Incoming Doom

Bởi Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

21.8K 844 674

Acronix and Crux have returned with a plan to get all four of the time blades and there doomsday device. they... Xem Thêm

ch.2 (rewritten)
ch.3 (rewritten)
ch.4 (rewritten)
ch.5 (rewritten)
ch.6 (rewritten)
ch. 7 (rewritten)
ch. 8 (rewritten)
ch.9 (rewritten)
ch. 10 (rewritten)
ch.11 (rewritten)
ch.12 (rewritten)
ch. 13 (rewritten)
anouncement 2
ch.14 (rewritten)
anouncement 3 (im so sorry another one)
ch. 15 (rewritten)
ch. 16 (rewritten)
ch.17 (rewritten)
ch.18 (rewritten)
ch 19 rewritten
ch 20 rewritten
ch. 21 rewritten
ch.22 (recovery arc)
ch. 23
ch 24

ch 1 (re-written)

2.2K 54 68
Bởi Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

Yay first chapter! Hope you guys like it!

I do not own ninjago just the fanfic!

Caught up in the sunlit bustle of the training yard, I couldn't help but focus on Lloyd. He was all in, trying to nail this one move, and you could see the sweat on his brow. "Ahhh!" A sound of pure frustration shot through the air when he stumbled yet again. I watched him, seeing that stubborn glint in his eyes. "Lloyd," I said, my voice steady, "you're pushing too hard, man. This stuff's like climbing a mountain. You can't expect to reach the top in one leap."He sighed, a sound that seemed to carry all his determination and exhaustion. "Yeah, I know, I know," he muttered, his words acknowledging the truth in my advice.My gaze took in the rest of the yard. Kai and Nya were in their own world, sparring like two seasoned warriors. Zane, always the thinker, was helping Pixel fine-tune her mech, their shared love for tech creating a unique bond. Jay, our resident inventor, was lost in his latest project, sparks flying like fireworks. Inside the dojo, Master Wu and Misaco were engaged in a deep conversation, their words too soft to make out but their wisdom guiding us all.I reached out to Lloyd, helping him up from his latest tumble. "You know, it's kinda nice to have a laid-back day once in a while," I commented, appreciating the unusual calm. Lloyd, brushing off the dust, flashed me a grin. "Yeah," he agreed, his eyes reflecting the tranquility of our usually hectic training yard. It was a peaceful change, and sometimes, change is exactly what you need.

As I gently set down my cup of tea, the warm steam rising like a delicate wisp into the air, I found myself observing my students through the old, worn panes of the Monastery window. Their youthful vigor and unbridled enthusiasm painted a vibrant scene, strikingly juxtaposed against the impending trials that were nearing us. It was then that Misaco approached, her dark eyes mirroring the tableau unfolding outside. The silence of the room was broken by her soft words, filled with a sense of awe, "They're maturing quickly, aren't they?"I offered a brief nod of agreement, my attention still held captive by the scene outside, "They are indeed, Misaco." A wave of paternal affection washed over me, a testament to the bond that had been cemented through years of training, shared victories, and trials. "One can only hope," I voiced in a somber tone, "that the rigorous training they've undergone within these Monastery walls will be sufficient to withstand the storm that is gathering on our horizon."Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she turned towards me, her voice echoing a hint of uncertainty, "What do you mean?" Taking a deep, measured breath, I peeled my gaze away from the window, my steps leading me towards an aged, timeworn painting that hung on the Monastery wall – a silent testament to our tumultuous past."In the wake of the Serpentine War, we were left grappling with some... lingering issues involving the Elemental Masters," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, heavy with the weight of our history. Misaco joined me, her eyes thoroughly scanning the faded image. "Two brothers, Krux and Acronix, rose from the ashes of the war, their minds clouded with delusions of supremacy, and they adopted the moniker, The Hands of Time."Pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts, I continued, "My brother and I were successful in subduing them, confining their destructive powers within the Timeblades. We hurled these blades into a temporal vortex, intended to be lost in the vast expanse of time forever... or so we had hoped. Acronix has now returned, but the whereabouts of his brother remain shrouded in mystery. He could be lost in the labyrinth of time, or perhaps he never ventured through time at all."Misaco, her gaze riveted on the painting, finally broke the silence, "What do you think they will do?" I returned my attention to the image, my mind teeming with possibilities. "If Acronix has indeed found his way back... it's only a matter of time before his brother and the Timeblades re-emerge," I stated with a grim undertone. Misaco, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded. "So, we must secure the Timeblades before they can," she concluded, her words resounding with a newfound determination in the quiet Monastery.

My brother's accolade echoed in the room, warm and sincere, yet tinged with an unspoken concern. "An excellent proposal, indeed!" His eyes gleamed with a knowing smile as he voiced his commendation, and yet, something was amiss. "However, a single worry niggles at my mind." The sudden revelation of doubt in his otherwise confident demeanor stirred a flurry of intrigue within me. "And what might that be?" I questioned, my brows furrowing in genuine confusion. After all, this plan had been a century in the making; I had painstakingly ensured its perfection down to the minutest detail. How could there be a potential flaw?Despite my surprise, my brother merely offered a gentle shake of his head. "That's not it," he assured me, his tone steady with a quiet gravity that was seldom heard from him. "My only reservation is that ordinary metal may not withstand the rigors of time travel without suffering damage." His words hung in the air, the weight of their significance causing my heart to skip a beat. It was a possibility I hadn't considered, and the realization of this oversight was an unexpected blow."An alternative?" I pondered aloud, my mind already whirring with potential solutions. A triumphant grin slowly spread across his face as he proposed his solution. "Elemental metal. The metal used in crafting the Timeblades," he suggested, his voice filled with a quiet confidence. "Its resilience in the vortexes of time is unparalleled. Moreover, it has the potential to absorb the power of the Timeblades, which could potentially transform the Iron Doom into a time machine itself. It would eliminate the need for the Timeblades for travel."I mulled over his words, turning them over in my mind as I considered the implications. "An incredible idea," I conceded, unable to mask the awe in my voice. However, a nagging question remained unanswered. "But how do we procure Elemental metal?" His smile never wavered, his confidence unshaken. "We don't need to find Elemental metal. We need to create it ourselves. For that, we'd need a select group of elemental masters."With that, he reached for a book from my shelf, flipping it open to a specific page before laying it bare on the table. I studied it meticulously, my hand moving rapidly as I jotted down notes. "For once, you've outpaced me in foresight," I admitted, a chuckle escaping my lips. His smile widened, a look of triumph dancing in his eyes. "I believe you'll notice many changes since our last encounter," he responded, his tone teasing yet sincere. I nodded in agreement, a newfound respect for my brother warming my chest. "Shall we delve into the task of persuading the elemental masters to join our cause?" I proposed, already eager for our next challenge. He returned my nod, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Absolutely, let's begin."

yes, I have decided to rewrite this, so have fun with rereading as my new style may prove much better than the original.

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