Reflection (Kim Namjoon x Rea...

By Mono_l1sa

35.7K 3.2K 550

A lost man with no memories of his past. A simple nurse with a simple life. You never thought a good man exis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 10

1.1K 107 9
By Mono_l1sa

"Y/N, good morning."

"Y/N, the sky is beautiful today."

"Y/N, this egg is really good."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Y/N, you look tired. You should take a break."

"Good night, Y/N."

Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. People thought that it was Joon's favorite word because he spoke it so often and with such sweetness in his voice. The nurses grew tired and jealous that the handsome and mysterious patient was so absorbed with you while the other patients, some being much older, found him cute and puppylike for the way he fawns over you. In fact, it was the first word he said after the accident.

It was after one of his x-rays where Taehyung told him he was as good as new and Joon happily turned to you and said "Y/N, I'm all better now. Thank you." Both you and Taehyung were in shock, mouths dropped to the floor while the patient watched nonchalantly. Ever since then, he had been walking around more without the wheelchair or you, but he didn't want to go without you. So he made excuses by saying how he might fall still and needs someone to catch you. You were aware of the lies but went with it because you needed fresh air, just like him.

But he also understood boundaries, something you appreciated. Despite how much he might want to, he never follows you around while you were working and only waits for you to give him permission to eat lunch with you during your break. To help keep him entertained while you weren't around, you checked out a few books from the library. You brought him all sorts of genres to see which ones he would like most. So far, he took a liking to more philosophical readings.

"Y/N, did you know that Socrates wrote the warmest love has the coldest end?"

"Oh, really? That's interesting." you hummed, eyes still on the documents Taehyung asked you to help with. He figured that since you minored in writing, you would be good at revising the documents he had written for a business proposal. Taehyung had plans to expand the hospital and needed the approval of the mayor before beginning the renovations.

Joon's smile slowly faded as his shoulders fell. He felt that he was pushing the limit of a person's tolerance, and he felt especially because it's you. "Y/N, are you annoyed with me?"

The question made your ears perk up and you glanced up at him. He was on his bed, the summer breeze blowing through the curtain and his growing hair while you sat at a nearby table. You were physically and mentally far away from him, which made him a little sad. He understood that you were working on something, but this isn't the first time you had to work while staying with him and all the other times, you would happily comment on whatever he had just read and the two of you would engage in a long conversation about it. "What?"

"Am I bothering you by talking too much?" he repeated, "You don't seem interested in Socrates right now."

At the tone of his voice, your heart broke a little. You shook your head, and approached his bed and sat at the far end of it. It must be lonely being stuck in a hospital when you literally know nothing about yourself. He must feel frustrated with himself, and he could only rely on you in this place. You wish there was more you could do for him. "You're not bothering me and I am not annoyed with you," you consoled. "I'm sorry if I seem distracted. To be honest, my head is somewhere else completely. I couldn't register a single sentence that Taehyung wrote."

"What's wrong? You can tell me. I'll listen." Joon pressed on gently. His mellow voice was soothing you in ways you didn't know you needed.
You sighed, feeling the tears building behind your eyes. "It's just that halmeoni is getting older by the day, and her knees are getting weak but I want her to rest more but she won't listen to me. And I can't take days off to take care of her because we just can't afford that. I just feel like a horrible granddaughter."

Joon closed his book and scooted over until there was enough space to left something to be desired. His cheeks flushed, seeing the sun shining down on your hair, casting a halo on your head. "You're not a bad granddaughter," he assured. "You're many other wonderful things, nurse, friend, person, and most importantly, granddaughter. I may not have met your halmeoni yet, but I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel upset about this. She'll take care of herself so that she can stay with you longer."

His words opened the gate for your tears to pour out. As they streamed down your cheeks, he panicked, fearing that he had said something wrong but when you smiled, his heart fluttered. "Thank you for saying that. I'm sure halmeoni would like you if you two meet, and she'll love you more if you compliment her food."

"Then I will definitely do that," Joon nodded with full determination, "I want her to like me."

"You do?"

"Um, yeah, for no particular reason." he murmured upon realizing how strange it must have sounded to you.

"Well, I'll bring you to meet her one day," you replied. Thinking about it more made you uncertain. Neither you nor Taehyung knows when Joon will be released. You couldn't exactly just let him go and send him off when he has no idea who he is and might never remember. It wouldn't be fair to him. A light flickered in your brain. "Joon,"

His ears perked up at the mention of his name. "Hmm?"

"How would you feel about leaving the hospital and staying with someone else?"
His head tilted, "With who?"

"With me." you answered. Since everyone else in town already has a family, your house was the only place vacant enough for another person. There was Yoongi's house too but you knew for sure he would not like another person staying there, especially for when Taehyung comes over. You were aware of the fact that he was getting better, too well to stay in the hospital where rooms for patients were becoming scarce. Relocating him was the only option. "I know this might be abrupt because you don't even know me all that well but I just think if you're with me, I can still take care of you and you can take your time regaining your memories."

"Y/N, if it's with you, then I don't mind at all," he replied with a grin. "I just don't want to be a bother for you. I know it's difficult enough to care for you and your grandmother. Feeding another mouth might be a challenge."

He was incredibly thoughtful, so much that it made you bashful. "Well, think of it this way. I need someone to take care of halmeoni while I'm at work and you're the only one I can trust. If you want to contribute, you can help her sell at the market. As for clothes, I'm sure Taehyung can spare some stuff. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, absolutely. Thank you." His heart was racing and his cheeks felt hot. Seeing you during the day was already enough for him, but now living together might make his heart explode. Just then, Taehyung entered the room to make his request for you.

"Hey, Y/N, can we talk?" he asked.

"Yes, but can I say something first?"


"So I know that we're running out of rooms at the hospital and Joon is already getting better. I was wondering if he could be discharged and stay at my place, at least until he remembers something about himself."

Taehyung's eyes widened. You had taken the words right from his mouth, but he proceeded to pretend to be surprised. "Oh, really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll tell halmeoni tonight but I'm sure she won't mind having company."

"Alright then, I'll allow it."

"Yay!" you exclaimed. "I'll pack some of his stuff now and get the house ready. But what is it that you want to talk about?"

"Nothing," Taehyung hummed, feeling the weights falling off his shoulders. He no longer feels guilty because now you had suggested it first. "Nothing at all."

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