a person goes through when their mate dies but I have seen people go crazy and turn into beings they wouldn't want to be around.

Jimin calms him down and Mom serves tea for everyone. Once the atmosphere seems a little light. Jungkook starts questioning Kovit for which he receives a 'are-you-for-real' look but jungkook doesn't seem to care.

"he was my mate, even though I don't have any fond memories, he was still my mate. Even though he rejected me. Even though he went around flirting with other boys. Even though he couldn't mark me. He wasn't supposed to die again." Kovit said calmly. We all were stunned listening to him. Chen rejected his mate? And what did he want? I'm sure all of us here have many questions but no one is pushing too much into it. I build up my courage to ask him the next question but Jungkook beat me to it, "why did he reject you?" Kovit looked at him like it was an obvious answer, "you don't know? He rejected me because of your mate." he said and looked at me, "I don't know what's so special about you, but he was intoxicated by you, by your presence, by your existence, he was ready to surpass anything just to have you. He wanted you so bad but more importantly he wanted the Chrysocolla. He believed that by getting hold of that stone, he could make you his." I was perplexed.. Was this all of this was happening because of me? I remember Chen mentioning about that stone."but... It's impossible for anyone to just steal the stone." I said tears started pooling in my eyes. "that's why he wanted you." he said in a broken voice. Jungkook immediately his hands around me, trying to calm me, "baby it's not your fault. Calm down."

"how did he survive?" Yoongi asked but instead of Kovit, my Mom answered looking at all of us, "He sacrificed a part of himself for Chen.  He sacrificed that part, that makes him who he is. He sacrificed that part, that was gifted to him since birth. Right Kovit or must I say.. Magus." he looked shockingly at her like she caught him red handed. We all were surprised that Kovit was a Magus. "how did you know?" he asked, "I saw you.. trying to cast a spell on your dead mate outside with your wand. It wasn't just any wand but a Rowan. No one has ever own a Rowan wand not even the darkest of wizards and witches. But you."

We understood, well except for my family and Jimin's that where Mom was coming from. Her mother was a Magus too. Mom never told us much about her, but only that she studied a lot about her mom's profession and even did a major in that course. Not that she can caste a spell or anything but she has a lot of knowledge on her subject.

Jungkook and few others didn't seem understand and no one cared to explain. "Yes! Yes! You're right, I sacrificed the only gift I was born with yet I still tried hoping for something, even a small light of hope.. but she took all of it away. But I don't regret sacrificing it even for a second. Your son is a filth. If he would have accepted my mate, atleast he would be alive. You know! He was going to mark you today! But everything was ruined. All because of you. You killed him." he shot up trying to reach me but jungkook stepped in the way.

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